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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. That's not great for Tracy fans, but works in my life. I guess Luke will be back just about the time I'm finally settled in my new home and ready to pay attention again.

    Perhaps we'll get lucky, though, and they will remember that Tracy has other people she can hang with - aside from her sisters-in-law in the closet.

    I really dislike that closet

    P.S. Which sister-in-law? They are both in the closet????

  2. SOD says word is tony leaving earlier this year which will mean less airtime for Luke and Tracy also talked about ingo reduced airtime and BA and Annie wsiti g on pilot pick up and tylers pilot

    Awwwwwww :(

    Sad I don't think 2011 is going to bea good year for Tracy and LuNacy :(

  3. there have been so many versions of the truth on this one that we will just have to see it play out.

    it's a soap so the person responsible for Jake's death is the person who would cause the most story. That pretty much rules out Carly and Sam (who already have conflict with Liz), Luke (who won't be around to play out a full story), and Edward (they've already had him hit Jake). My money is on Robin or Brook.

    If Brook Lynn Hit him you have the whole Brook/Liz/Nic thingy coming to a head

    I can't see Robin hitting a child either

  4. I think Tracy might pop up like three times total for march. Luke is on a ton

    I think he will be with lucky throughout the whole Jake ordeal stepping up as a parent

    I think Luke Carly sam robin and Lisa are all driving and maybe Edward and Kristina

    Liz is supposed to be reading paternity results and notices door open and Jake missing

    Supposedly luje iscrulefbout as he is at lush wedding when they find out about Jake.

    I can see TG/jj depleting history with pulling plug on a son

    AWWWWWW 2011 has sucked so far

    I want more Tracy

  5. You know what it needs to be said that Jane Elliot is the best Actress EVER!!!!!!!

    Now I have a total heart of stone - I never cry or get emotional EXCEPT for Today and when Paul left Tracy in 1992

    So sad :(

    BEST ACTRESS EVER!!!!!!!!!!

    Just elt it needed to be said :)

  6. I am using the computers at UNI to troll GH

    Good start to the year :lol:

    Couldn't resist had to see Tracy today

    Still haven't watched yet - can't figure out the sound system


    Clips going to be a little late today - don't get back home until like 5 tonight

  7. I hate to say it but John is getting up there in age, he might actually want to retire. It would be a good send off for John if they gave him his biggest storyline EVER before letting him retire. He would TOTALLY rock a dementia storyline and maybe even get a Emmy out of it.

    He would be awsome

    I would LOVE to see JI in all his glory and not just dying unexpectedly

    Hmmmmm if JI has an Amazing SL maybe Jane could get one too :D

    Emmy's for both of them

  8. Told you she wouldn't be on today! I wish I had been wrong. Well at least we should get a nice exchange monday if they bury the hatchet cause luke is being nice to edward.

    Did luke/edward have a scene or did they show luke calling tracy I wonder.

    I know I think I should stop gettig my hopes up.

  9. Hey guys, don't know if you caught this...

    Jane Elliot did NOT get the Pre-Nomination for the Emmy's. :( :( This means she is no longer in the race for the Emmy.

    Nancy Lee Grahn and Julie Berman were the ones who made it. I'm glad Nancy made it but I was really gunning for Jane and Kimberly McC.


  10. ^^ I loved the line where she said there were only two professions where you were paid to kiss someone, and one was acting. LOL…. Jane pulls no punches.

    I am so behind - I'll do a marathon this weekend I guess.

    Finally have a move date, or an "arrive" date I should say. At least we now can control things so I'm moving in spring and not winter. We've decided to go the end of May, which is much nicer than the end of March. I am so busy that I'm barely making time for the updates here. I hope there's nothing else exciting in soap land, 'cause if there is I'm missing it.

    Nah your not missing much

    Brenduh got blown up today :D

    And we STILL have not seen a kiss for 2011

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