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Posts posted by wingwalker

  1. Does anyone think this season ahould have been the last?

    Next season they are gonna show both Mckinley & NYC where Finn Rachel and Kurt are. Im just wondering if that will work.

    I do, I don't think the premise of this show can last past 3-4 seasons. The Glee fad is largely over and ratings show it. Next year, airing after X-Factor/Idol results should help slow bleeding, but won't revive the show.

  2. National polls don't really matter, it's how they are doing in the individual states. Right now, Obama is 7 points ahead in Ohio, 8 ahead in Virginia, ahead 5 in Florida. And actually believe it or not, since Obama is ahead in Iowa, Nevada, CO, NM, it's possible for Obama to loose Ohio, Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina and STILL have 272 electoral votes, 2 more than needed to win. Obama has several paths to victory, Romney really only has 1.

  3. While I don't think this will do much nationally. Those who like Obama will like him more and those who hate him will hate him more, I think it could impact a few swing states like North Carolina and Virginia, but Obama could lose both and still win.

    Yeah, the gay marriage wasn't why Kerry lost, it was his awful campaign.

  4. Yeah pretty big news. I'm not surprised it's been a long time coming, I figured he would come out to support gay marriage, but I didn't think he would be until after the election, more risky to announce this now.

  5. As for Obama's re-election chances & possible 2nd term, I think Obama will probably get re-elected, but I don't think it's "inevitable" at all. For one, it's hard to unseat a President. Only 3 (4 if you count Ford) President's have failed to get re-elected to a second term in the past 100 years. You don't have to be popular to be re-elected, you just have to popular in the states that count. Obama got elected President with 365 electoral votes and 52.9%. Obama can probably only win 45% of the popular vote and still get enough electoral votes to win. The greatest asset a sitting president has is undecided voters. If come October, there is still 5-6% of the population undecided, history has shown undecided always break for the incumbent Present because if the challenger hasn't closed the deal by then, they won't in the last 30 days and undecided tend to keep the "evil they know over the evil they don't know".

    Other thing Obama has in his favor is what's motivating the Republicans. The motivation driving the GOP is they want to unseat Obama, there isn't much motivation to elect Romney (who will be the nominee). That rarely works in Presidential elections. You have to be motivated to vote FOR someone. People weren't just voting against Bush 1, people liked Clinton and voted for him. People didn't just vote against Carter, they liked Reagan and vote FOR Reagan. At this stage there is no force of people who genuinely like and plan to vote for Romney, all they have is that they hate Obama and that's not enough.

    If Obama gets a second term, I wouldn't expect much either, rarely does anything major get done in the second term of a President.

    I think the Dems can gain control of the House back They only need 23 seats to regain control and even with GOP in charge of most of the redistricting, that won't be too hard to hard in a Presidential election year, especially if Obama wins. I think Dems will probably loose Senate though.

  6. President Grover Cleveland was obese as well, but I bet even less people remember him. Yeah, I think there's a reason why we haven't elected an obese President since Taft...

    Yeah... nobody remembers Taft LOL! I do say the idea of him getting stuck in the white house bathtub makes me laugh my ass off! Max... I truly don't think it would do more harm than good... and if parts DON'T work, then portions can be repealed, adjustments can be made. Medicare had to have the wrinkles ironed out at first as well. Many Republicans just don't want it because Obama sponsored it. And that's why this new crop of candidates is losing credibility with the public. They are railing against the exact thing that NIXON propsed. I know they've disowned him, but that doens't change the fact that he DID have conservative support before watergate. It doesn't negate the fact that Nixon and the conservative establishment at that time, supported the same thing they decry today.

    And BTW!!! Carbonite, one of Rush's biggest sponsors has just pulled the plug!!! i'm so excited I can hardly stand it... and after Rush back pedaled, and stumbled all over himself to give an apology. Too little, too late!

    I wasn't alive back then, but actually didn't Nixon's proposal go even farther? I remember reading something about Ted Kennedy and Nixon almost struck a deal on heathcare. Talk about strange bed fellows. LOL

  7. The fact that Obama will win MI in November is hardly something for the Democrats to brag about either, given that the state last voted for a GOP presidential nominee in 1988. The "common knowledge" that MI is a swing state is total bullshit; the only reason why it even has a Republican governor is because 2010 was a wave GOP year (and a Republican wasn't elected to the Senate since 1994).

    Unfortunately, I do believe that Romney will be delusional and make a major play for MI in the general election; he'd even do so if he had zero ties to the state.

    I agree. When it comes to presidential elections, we are a blue state, not a "swing state". And according to this article, Romney has one field office in Michigan and relying on tv/radio ads. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/13/down-in-michigan-polls-romney-needs-to-find-his-base/.

    A Republican can't win in Michigan with strategy. A Democrat, probably, but not a Republican. Most of the population in Michigan is in the SE (Detroit, Flint, Lansing, Ann Arbor areas), which is also where most the Democrats & unions support is, so a Democrat can plaster the radio * tv air waves in the SE and hit most of their base, the Republican base isn't in the SE, it's most of the rest of the state, which is rural. To win you have to drive up the vote in those rural areas and to do that, you have to go to as many of small towns that have populations of 2-5k and knock on as many doors as possible.

    And his new OPT ED in the Detroit News won't help either: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120214/OPINION01/202140336/Romney-op-ed-Taxpayers-should-get-GM-shares-proceeds?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

    He can drink Vernors and Faygo pop till his teeth rot and talk about his dad being President of American Motors all he wants, Mr. Romney, you may have been born here, but you are no son of Detroit.

  8. As someone who lives in Michigan, a Republican isn't winning this state come Nov. Obama is, not just because of the auto industry, but Romney is no "favorite son". His dad was governor here, not him. Romney spent nearly entire adult life everywhere but Michigan. We also have a very unpopular Republican governor that will be a burden.

    As for the primary, it will be interesting because Michigan has an open primary, meaning you don't have to be a Republican to vote in the Republican primary. I hear many Democrats are voting for Santorum just to screw over Romney. Which is what they did in 2000. Since Gore was poised for the nom, the Dems voted McCain to screw over Bush.

  9. Another great episode. I know the triangle is Daniel/Emily/Jack which I'm liking, but I think Emily & Nolan could make an interesting couple. I doubt the show is going that direction, but they could almost be a Bonnie & Clyde type couple. LOL

    Tyler, he's definitely obsessed with Daniel & trying to ruin his life for some reason. I think he might be gay & has a crush on Daniel that wasn't reciprocated.

  10. I think that the current crop of candidates that are in or soon be in, will be the field. I don't see these "dream candidates" like Cristie or Jeb Bush that some are trying to get to run, changing their minds and jumping in. Of the current field, likely nominee is Romney, Pawlenty or Huntsman, with my bet on Romney. Personally, though if I were to vote for a Republican, I'd go with Huntsman. He seems the most intelligent, moderate and "real" of the bunch, but I don't see him getting the nom this round. I honestly think he'd be better off in 2016.

  11. Not a perfect storyline by any stretch of the imagination, but...well, I miss these two...

    "Is it always gonna be like this?"


    Oh, to think of what might have been...

    I was going to post this myself. Yeah, not a perfect story, but yeah, I miss them a lot too, even though they were not on for long, they were one of my favorite daytime couples & Kyle one of my favorite characters. :wub: Quite a milestone in tv history, one of the few actual gay sex scenes on network television, daytime or primetime.

  12. Judging Amy? How random.

    How many times do AWZ and VL share stories? I just wonder because

    at the moment both gay couples are having stories about the one who once identified as straight having sex with or believing he had sex with a woman.

    And both sound awful.

    How many times is AWZ going to have Deniz fall off the wagon & sleep with a chick? They should bring back Marc & reignite that Deniz/Roman/Marc triangle.

  13. Baring something surprising, Romney is getting the nomination. The person who came in second during the previous GOP Primaries almost always gets the nomination next time around. EX: Romney came in second in 2008 to McCain, Mccain came in second to Bush in 2000 primaries, W Bush while didn't run in 1996 primaries many GOP elites wanted him too, Dole came second in 1988 primaries, Bush senior came in second in 1980 primaries, Reagan came in second in 1976 and 1968 primaries. So history suggests Romney, who I find about as exciting as Bob Ross... :lol:

    I'd be shocked if Barbour or Huckabee got the nom. Mississippi, which Barbour is Governor of is ranked dead last in nearly everything, education, income, employment, etc...doesn't exactly inspire confidence. Plus he has controversial remarks in regards to race & civil rights. As for Huckabee, he as governor granted clemency to guy who then later in 2009 shot and killed 4 police officers...

  14. VL as a show confuses me. Christian and Olli are so popular, yet the show is scared to do anything with them. Even turning them both straight would probably get more interest than their stories over the last few years. Meanwhile you have this Rebecca who doesn't seem popular yet the show keeps pushing her at people, even having her become a lesbian overnight.

    I wonder if a lot of it has to do with the writer Tom Chroust? He's written for both VL and AWZ and I believe created both the gay couples Christian & Olli and Deniz & Roman. It seems every time he leaves one soap, one couple ceases to get story or airtime, and the couple on the show he joins, starts to get story again. Chrolli hasn't gotten a lot of story since Tom left after the Boxing storyline, when he arrived at AWZ, they put Roman & Deniz back together and gave them lots of stories, now he left AWZ for VL a couple months ago, Deniz & Roman are no longer getting story, so I suspect Christian & Ollie could get some attention soon.

  15. I love Deniz and Roman too. I'm excited about their upcoming story. Really, I love AWZ on a whole, from what I see. I wish they issued subtitled full episodes, cause I'd like watch the whole show. Show's really improved since Tom Chroust took over as HW last year.

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