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Posts posted by TracyQartermaine

  1. Did anyone else notice that when right after tracy put her hand up to block the kiss, she walked away and jane tried to open the door the wrong way....but they cut away before she pushed it the right way lol!

    HEHE really?

    Going to have to watch out for that one


    HAHA OMG that is too funny :lol:

  2. I just watched on You Tube, I will admit I had the volume down really really low so nobody at my office would notice I was watching. Lacy had 2 small scenes; Tracy discussed Lulu and Luke said she would not butt into her relationship with Dante. The next was Tracy wanting to leave the party early, Luke said he missed her and she said she missed him (it was a really short serious moment) he made a comment about her sleeping in her big bed alone and then she and Edward left after thanking Sonny and Brenda for the invite. Tracy got in a small zinger by saying "lovley wedding and nobody was shot" :)

    Luke gave Brenda his number, but it was totally played for laughs, then he asked her to dance. I think (my opinion only) Luke handed Sonny a condom as a joke, but who really knows for sure.

    I would like to point out that there was some adlibbing today, Maurice called Nancy's boobs puppies while trying to get Alexis up from her seat to join in in the boquet toss, Nancy made a comment like "i'm so glad I wore this dress" it was really quite funny as I laughed out loud when I heard it and had quite myself so no one else near my desk would hear! :lol:

    I thought condom as well

    Can't imagine what else it wouold be

  3. MB in his ABC chat happening now...

    Who would you like to work with more?

    Gh Cast I'd say Tony, but we've been working together quite a bit lately.

    Today at 4:33pm

    I'd love to work with Jane Elliot more

    Today at 4:33pm

    Then he went on to say JT and NLG but those were the first two!

    Do you think Luke is he informant? I doubt it but would be cool twist


    So far everyone has said that they'd Love to work with Jane and Tony - Memo to Guza MORE STORY

    Luke working with the Balkan would be cool but Unlikely

  4. so were they dancing at the end. i saw someone tweet they were up and dancing before others joined. I thought they were supposed to be in a fight and then bury the hatchet when luke helped edward. maybe that was fake.

    The 24th for tomorrow said she gets pissed at Luke for not protecting lulu's heart. But I guess it was moved to today. Wonder if we will see Tracy tomorrow. I think so but maybe she leaves or something to check on Lulu? Cause I don't see her around in the promo when the limo blows which happens end of tomorrow I think. Lulu shows back up right after it blows.

    We can keep our fingers crossed for more Tracy tommorow

    Yeah the spoilers have been a bit off lately

  5. Okay Steve the ass just moved up a notch in my book for saying this in his live chat today during the show:

    Jane Elliot is great to work with. Luke and Tracy are hilarious together.

    Today at 2:14pm

    Gh Cast It's fun to get outside and get to work with people I don't work with a lot.

    Today at 2:14pm

    Gh Cast I love working with Tony Geary. I don't get to work with him a lot, but when we have our scenes I love it.

    Today at 2:13pm

    Wow I just realized I like Steave a little more

  6. I think Tracy is on today ripping into Dante--cause the spoilers say after a lecture from Tracy, Dante resolves to go after Lulu. He goes to her apt and she punches him out.

    I think tomorrow is when Tracy lays into Luke for not shielding lulu

    So she may actually speak today!

    WOW actualy speaking

    I think we are getting spoilt

  7. WOW! That storyline is crazy...Those two kids are really young. I'm very hesitant about that. BJ's heart was one of GH's biggest stories EVER. I don't want it to be redone and all about Carly and Jason....But seriously if they do this...Bobbie NEEDS to be involved. How could Carly have a child needing a transplant and NOT involve her mother? Come on!

    Thanks for the spoilers hooked. :)

    Hmmmmm you are right about the similarity ti BJ's heart story line <_<

    At least maybe Bobbie and Monica may get some story because they only do if it revoves around the hospital

  8. Tracy was on today but in the background. No lines or anything.

    So nice to see Monica. :wub:

    TracyQ, how's university life treating you?

    Regarding the music, in defense of Brenda, Canon in D major followed by the Traditional Bridal March is very common for weddings when the bridal party followed by the bride walk down. I didn't think of it as Brenda using Tracy's music.

    I know they are popular but still they could have used darth vaders theme or something ^_^

    and yeah Uni is good scary though

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