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Mr. Vixen

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Posts posted by Mr. Vixen

  1. I agree, boo. I was talking to a few friends about the show at dinner the other night and I said something along the lines of "Remember when Cookie casually had that man murdered for no reason?" and my friends was like "And then they never talked about it again?"

    So we aren't the only ones who noticed that.

    But you're right, it's not nitpicking - it's just discussion.

  2. LOL. I guess she's gonna try and pull a Nicki now

    LOL so true! Good luck to her. She based too much of her career on ripping of Madonna and, to a lesser extent, artists like Bette Midler and Cher, to ever really be her own artist now

  3. sheree-eating-cake.gif?w=347&h=204

    I never liked Kim....NEVER. I used to love Phaedra when she first started and was fun but she's gotten so ugly and unlikeable the past couple of seasons and the bubbly humor she had going for her went out the window. Sheree? I loved to hate her. I never liked her but thought she made for a good villain and as a result loved what she brought to the table. Her last year though was pathetic bc she had nothing going on in her personal life and she turned on Nene (and Cynthia and Kandi) out of nowhere bc she needed a storyline

    Don't get me wrong, I liked Sheree from time to time, and I'd take her back in a heartbeat. But there were times when I genuinely hated that heifer! Even though she's from my hometown and grew up 10 steps from my mom! Lol

  4. Lol I'm not here to be Phaedra's character witness. All I'm saying despite her many issues she's miles ahead of where Kenya is the grand scheme of things and I can at least respect her hustle and her family.

    Kenya I just view as a clown who just keeps saying silly stuff for more attention.

    Thank you

  5. Brandon, boo. You gave an entire list of "facts" about Phaedra's marriage and how she "only wanted a man" and "used him", when you have no proof of those things, and are just surmising. Then you turn around and say "Nobody knows what went down between Kenya and Walter except them!!!". Come on now boo, if you're gonna read between the lines and state assumptions as fact about one couple, you've gotta do it about every couple

  6. Naomi? I guess she did great if we are measuring her ability to read and get the lines out. I wouldnt call that acting though

    Yeah, I think she's good. Not earth shattering but she does well with what they give her.

    I think Naomi does a good job too. She isn't on Courtney's level where her acting can move you, where she's raw and live...but Naomi is very good in a decorative part.

    Agreed. Courtney is really doing amazing work. Like I said, she had me in tears in that bathroom seen with Cookie.

    I love it!

    Thanks boo. So glad you changed your avatar as well. :)

  7. Apparently some people were trying to start some mess saying since Gabby wasn't in every episode, she must've been fired. Gabby shut it down and let them know she wasn't in every episode because she was also filming American Horror Story. YASS bitch, keep werkin', keep gettin' those coins!

  8. What a great episode this week.

    I cried during the Cookie/Elle scene. How heartbreaking for poor Elle. Courtney Love is killing it.

    Anika is an evil !@#$%^&*] and I cannot wait until she dies (and I'll be so pissed if she doesn't!).

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