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Posts posted by hsfolk

  1. But who has time for that? I may watch the last 3 -5 eps. but no way in hell would I go back and watch the entire season. Like I said, hope they get out of their sophomore slump or it'll be a wrap for them soon.

    I think I read where the old executive producer didn't have season 2 planned so he made most of it up as he went along

  2. Amanda can go fcking die. Her and Jack's pseudo-fairy tale nonsense was so out of place all episode long. I wanted their boat to capsize. Jack is an idiot. Is he REALLY still jonesing over a little girl he met when he was a kid? Damn. He even introduced her as "an old close friend." If she was that close, you'd realize it wasn't really her, you moron. I even like his little grimy brother better than him.

    Victoria/Conrad/Lydia is pure GOLD. Conrad is a riot when he gets some bitchiness in him! Love the way these three interact with each other, and Victoria continues to be the boss of the entire corporation.

    My beautiful, flawless Daniel sad.png So many people playing him. When it all falls down, he should just dust himself off and start anew in Louisiana, where he can meet a 21-year-old college student who enjoys watching old episodes of soaps on YouTube. I'm still down with Emily/Daniel, but I'm gonna need for her to bring him into the plan soon. He's obviously very in to her, and she needs to see that he can be trusted.

    Nolan and Tyler lmao I can't believe they're letting Tyler's wormy ass get under their skin. I don't see Ashley really reacting to catching them kissing. As much as she wants to be a bad bad bitch, she just seems to be all talk and no action. Get it together, girl!

    what part of Louisiana you in?

  3. LOL it's just delicious how so many people on this show are secretly plotting against everyone else. You have Emily working with her associate Nolan. Victoria running sh!t with Conrad (and Frank, if he's still alive). Now we have Ashley in cahoots with Tyler. And of course, Lydia's still a wild card. The fall out is going to be epic, particularly for Daniel. Everyone he loves and cares about is keeping secrets from him, except for his sister.

    And of course, realEmily might be on to her own scheme, and who knows if Conrad's gonna grow some balls and turn against Victoria.

    TWO WEEKS?! Damn.

    I don't think Lydia will remember what happened before the accident

    I wonder who was the top/bottom between Nolan & Tyler?

  4. I like her work in every clip I've seen, especially once they softened her up a bit. It made no sense to kill her off the first time - the second time was also stupid, mostly because the reason for her being killed was nonsensical and the story was one of the worst in OLTL history.

    I wish they'd at least just had Mari Lyn come back for a day and let Lee have a happy ending. Or they could have kept her and paired her with Clint. That would have been great drama.

    Doubtful the writers even remember that Lee even had a daughter who happened to be Kevin & Joey's cousin

  5. Lousy acting from both, even in a still photo. Quite a feat.

    He looks like Nixon.

    I love Janet Zarish's work in this clip. I have no idea why OLTL let her go.

    I was so angry when they brought Lee Halpern back as Janet Ketring & killed her off. I loved her character with Charles Sanders

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