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Posts posted by ChitHappens

  1. I'm afraid of what will happen to my show without Mazzara. Not familiar with his other work, but I absolutely love where he's taken TWD! I see inferior show runners lining up for the job and AMC counting their revenue while thinking that only blood and guts is what put this show on the map. They figure that's easy and anyone can do it. Idiots!

    Be afraid. Be very afraid!

  2. Kyle is only mad at Kim for telling Adrienne because Kyle wanted to be the one to stir the pot. That's her role!

    Faye is trashy, catty, messy, and desperate, but she owns it like no one else. Gotta give it to her!

    I think you are on to something here. Kim took on Kyle's role of pretending to do a good thing when she's really just starting chit, and Kyle is upset about that. Great observation! Kim is dead on when she said Kyle started this whole thing.

    Right -- this bitch is killing me tryna come for Brandi.

    Brandi is trying to control her outbursts, but she picked the wrong time to do it because she needed to read that monkey faced bitch! Brandi showed remarkable restraint.

  3. RHOBH

    Kim is really becoming an interesting housewife, and she got major points tonight when she said Kyle lit the fuse! At Sur, Kyle started it! She's just upset that the chit hit the fan at Mauricio's event. She doesn't care about ruining anyone else's event. Just not Mauricio's. Bitch!

    Mauricio, you need to look at your wife when you want to list gossiping lying bitches.

  4. All I saw Porscha dp was try and excplain her pov and wanted to know what Kenya's problem was with her.

    And when one has to constantly state how relevant, fabulous, and important they are, then clearly they have some self esteem issues and I def think Kenya is jealous of all the woman there.

    She is jealous because she consistently has to remind people who she is, and all the women there have husbands/men who love them. Having difficulty believing Walter even likes Kenya.

    Kenya blew up when Porsha said she (Kenya) was a non factor. Those were the key words right there - NON FACTOR. Anyone would have a hard time facing their own irrelevance. That twirl at the end was embarrassing and made Kenya look like a nut!

  5. VH1 is having a behind the scenes of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta special on December 16 at 9pm EST, where we get to see what goes into making the show and never before seen clips as well as a preview for Love and Hip Hop NYC Season 3.


  6. RHOBH:

    Just didn't think my hatred for Kyle could run any deeper, but wow! It is ok to start chit at any event as long as it's not Mauricio's? Lisa is having a tasting and the first thing out of Kyle's mouth is what's up with Brandi and Adrienne? God, I hate her! Didn't take out two seconds to tend to Kim when she was falling apart in the bathroom a week ago. All she cared about was sticking it to Brandi. It looks as if some feel that if they can't get Lisa, which is a no no, the will go for the next best thing, her friend Brandi.

    Kim?? I was in your corner for a minute, but you are sober now (I think) so you should have known better than to spill, especially at that time. Back to hating this drunk wretch! But I have to say, chit starter Kim is a tad interesting.

    Taylor? Why is that monstrous bitch still on this show? Shouldn't she be signing up for Destitute Housewives Of Bravo? I believe Sheree's already attached.

    Lisa? Utter Utter FABULOUSNESS! Looks like a trillion bucks in jeans and a jacket.

    Paul is turning out to be the biggest bitch of the season.

    Adrienne, I get it. You don't want anyone to know that you didn't have time to carry your own children. I totally get it! Taking Brandi to court only means you have to prove what she said was false. Hope you realize that.


    Kenya not acknowledging Porsha was so damn hilarious. But it looks like Porsha will be holding her own tonight. She may gain some serious points.

    Liked that Phaedra didn't laugh in Kenya's face while being upset with that inappropriate behavior. Let that bitch know that it aint right.

    This guy does not want Kenya any more than I do.

    Kandi is really turning into a worthless wretch.

    Kim is gone! YAY!!!!!!!

  7. I'm pretty sure AL's salary will be renegotiated soon. I don't believe anyone believed this show would be the colossal success so Andrew and agent accepted what appeared to be a great payday at the time. Besides, depending on the length and language of the contract, it's binding.

    And whatever happens, I don't want to know about it. Friends and Modern Family turned me off with the public bloated salary negotiations. That and not one actor on Friends was worth what was being paid/eppy. Total travesty!

  8. I agree, Ann. Sophia dragged quite a bit, and it might have dragged longer after she was revealed to be a walker. The group dealt with it and moved on. And yes, no more long debates. What's done is done and keep it moving. So while Darabont got the show off to a good start, I have to say that you can definitely see the difference (improvement) after his departure.

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