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Posts posted by ellabelle

  1. What bothered WW about Jack/Carmen?

    He thought it was ridiculous that Jack would hop into bed with someone like Carmen, that he'd have sex with her in the bed he shared with Erica and that he'd pursue her the way it was written. He felt like it was OOC, and he complained about it, and they fired him. Carmen sort of disappeared from the canvas as well.

    Walt isn't stupid - he figured out pretty quickly that if Jack wasn't with Erica, he didn't have much of a storyline, especially after 1998 or so.

  2. I was so happy when some of the actors started trashing their storylines or talking frankly at the show's end - Darnell said he thought the dead baby/baby switch story was stupid, Thorsten Kaye said he hated the Satin Slayer storyline, Walt Willey griped about Jack/Carmen and how him complaining about that resulted in him getting fired for a while, MEK complained about poisoned pancakes and how the writers didn't know what to do with him. Even La Lucci came out and said that people went to Pratt and Frons and complained that the storylines were OOC and made no sense.

    I really hoped that once the Prospect Park deal fell apart that more actors, writers, and others from AMC would give frank opinions about the show, the stories, etc., and sadly, it hasn't happened. I desperately want some good tell-all books, people!

  3. I just love Palmer's reason for supposedly shooting Adam: "He accused me of dyeing my eyebrows!" And then when Opals says "Haven't you ever heard of 'sticks and stones'" and Palmer replies without hesitation, "Lead works much better."

  4. God, I love this scene! This cracks me up! Adam and Palmer were so incredibly wonderful on camera together, and the show really suffered when both of these titans left.

    As a refresher: Opal and Tad want to know what Adam and Palmer were doing and why they were together the night Michael Cambias was shot. Palmer says that he shot Adam that night, and that's where this scene picks up. What we didn't know until much later was that Palmer and Adam had gone to Michael's condo, but he wasn't there. As they were leaving, Erica appeared outside the condo and shot Adam, thinking he was Michael. She then fled the scene, and Palmer treated Adam's bullet wound on his plane.

  5. Enchantment ended up as a subsidiary of Cambias Enterprises, and Michael fired Erica before he was murdered. He announced the ownership of Enchantment right after he got away with Bianca's rape - Erica was yelling at him "You think I give a damn about my COMPANY?"

    Ryan was considered the Cambias heir after the murder thanks to Alexander "dying" and signing everything over to him, prior to Miranda's birth, and when that was announced, I think Erica said something to him about her running Enchantment, and he said of course, he wouldn't have anyone else there. We saw Erica in her office at Enchantment a few times during the Cambias murder trial, including the night before she tried to save Kendall by placing the blame on herself. I assume Ryan had someone else running the company when Erica ran off to Vegas and then went to rehab. With Miranda being a Cambias heir, you'd think Bianca could have appointed Erica to run Enchantment again, but they never went there.

  6. Michael Minor seems too old and dull for Erica, even if she was with him in part for her career.

    PBS, I think, did a special on the soaps back in the 80s, and they taped some behind the scenes stuff at AMC. The clips are online, but the sound quality is awful. One of the scenes they were doing was with Erica and Brandon Kingsley. The script called for him to say some things to Erica implying that he wanted to take her to bed, and the actor did. not. get. it. It was painful to watch the director have to explain the motivation to him. I remember watching the online clip and thinking "My God, how dumb is this man?"

  7. IDK what happened to THAT portrait, but the big one that hung in Linden for years and later hung in Enchantment is a copy of an actual painting of Susan that was done by a friend of hers. The original is in Susan and Helmut's house in Garden City.

    The five foot tall Erica painting that hung over the fireplace in the Victorian house she had after Linden was sold at an AMC prop auction. It was later autographed by Susan and was up for sale on ebay last year (which is where I saw it), but I don't think it actually sold. I have no idea what happened to it after that - it was owned by someone in NYC.

  8. Thanks. I'd never seen that. I end up feeling sorry for Natalie, as Jeremy seems so unpleasant.

    HamiltonBernique posted a bunch of clips from the Erica/Jeremy relationship, and I just really don't see the appeal there at all. I didn't think they had any chemistry, and I didn't think he was all that attractive. Plus the whole chaste monk thing was just odd.

  9. The singing was okay. Not great. It's definitely not her strongest skill.

    I mostly just wanted to see Erica and David ripping each others clothes off again. tongue.png I LOVED Leo's expressions while Erica was screaming "I'M GREAT. I'VE NEVER BEEN BETTER. DAVID IS WONDERFUL... OH GOD... OH DAVID..." laugh.png Poor traumatized Bianca!

    Wait, who is that? Di and Annie/Kelly Cramer??


    To me it almost looks like Reese and Annie, but IDK why they'd be kissing.

  10. A few blasts from the past:

    Erica's miscarriage during what would have been her 3rd wedding to Dimitri:

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=miscarriage.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/miscarriage.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Erica and Maria with baby Sonya/Maddie:

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=Erica-and-Maria.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/Erica-and-Maria.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Nick Davis trying to comfort a panicked bed-ridden Erica during her pregnancy with Bianca:

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=ericapregnantwithbianca.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/ericapregnantwithbianca.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Erica and Adam attending the premiere of "Raising Kane"

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=94223303.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/94223303.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    After the premiere, Adam kidnapped Erica, and the plane they were on crashed in the Canadian wilderness, near a house on a private island that Adam owned:

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=20100609_DCanary_SLucciWilderness_655x445.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/20100609_DCanary_SLucciWilderness_655x445.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Greenlee walking in on Ryan and Erica... that must have been some amazing sex because frankly, how could you NOT notice someone standing that close to you?

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=96181414.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/96181414.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    David carrying Erica out of the Valley Inn after her impromptu Libidizone-enhanced solo performance:

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=Susan-Lucci-Libidozone_480.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/Susan-Lucci-Libidozone_480.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Erica and Phil Brent -

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=feb1975.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/feb1975.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Erica and David getting kinky. <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=20100219_SLucci_AMCWIR_441x300.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/20100219_SLucci_AMCWIR_441x300.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

  11. Tom and Erica's honeymoon in St. Croix:

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=tomericahoneymoontwo.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/tomericahoneymoontwo.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="http://s1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/?action=view&amp;current=tomericahoneymoon.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/searchingelle/tomericahoneymoon.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    I wasn't all that impressed with Tom when I started watching AMC in 1990, but damn, he was hot back in the day!

  12. Erica is now terrified of testifying. She begins to drink and take tranquilizers and eventually collapses and is rushed to hospital.

    Don't tell me that Betty Ford b.s. was actually AMC's way of honoring history?! Oh, man!

    Yep. Also, Erica's frequent blackouts where she conveniently loses time and can't remember where she was is both part of AMC history and genetic... since Mona is actually the one who shot Jason Maxwell but blocked it from her memory... a trait that Erica and Bianca both inherited.

  13. So did they just pretend he had never died when they did the Barney the Clown story, or did they say that he faked his death?

    He faked his death to escape creditors and potential jail time for embezzling from a film project. Although exactly how he avoided jail time when he was revealed to be alive, I really don't know.

  14. Ah, those are great! Thanks so much for posting!

    Carl, that part of the show was before my time, but I've read the romance novel versions of AMC's early years, and yes, Erica was young, immature, selfish and fairly clueless, and she did indeed blackmail Joe Martin, who was only too willing to pay the $ to save Jeff. But the truth about the money came out during the trial and it made Jeff look even worse. She needed the money because her father had "died" and was revealed to be in massive debt, and the payments he'd been sending Erica stopped, around the same time Jeff stopped supporting Erica, and with Jason dead, Erica's modeling career was at a standstill, and she was broke.

  15. Oh how I LOVE drunk Erica, conspiring with Edmund to screw over Dimitri. I hate that they made her a drug addict and alcoholic because she was SUCH a fun drunk. I loved it when she and Edmund were on the same side, working together, and I wish they hadn't ruined that by having her kidnap Maddie.

  16. Yes of course I watched! I thought La Lucci had way too many hair extensions in, and I wish she'd wear something OTHER than that hot pink dress she had on during the GMA interview - she wears it all the time. That said, I thought she looked gorgeous. I got a big kick out of the GMA guy being all "WOW, THAT'S HOT!" when they played the clip of Susan in Gloria Estefan's video.

    She looked better, IMO, on The View, but again, I still thought she went overboard with the hair. I absolutely hate The View because they constantly talk over their guests... apparently it was considered miraculous when President Obama was on recently and the "ladies" of the View were all respectful and no one interrupted him.

  17. There were so many careers Erica could have had if they got tired of doing the show - they could have just said the network canceled it and had her move on to something else instead of sending her to jail. :( Although... I will confess that I do own one of the "Free Erica" t-shirts from her insider trading jail stay. ;)

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