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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. I want that too!

    They should bring back the nurses ball...And then they should have some sort of murderer come in and start killing people. It will be a classic murder mytsery...A big fancy ball with elegant gowns and everything....and a murderer!

    Ohhhh That would be sweet ^_^

    But before the crazy axe wilding psychocomes in I want like an hour of Nurses Ball

    Tracy and Luke and sing a Duet :P

    A Sencermaine Dance Number :D

  2. I think Robin asks Edward to walk brenda down because jason is not showing up due to something that happens to sam. I think jason might show up at the last minute...

    as far as luke/lulu running kelly's it is just for a day...I think it is a plot point--my guess..maybe abby/michael are there and they realize they need someone new to run it and maybe they hire abby to get her to stop stripping! LOL

    Monica is not at the wedding for sure. But...I did hear she taped one day recently with your girl soapboy!

    Wow Monica is this the firt time this year??????

    Note to self - Write abusive letter to Guza

  3. For sure!

    it's sad that the hospital is pretty much only used when mobsters shoot other people now.

    i wish we could get some good hospital drama again. i mean i Love Robin Scorpio, but I want to see someone OTHER than her at the hospital...Liz/Monica/bobbie, etc...even tracy and edward are always fun as board members.

    I want another major disaster

    Not a pathetic one like the bus crash

    Like the Balck and White Ball but about the Quartermaines/Spencers

    Only in our dreams

  4. Too late!

    When they decided to kill off/diminish the Q's to nothing, stop using Bobbie/Lesley so disrespectfully, kill characters like Emily and Georgie. Get rid of Ned/Dillon, ruin characters like Felicia...The list goes on and on....The show is in the toilet.

    Hmmm and focus the main story not on a hospital but stupid mob peopleand thier children.

  5. I'm sorry, I don't understand why Luke and Lulu need to run Kelly's when BOBBIE has always been the one who spent most of the time working there. Why can't we see Bobbi work there? Or why can't it be Bobbie/Luke/Lulu. Ugh, stupid.

    I don't understad alot of things the do on this stupid show

    Like take away both Dillon and Ned

    Grrrr that still makes me mad

    Or Kill off all but three of the Qurtermaines

  6. I had the same reaction when I first read this spoiler, but I must say Edward walking Tracy down the aisle would've looked silly. She is not a young bride, and it isn't her first marriage.

    I have read another spoiler on SOC that Luke and Lulu are going to run Kelly's for a little while since Mike has gone to rehab. That should be funny.

    Hehehe Really???

    Hmmmmm Can Tracy pop over some time aswell

    THAT I would watch

  7. Just saw the latest spoilers - Edward walks Brenda down the aisle. Now me, I'm thinking WTF, he didn't walk his DAUGHTER down the aisle just over a month ago but he will do it for Brenduh??? On the other hand Tracy is a properly grown, mature woman who NO ONE has the right to "give away".

    Glad Edward is getting a spoiler and a job, regardless of what it is.

    ARG I am SOOOOOOO over Brenduh!!!!!

    Maybe someone will plant a bomb in her bouquet Like at Jenny's ( <_< ) Wedding

    But this time no-one saves her

    Oh Well at least the Quartermaine's (except Monica I think well then there is only two) are there

  8. Going to have a little rant

    Okay so in Austrlia there are two cable companies Foxtel and Austar.

    The is currently a GH competition where the prize is a tour of the GH sets and flight and acomidation blah blah blah.

    I have Austar and you need foxtel

    Great I have been watching since before the show was even broadcast here.


  9. I thought it was getting funny too. There never seems to be a dull moment here. :lol:

    TracyQ, the picture you posted reminds me of third grade when I was Cleopatra for Halloween.

    Hmmm I think I might re-invent this idea for my halloween costume this year. :lol:

  10. Yeah, I am wondering how the jail thing is going to play out.

    I worry when I get involved in these online debates that I am going to come off sounding rude or bitchy. I hope my statement didn't come off that way. Haha. I just wanted to clarify what I was trying to say.

    Meh don't worry about it

    we all have our opinions

    and I think that the cold will play out on Monday otherwise they would not have drawn so much attention to it

  11. You've probably already seen this, but someone uploaded a 1979 gag reel from GH, featuring most of the cast at that time. Jane's scene, with David Lewis, starts at about 7:45. It's a lot of fun. (the reel has some strong language...mostly from Kin Shriner).

    Wow thanks for posting ^_^

    Very Funny

  12. Yes, I saw this video of the two of them answering fan questions a few months ago. Very cute!!!! I also wanted to say that I liked your latest video, TQ and Ms. Q! I never thought I would be able to associate that song with anything other than "Dirty Dancing," but I do think it fits LuNacy as well. Actually, I remember reading an interview of TG's last year where he said he was having the time of his life working with JE. So, that is a little ironic.

    Naw thanks Linnie :blush:

  13. Today fell flat for me. I did not like having Nikolas, Ethan, Brook Lynn, and Maya thrown in for good measure. It seemed like TIIC were throwing them all together in the scene to save space in today's show for the characters in the lead stories: Dante, the Balkan, Sonny, Brenda, Jason, etc. I was hoping to see LuNacy alone at the Haunted Star in a more intimate scene. That is why the cold thing was stupid. Just let them kiss and be happy. It seems that they want to rush into keeping the LuNacy marriage from getting boring by creating angst for them right off the bat. At least she was happy to see him, though. I loved how her face lit up when he walked in the room. :wub: That was my favorite part of their scenes today. The funniest had to be when Mac told Luke to get his wife a lawyer, she told Mac to get his hands off her, and then the camera panned to Luke's worried face.

    I have to say I think my favourite face today was this one


  14. I really didn't understand the whole jewel thing, but I was glad to see so much Tracy. :wub:

    My guess is that Tracy was sick, but that was pointless. When do soap characters get colds? Almost never. And IMO, other than having a tissue out twice and wanting to hug Luke instead of kiss him, Tracy didn't seem sick at all.

    My favorite part was when Mac was escorting Tracy up the stairs and she was screaming something like, "Get your hands off of me." :lol:

    Edit: Thanks for posting our team production, TracyQ. LOVE IT!!! And I don't know how you do it without air conditioning. My classroom in the beginning of the school year here was without air, and I have no windows, and it was GROSS!!! I never wear summer dresses to work, but I found whatever "cool" outfits I could find 'cause the heat was ridiculous. I finally ended up using a vacant room with air until they kicked me out... And now, in my classroom, it is freezing!!! The temperature is never right, but I would rather it be cold 'cause at least you can put on extra layers...

    Yeah I don't know why she was sick

    Perhaps it is to torture us - we still haven't had a kiss this year <_<

  15. I guess when I watch it will make sense but did tracy get the jewels luke sent to maxie and was wearing them? Or were those like decoy jewels. And she was happy to see him not mad right?

    Did Jane have a cold or Tracy?

    I am guessing Tracy

    Because Jane didn't look sick so I am guessing it was part of the story

  16. tracy/lunacy/granny comments today

    tracy dripping in diamonds, has a cold, hugs luke happy to see him but can't kiss him cause she has a cold, has the diamonds, won't give em back cause he owes her 10 million, gets arrested, gets pissed off at luke and brook for calling her granny, interpol wants tracy, gets hauled off to jail.

    Recap from tweets I saw!

    Yay thanks hooked :lol:

  17. BTW My LuNacy Board has had face lift and I really want it to be active again. so come on by and post and anybody who is new Please Join the board!http://z4.invisionfree.com/we_all_need_LuNacy/index.php

    Just Joined :lol:

    another drop last night that Jane has been let go as tracy and will leave in April. Funny how it was literally the next anon post as someone posted that tony/genie would be on Oprah's soap opera show.


    Come on!!!!

    I refuse to beleive that <_<

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