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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. Brooke and her LOVES??? Her only only... toxic... but love was queen Stephanie. This was the moment to bring back Susan Flannery for one episode... Her giving Brooke advice and telling her to fight for Ridge... Maybe even slapping her one last time... Only in dreams... But we saw these clownish 5 men... It looked perverse... at one point she was like... Ooooh so sweet... Thank you for filling my time.... but I really... want Ridge. Laughable.

    The show has aged so bad. It needs plastic surgery and dementia medication.

  2. Whats going on with these scripts... WHO is writing this. I want to know the exact script writers... because EVERY day is THE SAME as before. I think they haven't moved a bit in months. Its beginning to look and sound pathetic. Also the hair and wardrobe is DEMONIC. Brooke has worn the same clothes for 3 months. Are you kidding me. Once upon a time... she changed 3 times in an episode. What is the budget for this show - like... 20 dollars an episode. What's going on. How is this low quality production being shown on national tv. 


    Brooke neeeeeeeeeeeeeds to move from Asking herself Why did I did that. Baby you are 60 years OLD!  Your daughter and son in law shouldnt be your personal therapy session buddies. 


    It's scary how much this show has FALLEN. Even comparing it to 2002... 2002 seems GENIUS. 

    I mean... call me negative... but I AM A HUGE FAN and I've watched all my life and I WANT more than 90 episodes of Brooke asking  WHY DID I DRINK THAT night.... 



  3. The past 3 months of BB in a nutshell.

    Brooke - Why did I drink that night. Cries. Why did I kiss Deacon.  Repeat these same questions... 1000 times! I AM NOT EXAGGERATING!!!!

    Ridge - Listens in silence while Steffy is telling him to leave Brooke. Ridge is like a stupid puppet who stands, listens, makes 1 or 2 face expressions... and that's all.

    Steffy - Brooke is bad, dad. Give my mother a chance. She is a homeless dog, who nobody loves. Please give her some attention, because Brooke kissed Deacon. 

    Taylor - Hmm... Are you sure Ridge? Is this really happening. Am I going to get some of that d... after 40 years... Is this really happening... WOW. Hmm....

    Sheila - How clever was I... the change the bottles. Cue flashback. Hahahahahahaha. Smiles creepily into camera like a cartoon villian. 

    Thomas - Minion to Steffy. Repeats everything Steffy says. HAS NOT PURPOSE WHATS SO EVER in the show... other than to be an instrument to the truth coming out. Thomas has no life... no sex life... has NOTHING. NOTHING. He ever wears THE SAME clothes for weeks. Yep.

    Deacon - Brooke I can give you so much more. I am poor, I mop floors, I am an ex convict and alcoholic, but please see that I'm better than that famous designer Ridge.

    Hope - It's my fault my mom drank that night!  Ridge... take her back. I am masochistic little woman with no life. I am obsessed with my mother's private parts and I talk to my man about them.

    Liam - has nothing to do in life for months and months other than listen to Hope talk about Brooke.


    EVERY EPISODE has THE SAME DIALOGUE. Nothing's happened in months and months... This my friends has been THE LOWEST point in the history of The Bold And The Beautiful.



  4. Sorry if this seems confrontational. BUT please people stop stating the obvious! The angel ASKED for no complains and WHY ARE there still people saying things like this. If you don't like the quality, buy the videoland subscription and do it yourself. I don't want a fight... I just want to say that it seems annoying that a person is doing this for free for us and there are still comments like that all time time after he asked us to stop. Please guys... we don't want to make him stop uploading, right? If you dont have a POSITIVE COMMENT about something you are getting FOR FREE, that someone is giving time and effort to do it... dont say it. I myself said that I think 200.300 mb will be optimal, but I am happy with that too. The official youtube channel is not uploading better than that... They upload 480 type videos... So I am ok with it. 

    MILLION THANKS TO ANON4520!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. On 3/13/2022 at 9:12 PM, Pedro said:

    The thing is I did not came with complaining about the quality of the videos, read more carefully and maybe you will notice who wrote about it first. I don't care about waiting either, I can wait half a year or a year I don't mind really since yes, they are 30 Years old. My Mouth are shut from now on and I will not say a thing, that's a guarantee. Make your own discussion and complaining. 

    I know some people dont mind waiting... but I am really excited by these uploads and the Angel that is uploading. I have a relative that is very old that watches the episodes from the vaulth. I sent her a link and she is so happy. I want this Angel to know how happy he makes an old woman. So she cant afford to wait... I am really hoping we will continue this great tradition here... made possible by amazing people. Thank you so so much! 

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