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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. Julie Goodyear: Coronation Street's Bet Lynch slowly fading away, says husband




    Brand, 55, publicly shared news of Goodyear's diagnosis last summer.

    Sharing an update on her condition, Brand said: "I miss the fun-loving wife that Julie had always been - the larger-than-life personality that brightened up everywhere she went, and the smile that lit up every room.

    "All of this is now slowly fading away and it's extremely painful for me to watch this deterioration."

    Brand said his wife now struggles to recognise people, and said he missed the daily joys of being in a couple.

    "Not being able to spontaneously go out as husband and wife, holding hands as we stroll along, going for meals together and going shopping - all these losses for me symbolise the long goodbye."



  2. 58 minutes ago, Althea Davis said:

    And Bradley could have at least given 1 sentence about the whereabouts of Taylor Hayes. Is she in a coma somewhere? Or is Sheila going to come back impersonating Taylor... or is Taylor back in Morocco drinking tea with the king... 

    Amen to that! Taylor's absence is glaring, and the lack of any explanation just makes it worse. Surely there could have been a way to keep Taylor on the show. 

  3. I'm completely Team Hope in this. She had made it clear that she wasn't ready to get married again, yet Thomas still proposed, again.... And when Hope stood firm in her decision Thomas whines to Steffy, and now she decides to get involved....:rolleyes:

    If Thomas isn't mature enough to respect Hope's clearly stated wish to not rush into another marriage then maybe he hasn't moved past his previous obsessive behaviour. I just hope that Hope doesn't allow herself to get bullied into accepting his proposal. She has done nothing wrong and I hope she makes that clear to Steffy, who by the way should worry more about her own marriage instead of butting into other people's business. In that respect she really is like her namesake.

  4. 1 hour ago, Althea Davis said:

    I disagree completely. It was IN character. This was a person that slept with a father and his two sons before that. She is clearly perverted and sick. And this storyline was the most fun in the show's history. Complete binge-worthy guilty pleasure. Haha.

    It was out of character for Brooke in my opinion because Deacon was not the type she would get involved with. After she broke up with Dave in the early days she had been involved with Ridge, Eric, Connor, James, Grant and Thorne. Men who were very different from a lowlife scum like Deacon. I just never bought that Brooke would ever look twice at someone like Deacon, and that's without taking the whole Bridget situation into consideration.

    You think differently though, and that's fine.

  5. 5 hours ago, Althea Davis said:

    They should have given them one more year. And then go for Deacon.

    I would have dropped the Deacon-story altogether. It did too much damage to the character of Brooke, and frankly it was out of character for her as well. Another plus is there would be no Hope.....  :P

  6. 10 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    I'll never understand why they sidelined Brooke and Thorne so quickly. I thought KKL and WH had AMAZING chemistry, and the story just upped her rivalry with Stephanie. Then, after all they did to get together, their whole marriage ended in like one single episode, so that Brooke could go back to Ridge. IMO, Brooke has always been much more interesting without Ridge.

    Dropping that story was really a monumental mistake. KKL and Winsor had even better chemistry than KKL and Ronn , and it would have opened up new storyline possibilities for constant underdog Thorne opposite Ridge.

  7. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    Thank you!  And wouldn't you know, on the very same day I made that comment, guess who's playing husband and wife on a "Murder, She Wrote" rerun?  Yep, Dean Butler and Genie Francis.  (I totally forgot about that episode, lol.)

    Maybe it was a sign.....  ;)

  8. On 3/17/2024 at 3:16 AM, Khan said:


    Nowadays, though, I just would like to see Laura paired with someone who's stable (so she can have the family and roots that she's always craved) and can make her laugh and support her whenever she encounters yet another crisis among her family, but someone who isn't dull the way Kevin tends to be whenever he isn't with Lucy.  Someone like...well, remember the guy who played Almanzo Wilder on "Little House on the Prairie"?  His name's escaping me at the moment, and I'm not saying I'd want him specifically, but that's the kind who I'm talking about.  (I also thought she'd have made a good on-screen partner with Billy Moses, but that would've meant pairing Jeff and Laura and I just don't wanna go there under any circumstances, lol).


    Dean Butler

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