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Mr. Vixen

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Posts posted by Mr. Vixen

  1. Oh I agree there was definitely some odd stuff.going on with cindu. But I still loved Cindy, and Kim.

    I also loved Lorna and was sad when RC left. I think she left for OLTL, right? I remember it being around that time.

  2. +1! Couldn't have said the first part better. She really did have what the soaps need....The ability to play all different stories. The ability to play a bitch, without coming across as unsympathetic and bitchy-for-the-sake-of-being-bitchy.

    There were times when Cindy wasn't written very well, but you're right. Kim always made it work and it was easy to overlook the shaky writing bc of her portrayal.

    In many ways I think she could have made a good Carly recast on GH. Kim was good at playing a lot of the elements that Carly originall had.

    I didn't knowthe part about the acting school. That's really cool!

  3. thanks so much carl! i always loved Another World, and I still miss it. Cindy was probably my favorite in the later years.

    I've always wished Kim Rhodes would pop up on another soap. She was so good as a classic, soapy bitch. LOL

  4. I'm so hazy with all of that time period. I was just having a "soap-reminiscent" night and for whatever odd reason Cindy Harrison popped into my mind. And I became curious because I couldn't remember exactly what ushered her in, etc. I just remembered I loved the character. But now I remember that whole storyline pretty well, thanks to your clips.

    Are there any clips of Kim Rhodes/Cindy on ATWT? I missed pretty much all of the crossover.

  5. April 1st is my daughter's birthday. My brother is the one who brought it to her attention when she was about 7 or 8 that there was such a thing as "April Fool's Day", and she is still confused as to why people think it's okay to be mean and lie to each other. I haven't seen or experienced a prank in years so I'm hoping in some circles people are getting over it.

    I hope they are. That would be awful for your daughter if people played jokes on her on her birthday :(

    But I'm definitely hoping it's going away. I've never been a fan, and the day generally puts me in a pissy mood. LOL.

  6. Yes! Stop the mob and rebuild the families.

    Use the young blood with rich connections, but also USE those connections. Have Monica, Bobbie, Lesley, etc. Thoroughly involved in those stories through relating their expriences.

    But also give them their only storylines. Play on the old friendships. Give some of the over 50s a love storyline.

  7. My speculation:

    Brenda will bond with her son. Something will happen, and she will end up with custody of him. She'll fall madly in love with him, and begin to see just how dangerous Sonny's life is. She becomes uneasy about raising her son in a mob orbit. She will tell Sonny that he needs to leave the mob if he wants to be a part of her and her sons life. Sonny will tell her it's just not that easy, and Brenda will realize she needs to put her son first. Heartbroken, she leaves town with Lucian.

  8. Becky's last tape date was supposed to be March 18th. That means she probably would have exited sometime next week. This leads me to to believe this was Becky's exit. She was supposed to have a 123 mental breakdown and then leave ASAP.

    I think TPTB are 100% pissed about BH staying. They've had no use for the character in years. They've done everything they could to trash the character, and they obviously wanted her gone. But the fan response was rabid, and they knew they would lose viewers just like they did with STuart Damon and Natalia Livingston. So they reversed their decision and it made them look like a-holes. And I firmly believe they will take that out in the writing of Liz.

    Liz is far from a dead end character. Written properly, she has more use and connections than all of the people currently being utilized.

  9. I keep forgetting about Geary's vacation.

    And while the story is about Luke NOW, I have a feeling it wasn't always going to be so. This was written as BEcky's exit story, and had she actually left there probably would have been more of her. And the Luke stuff would have been rushed. But now it's vice versa because Becky is staying, and TIIC are pissed about it.

    Just my thoughts.

  10. I agree. I don't have a problem with the story. I would have much rather it been an umbrella story that took more time. At least a week, preferably 2-3 of Jake and Joss in the hospital. And Joss should have been sick at least 3-4 weeks before Jake was hit. And THEN I would have liked to see this Luke is the driver stuff.

    They could have gotten MONTHS of story out of this, but for some reason they're feeling the need to seriously compress it.

    But you're right, the only glaring problem is Bobbie's absence. We seriously can't even get a referrence? It just makes no sense at all.

  11. I agree. I mean, I found Audrey's absence to be strange. But then again, RA is retired. That's the reason they should actually WRITE people out.

    Lesley is odd too. DA is supposed to be on recurring (though I'm not sure anymore as she's been removed from the ABC site).

    But Bobbie is just a huge hole. How can you say a character is on recurring when they don't even appear?

    The true Bobbie would NEVER not be there for her family during this.

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