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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Grrr... :angry:

    If you click here, you can download it: http://www.sendspace.com/file/yj95tv

    SoapBoy, can't wait for Chapter 2!

    Well that makes me feel a little better

    Australia is looking cooler

    Nah we are still sooooo slow

    We just had the Thanks giving episode <_<

    This video is great because it really captures how much crap Luke has put Tracy through over the years. Despite the fact that it is so hard and hurtful, she keeps on loving him. He loves her too despite his screwups and the complications that have arisen.

    well Thank You Linnie for the song suggestion

    I LOVE the 'after all' video and 'it matters to me'

    Thanks for the epic song suggestion

  2. Hey guys...here is the exact wording of the SOW Feb sweeps preview--there is a pic of Luke tracy from the medianet with her pointing her finger at him. I'll scan later...

    And out and about---remember that one summer when the preview said Tracy will be all over the place this summer (and she was only on like 6 times in 4 months) LOL

    Well that sounds promising (I think)

    Hmmmmm out and about so like guests not leads

    oh well at least its somthing

  3. Oh gosh TracyQ!! I forgot I never posted it! I'm so sorry, I got so busy the past couple of weeks! Hold on, I will post it after I eat dinner! My apologies.

    I'll give you a little sneak preview now...

    On the First Episode of "The Real General Hospital"...

    Lesley Webber confronts an inner demon.

    Monica and Bobbie have a serious talk.

    Tracy Quartermaine pops up...Why isn't Bobbie happy to see her?!

    Stay tuned!

    Ohhhhhh interesting

    Soooo my bordom hs reached a new level and am watchig the whole Matro Court Hostage thingy

    Man I am sooooooo over Sonny/Carly/Jason/Sam stuff

    Bleh <_<

  4. I was surprised she was on today. I totally forgot about her being with Brook. Maybe I thought she was going to have a scene with Brook the week Tg/Luke was back in Feb. But gh sux since they could have kept Tracy off-screen until Luke came back so they could have a real honeymoon.

    I agree the 4:45 that she was on today was not worth them ruining the honeymoon.

  5. GH Recap 1-26-11


    Outfit: Light blue jacket same style as the pink one from New Years 2008, silver broach and black pants

    Tracy and Brook enter the Quartermaine living room. Tracy tells Brook Lynn that cook is making them a salad. Brook wants to know why she is there and what the catch is. Tracy says “can’t I invite my granddaughter over for lunch just for the pleasure of seeing her?” Brook laughs and says that it’s not her style and she know she has something to say so why doesn’t she just get it over with. Tracy says for the record that she does enjoy her company. Brook says that she is waiting. Tracy tells Brook that she wants her to quit her job as Nicholas’ ‘companion’. Brook say that there it is and no. Tracy tells her that the Cassadine’s are psychopaths. Brook tries to defend Nic and says that she can’t just lump him in with the rest of them. Tracy wants to know why not. Brook says because he has a good heart and yes he is moody and dark but she has also been there. She then says that in his defence that Nic can be warm and charming and her treats her very well. Tracy asks if she is in love with him. Brook says she just doesn’t want to get off the gravy train yet. Tracy asks if that is all it is. Brook says yes and she has great perks and she does not want to leave him vulnerable to Elizabeth. Tracy says that aside from being a bit too fertile she has never heard a bad word about her. Brook says she has not paying attention because Elizabeth is a manipulative bitch and she didn’t even want Nicholas until she couldn’t get her claws into Lucky and that she comes around at all ours with the smile and the ‘oh hi Nicholas.’ Brook roles her eyes (very Tracy-like). Tracy reminds Brook that she is the mother of his child. Brooks agree and says that she is playing it for all its worth. Brook says if it was about the baby it would be fine and she gets that but its not. Tracy says that surly she can expose Elizabeth without living at Windermere. Brook says that she likes living there and she likes her job. Brook pauses and says “well you got the guy that you want, why can’t I?”. Tracy laughs and says “you are not comparing Nicholas to Luke are you?” Brook says “I’m saying that you got to follow your bliss okay. You got to follow your bliss. Why can’t I do that?” Tracy says okay, that she makes a compelling point, go ahead, knock yourself out, get your man, but if he so much as looks at you cross eyed she will get him.

    Edward walks into the living room and Tracy is eating her salad and reading a magazine. Edward says that Alice said Brook was here. Tracy says she left. Edward asks if she convinced her to move back in with them. Tracy says “oddly enough daddy, Brook Lynn has the propensity for doing the opposite of what we ask her to do.” Edward asks what is the point of having this enormous house if there is no one to live in it. Tracy asks if he is upset that Maya is moving out. Edward says that Maya can as she pleases but it is a mystery why Maya and Ethan could be satisfied with an apartment the size of a postage stamp when they could live in luxury. Tracy tells him that most people like their privacy. Edward says he could give them all the privacy they would want. Tracy laughs and says “sure you will. Except for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and interfering with every aspect of their lives. Why with and deal like that it is a wonder they don’t come knocking at out door.” Maya and Ethan walk in and Edward says that they were just talking about them. He then asks is Alice has packed their things. Maya then tells them that they couldn’t find an apartment and that Ethan will be moving in with her. Tracy looks surprised.

    Edward confirms that Maya and Ethan will be living hear with them. Maya agrees and Edward says he will get Alice to make up their room. Tracy says “I can see the excitement written all over your face Ethan.” Ethan says he will make do. Edward says that there will be no more need to rob them blind like he did in the past. Tracy says of course he will. Edward says that Ethan has been under Mayas good influence maybe he has turned over a new leaf. Tracy says “You’re right, after a lifetime of larceny.” Edward says that maybe he can put those influences to good use. Edward takes Ethan away to show him a picture of ELQ of its founding day. Tracy asks Maya is so quite. Maya says she doesn’t want to compete with Tracy or Edward. Tracy says that Maya is staying close to the money and half a million dollars is good incentive to say under the same roof. Maya says that the same roof could have been an apartment away from her which is look pretty appealing now. Tracy says but you realised how much it would hurt Edward and you didn’t want to break his heart. Maya says the credit goes to Ethan, he figured out that she didn’t really want to leave. Tracy gives her a confused look.


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