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Posts posted by ellabelle

  1. Tad having fun at Erica's expense:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Sd_hOd2Vnok" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Oh, and for those who don't remember, this was during Jack and Erica's divorce reality show when she was using Tad to make Jack jealous and to make herself look better on camera since he was filmed out on a date with Barbara and out on a date with a hot female lawyer. Tad had already taken Erica out a few times and groped her for the cameras. She wanted to make it look like they were sleeping together for the cameras so Jack would be pissed off, and Tad had some fun with it as seen in that clip before telling her to grow up, quit wasting time, and tell Jack she still loved him already.

    I absolutely LOVED the Tad/Erica friendship. I loved Erica taking Tad and Jenny under her wing when they were all modeling together in New York way back when, and I loved that the writers never tried to screw up the friendship by making them lovers.

  2. I wonder if this exhausted viewers at the time...

    I haven't seen enough of Helga to say but I wish she or Corvina had a bit more "pop." I don't think Erica had a strong enough adversary in these years. I guess the closest would be Maria starting around 1995, but she wasn't supposed to be an adversary, and I thought she was a sanctimonious hypocrite.

    Kendall was pretty much Erica's main adversary from mid-1993 until she left town.

  3. When I first started reading about AMC I got 91-93 so confused. For some time I thought Helga and Kendall worked together and locked Bianca in a crypt.

    Nope, Helga locked Erica in a crypt in 1992. Kendall tricked Bianca into hiding in the masoeleum at Wildwind in 1993, and then in either 1994 or 1995 Kendall worked with Corvina (Anton's mother and another household servant) to try to scam Dimitri into believing that Corvina was really the Marick heir. Corvina was the one who could barely speak English.

  4. I was reading some 1996 article asking writers what audience reaction surprised them - one of the AMC people said the audience reaction to Maria/Dimitri screwing around surprised them, because the viewers were disappointed in the characters, whereas the show thought viewers would just see it as people who were upset and grieving. Just another big example of the producers of that era, and later on, not getting fans, or what fans wanted to see.

    I think the timing was a big factor for the fans - Maria and Edmund had gone through this heart-wrenching fertility battle and adoption, only to have to give Sam back to Kelsey, and Erica and Dimitri had spent so long dealing with addiction to painkillers, and I think a lot of the fans really wanted some happiness for both couples. To instead get grief sex with the wrong partner - especially when Erica wasn't cheating with Kinder that time since he'd knocked her out and staged the whole scene - it just wasn't what the fans were expecting. I wasn't as invested in Erica/Dimitri at this point, but I was still more or less rooting for them, and to have him sleep with Maria just made me hate him.

  5. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LM8Nas3NxdI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    This clip has everything: a bit of Erica/Brooke snark, a massively over-the-top fight, a non-attractive Charlie recast commenting on his modeling career, Erica trying to be subtle (and not succeeding) about her affair with Dimitri, creepy Helga, and lots of talk of grave robbing. God I miss AMC of the early 90s.

  6. LOL, I meant Erica's infamous line about Maria and her pushup bra. biggrin.png

    LOL. I had forgotten about that. Methinks Susan just wanted to show off her new boobs. I'm imagining the conversation with wardrobe, "Yes, I know it's a memorial service, but Erica really didn't LIKE Greenlee, and Jack was going to be there, so she'd want to look sexy..."

  7. And she had the nerve to talk about Maria. laugh.png Look at those grapefruits trying to escape when she stands in profile.

    Did she talk about Maria? After a while I couldn't hear anything she said because I was too distracted by the way her boobs were almost right under her chin.

  8. ^Interesting little fact, to the left of VI's head there's David and Erica cover of one of the mags. After the moved, I asked VI on his FB if he put that back up. He said it got lost in the shuffle and he didn't know where it was. Makes one wonder. How do you just lose [!@#$%^&*] like that? I kinda wanted to go wade through some trash cans. LOL

    ^ Yeah, you can see it in some of the shot. :D

    My guess is that they had a group of people in charge of packing everything, minus the actors' personal belongings, and that framed magazine cover is probably stashed somewhere with all of the rest of the photos and stuff that were on the walls in the NY studio. Either that, or someone in charge of packing was a huge David and Erica fan and made off with it.

  9. God, I love Joan Collins. I absolutely adored her on Dynasty, and I was just a little kid. I remember my mother thinking there was something wrong me because I hated the boring "good girl" characters and always preferred the naughty ones like Alexis, and later when I discovered AMC, the ultimate bad girl - Erica Kane.

  10. I loved it when Natalie took off her earring to answer the phone. laugh.png

    That was such a fabulously soapy thing to do back in the 80s and early 90s. All the glamorous women did it because phones had such big earpieces, and earrings were so big. biggrin.png

    I remember seeing a TV interview with some young soap actress in 1990 or so, and she'd just started on some show as the hot young ingenue. She joked that her goal in life was to be able to take off her earring to answer the phone, because it so common for the glamorous female characters to do so. tongue.png

  11. The first true rough spot JR truly experienced was as a teenager when Dixie found out Tad had cheated on her and then Dixie cheating on Tad with David. That was also the first time JR actively started acting out with drugs, attacking David and him going to Adam to bail him out of trouble consistently. JR was more or less considered a capable adult by that point.

    As a kid, JR dealt with his mother marrying Craig and then that marriage ending, Tad coming back from the dead, his mother chasing Tad, Tad cheating with Liza (JR witnessed them kissing). I realize it was nothing compared to what he dealt with as a teenager/young adult, but his childhood wasn't exactly idyllic either.

  12. I disagree here, Dixie got a lot of crap when she returned back in 06'. It was just starting to get better by the time Dixie died in 07' but I generally do think she paid for her mistakes in terms of having people pissed off at her for staying away for so long. I also can't blame her for JR ending up the way he did. I honestly think JR was just messed up from the start. He was always a written to be a character who couldn't cope with hardships and had very little resilience in the face of adversity and I don't think that can really be blamed on Dixie. JR had a relatively good childhood all things considered. He wasn't abused, mistreated, neglected or in anyway treated badly as a young child. So I can't blame Dixie for JR's problems once JR went into adulthood. I don't think you could even blame Tad for that matter he was so rarely around until JR's teen years. For example look at how Jaime is and compare it to how JR ended up. Night and day, even though they both had the same parents.

    It's totally not fair to compare Jamie and JR. Jamie's mother didn't run off to another country to cope with a pregnancy her husband wasn't all that supportive of and then give up his sister and pretend to be dead for four years. The father-figure in Jamie's life also didn't conspire with Jamie's own brother and wife to conceal the news that his son was really alive either. Dixie, Tad, and Jamie all massively screwed with JR's life, but they don't get any blame for it. Yes, JR was always destructive, and yes, he probably would have found any myriad of reasons to end up the way he did, but his mother, his stepfather and his stepbrother all hurt him tremendously.

  13. How the hell did I miss that??

    Erica looks like a pretty little elf.

    It was when Kendall and Greenlee were plotting for Kendall to be a surrogate for the "Rylee" embryo. Erica actually had Josh hit on Kendall to see if she was pitching for the other team or not, and Josh reported back that Kendall was straight. Considering that Josh turned out to be her brother, that could have been really awkward.

    I think the scenes right after that the kiss are also on YT. Kendall finally comes clean with Erica about the planned surrogacy, and Erica tries to talk her out of it, saying that it would be really hard to go through the whole pregnancy and then give birth and have to give the baby up - how will Kendall not fall in love with that sweet, innocent little baby? Kendall looks Erica right in the face and says something like, "well, you didn't fall in love with me, mother."

  14. ^ AM and RB talked about shooting this and if I remember, they said AM dropped RB in an outtake.

    Yes! And that AM and RB were both rolling on the floor laughing, and SL managed to keep a straight face and kept right on going until the director had to yell cut.

  15. I just never understoood why no one ever held her responsible for her actions. When she had her affair with David Everyone said she was his victim, but the way I watched it, and the way it played out in my tapes, SHE used him too. Used him and abused him, knowing full well what she was doing. Then when it all blew up in her face, she cried and said big bad David hurt her. UGH.

    Everything was always someone else's fault with Dixie. SHE was a willing participant in the affair with Adam that made JR, but somehow it was all Adam's fault. SHE pursued David and wanted him, even though he wasn't over Erica, but he was somehow the bad guy. Dixie could apparently do no wrong, and I HATED that. I was watching a scene from July 2006 after the revelation that Josh was Erica's son, and Dixie ripped Erica a new one, saying that it was all HER fault that Kendall got mixed up with Greg, because Erica knew how awful he was but chose not to say anything for months after she found out the truth about Josh. UM, Dixie, you were the one who gave him your kid.

    The moment I decided that I hated Dixie was when she went to Brooke crying about how Craig wanted to marry her, but she couldn't let go of Tad because there was nothing of Tad left in the world. Brooke confessed then that yes, there was something left of Tad - there was baby Jamie, and he was Tad's son. Dixie then flipped out, telling Brooke it wasn't fair, that SHE was supposed to have Tad's baby. Gee, you whore, don't you think Brooke had that same thought when you got pregnant with her husband's kid? The whining was just AWFUL. Then, when Tad did come back, DIXIE was the one who spilled the beans about Jamie being his son, something that Brooke and Brooke alone should have had the right to do.

    And while I'm ranting, Dixie WILLINGLY left town during her pregnancy. She WILLINGLY gave Kate away. No one held a gun to her head. Then, when she recovered from the accident, she WILLINGLY abandoned Tad and JR and the rest of her family and let them think she was DEAD. And NO ONE called her on it. NO ONE said "hey, that was a really sh*tty thing for you to do." No, it was all Greg's fault that Dixie gave her baby away, it was all his fault that she pretended to be dead for years and abandoned her son. When JR fell apart at the end, NO ONE said to Dixie, "Hey, you know, you played a big part in him turning out the way he did."

    In a lot of ways, Dixie was perfect for Tad because no one ever called him on his crummy behavior either. They both got to be saints of Pine Valley.

    ^ I forgot that Gloria tried to kill Adam. I now recall the time when she put something in his oatmeal. laugh.png

    Was it cyanide? Or arsenic? I can't remember.

  16. She should have stayed dead.

    ph34r.png Yes, I said it.

    I've said it multiple times on multiple sites. I never liked her.

    I also think Brooke having Tad's baby after Dixie had Adam Jr. and wrecked Brooke and Adam's marriage was possibly the best karma ever doled out on a soap opera.

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