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Posts posted by hsfolk

  1. 18 minutes ago, Roman said:

    IMPO, HRC made the same mistake John Kerry did. You just run down your opponent and give someone to vote against.....you must give them someone to vote FOR. plus, she didn't visit the small towns like Obama did.....can't tell you how many stories I read in the aftermath were towns and small counties that voted for Obama overwhelmingly voted for Orange Hutt this time around. Then we have the Moron in Chief, who I now wonder....do some of these people now see what they did because of their blindness to what affects them instead of some stupid ass slogans like Marceline said?

    HRC never visited Wisconsin

  2. 17 minutes ago, JaneDigby said:

    I was very annoyed, too. It was just BS. It cut Kevin and Joey off from tons of story possibilities, for one thing. For another, it was an example of one of my most hated soap tropes: random reassignment of children. Then there's the whole denigration of the role of step-parents. I hate it whenever soaps did it but I really hated this one. 


    Speaking of things I hated - there are a bunch of new OLTL promos up on YT from 1992 and they've reminded me how much I loathed Luna. The show pushed Max & Luna so shamelessly it semi-hilarious. You WILL love this couple. They ARE you're favorite. Luna "crossing over to the other side" to save Max was OLTL at its worst for me. 

    I liked Luna's hot brother, Ty




  3. 5 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Such bullshit. The bill was made public and there were hundreds of hours of hearings for over a year. Obama met with GOP members in the house and senate several times to discuss concerns. The GOP added over 160 amendments to the bill


    Why don't you trolls try listening to something other than fox news filling you with lie after lie. You sound ignorant and stupid, Well look who you voted for.

    so did you vote for Bernie or Hillary?

  4. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    The GOP is determined to sneak some damn ACA replacement bill in, no matter how poorly written, even if they have to hide the contents. How despicable.


    Speaking of despicable, come on, is this really happening?

    A pro-Trump group is using Obama's voice out of context in radio ad for Georgia's special election

    like how Nancy Pelosi wouldn't let anyone read Obamacare before letting people know what was in it?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Edward Skylover said:

    So what's the verdict now? Who thinks the Taylors will end up the same way as the Millers? (i.e. all axed?) I'm surprised Sean O'Connor didn't want to axe the Carters...! I hope Keegan survives if they can redeem him. It's sad that not many young characters stick around on this show. Well, no guys anyway, a lot of the girls do; Abi, Whitney, Lauren etc.

    what's sad is the Carters were a really great family before Nancy & Lee went down hill.


    Did Mick ever say how Nancy was doing once he returned? i know he left saying she was in an accident

  6. 1 hour ago, Edward Skylover said:


    I'm surprised how much I like them. I'm finding them really entertaining. I guess their redeeming qualities will come out soon. Loved my poor Sharon getting socked one :D And Stacey getting involved :D 

    Sharon should've knocked that cow on her fat butt

  7. 3 hours ago, Edward Skylover said:


    Yeah, I hated them until it was revealed Keegan is a member of the family. Always thought Keegan was hot so I'm quite happy he's been promoted :) 

    they remind me of a trashier version of the Hollyoaks McQueens without any redeeming qualities 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    One billion years from now, Trump will have melted earth or something, and there will still be "BUT HER E-MAILS!!!"


    I think we'll just agree to disagree here.

    you're worried about a billion years from now? the majority of big city mayors are going to clean energy regardless of what happened w/ Trump & the Paris Accords

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