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Posts posted by ChitHappens

  1. For those happy and sad about Kim's exit from RHOA, she's posted on Twitter she only exited for this season due to her pregnancy. She'll be back next season full-time. My guess is that she'll exit in Dec 2nd episode, her spin-off will premiere while RHOA is still airing, she'll appear at the reunion and then back to status quo next year.

    You just couldn't let me be happy for a little while, could you jeal0002.gifjeal0002.gifjeal0002.gif

  2. Lisa rules, and the best line of the night was "if I did what I was accused of, why would you want to hang around me". Bravo Lisa! I would not want to be around someone who did what Adrienne accused Lisa of, which means it was bullchit from the get!

    Loving Yolanda! Love love Love her hubby, David! Musical Genuis! Love him!

    I honestly believe there should be a warning before showing Taylor. That woman's face is a wreck! Totally gross. She and Brandy could easily be good examples of botched botox/plastic surgeries. In fact, they need to do a segment of botched jobs on RHOBH. Yuck!

    There are no words to properly convey my complete and utter disgust for all things Kyle Richards! None!

    Adrienne and Paul who? Losers!

  3. I don't think Kenya came off bad at all this episode. She was fabulous. Porsha was VERY immature and an harassment to her charity. She was more concerned with her gifts and throwing a party for herself than raising money. Kenya had every right to be upset about the Miss America thing because her name was being used to promote this charity and Porsha should've done her research. It was completely unprofessional. She should've known the title and the year OR DON'T BRING IT UP.

    Porsha in general was a total idiot. And I wonder who came up with the idea to put "picture" in her tagline when she pronounces it as "pitcher." Just a Rich Hoodrat Valley Girl.

    I can't imagine Porsha felt Kenya would be a big draw for that event. Kenya was more disappointed that nobody gave a damn about her, but I did totally understand her problem with Porsha. Porsha stinks at public speaking, and if she was going to use a past event of Kenya's, she should have gotten it right.

    Porsha is the wrong housewife for this show. Totally wrong! She's a dumb trophy wife with absolutely no appeal!

  4. dont you just love how she compared herself to Michelle Obama as if not being able to differentiate between USA and Zimbabwe is thd same as mistaking USA with America

    Was that the craziest comparison or what? Kenya needs to bring it down because she only ends up looking like a fool. She is so jealous! Sheree would come in handy right about now so that Kenya won't look so bad - she'd be the 2nd biggest loser on the show. Sheree tops the charts in the "delusions of grandeur" department.

  5. Wow Porsha! What a collosal disappointment you turned out to be. She's a ditz. No edge and barely a personality. She almost had me rooting for Kenya.

    How soon before Kim is gone?

    Kenya! Nobody gives 2 chits about Miss USA from 19xx! Vanessa Williams is very well known and does not have to be introduced as The Former Miss America (for 2 seconds anyway...the scandal put her on the map, however). VW is mega talented and has no trouble booking jobs. People know who she is because she's done things beyond Miss America. STFU Kenya about being Miss USA and moved the hell on! It's embarrassing!

    I don't want Nene to take Greg back because I don't find him sincere.

    When is Kim leaving?

    I almost forgot Cynthia was in the eppy last night.

    Phaedra is such an original character. She cracks me up, but does anyone on TV wear more makeup than her? Good lord!

    Kim is gone exactly when?

    Lawrence, please go away! Hate that thing!

  6. Ann, it's not healthy to be this excited about an ending. I absolutely loved Michonne finding the group as she walked amongst The Walkers with the basket as her signal that she was human. Daryl finding Carol was so awesome, and The Gov with 2 prisoners from the group? HELL YEAH! Can't wait for the next eppy!

    See, I thought Andrea wanted to work the wall so that she could leave, but no, she's just a twisted sister.

  7. All HAIL Empress Lisa. She is so utterly fabulous. I could explode with love for this woman. In life, there are winners and there are losers and Lisa is the archetypical WINNER.

    I just have no sh*ts to give for Adrienne. She is such a nasty bitch. Kyle is trying to be Mrs Perfect Fabulous and it comes across as fake as hell and major sh*t stirring. Props to Brandi for fleeing that nightmare of a birthday party. Kim is a subdued wreck, clearly. Camille seems to be back to her season 1 levels of bitch, she's just as much a sh*t stirrer as Kyle.Taylor was wasted at a children's birthday party which I thought was disgusting, she's such a plastic pig. Although Yolanda came off as a stage mother, she was BANG ON with how that modelling shoot went and I love how icy she is.

    It's clear that only Yolanda and Brandi give a damn about Lisa. Kyle, Adrienne, Taylor and Camille are against her. And Kim doesn't know if she's even in LA County.

    LMAO!!!!!!!! +1

    Lisa is total FABULOUSNESS! I really love how Lisa didn't care one way or the other about Adrienne as Kyle pretends to be the piecemaker. Hate her ass! Adrienne is so affected by Lisa's snub that she doesn't know what to do with herself. The richest of them all but needs to be in Lisa's inner circle! Clown!

  8. Buwahah!

    I don't miss her, but I do kinda miss watching her be a total poser. She was just so desperate to look like a wealthy socialite. Yeah! Broke ass!

    Yes, I agree that Kim's relevance went out the window as of last season when she suddenly acted like her gold-digging ways never happened. Bitch please. Your past will forever live on in reruns.

    I miss Lisa Wu-Hartwell too (I miss her husband even more... Goddamn he was fine!) So incredibly fine! Loved him! I would so go 1/2 with him on a child!

    I couldn't help but notice that big girl in the background during Kenya's scene. LOL. God, I so want to visit Atlanta and see this magical place for myself, full of half-man/half-woman creatures roaming the streets in 6-inch stilettos. ROTFLMAO!

    Nobody does icequeen stares like Beverly Hills' Lisa. Adrienne is outta her league. Can't wait for the confrontation. Love Lisa! She is a goddess!

  9. On the surface, I can see why Sherry's absence isn't felt as deeply (if at all) since NeNe being BFF with Andy ensured that Sherry would be made less relevant through the course of every season after season 2. Still, I can't help but have a soft spot for the chick who went to town on Party Planner while 'tugging' on Elmer's wig.

    At this point, does Elmer have any fans left? IMO, she hasn't been relevant since since the days of Big Poppa. I haven't seen any and those that were rightfully woke up and smelled the coffee once they saw how ratchet she was treating Sweetie (who I could've sworn was "freed" after that Rickey Smiley petition went viral).

    Sheree threw way too many parties for herself trying to prove her relevance with her broke ass. Hopefully, she has not gone back to peddling Chit By Sheree. That clothing line was hideous. I'd love to see Lisa back, but I can't wait for Porsha, and that's only because I need someone to step in Kendra's ass!

    Sweetie? I guess everybody needs a paycheck. She even tried to make herself pretty this season. Didn't work, but gotta give a girl credit for trying.

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