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Everything posted by AllMyDaysatGH

  1. Great story, again loving all the character interactions. Chandler/Cortlandt feud is in full force! LOL but what is Tad doing watching the Vh1 channel with Kathy?? LOL!!
  2. AMC needs to bring Sam Page back as Trey! I want to see Kendall interacting with her brother again! Good to see him in your fan-fic ;-) Love Caleb, Andrew, and Ross taking charge and annoucning it's their company, love all of the business dramas, I'm sure a lot is in store. i love business stories on soaps. loved the ending with Ross toasting to Palmer!
  3. Lol, the Zendall part was cute, good to read them as happy! Not familiar with Lincoln or Kelly, but they are nice additions and i liked their interactions with Bianca. Goo that Bianca & Reese are still together
  4. I thought Aidan and Kat had so much chem last year before Aidan left, glad you continued on with that and brought Kat back!
  5. Ooo Petey's back and doesn't look like he lies Damon very much, naturally ;-). And good for Amanda for confiding in Tim, hopefully she moves on from Janet now, unless she shows up again lol.
  6. Love JR and Annie, so glad you have them together, as they should be good that JR and Marissa are still friends, and I'm glad both JR and Scott admitted that they weren't really in love with Marissa or Scott. Maybe they were, but they were not meant to be. Good to see Tim back, wonder what he will do next in PV.
  7. So glad Marian and Aidan are back! I thought Aidan knew Greenlee was alive already? Great to see him back though. This is perfect. Jessie, Tad and Aidan all owning a PI business together!
  8. Great first episode! I'm glad Jessie resigned. JMO, but he needs to do the same thing on the real AMC, LOL! Making Anna and Derek Chiefs of Police was nice, will be interested in what they do next. Also like that you used Brot and Natalia. The Martin and Hubbard PI business is clever! I would much prefer Jessie and Tad, who are best friends, do that on the real AMC also. So far so good, looking forward to your next ep, ;-).
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