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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. Anyone who has died on-screen in front of the audience. The perfect example is Taylor on B&B after her second "death".  Not because I have anything against Taylor as a character, but because of how she died and the ridiculous jumping through hoops the show had to do to explain her return. We saw her flatline and die in Ridge's arms right in front of our eyes. For a show that, up till then, had remained fairly realistic the re-writing mess that was needed to make it possible for her to return was a jump-the-shark moment.

  2. 26 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    That was exactly my thought.   Brad wants to justify nonconsensual sex due to drugs ..  by writing it again?

    I think this is the 5th time B&B has used this story. First Caroline and Ridge, then Brooke and Eric, then Brooke and Ridge, then Caroline Jr and Thomas, and now Luna and Zende.

  3. 13 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    The won't leave this girl alone. Now so much hate about the Celine Dion thing. Am I the psychopath that I don't see that Taylor NEEDS to bow down and kiss Celine Dion's feet. She won a GRAMMY. It's her moment. 

    And I am sure she has given plenty of love and respect to Celine backstage.

    People are acting like they expected Taylor to give the Grammy to Celine.



    Sometimes it really is ridiculous how people seem to actively look for stuff to be upset about.  :rolleyes:

  4. Just now, All My Shadows said:

    "Fall up the stairs" comes from ATWT, where character Liz Talbot (Betsy's mother) died from a ruptured spleen after "falling up the stairs." It's always been my understanding that she fell while running up the stairs, but describing it as "falling up the stairs" is more quirky/interesting, so that's what the anecdotes stuck with. Another part of the story claims that Irna killed Liz off because she objected to actress Jane House appearing nude onstage in a play, but Liz was already recast to Judith McGilligan by the time she died.

    I read somewhere (I think it was in The Soap Opera Encyclopedia by Gerard J. Waggett) that Irna tried to kill off Liz earlier, for the reason you mentioned, but public outcry made P&G stop her. When Jane House had left the role Irna finished the job.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Khan said:

    The thing is, Alyssa Milano did Shannen Doherty a favor by getting her fired, because "Charmed" was such a wretched show.

    That might be, but it was still a job, and a paycheck.....

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