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Posts posted by hsfolk

  1. 8 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    Funny that even with the 12 billion investigations on Clinton, the end result was always *crickets*.


    Somehow, I have a feeling the end result for Trumplandia will be a lot messier. I mean, when even his LAWYER (for Russia) is now under investigation? Come on...

    because Hillary had all those people who worked for to destroy their computers and phones

  2. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I meant the guy that Becky was with. They weren't the same guy were they? Or were they?


    Oh I forgot the bit with Frank Truman and his wife. I was disappointed she seemed to be from the same generic blonde overwrought pool as Matthew Lillard's wife, but maybe she will be a bit less of the nagging wife cliche if she makes any future appearances. 


    It was strangely nice to see Jade again too, continuing to move the plot along for Cooper as best she can, even if she doesn't seem to know it. As underwritten and plot-devicey as she is she still is closer to me to the old TP women than most of the women on the new revival. I'm glad she survived another episode alive.


    That's Ben's brother Jerry. We saw him briefly in episode 1 talking about his dispensary. I guess we needed confirmation so we got to see him in full flow here.

    i thought it was the same guy?

  3. 9 minutes ago, rhinohide said:

    That's why they investigate. It's suspicious. An investigation will uncover evidence. Or not. 

    Are you certain?  Everything else about the orange filth is fake. Can you be sure?

    even if they don't find anything illegal Maxine will still go on a witch hunt

  4. 1 hour ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I thought he considered himself bisexual his first run? Didn't he try coming onto Stacey? I just remember him falling for Christian and causing Jane's ass to be shot (sadly she didn't die). Regardless, they should've never paired him with Lauren. It was just stupid. I would've preferred for them to just be friends and he accompanied her home b/c Peter didn't wanna come home. 


    And of course Sharon had to fall on the sword for this new family. Sharon (besides Denise) is SOC's kicking post. At times, I wish that Letitia Dean would've never returned to this show. The detriment that has been done to Sharon this entire past run is horrendous. She is nothing like the old Sharon; she died back in 05 with Dennis Rickman. 



    I think that EE has a terrible view towards gay men. Emmerdale and Corrie are actually handling their LGBTQ characters better. Billy and Todd (on Corrie) are happy and getting a child via adoption. While on Emmerdale, Rob/Aaron are getting over Robert having a slip up with Rebecca, they are at least still a unit and forgiving each other. 


    Ben is f-cking miserable on this show. It's been about 10 years since the character 'came out' and he still hasn't come to terms with it or truly got to enjoy his sexuality. The second you think he does, he regresses. Johnny is a non-factor. They are just window dressing on that show. 


    And I agree that they love to humiliate the elder veteran women on this show. Mainly Sharon, Denise, and Michelle as you pointed out. All 3 of them have been made to be bitter and miserable at all times. It's super annoying.

    outside of flirting w/ Johnny the first time they met nobody has even brought up the fact that he use to be gay like when Ben came back as straight

  5. 1 hour ago, Elsa said:

    It's not even bad. It is boring, unispired and dated. 


    This is supposed to be the modern version of Steven? The character had a warmth, a sadness and a sexiness during the Al Corley years. What I saw in the trailer was the usual, secondary gay character who walks around all dressed up holding a drink and trying to be witty. 


    The music was all wrong for the trailer. 


    Judging from "Cristal's" looks if they ever get past episode 4 they will bring a blonde to play Alexis.


    CWFallon aka Random CW Girl from 2008 


    You don't mess with the Dynasty logo for no reason.



    They should have called the show Teen Heiress of Denver.


    tvline.com says it's now in Atlanta not Denver

  6. 4 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    The Electoral College was created for exactly what we are seeing now. The founding fathers didn't trust the average citizen to not pick a dictator, demagogue, moron, idiot so the EC was meant as a way to overrule that if it happened. They were meant to be non partisan educated appointees who could be relied on to use their judgement to over turn a disastrous choice. So the purpose of the EC failed in this election. Since it no longer serves that purpose, it should be gone(as it should have years ago seeing the members are partisan hacks).

    I thought the Pittsburgh reference a dumb one because that is a prime example of a city dependent on the steel industry that reinvented themselves. And there was a reason they were selected for the G-20 summit several years back.

    except you'd need to have 3/4th of the states to get rid of the EC and that would never happen 

  7. Just now, Wendy said:


    Good. Let the world see the buffoon that we have because half the country couldn't be bothered to get off their asses and VOTE.

    maybe that has more to do w/ having two crappy candidates?

  8. 1 minute ago, marceline said:


    You're not supposed to but that doesn't mean you can't. The EC was ostensibly created to keep an unfit person out of office. (Although really it just turned out to be affirmative action for flyover states but that's a different debate.) This is the second time a popular vote loser was handed the presidency so let's not pretend that the EC isn't a broken system. 

    except everyone knows that the EC is the only one that means anything and why did HRC never step foot in Wisconsin? she lost a lot of rust-belt states that have been traditionally Democratic

  9. Just now, marceline said:


    Actually they can. The electors could've changed their votes.

    you're not supposed to go against the wishes of the voters in that state; actually HRC ended up losing more electoral votes than Trump did

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