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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. Guys why are you putting Eric to this high standart just now... when this man is practically dying...  Even if he was a cheater... the lack of empathy for someone dying even if it is only on screen... is mind boggling. Also... practically 99.9999 percent of characters in soap operas... if they are on the show for longer than 2-5 years... CHEAT. It is part of the storyline bible. So it is strange that some of you are saying how bad Eric was because cheating and this and that... when Bold is the epitome of cheating scandals and sex scandals show. So we should not have empathy or care about anyone passing then.

    Eric is first and foremost and iconic character. Believe it or not, he is. In my country girls would put posters of John as Eric on their walls. So for me it is different perception probably to now see everyone just asking him to die already or that the character is so so bad... that we should not even care. It is an old man dying. I care. That is why I wanted a better storyline for him.

  2. Yeah but thats Eric you guys... He is there since day 1. Even for that we need to give more than ... just asking if he can just die already as some people here are saying. Yes he needs to be written off... I agree... since the character has played out well pass being interesting... BUT He needs to have a proper exit. JUST BECAUSE he is a symbol of BOLD. Like KKL... Like Susan... Like... even Ronn Moss... Thats 37 years this actor has given in his life. And some of the comments are really bothering me. I hope some day I will not read similar things about Brooke and may she just die already since she is no longer fresh. We will all grow old some day and some of you will have the great luck to be Erics age. I dont want to start a drama... I just want to say this thread is not just for abs pics... and fangirling... It could be about serious topics too. And Eric DESERVES a proper send off just BECAUSE... THIS. 


  3. 11 hours ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Ken Corday: William Bell (creator of The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful) had a great quote: “Give me a great script, two wonderful actors, and a waterfall—and who in God’s name needs the waterfall?”

      GOD I LOVE Bill Bell. I think he is my artistic hero. Can I just say that. Give me a Bill Bell episode on a rainy day and I am good to go.

  4. In my opinion... he is like if John Steinbeck, Dostoevsky or Chekhov were working in daytime.

    His stories are realistic, you know these people, you can instantly identify with them. He knows how to build a story, slowly wrapping your imagination and interest, with catastrophic climax in the end. He creates compelling heroes and amazing villains. He understands women and a woman's psyche.

    His dialogue is unmatched with dripping sarcasm, irony blended with sharp comebacks and dramatic tension and suspense.

    Just look at his character of Stephanie in the first 7 seasons - she is so overwhelmingly intimidating, her words cutting to the bone. Her mere presence making people scared. You can only write a character to be so strong. A genius actress cannot save a bad script. He made all his characters have their own unique voice.

    One very strong argument is that he knows how to write the opportunistic valley girl trying to invade the matriarch's castle. This is his best story and he does it so perfectly, even movies like All about Eve or The Favourite are not at that level in my opinion.

    In the end, most importantly, when you watch a Bill Bell storyline you learn about humanity and about psyche. It's like reading East of Eden or The Brother Karamazov. You feel enriched in the end. Like you know something new about people.

    Of course he has little slip-ups but I can count on one hand the *not so good moments* in the first 1600 episodes of Bold. Really on one hand and it's mostly casting issues and one storyline dragging the other more interesting ones. Also he is capable of writing sometimes 5-6 stories at one time and all of them are good. All of them. There is no filler.

    Bill Bell is really not overrated. I think he deserves more awards now after his death and he deserves to be remembered and remembered and Remembered.

  5. The ultimate QUEEN of this thread and I think the winner... is... The Bold And The Beautiful.

    In 2010 someone very "smart" decided to write a story in which Brooke, the long standing slut from the valley, humps her daughters borderline teenage boyfriend on the terrace, in A PUBLIC masked prom party full of teens. That 50 year old woman was wearing a mask and MISTAKENLY thought that the man ALSO wearing a mask was HER HUSBAND. The lead up to this was that Brooke was feeling extremely horny dancing to Daddy Yankee's POSE and Gasolina in the steam room FOR DAYS.  Of course when the prom started, she couldn't control herself and just HAD TO DO IT in public.

    She didn't feel anything different when a 30 years younger man was bonking her against a wall. 2 days later she realized that she had made that mistake, and what followed were 2 months of hysteria and over the top crying finishing with Stephanie DOUBLE slapping her. It was SO BAD and GOOD at the same time... sometimes when I have the flu and need something funny to pick me up I just start watching these episodes from the start. It really is Brad Bell at his most CRAZY.

    In resume - Brooke mistakenly had sex with Oliver - her young virginal daughters first boyfriend.

    It is a story straight from the trash 70s VHS porn tapes. Completely absurd. I cant understand why Bold didn't win BEST show that year. Who can compete with that.


  6. 2023 has been a mess. 

    Everything just starts, doesn't evolve and ends. Its like Brad Bell has never been worse. The whole show feels like its in a twilight zone of nothing fresh.

    I am kinda tired with getting excited by something (Brooke and Taylor vs Ridge) to just get it finished and all done in 2 episodes with the dynamics forgotten.

    I mean did they forgot how many scenes Taylor and Brooke held hands and said they loved each other? Nothing is left from this and it's bad bad writing. It feels like the show is sick with mental disease and changes mood and characteristics on completely random note.

     Also... Most of the characters don't really have a storyline. They just fill the scenes and make casual conversation about the idiotic main plot and then something completely drastic happens so that they (the writers) can simulate a growth.

    I will really put 2023 in the bottom of the history of the show. This has been a year I have cringed and cringed and just watch out of disgust and habit now.

    And little left hope something at least over the top will happen.


    P.S and the Hope and Thomas thing is tired and Done by Brooke years and years ago way way better. At least the actress that plays Hope is really amazing and I would love if they give her something really meaty and important.

    P.S 2 Thomas and Liam need a time off. These characters have turned into animation cartoons and are the epitome of the bad writing of the show.

    P.S 3

    the show lack a true anti hero that is Not Sheila.  

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