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Posts posted by titan1978

  1. 2 hours ago, slick jones said:

    A healthy mix if the characters people WANT to watch in decent stories.  Seeing streetsmart Bobbie confront Nelle is like seeing Aunt Ruby reading Scotty Baldwin and Lucy Coe at Kelly's BITD. 

    Another dearly departed and missed character.  Ruby giving Brenda shade as a teen, then their friendship did more to make me like Brenda as a character than her later pairing with Sonny.  Ruby didn't take her crap but you could tell she was fond of her.


    I loved how much time the teens of the early 1990's spent at Kelly's, and how much a part of their lives Ruby was.

  2. 1 hour ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Of all soaps, GH in particular should have a compassionate, older-and-wiser doctor as its patriarch. I think either Alan or Tony could have filled that role as time gone by, so losing BOTH these key characters was one of the show's many blunders.

    Alan worked best for me when he was a good doctor that could do some shady stuff in his private life.  No need to try to turn him into Steve.  But the right actor and story could have given us Tom or Jeff Webber and everything would have been fine.  Or not destroyed Rick Webber in such a terrible story and kept him when her returned for Laura's exit story.  The show needs that grounded older hospital character.


    No way JFP would have gone  this route, nor Guza, but when Leslie came back they should have let her get back her life as a doctor and have her fight for chief of staff.


    I grew up watching the show, Starting at the  tail end of Luke and Laura, her return from the Cassadines.  I loved Steve Hardy and Jessie, even if they didn't have stories I liked seeing them.


    When these shows want sexy they always go younger.  Well Donna Mills and Ted Shackleford were not young when Knots Landing paired them and no couple was ever hotter on that show IMO.  Invest in people that aren't just kids, your shows need them!

  3. On 12/13/2016 at 11:57 AM, vetsoapfan said:


    As someone who watched DOOL during the Bell/Falken-Smith years, when it was a well-written, nuanced, adult drama, watching it turned into such atrocious, embarrassing crap was just painful. I have no problem with this sort of material being presented on shows which were created and designed for it, but DOOL was NOT one of them. It's like watching the Great Gazoo descending upon Downton Abbey, impregnating Mary with semen from an alien race, turning Matthew into a serial-killing transvestite, and having Maggie Smith masturbating dwarves for extra cash in the barn.



    I agreed and quit watching at the time, around the time they started dragging out the exorcism because of all the attention the show was getting.


    What really sucks is he had me from the beginning of his stint until then.  I adored his Hope return story, Sami up to that point, Lucas/Kate/BillieAustin/Curtis story, the Marlena/John affair.  About as out there as I needed was Carly buried alive, which I enjoyed the hell out of.  Lots of really great DAYS stories until he dug in deep to a gothic and camp style which became the whole show.  I just couldn't take it anymore.

  4. I think GH fell apart during the latter half of 1998 to be honest, and never found its footing again (and that was WITH Riche). 

    I do not disagree.  Guza was fired as I recall.  Laura was sidelined.  For me, the recast Lucky and Nikolas were awful and had more chemistry with each other than any romantic pairing.  Roy should have been left in the past and Bobbie should have had a fresh love interest.  Angel and Hannah were both awful replacements for Brenda.  We spent forever fighting to get Michael and it made the Q's insufferable.  Burton fought his intended pairing with Carly in every scene they shared.  Stefan was destroyed.  The repeat death for Katherine was a waste.  I would rather forget Chloe and that sister for Alexis whose name I can't remember.  Luke and Felicia was terrible for both of them.  I could go on and on lol.


    This is one of Emma Caulfield's appearances as Carly's scheming partner. This is also about a week before Luza officially rejoined as head writer. 

    When I was watching at that time, it was pretty clear he had already started moving the stories in new directions because the show was a mess and suddenly, it got good again.  Guza was a great writer for GH for his first HW stint, and this one until the death of Lucky.  But once Riche was gone he was just awful most of the time.


    I think the only reason I enjoyed Ron's first year was because he wrote the show as an ensemble, and not as Jason/Sonny/Carly hour.

  6. The Panic Room, the Contagion arc, the first Laura wakes up from her coma, Brenda is alive and the Metro Court hostage event were all entertaining to me.  The Laura one was the only story that was all heart and character work versus plot and action, but I enjoyed them all.


    The problem was during Guza's first two runs, I enjoyed enough of what happened in between his big events that I was still a regular viewer.  Some of that I have learned was because Riche was forcing his hand on including characters he would later ignore or write out.  With JFP, I began to hate more of the events, and the treading water between events, and the near total domination of misery and the same 5 characters being featured all the time.  If you weren't Jason, Sam, Sonny, Carly, or Michael (no child character from baby to teen to adult has ever been the focus of more on this show than him), you were on twice a week at best, and only if you were in Luke's orbit, or in the orbit of those 5.

  7. Jake Weary (Luke Snyder, ATWT) is a regular on Animal Kingdom on TNT. His character was having sex with a guy in a beach bathroom when his nephew showed up...

    I guess he is older now and a little less nervous about playing a gay character.  That was the rumor at the time correct?  He wanted off ATWT because Luke was going to be gay?  

  8. When I read articles about classic era soaps, it's always so fascinating how intimate they seem.  I grew up after the Monty era when they all opened up the storytelling scope.  It's hard to imagine the small cast of main characters never crossing paths on GH pre 1978, and yet after the early 1980's, lots of soaps had characters that never crossed paths.  Y&R a prime example.  We good more diverse stories, and settings, but less character and less of that small town feel.



  9. You wanna talk about "smart tv"?  THAT was "smart tv".  It hurt like hell to see Robin Scorpio lose the young man who, to this day, I consider the actual love of her life.  Very timely, and very heartbreaking.

    I just remember watching thinking Stone was going to die and Robin was not going to be HIV+ because it was Robin and soaps just don't go there.  If you have ever know anyone that died from complications of AIDS, this was the single most realistic version I have ever seen.  And only a soap could do that, because we saw Stone each week getting weaker, having multiple illnesses, how the community reacted, and how his estranged family treated him.  It was a beautiful love story about several characters.


    For all his faults later on, I will still take Guza's first six months and the first year he was there when he came back from Sunset Beach.


  10. The two Grants. Not the best storyline in GH history. But it did lead to the fantastic Anna story.

    I'm not really a fan of the Rick and Lesley of this era either. I think they needed more drama and less light fluffy material.

    Brock was such a jerk.

  11. I miss John Beradino!

    Me too. He really brought a lot to the show, his scenes, and the hospital.

    Jessie really was a suffering heroine. And from what I have seen and read about the early years, it was a real miss to not pair them. But like life that way too. I remember that GH anniversary special where Ames stated they were the couple that should have been together but never was.

  12. Awesome clip! Love seeing Felicia and Mariah, not to mention Ruby.

    I was a kid watching when Sean arrived, was bad news, and had his affair with Monica. I would kind of be okay with him someday being revealed as a bad guy again. I think he worked better as darker than Anna and Robert, and had been made too much a good guy when he left in the 1990's.

  13. I thought the original Passions cast was mostly awful and miscast, james being a pretty good example. I think they did a better job with the casting at Sunset Beach, they just had writing with no clear point of view. Aside from a few key people Reilly had some of the worst actors when Passions began.

  14. Frisco was hot back then wasn't he? Frisco and Felicia were my GH gateway back when I was a little kid. My whole family watched ABC soaps, but the first time I wanted to watch for myself was when Felicia showed up.

  15. The first part of that video is such a perfect time capsule to how good Y&R was then, and a clear example of Bill Bell's style at a peak time for the show. If you watch that, then anything from the last 15 years, you can't help but see how far the show is from his formula. And not for the better.

    Is it dated? Slow? Maybe. Or maybe it's classic and methodical.

    And this is coming from a GH fan. The shows could not be more different at their peaks, and I love them for how they are not like each other!

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