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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. Thanks for posting, DRW50. Thoroughly enjoyable!smile.png

    I'd love to see that confrontation between Steve and Tonio--that must have been a doozie!

    Speaking of music, the music is much subtler in the '86 scenes while, although poignant & effective, in the '84 scenes, the music is competing with the dialogue between some characters and nearly threatens to overtake it.

    In some ways, those scenes with Steve would have had more resonance today after the '07-'11 global financial and housing crisis, even though it might have initially made Steve look extreme back then. But during the housing crisis, I've read stories of people, threatened with foreclosure, barricaded themselves in their houses. Was Steve going to burn down Ruxton Hills? Well, Steve wait a year and someone else will do it for you...

    LOL@ Lucinda griping that one cannot eat in any decent restaurant without putting $ in Lisa's hands.laugh.png Even the mighty Lucinda has to (grudgingly) admire Lisa's entrepreneurial wherewithal.

    As much as Craig and Sierra were my favorite couple, I kinda like the way she's putting both Craig, as well as Tonio, at a distance in these scenes, asserting her independence. Had Finn Carter stayed, I think Sierra would've been a thoroughly modern heroine. Loving and vulnerable yet fiery and even somewhat combative.

    Oh Steve :/unsure.png wacko.png

  2. I'm sorry, I always found Iva such a drip! Actually, I had no use for any of the Snyders, especially when they became TEAM LILY!!

    Iva could have grown as a character into a stronger, more lively woman as she dropped her baggage...(I don't even want to think about the endless "therapy," sessions with Dr. Michaels, uh,Iva, just tell us your in therapy, we will believe you.) When they put her with Kirk she was kind of fun, and she had some zingers back and forth. But they broke them up to put him with the wretched Ellie (whom everyone had to tell the audience how "funny," she was though she wasnt) and the depressing abortion storyline. What was with Marland taking a kind of funny couple like them and John and Lucy and break them up for a depressing couple like John and Emma and Kirk and Ellie.

    I definitely think that Kirk was Iva's most organic and best romantic pairing and looking back on it now, it really was a mistake to break them up and then later put Kirk and Ellie together. I guess someone assumed Kirk and Ellie would be more sexy but they certainly weren't more interesting or intriguing.

    Even though John and Emma didn't work for the long term (just my guess, but I don't believe John was ever meant to be paired with Emma longterm, just as an 'in the meantime' pairing paving the way to Lucinda and John whom I always thought would be eventually paired (you can even see it in their scenes years prior to their marriage) so it didn't bother me, really. Also, so many other interesting things were going on at that time that John and Emma were not my focus (lol).

  3. Has Melvin van Peebles ever had a documenary done about him? He did some interesting films.

    About a month ago, Bounce TV aired Watermelon Man.

    At first, I thought it was a crazy film, although variations of this theme have been done (e.g. True Identity w/ Lenny Henry, similar but not exactly the same) and I really didn't know who Godfrey Cambridge was other than seeing him playing secondary and peripheral characters in other films but I was so impressed that I actually began to buy the film's crazy premise.

    I only saw half of the film as I had to leave but when I did a quick Wikipedia of his bio and filmography, I realized he was trained in theater and a Tony nominated actor before breaking through as a comedian. Had he not died an untimely death at a relatively young age, I think he might have had a very versatile career.

    Cambridge died while playing Idi Amin (a very unfunny character) for a movie and after his death, Amin was said to declared Cambridge's death a punishment from God.

    Cambridge, the son of West Indian immgrants (from Guyana) seems like a talent with a fascinating backstory. I'd love to see him get an Unsung as well.

  4. Speaking of Car Wash, I'd love for them to do an Unsung on Ivan Dixon. I'm one who believes that it was him, not Bill Duke, Antonio Fargas, or Richard Pryor, who carried that movie and would love to learn more about how he learned to cope with the fact that Hollywood didn't care to provide him with the opportunities that he deserved and how he manage to maintain that dignity in spite of that harsh truth.

    I was just thinking of this after watching the Bill Duke Unsung.

    Hogan's Heroes was before my time and I can't say I watched more than a couple episodes while in reruns but whenever the opening credits came on, I'd always wait to see Ivan Dixon's credits before switching the channel. When I saw him in Car Wash, he was definitely the heavy in that film. The action of the film may have been facilitated through Duke's character but Ivan Dixon's character had the gravitas and authority in the film.

    Still, I never realized what leading quality Dixon had until I saw Nothing But A Man. The film had flaws but they certainly had nothing to do with Dixon. He exuded the type of leading man quality that Sidney Poitier had at that time.

  5. Bill Duke is pretty intense 10 minutes in.

    I learned a lot about his career from that episode.

    Carwash is one of those movies that always manages to find its way on network TV over the years so I've managed to see it, seemingly without trying. It's a good movie despite the fact that it is very very dated (most 70s movies are very much married to the times in which they existed, at least stylistically speaking).

    But his directing career is highly intriguing. I would've never known that he directed Knots Landing and Falcon Crest.

    Also, in terms of his acting, I had never even heard of that Norman Lear series he did. I wonder where the actors who played the kids are now? I know that last part sounded random.

    About Cooley High:

    What's funny was that I arrived home early and happened to catch the last half of the movie playing on Bounce TV. Apparently, they've been showing it.The only problem with this is that I didn't like the editing that they did for Television. The toilet scene, for instance, is really a funny scene and they cut the funniest bits!sad.png It's just best to watch the unedited version of the film.

    But I decided to watch the Unsung Hollywood Cooley High episode and it provided symmetry. The last scene of the film sort of segued into the first few minutes of the docuseries episode where Eric Monte's sister talked about his desire to be a writer and the tragic incident that led him to hop a freight train to L.A.

    What Monte was able to achieve is inspiring although I agree that if his name was say, Aaron Sorkin, he'd have had much more opportunity, would've been fairly compensated and work wouldn't have dried up in that manner. Glad he was able to survive it all and I'm glad he is still writing.

  6. I would love for someone to film an interview with all of them..maybe with some wine flowing and let them blab about all their experiences on the show. They wouldn't have to worry about offending TPTB etc.

    You know what? I would LOVE to see that too! In fact, they should do different episodes and post them online. Start with the most senior stars: Don Hastings, Eileen Fulton, Patricia Bruder, Kathryn Hays, Marie Masters, Larry Bryggman, Colleen Zenk, Elizabeth Hubbard etc. Maybe intercut with previously recorded brief interviews with past 'stars' of ATWT like Julianne Moore and Steven Weber and Meg Ryan (if they could get them) or Lyndsey Frost.

    Perhaps they could even film an additional segment where they add an additional group: Scott Bryce, Hillary Bailey Smith, Gregg Marx, Martha Byrne, Margaret Reed, Kathryn Widdoes, Lisa Brown, Tamara Tunie, etc.

    One big dinner party, sort of a 'fly in the room' type of film. Either at someone's house (if it is big) or a private dining room somewhere or even on the stage of a black box or theater in the round type of setting. Dressed up but not formal.

    I know I'm dreaming but it would be a nice idea for the actors as well as the fans.

  7. Last year I felt like I was somewhat spoiled, between the 1979 clips and the 1986 episodes that were uploaded on Youtube. I still want more though. I'd be so happy if a 50s or 60s or 70s episode popped up. Even one.

    I still didn't see the episode where Craig and Sierra got it on at Foxwood Lodge. When I see that posted on You Tube, I'll consider myself spoiled.tongue.png

    I also saw on twitter that April 1st was Don Hastings' 80th birthday. 80! He aged very well. I kind of forget what a hunk Bob was in his younger days.

    I think I'll dig up that 40th anniversary montage. I floved that.

    God bless him!! smile.png

    I saw that too. A lot of that group, Eileen Fulton, Kathryn Hays and Elizabeth Hubbard and Larry Bryggman are such a hearty and hale bunch. It's comforting to see people age well and as far as I know, none has had any major, disfiguring plastic surgery.

  8. Oh, no, you had to remind me P.J. (LOL).

    Seriously, I kind of wish that we would get a surprise of an episode from the vault or something. A vintage episode, one that hasn't been posted on You Tube before. Or that PGP would grow a heart and toss out a few classic crumbs for us to watch.

    If it sounds like I'm begging a little, it's because I am.sad.png

  9. I'm not sure if Unsung Hollywood will be back for season 2, but if so, I'd love for them to do eppys on Diana Sands, Tim Reid, and the TV show, Roc.

    I had only associated Diana Sands with the film version of A Raisin in the Sun (which is a pretty big deal to begin with for a theater person like me) but when I saw her in that Hal Ashby film The Landlord on Netflix last year I was so taken with what a wonderful talent she was that I'm convinced had she lived, she would have had leading lady roles for years. That film really inspired me that if I attempt to write another screenplay, it will be on an intimate scale and capture a mood the way Hal Ashby films capture a certain essence.

  10. Wow, that would be a great idea!

    I've heard that song before and can even hear it now.

    I don't know much about Syreeta Wright at all but I have a 4 Disc collection of Stevie Wonder songs and there is a little booklet with pictures and there is a picture with her in it. I'm embarrassed to say I keep forgetting that she and Stevie Wonder were married!ohmy.png

    What is she up to now, amy? Do you know?

    TV One has a website but the feedback portion seems to be a total mishmosh http://tvone.tv/inside-tv-one/submission-guidelines.html Maybe you can request that they do an episode on her?

  11. Well, I'm not a white woman but I love to watch biographies. I can't recount all the weird bio-pics I've watched on Netflix or even You Tube/Vimeo. I once watched a biography on the man who created Dr. Bronner's Soaps (on Netflix, of course)! And when I subscribed to cable, I fed my addiction to those 'Tell All' series like all the shows you just mentioned.

    I also love those BBC documentaries. I once watched a 2 part series on Russian oligarchs, some of whom became exiled in other countries when Putin was elected the first time. I guess most didn't want to end up like Mikhail Khodokovsky.

    I also love to read biographies and autobiographies--I particularly like biographies by writers, directors and producers and I even confess to reading Rob Lowe's memoir. I was a little embarrassed checking in out at the library after my steady diet of Russian novels that I usually read but DD had to have it!

  12. I hope Nishikori avoids social media at all costs. He doesn't need to see that, I'm sure he feels bad enough. The thing is, that when Azarenka & Stosur withdrew- was it last year? Or the year before? Some commentators (*coughs* ESPN) made sweeping statements that seemed to indict women's tennis. Those voices are not making the same claims today...and rightly so, because that would be ludicrous. As it was ludicrous last year.

    2 withdrawals are crazy. Djokovic getting to the final after having played two matches is crazy. But it is a crazy coincidence and a very rare one. It's disappointing to be sure but those people wishing players ill, that's horrible. I wouldn't even wish that on a player I disliked because I wouldn't want someone wishing that on me or one of my favorite players.

    I've been reading classic soap threads and I even talked on the phone to some friends whom I haven't spoken to in awhile (people can never get me on the phone). The time I was supposed to be watching matches.

  13. No semifinals for the Men. Just, wow!

    And this is the 2nd Walkover for Djokovic! I know it happens and if you've pulled a groin muscle or have gastroenteritis (I've had GE and it is NOT pleasant), there is nothing to be done but I bet the fans would've liked even one two set match (or a superset of tennis) in singles play.

    Some people believe that the women don't deserve equal pay as the men...well they do at this tournament! I stated before that the Women had the lionshare of some of the most entertaining matches all tournament long and nothing I've seen in the past several days has changed my mind.

    Don't want to get to far ahead of myself but I think at least the Finals will be fairly competitive. I hope mellow.png

  14. I don't have cable so I'm grateful that TV One uploads some of their shows to their website. I have been viewing episodes of Unsung that way.

    Watching the What's Happening! episode made me realize that I was a baby/toddler when the show originally aired and I must have seen episodes when they were in syndication. I know I sound clueless but I had no idea that the show aired on ABC in it's original run (I used to watch it on Fox 5/NYC) and it was only a few years between when I watched the original series and when the What's Happening Now! series began.

    Oh, how memories can jumble together from one's childhood!

    Danielle Spencer made me laugh when she mentioned how although she loves him to death now, that Little Earl got on her nerves on the set and off back in the day.laugh.png It seems that she was pretty much ready for the series to end by that time.

    I didn't know much about Dick Gregory's early career, other than the occasional clips I would see on some TV retrospective or something of the kind. That phone conversation he had with then President Kennedy was quite eye opening. Boy, was Gregory fearless or what?!ohmy.png

    I'm glad they did the episode about Flip Wilson, I've only seen a few episodes of the Flip Wilson show that were aired on, I think it might have been Nick at Night or TV Land or some channel but most of what I knew of him was through TV appearances and that ill fated show Charlie & Co.

    I know the show has only a certain amount of time to tell his biography and Charlie & Co. was far from a highlight but I was hoping they might have some outtakes or something where they'd interview Gladys Knight and KSJ and Jaleel White. But I did not know that he had such a drug problem, but during a certain period of the 60s and 70s, sadly it was commonplace among entertainers, I guess.

    I know that the two sides of Drama/Theater are Comedy & Tragedy but it never ceases to amaze me how many comics have a close connection to pathos and/or tragedy. Flip Wilson's childhood was the stuff of Dickensian novels!

  15. Judging from her comments, Chit, Serena absolutely loves this! Not just the oncourt dynamic but the amount of press their matches get, they hype, I'm sure it provides the fuel for that fire of intensity.

    I always remember her comments to James Blake after James played that notorious match vs. Lleyton Hewitt where Hewitt made that nasty insinuation that a Black linesman made a call in James' favor based on color alone (in the era before Shotspot/Hawkeye) and although it incensed James, he still lost the match to Hewitt.

    Serena stated in an interview that she talked to James about it and told him that if it were her, she'd make it a point never ever to lose a match to Hewitt again. She was so adamant that I immediately believed her and wished James had taken those words to heart for years afterward.

    I think there's a strain of that sentiment that goes through all of Serena's matches vs. Maria, in particular. When Maria won Wimbledon in '04 supplanting Serena, Maria's laudatory lap, the seemingly dismissive handshake at the net seemed to be perceived as an apparent sign of disrespect. I choose to believe it wasn't intentional, Maria could've been so caught up in the moment, she was simply unconcerned with anything else happening around her, including her opponent, basking in the glow of winning. A lot of people around me, though, didn't see it that way. I watched Serena's body language during that trophy presentation and I think not only the loss, but the crowd's perceived adoration of the new champion seemed to sting her.

    I think she carried that experience into her next series of matches for years. That Wimbledon experience may be a distant memory nearly a decade removed, but other incidents, words exchanged, perceived slights and criticism add fuel to the fire.

    Of course, there is the talent and the fact that Serena has added more variety and strategy to her style of play, her game has only improved, she's gotten better and the result is an ever present sense of confidence --are all part of it as well.

    The subtext of their matches is just fascinating though.

  16. Well, all that I can say is that as long as she's healthy-- large deficit or small one, she finds a way to come back against MS. Some say that SW gets into MS' head but I also propose that it's in SW's head that she must not lose to MS! Ever!

    Kei was always talented and capable of the win but I'm still surprised it happened last night, especially with Roger's recent run of confident wins.

    I don't know what everyone else thinks but for me this year's Miami tournament, the Women's side has had the lionshare of the most memorable matches. Many of the most competitive matches that I've seen so far seem to be on the Women's side.

  17. LOL, y'all are cold. But funny.

    I was reading that Serena was asked in her post match press conference yesterday about the fact that her semi-final opponent would be Sharapova to which Serena replied something like '...I really enjoy playing Maria...' there was said to be chuckles from some present at the presser. Even on social media, someone replied 'I bet' then wrote LOL.

    I think come this June/July it will be 10 years since Maria beat Serena at a Major (Wimbledon). I don't think she's beaten Serena since.

    I fell asleep during that Nadal/Fognini match last night. Seems like Fognini gave up mid-way through that first set, then seemed to try a bit at the beginning of the 2nd before dumping it all. The crowd was very pro-Nadal and that may have gotten to Fognini but if it were a Davis Cup match in Spain he'd have much worse to deal with from the crowd so I don't understand his attitude.

  18. ATWT had a surprising amount of goodwill still associated with the show in it's last few years, evidenced by Julianne Moore and some of the actors making brief comebacks. I really think it was due to a lot of the veteran cast and perhaps the good feelings that they left their fellow actors with, even those who left.

    I know that Frank Runyeon was suppsed to have some type of story arc but it didn't work out. Does anyone know the story with that? I wonder if they ever asked Lindsey Frost to make an appearance? It could've been a good way to tie up loose ends with that Steve storyline. Oh well.

  19. I don't care what ANY one says, Andrew Kavovit was fantastic as Paul Ryan and I wish he were back on TV.

    He was the BEST Paul hands down!

    Yes, to All of That!

    I can't get over how the face still basically looks the same! Given a few whiskers and scruff here and there...

  20. When I was in grad school, Tina Andrews actually gave a lecture that my class attended. I remember her discussing her somewhat nightmarish experience writing the screenplay for Why Do Fools Fall in Loe (with Larenz Tate, Halle Berry & Vivica Fox) and how crestfallen she was over the final product. What ended up onscreen was not what she originally intended.

    Does anybody watch Shark Tank?

    I haven't seen the show in ages but I was wasting time on Twitter (I am often do on weekends) and came across Colleen Zenk's Twitter feed and apparently Andrew Kavovit (Paul Ryan, ATWT) is going to be on Shark Tank, actually I think it may be his daughter presenting the idea. Supposedly, she is going to be the youngest contestant ever on the show.

  21. Yeah, I was a pre-teen (that's what they called it back then, none of that tween nonsense) back then and it really was racy for me (lol). I wished I would've kept the episodes instead of taping over them sad.png Between Lily and Holden, and Craig & Sierra pawing all over each other then Dusty 'opening Lily's flower' ATWT was really like adult entertainment then.happy.png But man, I couldn't get enough!

    I don't think that episode is on You Tube though :/ All I've ever seen is the episode where Holden jumps out from the hayloft right in front of Lily and Dusty, which unnerves Lily, of course.

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