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Posts posted by hsfolk

  1. 20 minutes ago, TimWil said:

    Catching up on the past few months. Anybody know why Celine was killed off-was it for storyline purposes or did the actress choose not to renew her contract? I saw her on some TV interview thing when I was over in the UK and I got a bad vibe about her-she seemed quite the opposite to sweetheart Celine. Perhaps she was an off the set problem like the one who played Sinead?

    probably storyline purposes

  2. 13 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    He was never straight. He was written as lusting after men very quickly. He was lying to himself for Phil. It was a bad storyline (as it was obvious DTC just wanted to do his own version of Ben's coming out story - there were no stakes, Phil didn't give a damn about Ben when he was "straight" or now that he's openly gay), but he was never straight. 


    They seem to actually be saying Steven is straight. Or at the very least allowing people to assume he is. Aaron Sidwell tweeted that Steven is bi, but that's not on the show.

    Steven being bi would have made it interesting 

  3. Just now, cassadine1991 said:

    Was this under the previous EP?


    Lauren should've stayed with Peter or they should've recast him

    maybe, didn't really follow EE until Johnny...hell, Ben came out as gay and left then when he came back he was straight before coming out again

  4. 15 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Aaron Sidwell, I believe, said they did that as a fakeout so viewers would be surprised he was now with Lauren.


    Not only did it not work (Steven/Lauren was so obvious people called it from their first scene together), it's since been a noose around the show's neck, as they had far more chemistry in one queerbaiting scene than Lauren and Steven ever had. 

    it's more like a middle finger..both Steven and Ben left the show as gay and came back claiming to be straight

  5. 1 hour ago, Edward Skylover said:

    I think Steven's main purpose is to give Ian some family and stability. That must be why he's watered down so much. He's one of my favourite characters though. I like the direction they're taking Lauren. I have a feeling Steven's bisexuality will be re-visited at some point but what I don't understand is why his gay past has practically been ignored by the characters, even if there have been references to it in Steven's behavior. Johnny and Steven would be a good contrast. I wouldn't mind a love triangle.



    it was kind of surprising the show didn't going the Steven & Johnny route, because when they met at the Vic it seemed like Steven was almost flirting w/ him

  6. Just now, DRW50 said:


    I'd have it as Johnny because it would cause a lot of drama with Mick as well and help bring Mick down, which he needs.


    I have never been that attracted to Johnny (although Sam Strike had a nice ass), but I do think Ted Reilly is cute. I also thought that kissing scene with Ben on Tuesday was way hotter than I would have expected.

    I thought Sam Strike was hot

  7. I don't mind the twist at all. It's all believable enough. Like the actress playing Sally pointed out, once the episode that showed her having a picture of John Paul in her desk aired, this outcome was obvious. But all the potential of the story is ruined when you blaspheme my retinas pairing John Paul with that albatross named Scott. It seriously pains every part of me.

    I just thought Sally had some weird obsession with JP

  8. Everyone looks good, but Christ, there's waaaaaaaaaaay too much Kimmy Gibbler overkill, and she comes off way too annoying. Not even goofy funny, just string-bean-Barney-Fife moron.  I'll have to take another look at the twin boys; I forgot they brought back the originals for them. 

    IMO, Nicky and Alex look like A&F models

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