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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 4 hours ago, Althea Davis said:

    The dialogue is out of control bad... there was this moment where RJ was telling Luna something like - Thank you for being such a truthful and honest person. I mean... who says this to someone else? It's so obvious to make us say... AHA! But she isn't! So one-dimensional. A guy with RJ's body and age... will not be talking to Luna like he is a 65 year old man. He will be doing other things... 

    It's so UNNATURAL and out of touch with the reality how YOUNGER PEOPLE talk and communicate.



    To be fair to Brad Bell this is not just a B&B problem. Soaps are rarely very subtle in their dialogue. They don't use foreshadowing, they use a huge mallet to hammer home whatever point they're trying to make.

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