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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Happy Early Valentine's Day.

    TracyQartermaineand I have 2 new videos for you. Enjoy. :)

    GRRRR. The first video has been blocked. Will upload it somewhere else soon...

    Here is a SendSpace link to the first video since YouTube removed it. Song is "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars.

    Awwwww Man

    Syupid Youtube and its copyright <_<

  2. This is a large part of the problem with those shows - they're more to showcase the host than get anything of significance. They give the fans a slight thrill but there is certainly no depth.

    It's much as I figured. At least Oprah doesn't try to score humour points by making her guests the butt of her jokes like Late Night or Ellen.

    Meh I wasn't going to watch anywy but now definatly not watching

    So GH today was not very good

    Going to the movies today - first time out of the house in like a week

  3. 'lo everyone!

    Looks like the board is jumping again. I've been staying busy - the kid is officially walking now, so he keeps us on the run. He still has regular physical, occupational, and speech therapy, but he's doing well for the most part. We may have to have another surgery soon since his hernia looks like it may be back, but we're trying to dodge that bullet as long as possible.

    Kinda meh with the show right now, and rumors of all the people on the edge of the ax (and OMG! Becky Herbst!) have me wondering if it's time to give up the show. I'll stick it out as long as Jane is there, though, and possibly NLG.

    How's everyone? Here's a pic of the kidlet.


    Awwwwww He has gotten sooooooo big

    I remember hen he was just a baby

    He is gorgeous I am in the middle running a baby show right now and he would sooooo win best eyes and best personality and most likely star of the day.


  4. So I have reached a new level in crazy Tracy stalker fan.

    I drempt General Hospital last night

    I know it was good but now I can't remember what it was but I know it was good

    You know those moments when you wake-up mid dream and try and get back to sleep

    Well the dream didn't come back <_<

  5. I could smell that one, but thanks for the confirmation. We always see this type of BS when GF is in the media for any reason - predictable as anything.

    I really an gettin sick of Luke and Laura rumors


    We do run around writing "Tracy and Luke forever" on their videos <_<

    Get me so mad :mad:

  6. just popping in before bed to say that there is a drop in the IL about "sorry tracyfan, JE is out" and some stuff about Tracy leaving town not dying.

    It is complete bullshit...I know exactly who dropped it and the other crap they were posting so just disregard! ^_^

    Few I got a tad worried there

    She doesn't get enought SL as is let alone anything else

  7. :) Thanks hooked and TracyQ!

    By the way TracyQ, do the clips only stay on the site for 24 hours or are they up for as long as needed? I'm just wondering because my other computer is currently getting fixed, so I might want to download them on there as well because that's the computer i use more.

    if not, it doesn't matter...I can download here and email them.

    Nah they stay there for like 21 days or somehing

  8. guess tracy magically forgives luke cause she attend the wedding with him.

    Luke is on tomorrow with lulu/carly and again next week with carly advising her what to do with the info on brenda and also with lulu at kelly's

    I hate how they leave big holes in the storyline like that


  9. I don't know if this is true but here ya go!.....

    Tracy tells Dante to leave Lulu alone. On the 24th, she's pissed with Luke for not protecting Lulu from heartbreak. She attends the wedding with Luke, Ethan and Lulu.

    I guess Lulu punches Dante on the 23rd, that sould be nice to see! :)

    Hmmmmm love a good punch up

    That day I think I might tune in

  10. ^^OH! Thank you so much!

    Does anyone have a good program/website that allows you to edit and make videos? I know so many (FABULOUS) Tracy videos get made here...What program do you guys use? Do you have to purchase it?

    Thanks for all the help everyone!

    Ummm well Ms.Q and I use Windows Movie Maker

    and I would also like to recomend this program


    It's free and you can do anything on it youtube download, youtube to mp3 download and all kinds of converters really cool

    Any question please ask because it can get a little confuzing

  11. Hey guys!

    I hate to ask for favors, I really do...But I know we're all pretty close here, so...

    Does anyone here have any clips at ALL of Bobbie? I have the Bobbie vs. Tracy one that hooked sent me, and the one of the 2006 LnL wedding.

    I'm working on a little project with a friend, and I could really use some Bobbie clips. I know there are some on YouTube, but you guys always seem to have really rare scenes.

    I know you guys' collection is mostly of Tracy, and bobbie/tracy scenes are great if there are any more.

    If you don't have anything, no problem! Just thought I'd ask.

    Thanks so much everyone!

    Ummmmm apart from the Bobbie/Tracy scenes I don't

    I do however have the clis form the 35th aniversary special

    They have some old school Bobbie and an interveiw with Jackie

    Do you want those

    Oh oh oh and I have the 10,000 episode which has some Bobbie

  12. I think Brooke Lynn should keep calling Tracy Granny. It's cute and funny. I know they sill have the tag line " it's my house" that Monica says, but it's not the same without Alan so maybe the My Granny and the STOP CALLING ME GRANNY!!! Could be something new. We all know that whenever Monica said "this os my house" we all cimed in with Alan in saying "I gave it to her". I can see the same thing with "STOP CALLING ME GRANNY"!! Lol.

    I might have to do a "Stop calling me Granny" montage

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