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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 11 hours ago, boldau said:

    I don't feel its a major deal a few episodes have missing cue music (although if there is an alternate broadcast of those episodes that would be fab). I can count on both hands the frequency this has happened on Videoland. It is clearly a distribution error by BBL, rather than a Videoland error. I had a list of episodes without music cues but I must have deleted, sorry.

    Re the quality on YouTube, I think I mentioned a while back this is 100% a business strategic decision. They do not want perfect quality episodes sitting on a free platform that can be downloaded. Perfect quality HD episodes will always be behind a paywall - they have recently began adding old episodes to Google Play too.

    It is a major deal if they continue to do so. They did on youtube so we are concerned about that. It is nice to alarm VL about this so that these "distribution"  errors will stop happening.

    Also yeah I understand the HD episodes  behind a paywall, but if you are going to upload episodes for free in BAD quality WITHOUT music which they did in season 10... dont do it at all. I dont like and understand the mentality that if something is free it can be bad and its ok. No it is not, because the show has legacy and they need to protect that. Imagine being an actress in the show that is now being uploaded without background music looking and sounding ridiculous while screaming in a scene in the shower after your character has been raped... without music. It is not good and mistakes like this... WHICH THEY MAKE A LOT, should be corrected.


    So what episodes are available on google play?

    P.S ALL of my friends that I BEGGED to watch the show on youtube HAVE stopped most of them complaining of extremely low quality. 

    I dont share the vault with people since I dont want it to be deleted... so I cant help them most of the time.

    But this makes me angry since people START watching and stop due to the quality. NOBODY is asking for HD, just a normal 480p VHS level low to mid quality is OK. LOL. But they will not do it and the show will be watched in youtube by just a handful of people

    THANK GOD for the vault.

  2. From what I have seen on youtube... this soap is like the best ever and I am sad that there arent full years available to watch. Ive never watched more than couple of episodes at a time but I am very interested in Iris. Its really amazing how the soap looks, sounds and feels. Class and elegance. Is there anywhere I can find more episodes or there are just the ones on youtube? I am asking here since you guys probably know best.

  3. 4 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Please someone do keep a list of the episodes without music. Maybe someone will come along with the CALA Classics or some other version.


    I am really scared this will persist and completely ruin the collection. :( I myself CANNOT WATCH without music... it just makes me feel very off. 


  4. This is pretty disgusting subjecting the videoland subscribers to this. Also they are probably airing in that way on RTL lounge. It makes me even more sure I need to continue editing the 2001 and 2002 episodes with english audio. Who knows what they will do next. The idea of making the show available is amazing, but the execution is BAD.

    1. The absurd bad quality episodes on youtube that makes people STOP watching. It is not realistic to expect people to watch 360p bad quality in 2023 when people have 8k TVs in their livingrooms.

    2.The messy SEASON 10 that they uploaded without background music, completely disrespecting the shows history. 

    3.Aborting season 10 in the middle without any excuse and more than 2-3 thousand watchers of the season that suddenly didnt have anything more.

    4.Writing how they will upload 3-4 episodes a day for a better viewing experience... now only upload ONE classic episode a day. In this speed it will take years and years  to catch up to 2005 when the first other available episodes are there.


    I dont want to be just ranting, I am happy that we now have pretty much all the seasons... BUT it would have been so much better if they made the seasons available in the quality they first started uploading - at least a solid 480p. And if they continued to upload AT least 3 episodes. There would have been THOUSANDS more watching every day and more money for THEM.

  5. Thank you... Its very hard sometimes since episodes have different scene cuts sometimes AND even different music cuts. Some of them were a mess to do... like 1 hour an episode to just cut and sync. But some of them are easier. 

    I am glad that at least 1 or 2 people are liking them. I was a bit surprised that nobody else cares and was thinking of stopping... since I guess probably all are waiting for the videoland versions of the episodes... BUT videoland will catch up with 2001 and 2002.. in..couple of YEARS. That's why I decided to do it.

    And now I see that there ARE people that want them so I will continue. 

    I am mostly doing them for me and my husband since we are approaching 2001 and 2002 in our WATCH FROM DAY 1 experiment.  I personally have no problem with  bad quality but my husband always complains and complains so I am doing this to please him. And share them with you guys.

  6. I have uploaded 2 new episodes from 2001 - 3616 and 3617. I have now also added the dates after the episode number. From now on they will have no sync problems since I am doing them on another program. And I check after rendering. I am also exporting in the same format and resolution and bitrate that is the video so there is no video quality loss on Adobe Premiere. That way it will be slower but with no sync issues and try to be perfect.

    You can expect every day 2 to 4 episodes from me. I hope in couple of months to finish. :)

  7. Thank you guys. I hope this will be a better way to watch a somewhat iconic period - 2001/2002. It really was the show at its trashiest and most fun. As a child I was OBSESSED with the episodes when they aired in this period. I had them on VHS all of them... which got lost years ago. So its amazing to be able to have them again. Its the only Bradley Bell period I loved back in the day. Brooke sleeping with Deacon was a storyline the grandmothers would talk about outside on the benches. It was a lot of fun for me back then. I laugh for hours watching scenes from end of 2001 and 2002.

  8. 17 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Great info! Thanks so much @janea4old! I keep an up to date Y&R list, hence my being correct on that one, and now I went back to tinker with my B&B spreadsheet, not updated since 2021 ;) and yes, you're absolutely correct. GH I don't track at all so when Jason asked about the current network shows, I went to imdb. 


    One day I might pick your brain about the CBS "season" start dates.

    Not only am I happy about the videos, but I am impressed that you put them in a red folder, dramatic and reminiscent of Sally Spectra herself 👍


    These are quite good and watchable and I'd rather watch it like this with such good picture, so a big thanks to you. :D 


    Just so people know, many smart TVs have an option to shift the sound so if the sync bothers you, you can adjust it on your TV. If watching on the computer using VLC player, you may also shift the audio until it is perfect https://wiki.videolan.org/VLC_HowTo/Adjust_audio_delay/

    I guess you are the only one that wants these LOL. I will gladly upload more and will try to fix any sync issues. Have a great day. 

  9. Sweet people, I have made a new folder in the 2001 section of the vault and started uploading my GERMAN VIDEO with ENGLISH AUDIO full episodes edits. Give me a thumbs up if you like the episodes and tell me if I can improve more! I will upload when I have time since lately I dont even have 5 free minutes, raising a dog puppy... I plan to upload AUGUST TO DECEMBER 2001 and FULL 2002 in this edited form. I am uploading with episode number only files. Since its easier for me to do it in that way. 

    Have a great day. AND MILLIONS THANKS to the ORIGINAL UPLOADERS of the German and English Sources. You guys are the true heroes.


    For some reason the upload speed is absurd slow... like 500 kb to 1 megabite a second. 

    You can expect 3606 to 3615 today, since they are already uploading.


  10. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Yeah, that's fair. Those last two rounds were awful. It was smart when B&B rehabilitated Sheila a little bit in the 90s. Being married to Eric, she had something to lose and she had to behave for a while and struggle not to relapse. Her and Lauren's interactions then were good and not so cartoonish. That's why I wanted them to lean into Sheila becoming Bill's lover and cleared of the charges, so she could be more into high society again and run into Lauren at crossover events but having to refrain from doing anything crazy.

    THAT WAS MY EXACT WISH. And I was sure it was going in that direction and THEN back to the same old.

    It could have been amazing. I could see Sheila OWNING Spencer Publications and starting a campaign against The Forresters.

    The Lauren could come and try to take her down for one last EPIC time. They could even have some EPIC fight that could be like the last fight.

    But I doubt we will see anything other than Sheila in the corner and Sheila listening through the bushes and Sheila in and out of jail.

    Because that is easy to do. 

    Sheila was BEST when she had something to lose and fight for.

  11. And instead of Brooke having her GILF era breakdown and sleeping with the hot waiter... we got Bridge for the 123940 time. Why. WHY IS THE SHOW SO STALE. Also Sheila and Lauren not having a scene is just ABSURD and very bad storytelling.If you let your actors decide which actors they want and not... this will lead to BAD and BORING show. THEY NEED TO REVIVE THE SHEILA AND LAUREN FEUD. This is like going back to Titanic... This is where the show worked decades ago. The show should be called missed chances. While I am watching I am seeing potential every day and NOTHING happens at the end, just the same old TRASH that Bradley has been vomiting since 1994.

    Also I am not naming names but there has been some BRUTAL bad acting the past month. EW.


    22 hours ago, Soapsuds said:





    BB was preempted today. The last 10 min or so wasn't shown.

    Brooke needs to snack on that.

  12. 17 hours ago, Planet Soap said:

    B&B with the excessive Liam/Hope/Steffy repetition, especially after 2012.

    GH (2015-2017) Just too many characters, no focus, stunt casting, show looked really cheap. Didn't tune in again until Jason returned. 

    I agree completely. My country cancelled the show after airing since 1994 after season 2013-2014. The rating was so low there were basically less than couple of hundred people watching. Liam, Hope and Steffy triangle was the last breath of the show. 

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