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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Yay for Tracy

    Boo for the fact that I have work for the first time in like a week and they always seem to know when the good GH scenes are going to be on becuase I am always working. <_<

    Anyone else want to do the re-cap for tommorow???????

    Will still do the clips they just might be a little late :wacko:

  2. TracyQ, according to the National Weather Service, this is the 3rd worst snowstorm in Chicago's history. :o The worst one ever was in 1967 and the second worst one ever was in 1999. The 4th worst one was in 1930. So, needless to say, while we do get snow in the winter, we hardly ever see *this* much snow. I totally want to go play in it. :lol:

    Hope your cousins are OK and that the flooding hasn't caused a lot of damage.

    And per my calculations, you're at about 104 degrees Fahrenheit. I totally prefer the cold. But then again, I went through a terrible personal experience a couple summers ago and have decided that I despise summer now. I'm sure there's a psychological component to that...

    Stay cool, TracyQ.

    Well for the forth year in a row my mum did not buy an air-con so it is me and my fans and paddeling pool in the living room :lol:

    I have to say VERY Jealous of your snow

    I want snow <_<

  3. OT: This week has been so messed up for me. I hardly know what day it is 'cause of the snow days. There's so much snow!!! It's like I am in a snow maze when I drive on the side streets. :o

    Really WOW!!!

    We don't really get snow down here <_<

    BUT After our epic floods we just had the worse cyclone ever right where my cousins live

    Go Australia

    Never a dull summer


    It is like 40 degrees celcius over here

    Dying from the heat

  4. So this is kinda off the topic of Tracy, but it is Quartermaine related. I was listening to Ryan Seacrest on the radio this morning and he was speaking with actress Minka Kelly about her new movie The Roommate. They started to discuss her new role in the remake of Charlie's Angels. Since we all know that Annie/Maya was cast in that show I thought you all might want to know that Minka said that they start shooting the pilot in March and that there is no word as to weather the show will get picked up or not. So for now, Annie is still at GH at least for the next two months, hopefully TPTB will recast and not kill the character off.

    Just an FYI for anybody interested.


    I Like Maya

    I really hope they keep her character even if they have to re-cast her

  5. Yay I need my luNacy fix. Glad it's tomorrow.

    Me too

    I miss them

    It has been sooooooooooooo loooooong

    dying over here without my weekly LuNacy Fix

    I hope you feel better tomorrow, TQ. I am starting to feel better. I have eaten toast today and oatmeal tonight. It is just annoying because I first had it around Christmas time, and it has come back twice since then.

    I can't wait for my dose of LuNacy tomorrow!

    Hooked, have you heard anything more on Tracy getting her own story?

    Yeah you too Linnie

    Wow twice since Christmas, thats rough

  6. Hello L&T Lover! It is great to see more people joining the board. I lurked for a while myself before I took the plunge and decided to join.

    I can't shake this virus that has been going around. My stomach is hurting so much right now. Ugh.... I can't wait for winter to go away! Maybe the groundhog was right, and we'll get an early spring.

    Hey I have the worst stomach flu ever aswell

    Arg so over it

    Have been living on soup and water for two days

    according to someone I know who gets post production breakdowns, the lunacy scenes have been moved up til tomorrow instead of Friday so Tracy tomorrow. I think a bunch of things that were supposed to happen tomorrow happened today.


    Yay LuNacy Tommorow

    *Happy Dance*

    I am excited now for re-cap and clips :D

  7. Am I the only loyal Sccott fan?

    Don't get me wrong I would LOVE moe spencermaines and more people running around the Quartermaine mansion

    BUT Scott and Jane were soooooooooo good togeather

    Look at that chemistry

    They were perfect

  8. Hello Everybody. I have been hanging around here for about a year now, and finnaly decided to join. I also wanted to share the news that I heard from a friend of mine. My friends son just moved to LA to become an actor. His dream is to get on GH. I found out that they are looking to recast the roll of Dillon Quartermaine. As much as I loved Scott Clifton in that roll I hope that they do get a new Dilion so that Tracy will have more to do. Hopefully. :D


    I LOVE Scott Clifton

    Yes WE all want Dillon Back




    Hello Everybody. I have been hanging around here for about a year now, and finnaly decided to join. I also wanted to share the news that I heard from a friend of mine. My friends son just moved to LA to become an actor. His dream is to get on GH. I found out that they are looking to recast the roll of Dillon Quartermaine. As much as I loved Scott Clifton in that roll I hope that they do get a new Dilion so that Tracy will have more to do. Hopefully. :D

    Oh and welcome L&TLover

    Sorry don't know where my manner went :huh:

    Always nice to see a new face around here

  9. hey all...so no new tracy scoop. I think she will be on for most of the S&B wedding. It was seven days of taping and will air 2/18-2/25.

    Did you see vanessa's interview? She said her dream story is to have an affair with Luke. She has been begging and dying to be in story with Tony. She said something like how great would that be to see tracy/brenda going head to head and sonny would freak, etc.

    Uh--no thanks! LOL

    Ah ewwwwwwwwwww

    that's just ewwwwwwwwwwww


    Okay mentally scared now


    What is she thinking

    AND Luke would never do that to Tracy

  10. Another preview for you guys, just because I love ya! (And becuase things around here are slow!)

    On the next episode of "The Real General Hospital"...

    What's unexpected events have left Nikolas distraught? Furthermore, why doesn't he want Lulu to know?! And how will Lesley react to all of this? The answer may surprise you!

    OHHHHHHH Getting Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

  11. Speaking of Slow

    In Australia Tracy just asked Lulu to be her maid of honnor


    We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far behind

    almost 2 months

    BUT - On the plus side Tracy is one of W's (that channel that show GH in Aus) most popular characters and the most clicked on the GH part of thier website.


  12. Hello all, don't know if any of you remember me. I know it's been a really long time. a lot has happened in the past two years, but i think I'm ready to get back into all the LuNacy at least on t.v., lol. Hope you guys will let me back into the club I sure do miss it.

    P.S. Just in case some of you don't know I'm Lacey AKA dorianfan18 on other sites and dfan18 here.

    Hey Welcome to the club (agian) :lol:

    Tis a bit slow around here lately due to the lack of Tracy <_<

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