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Posts posted by hsfolk

  1. 23 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Really. THis ban was supposed to be in effect for 90 days to shore up Visa procedures. So let me ask you since January when the ban was shot down by the courts, what has this administration done to up vetting? It's been what 150 days? The ban should not be needed right.  You don't give a [!@#$%^&*] if this ban discriminates or even protects us. No terrorist attacks have been undertaken by anyone from any of these counties. So I am confident the entire ban will be shot down when it's proven it's based on religious discrimination but [!@#$%^&*], do all you morons care about is hurting others regardless of what the action is. It's all about your white mediocrity and persecuting others who are black, brown, and female so you don't have the more capable people competing against your mediocrity. Pathetic.


    It's been 150 days since Trump exec order claiming he needed 90 days to review vetting--and no terror attacks. So he needs another 90 days?




    So if these GOPers are oh so proud of their healthcare bill, why on earth can't they actually tell voters the truth. Seriously you have Trump surrogates running all over TV denying the cuts in Medicaid when the bill slashes Medicaid by over 800 billion so the Koch brothers can get a 3.2% tax decrease.


    But if they are so proud of this legislation, why lie about it? Because Trump is quoted in many places at RALLYS saying he would not cut it.





    i am black

  2. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    Laura is Kal-El!


    Some of that stuff (1956, etc.) goes back to elements from the original script of FWWM, where they'd apparently intended another flashback sequence to show Lodge spirits emerging in our world.


    I loved that, but whoo it'll be divisive.

    maybe that's why Lynch using it now

  3. 12 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:

    That was some gothic, acid dropping, Salvador Dali, Power Point presentation realness ... and now my head hurts.

    that's an hour of my life I can never have back. I thought there would be a point, but it's probably Lynch just wasting time

  4. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:

    I'll be surprised if they kill him off, although you never know. 


    Some site claimed 4 more people are going. I'm not sure I believe it as a site can say anything. Lachlan and Pierce are likely going, so that would be 2 more we haven't heard about beyond them.

    probably Lawrence & Ronnie

  5. 2 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Not surprised. We all knew there were no tapes and this was Trump's attempt to distract us all. 

    distract from what? they haven't found any evidence a crime was committed 

  6. 3 hours ago, GH_Girl said:


    Makes sense to me. I have a family member who was pretty much in the same situation, father of young kids died, she eventually remarried and new husband adopted the kids, they added his last name to their names. Did Kevin and Joey become Kevin Riley Buchanan and Joey Riley Buchanan, or did they dump Riley altogether? 

    IDK, Kevin's birth name was Kevin Lord Riley and Joey's was Joseph Francis Riley Jr. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Roman said:

    couldn't have said it any better. 

    It's only been 6 months. give it till the end of the year....and these Trump idiots and morons will realize then (if they can actually think for themselves which I doubt) that they screwed the pooch on this Orange Creep and that God awful party. BUT...that's what happens when you have people vote with stupidity, sexism and racial hatred instead of good common sense. 

    i voted more for Pence and Trump getting to pick the SCOTUS than I did for him

  8. 18 minutes ago, Roman said:

    IMPO, HRC made the same mistake John Kerry did. You just run down your opponent and give someone to vote against.....you must give them someone to vote FOR. plus, she didn't visit the small towns like Obama did.....can't tell you how many stories I read in the aftermath were towns and small counties that voted for Obama overwhelmingly voted for Orange Hutt this time around. Then we have the Moron in Chief, who I now wonder....do some of these people now see what they did because of their blindness to what affects them instead of some stupid ass slogans like Marceline said?

    HRC never visited Wisconsin

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