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Posts posted by wingwalker

  1. 11 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    That's what I don't get. Honey was like a surrogate mom to him. Why destroy that? There are a plethora of characters they could've tossed him in orbit with. 


    I feel like they just throw Jay in stories to see what will stick. Sad part is that Jamie Borthwick is one of the strongest younger actors on this show. He should be one of the main younger actors to be driving story. 


    I suppose the same reason they decided to destroy Sharon and Ian's 30 year friendship. The show is 95% plot. They don't care about characters. 


    Jamie is a great young actor. Agreed that it is a shame how little he is used. Now a days Jay only exists to prop up Ben and Callum.  Part of me wishes he'd move on and try his talents elsewhere since EastEnders isn't using them, but I don't blame him for keeping a steady gig. 


  2. 9 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:



    And when did Honey and Jay become an item? What are people's thoughts on that pairing?


    That just started a few weeks ago. On one hand, Jay and Honey are two characters that almost never get a story or airtime, so I was happy they finally got one, but with Honey once being a surrogate mother figure in Jay's life, the pairing comes across as skeevy to me. 

  3. Glad to see EastEnders was rewarded for character assassinating Sharon with it's lowest ever Christmas Day Ratings. The show is complete garbage. 


    I also believe that while Kate Oates shares some blame (she does have power to veto these stories and replace Jon Sen) Jon Sen is mainly to blame. EastEnders was actually on the upswing for the brief period Kate Oates was flying solo at EastEnders. A lot of this mess began when Jon Sen started appearing in the credits as EP. 



  4. I used to watch Secret Lives, or at least part of it. They had a gay couple Elias and Lari that used to be pretty popular that someone used to subtitle in English. But then I think they killed off Elias and they stopped subtitling it. Which was sad because other, older gay character Kalle, was always my favorite and I believe still on the show. I actually preferred Lari and Kalle as couple, but I got the impression they were unpopular as a pairing.  



  5. I'm not the biggest Joe Scarbrough fan in the world, but his constant trolling this morning gave me life. We all know it's over and the media being to afraid to call it, for fear of Trump's reaction is why more and more people distrust and hate the them. I'm glad the anchors seem to be in open revolt now. 

  6. I understand the networks want to be very cautious, but we all know Trump isn't going to catch up to Biden in Pennsylvania, the math just isn't there. They need to call it.  The longer they let this drag out, the longer they let Trump spew lies and distort the truth. 

  7. Yeah, the Arizona thing is strange. Fox News Decision Desk is generally spot on. They actually just issued a statement a little while ago that they still stand by their call. The AP also called it, which they are normally the last one to call a state. They haven't retracted either. 


    I don't think it's going to matter anyways, by morning, Biden will be ahead in PA and likely win it. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, Faulkner said:



    You know it's not going well for the GOP when one of most partisan conservative hack judges in Texas rules against you.  Hillary lost Texas by 800K, these 127K normally wouldn't matter. Republicans must fear the polling in Texas showing Biden in striking distance is real. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Vee said:


     People are giving Trump some very stupid advice. Sure, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania might have Trump ahead at first, but Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Ohio will be the opposite, they all count early votes first and will have Biden ahead when they first start reporting. 



  10. 4 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Speaking of Act Blue can anyone tell me which races are competitive, so I can make some small donations? We have to repudiate these nuts completely.


    North Carolina and South Carolina Senate races are getting the most media attention. Iowa is starting to as well with the Democrat pulling ahead in the polling. 


    Three others that are flying under the radar and the media are ignoring, but I would keep an eye on are Alaska, Montana, and Kansas senate races. They've all had a couple of polls come out in recent weeks after months of no polling. The Democrat (or independent in the case of the Alaska challenger) are all either polling ahead or slightly behind. I think there is a decent possibility that at least 1 surprises the media and goes Democrat. 

  11. Cunningham is super lucky his news broke the same weekend the plague is running through the White House. It won't get nearly as much airtime in the press. It could certainly cost him the senate election, but there's enough seats in play Dems can still take the Senate. He did the smart thing and owned up to it and in terms of scandals go, as long there's not anything else, that's pretty mild. Voters can be forgiving if you own up and admit your mistakes. Since Biden and Gov. Cooper are polling ahead in North Carolina , they might help Cunningham squeeze out a win. 


  12. I don't think Lacey going on maternity leave disproves the other story. The actor that plays Max, is a high paid actor, leaving the show and from the articles, sounds like it was a show decision. Adam who plays Ian, is the highest paid actor on the show, is going on a ten week "story dictated break".  Actress who plays Sonia has yet to appear in a single new episode and the show has been back for 3 weeks. Judging from her social media, doesn't look like she's been filming much. 


    While it might not be a crisis as dire as that article makes it sound like, I think there is very much some degrees of truth to it. 


  13. 21 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    If Collins is trying to SAVE her seat, as she is a Republican, she won't join Romney/Murkowski. And even if she did, there would need to be a 4th. And good luck with that.


    She's a senator from Maine, not Alabama. The main reason she's polling about 8 point behind is because Maine voters hated that she voted for Kavanaugh and didn't vote to impeach Trump. She can't afford to cast another vote like that before election day. 


    While I do think getting 4 GOP senators is more possible than people think it is, the best plan is to ensure Biden wins and Dems take back the Senate. They can up the SCOTUS to 11 seats if need be and deal with the fallout later. 

  14. I think we a total of 4 GOP senators.  Romney is a good bet and according to twitter, he already joined Lisa Lisa Murkowski, though I can't 100% confirm.   Susan Collins is actually probably a good bet, not because she all of a sudden has a spine, but because she's about loose her job. Making the same promise is probably only hail marry that might save her. With those 3, if my math is correct, it makes it 50-50 and Pence can cast the tie breaking vote.  We'll need one more. 





  15. 19 hours ago, Skylover said:


    Did they have breaks from transmission and did their ratings improve once viewers realised they were back?


    They were off the air for about the same length that EastEnders was. Here's the link to the latest ratings thread: 



    Y&R is still way down. B&B looks to have recovered somewhat, but both are still 1 million lower versus last year. 

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