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Mr. Vixen

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Posts posted by Mr. Vixen

  1. Good for you… make it happen.

    And I love my banner more each time I look at it. :D

    Thanks for the encouragement! :) Couldn't do it without you MamaBear!

    And I am so so glad you like the banner. I'd never done a two-picture one before, so I hope it turned out ok. :)

  2. Oh I know none of those things are going to happen. They're not even dreams, they're more m creative ideas. I know I'm never going to write GH but I can't help imagining how things would be if I did.

    So no, I don't think they will ever rebuild the Qs. But what I was saying was tht its entirely possible, and clearly is just not a priority.

    Don't be surprised if you see some of those ideas pop up in "The Real General Hospital" ...They've been brewing in mymind for quite some time.

  3. If Guza is out...Along with Maurice and Vanessa...MAYBE we could see some more Bobbie, Monica, Edward ,Tracy, Lesley,etc......

    They really could expand the Q's VERY easily.

    1) Bring back Ned and Dillon (recast if you have to, if the originals won't come back...)

    2) Bring back Skye and make her a REAL Quartermaine. Say that Rae lied about Skye NOT being a Quartermaine to protect her. The Q's treated Rae so poorly, and she was afraid they would do the same to Skye, so she lied and said she wasn't a Q.

    3) Bring back Celia Quartermaine. Not much was ever done with her...Recast if the original won't come back. It's basically a blank slate with a lot of potential and connections.

    4) Let Celia have a son or daughter around 25 years old to mix it up in ELQ.

    4) Have Tracy have a secret daughter....Before she returned to town in 1989 she had a baby with an abusive fiancee. She never mentioned the baby again because it was the most painful experience of her life. The only living soul who knows about the child, Becca, is Luke.

    5) Throw BrookLynn back into the Q orbit. Have her launch an entertainment division of ELQ, ushering Ned and Lois back in.

    6) Bring back AJ. He never really died, but Alan took pity on him. HE didn't want his son to suffer anymore so he took a comatose AJ and put him in a rehab facility in Europe and no one knew...But what happens when he wakes up and returns to PC?!

    7) Bring Alan back in...Hmm...How about using Heather Webber? She escaped from whatever nut-house she was in. She immediately returned to lurk outside of PC, plotting her revenge on the Qs for the way she was sent off. This just happened to co-inside with Alan's heart-attack. She flew off and bought a top-secret drug, which she administered to Alan. This made his pulse so low that he was proclaimed dead. When everyone thought Alan was dead, Heather whisked him away and hired a nurse to take care of him. BUT then she got taken back to the nuthouse, so a private nurse cares for Alan in private. Now Heather is out and her revenge commences. She gives Alan an antidote and he wakes up...But she drugs him so he doesn't have his memories...And throws him back into the Qs! How long will the Qs suffer with this Alan look-alike before they find out it IS Alan, and he gets his memories back?

    There...A Whole family restructured.

  4. Looking back I don't know that BJ's Heart would have the impact today. We knew for weeks that Jake's death was coming - years if you read all the spoilers and how Guza planned on killing Jake before now. He was a kid that was never meant to be, sadly enough. Even if I'm to look back the only two stand-out scenes were Felicia crumbling to the floor and saying "not Barbara Jean" and Tony listening for BJ's heart in Maxie. Outside of that I think it was epic because it was the first story done like that. But todays' viewers wouldn't understand the importance of the story from YT clips. They wouldn't understand how Bobbie and Tony got to that place of pain, nor great Felicia and Frisco has been before he left, or what BJ meant to Bobbie in a world before Carly existed. Outside of that is was just good soapy writing, and we still get that today. The dialogue might not always be as deep and the scenes might not be as long, but that's in answer to short attention spans not abilities of the creative minds involved.

    That's a great post, remos! I have to agree. The story wouldn't be as profound today. Mainly because the writing wouldn't be the same. Because while we do get the soapy stuff now, Guza doesn't understand family and emotional connections the way other writers do. But even if the whole storyline aired exactly the same as it did in 1994, it would be different. Because of stupid online spoilers, where everyone judges before airing. I'm guilty of it, and sadly most times I'm right.

    However, I have to add one thing to your list of truly memorable moments from the storyline. Those two really stand out, but also this clip:


    When Bobbie turns around like that? Heartbreaking, and something that always stood out to me...Also, I remember seeing it in both an ET special about GH and an E TV special as well. (Not sure if you have those up in Canada, but they're very mainstream here). SO, I think that clip is pretty identified with, as well.

  5. He was actually drawn in by Josslyn's cancer.

    But in all honesty SB, we would get a lot out of it because we watched BJ's Heart originally and both love Bobbie. It wouldn't mean anything to a 10 year old boy who only really knows Tracy and Luke on sight. Quite frankly I'm surprised he stuck around as long as he did.

    Oh I apologize for saying she! I knew you had a daughter so I just assumed that's who you were talking about!

    Maybe you're tright lol. Sometimes I forget about age. I just know that the story always had a profound effect on me, LOL!

  6. By the way, how do you all like the new siggy/avatar?

    I know I said the next one would be Jane but...i'm having some trouble finding new pictures/ones I haven't used before. I'm gonna have to figure something else out.

    Meanwhile, I decided to make it Leslie. My last one was Bobbie, and this one is Monica since BOTH of them have been left out of this storyline. My little way of honoring history.

  7. Well I'm glad there's no funeral. That might be too hard.

    Also, I would rather see vets back as woodwork than not at all. Better to have them there and not talking then not at all. An absence is far more glaring.

    That's what I thought about the Maxie/Spinelli wedding last year. Bobbie was there, but she didn't talk. I thought it was very appropriate that she was there, because of the Maxie/Bobbie history. Was I disappointed she didn't talk? Yeah...But it was an acknowledgement to history and I appreciated. The same goes with Josslyn's christening.

    But absence, like at LuNacy's wedding, is far more jarring and glaring.

  8. I don't think that's true. At other boards I read NUMEROUS people saying things like:

    "I've only been watching since 2008, so I don't know as much about history...But I feel that Laura and Bobbie should be there. It makes no sense for them not to be."


    "I've never even seen Audrey, but they mention her enough to know Liz is close to her...Why wouldn't she be at Jake's funeral?"

    Even new fans realize how dumb this is.

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