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Posts posted by ellabelle

  1. I loved watching the episodes posted to YT from the 1980s when Adam first came to town, before anyone knew that Stuart even existed. I read last night that Stuart's existence was such a huge mystery that only a handful of people at AMC knew where the story was going. They even kept the news from Susan Lucci, and her character was romantically involved with Adam. The problem with that apparently came when Susan was doing a scene with David Canary playing Stuart pretending to be Adam, and she had no clue why he was behaving so oddly - she thought he was supposed to be playing Adam. After a couple of scenes like that, she was apparently freaked out enough that someone finally had to clue her in. blink.png David Canary said he had a great time with those few scenes where Susan had no idea what was going on, that the expressions she was shooting him during filming were priceless. tongue.png

  2. Others (like Carl) don't share my love for Greenlee pre-Ryan but I think Nixon created her to be kinda a twist on Erica--the poor little rich girl.

    I thought Greenlee was fabulously bitchy pre-Ryan, and she definitely fell into the love to hate category for me. It worked too at the time because Bianca was the anti-Erica... because, you know, heaven forbid Erica's daughter be a lesbian AND a bitch. After Ryan... eh... but I will confess to liking Greenlee with David.

  3. In some of my more "out there" moments, I kind of wish that there'd been some way to retcon Greenlee to be Jack and Erica's daughter. I know it never would have worked - Erica didn't meet Jack until 1987, Erica was in high school when Greenlee was born, Erica had already had Kendall, etc., etc., but I always thought that Greenlee looked far more like Erica than Alicia Minshew's Kendall ever did. Kendall had dark hair and a skinny body going for her, and that was about the only thing that screamed "Erica's daughter" to me in terms of her physical appearance. Rebecca Budig, on the other hand, has the same tiny build as Susan Lucci, along with the dark eyes, and she's got the tan complexion that Walt Willey has and she sometimes has blond-ish hair.


  4. ^ I liked Gloria, and I loved that she seemed to do both scheming and vulnerable very well. But God, that hair... there were days when I'd shake my head and wonder who she pissed off in the hair and makeup room because her hair would be so enormous and so frizzy.

  5. Hell, I even remember finding Alec & Arlene hot together.... and I was still in elementary school. I would feel dirty/guilty for thinking it, too. HAHA!

    BTW, I love how they're playing "Justify My Love" by Madonna in that scene!!!

    I LOVE the Madonna music. It makes it that much sleazier to me!

    Shut up - you were in elementary school??? Damn I feel old, and I'm still in my early - mid 30s.

    Seriously though, I thought AMC was really tame compared to other soaps in the 90s. I remember a scene from DOOL with two characters having sex in a shower. You could see a silhouette of more or less naked figures behind the steamed up glass shower walls, with water pouring down, and lots of thrusting. I remember thinking "Why isn't this on AMC???"

  6. Interesting that Erica brings up abortion concerning her baby, Bianca.

    Agnes later said that they wrote Erica as having doubts about the pregnancy and being unsure about being a mother to create drama but that the intention from the very beginning was that Erica most definitely WOULD have that baby - there was never any question about it. Susan was told as well that Erica was definitely having the baby, but apparently she did have to wait around for a while for the writers to decide whether or not Erica was going to be a good mother.

  7. OK re your question about where Erica was (I think it was you and not SFK) I assume they did say she was on a modelling shoot in NYC (and I think she was on maternity leave--wasn't this around the same time Slezak was replaced due to her maternity leave on OLTL?). The famous Cliff/Nina wedding episode is from later 1980 (I want to say Summer--anyone know for sure?) and in it Tom and Erica have a fight because she wants to stay in New York to some fancy dinner with Brandon Kingsley.

    Susan's son was born in late Feb 1980, so she was likely off for most of the spring of that year.

  8. ^ Yep. But look at Greenlee. They did the same thing to her. She went from being this awesomely spoiled, obnoxious, mini-Erica who would do or say anything and had a high powered career to this whiny, needy woman who was nothing without Ryan. Even Kendall lost her edge when she settled down with Zach. Just like Natalie did. Marion also became a shadw of her formerly fabulous cougar self when she married Stuart. Erica was one of the few women on that show who escaped that fate.

  9. How in the world did she ever get cast as Nina? Thanks. Isn't that Dr. Tolan? I can't make out the nameplate. Erica looks so good, her colouring. I really like Natalie here, Kate's doing a good job especially when she gets fed up with Jeremy and seeks an unlikely ally in Erica.

    Um yeah, that Nina was awful. I think Erica looks best when her hair is darker like it was in that clip. I don't think the lighter, slightly redder shades she's worn are as flattering.

    I loved Natalie in scheming b*tch mode, and I hated that they turned her into a nice wife once Trevor came along. AMC was so bad about defanging their female characters. And Jeremy... love the accent, but I never found him attractive in the least.

  10. Erica was always dressed well and Susan is a woman of a certain age who could pull off the skimpier dresses they put her in, but I liked it when Carol Luiken was still dressing her, like the elegant mid-life professional woman that she was.

    She had so many wonderful suits! I thought she was dressed really well throughout the 1990s and even early 2000s. But by 2005 or so, I thought it got a little ridiculous. I hated all of the skin tight leather pants she wore toward the end of the show.

  11. Cheap, do you recognize Erica's yellow plaid from All About Erica when Brooke smacked the taste out of her mouth?

    There's a scene right after the Brooke slapping Erica where Erica then gets into it with Jack. He is furious with her and threatens to turn her over his knee and spank her.

  12. Yes, Jack and Brooke had sex. He proposed at one point even. They got together in early 1991, and by the end of the year, he was back with Erica. They had been friends for years and became closer.

    IIRC, Brooke and Tom told everyone that Tom was the father because Tad had died, and she knew Dixie had been hurt enough by Brooke and Tad being together, and she didn't want to cause a bunch of drama by telling everyone the truth. Plus, she felt that this was her one piece of Tad that was all hers, and this was her miracle baby she shouldn't have been able to even have (remember - Brooke couldn't give Adam a child so he knocked up Dixie instead), and she felt that by telling the truth, everyone in Tad's life would feel entitled to have a claim on her baby. In other words, she hid the truth because it was a good plot device. :P

    Dixie came to Brooke when Jamie was a few months old and Brooke was with Jack and Dixie was trying to move on with Craig. She told Brooke that she couldn't let go of Tad and move on with her life because if she did, there would be nothing left of Tad in this world. She was very upset, so Brooke told her the truth - that Jamie was Tad's son and Tad would live on in him. Not surprisingly, Dixie freaked her ish out over that because SHE was the love of Tad's life and if anyone was entitlted to have Tad's baby with was her (and this would be a big part of why I hate Dixie). Jack had been trying to get Brooke to tell the truth for months, saying that if she wanted him to renounce any ties to Erica, he couldn't sit by and be with her while she lied to everyone about her baby. So once she told Dixie the truth, she, Tom and Jack gathered Joe and Ruth and Palmer and Opal and told them all the truth and invited them to be grandparents to Tad's baby. This was all before Tad came back.

  13. Unfortunately AMC had trouble finding a suitable new love interest for Brooke in the 90s aside from Edmund. The ones they tried to pair her with Jackson, Dimitri, Piece etc she didn't have much chemistry with.

    Unfortunately AMC also had trouble finding a suitable love interest for Jackson who wasn't Erica. I wasn't a huge fan of the Brooke/Jack pairing but I loved their friendship. Angelique and Laurel were both so mousy and quiet in comparison to Erica that it almost seemed like Jack was running the opposite direction, but you just knew it wouldn't work out. I had great hope that TPTB would pair Jack and Anna together. She was classy, intelligent, strong, and beautiful, someone who could be an equal partner for Jack instead of a damsel in distress, but she wasn't prone to the over the top hysterics that Erica was.

  14. What was this blood test about with Erica? Did she think she had HIV? Was this after Kinder had drugged her and made Dimitri think they'd had sex?

    This was right after Kinder drugged her and made Dimitri think they'd had sex. Erica couldn't remember anything that had happened that night, so Myrtle suggested that perhaps Erica had taken some pills and that's why she couldn't remember anything. Erica went to Joe for a blood test to see if there were any drugs still in her system.

  15. I think he got Enchantment shares from her and then sold them to Adam or some other enemy, horribly betraying her, before skipping town.

    If this refers to Eric Kane, then yes, Erica gave him Enchantment shares and he sold them to Natalie.

  16. I really disliked this storyline. Corvina was annoying as heck. I didn't mind the idea of Anton as Dimitri's son, but the whole subplot of Corvina and Kendall trying to convince everyone that Corvina and thus Anton were really the Marick heirs was just absurd.

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