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Posts posted by titan1978

  1. good actress, terrible character. They didn't know what to do with her.

    She came in right as Guza left for Sunset Beach. The character fell apart. But the actress wasn't great. But Soaps are not for everyone!

    Is it true that Alexis got some of Miranda's backstory?

    Does anyone remember when Guza came back but wasn't listed in the credits yet? He ended Felicia almost having an Aztec revisit, and Luke gave us the history of Alexis in one episode on the docks. He wanted those decks cleared!

  2. Culliton took over in Oct-Nov '96. I believe Miranda was all him.

    Guza outlines though. And his Miranda was going to be a Cassadine. They kept her ties to Jax and downplayed the Mac part of the story that he was building. I wonder if he was going to have Mac take a dark turn?

  3. Tony gets all the acting accolades, the Emmys, and is clearly favored by TPTB. I'm not saying at his peak he didn't desrve it. But the magic of Genie with him is that it kind of grounds his performances, not to mention gives Luke a heart.

    The longer she is away, the worse his instincts are. He goes bigger, and darker, and it lacks depth and meaning without the Laura character. My opinion of course.

    I think she is overlooked. I would rather have Laura onscreen without Luke than Luke without her.

  4. Laura Wright plays the Carly that became with TB in the part. She is a competent actress, I enjoy her fine in the part.

    But Sarah was so excellent. You could root for her at times, and other times you were against her. But the other characters had a point of view, so people like Bobbie and Robin and Jason and the Quartermaines had valid reasons for being against her.

    But once she was paired with Sonny a lot of that went away. It got worse when Riche left and JFP got there.

  5. Jeff Webber!

    The first and better Rick Webber!

    In the 1970s, Jeff, Rick, and Scotty Baldwin were all on my "to marry" wishlist!

    How long did the OG version of Rick last into Monty? I've seen him in lots of clips but the show is so boring until Marland arrived. I've never seen what he can do with more meaty material.

  6. I think her vision was fine, for this show. It gave it s strong identity. It was when everyone else tried to do it on their shows that we had problems.

    But I do agree those first few years of her run were the best. I would argue that it's pretty solid until just after Luke&Laura get married. The first year after Genie left is pretty awful in nearly every story except maybe Alan/Monica, and I think it truly took until the introduction of Anna and Robin to right the ship. But I think Pat Falken Smith had returned. When Monty has good, strong writing the show was fantastic.

  7. Kin's always been one of the most beloved GH actors of all, by colleagues, fans and the soap press alike. I've never heard a bad word said about him.

    It does seem that way doesn't it? Even the more reserved cast members, like Genie, are still good friends with him. The interview with Geary, Kin, and Jane from a year ago was so funny.

  8. I was watching episodes and clips from 2004. This scene is so sad. I don't care what I think of Jason/Sonny/Carly. This scene was still one of the saddest ever on GH.


    I miss when this show had substance. It's now all cheese and no meat.

    I was watching back then and none of those scenes bring back any memories. I googled the storyline, and I'm drawing a blank. This must have been Guza/Pratt but after they killed Rick Webber and Genie Francis quit. I stopped watching for a few months, and was already sick of Jason, Sonny, and Carly.

  9. I always loved her. Frisco and Felicia were the first super couple it saw from the beginning as a kid.

    She was always so charming and curious and fun, and the show nearly ruined her character.

    I will always remember how much fun she was with Frisco, her awesome storylines with Ryan and Kevin, and her powerful work during the BJ storyline. Felicia learning that Barbara Jean's heart saved her daughter is a heartbreaking moment, the the best acting of Wagner 's career on the show.

  10. So many missed stories with Monica. Sonny is her arch enemy as of the end of the 1990's. A good writer/EP would play that up. What if Sonny was shot in the heart, and Monica had to operate on him. He has a blood clot during the surgery, is saved but has a stroke. Sonny is compromised, Monica isn't sure if she did everything she could, or if she cares what happened to him, and begins a journey to fill that house and herself with life again while Sonny is fighting to either give up, or try to win his life back. A story neither one have had before, with stakes and both characters not being compromised.

  11. Knots Landing is my favorite primetime soap, I wish soapnet would bring it back. Dallas and Melrose are a close second and third. I also wish that the short-lived Savannah would have caught on, it could have been great.

    I forgot about Savannah. That one was great, and it was a hit with critics if I remember correctly, thanks to good acting and decent writing. I remember Entertainment Weekly was very fond of it.

  12. I do too. Season 1 sales werent great. But neither was Dynasty and luckly we are getting Season 2 in Aug.

    I would be fine with skipping to season 4 of Knots. They can add the end of 3 when gary gets caught with Abby, and go from there. That is when the show takes off anyway, when Val leaves Gary, and he falls apart while with Abby. It rocks for years from that point on, almost every major storyline is a winner.

  13. For me, the two that hold up the best in repeat viewing are Knots Landing and Melore Place. I still get totally invested in the story about Val's twins and Abby's first few years clawing her way to the top. I still get chills when Kimberly returned from the dead, and Sydney was up to her antics.

    I watched and enjoyed many of the soaps talked about in this thread, but those two stand out. I wish TPTB would put out more Knots on DVD.

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