Just Paradise #23: Jesse has an important meeting. Paul Ryan has a surprise one.
Written by: Nick M.
At the women’s shelter:
Miss Cho has pulled Ali
and Charlotte
CHARLOTTE: Something wrong Miss Cho?
MISS CHO: One of the girls you two have gotten close to has decided it is time to leave here.
ALI: Really?
CHARLOTTE: You are not talking about Jacy are you?
JACY: She do be talkin’ bout me.
ALI: You are leaving?
JACY: It is the right time…
Ali and Charlotte are surprised…
Jesse and Angie
are together having lunch.
JESSE: How was the hospital today?
ANGIE: That hospital is always buzzin with accidents as you know. Stabbings, shootings, and over doses. You name it.
JESSE: Yeah, this is the real city that never seems to sleep or have peace.
ANGIE: I know how badly you wish to change that.
JESSE: I do, Angie. I do.
ANGIE: I think it can end up working with some dedication.
JESSE: I will need help. You and your friend, Kayla.
ANGIE: Kayla seems to be having a hard time in her personal life, but she seemed happy to help you.
JESSE: I will need all the help I can get. Just like this city itself.
Hunter and Miranda
are hanging out in the park.
HUNTER: Did all of your classes go good today?
MIRANDA: They did. Most are coming easy to me which is a huge relief.
HUNTER: Coming easy? You must be a genius.
MIRANDA: Some might say so…I kid. Are you taking any classes?
HUNTER: No, Not at the moment.
MIRANDA: How come?
HUNTER: I just am kind of enjoying doing my own thing..
MIRANDA: The barista job?
HUNTER: That among other things. I do have some aspirations.
MIRANDA: What are you ambitious about?
HUNTER: Saving the world.
MIRANDA: I see I have an idealist on my hands.
Eliza shows up at JJ’s
ELIZA: You don’t call. You don’t text. Hell, I would even take a written letter like its 1990.
JJ: Sorry, been busy.
ELIZA: Are you busy right now?
JJ: A little.
ELIZA: Well…you should still come and eat with me while I’m on my lunch break.
Eliza smiles wide.
ELIZA: Please.
JJ: Okay fine.
ELIZA: (excited) Yes!
Paul is in his office….and in walks Todd Manning
PAUL: Welcome Mr. Manning.
TODD: Happy that you could pencil me in.
PAUL: This seemed important.
TODD: Oh, more than you know.
PAUL: Welcome to BRO.
TODD: Thank you. You know, you seem very familiar to me…
PAUL: Hm…not sure why
TODD: Not sure, but regardless. Nice to meet you.
Todd Manning and Paul Ryan shake hands.
TODD: We have so much to talk about…
At the womens shelter:
CHARLOTTE: Is it safe for you to leave here, Jacy?
JACY: Actually it is. You see, my abusive ex-boyfriend has finally been thrown in prison!
ALI: Really? For what?
JACY: Always trying to be a hardcore thug and sh*t.
ALI: These boys. What is wrong with them?
JACY: Too many damn screws loose.
ALI: I wish I could head home.
JACY: When you do, get in touch with me. I’ll give Miss Cho my info when I can.
CHARLOTTE: I definitely will.
JACY: I am so ready to get back! Can’t wait!
Jacy smiles with nothing but elation.
CHAVO: I wish you would not work yourself up.
VIN: That is a bit impossible.
VIN: Because it is so frustrating that we still cannot track down Ali nor Greg. They both deserve so much revenge done to them.
CHAVO: Why are you even doing this? Why do you care?
VIN: Are you serious right now bro? Because they both disrespected me so damn hard!
CHAVO: No I mean why do you even care about this kind of life? We both know that you--
VIN: --Do not question me Chavo! Just shut up and let me focus.
At the park:
MIRANDA: So tell me how you plan on saving the world?
HUNTER: Can we not talk about that right now. I think we need to have more fun.
MIRANDA: What kind of fun?
HUNTER: See those sprinklers on over there? Let’s run through them.
MIRANDA: I didn’t realize we were eight.
HUNTER: Oh come on! Feel a little free.
MIRANDA: I do not want to get my clothes all wet.
HUNTER: Well you can be boring and stay here. I am going on through!
Hunter gets up and walks to the sprinklers.
Miranda ends up following him.
They both start to run through them getting wet.
HUNTER: See! This kind of feeling is something people should not lose..
Jesse is still with Angie but he gets up.
JESSE: Sorry, but I really need to get to the city council meeting.
ANGIE: Already?
JESSE: It is an early one.
ANGIE: And I don’t get no smooch?
Jesse kisses her on the cheek.
ANGIE: That is not going to do it!
JESSE: Oh yeah?
ANGIE: Nope.
Angie kisses his lips.
Jesse then starts to kiss her all over her face.
ANGIE: Okay, okay! You win.
JESSE: I hope those kisses were good luck.
ANGIE: Me too, baby.
Cut to Todd and Paul’s meeting.
TODD: So I am a journalist and that is how I came across this company.
PAUL: And you want to do a big piece on BRO?
TODD: Something like that. I’ll need you to come to Colorado for this piece though.
PAUL: I checked out your paper and it has a strong online following so why do I need to go to Colorado? Can’t you just interview me right here right now?
TODD: It is not that easy. I do a more hands on approach.
PAUL: Thank you for the offer and all, but I am not too keen on going to Colorado right now. I have a company to run.
TODD: You are not seeing the bigger picture Paul. You may want to see if you need glasses. Where I live, in Union Creek Colorado there is some new big competition for you that just opened.
PAUL: Are you talking about that little small stream Chic Spirit Designs?
TODD: You are not giving them enough credit. I am offering you a step ahead on this competition. Do not take them lightly.
PAUL: It would be a good publicity for us.
TODD: I thought you may see things my way.
PAUL: But….I still don’t want to go to Colorado.
Todd becomes obviously frustrated.
At the women’s shelter:
Charlotte and Ali are now alone.
CHARLOTTE: I think maybe we both can leave here too.
ALI: I do not need to go run into Vin and probably get killed.
CHARLOTTE: We live in a big city we can move somewhere far away from our exes.
ALI: There is still always a chance.
CHARLOTTE: A small one. We came move in together and be roommates. Split everything. It can work.
ALI: I like the idea and wish I could, but I don’t know if I want to chance it.
CHARLOTTE: Well at least think about it.
ALI: Okay…
Vin is still agitated.
CHAVO: I am going to go get us some weed so you can calm down.
VIN: No! I would rather we take my frustrations out another way.
CHAVO: Yes I know you want to kill Greg, but I don’t know where he is.
VIN: There is something else we can do.
CHAVO: What’s that yo?
VIN: Let’s go rob another gas station!
At the park: Hunter and Miranda are now soaked.
MIRANDA: That was crazy. You are crazy. What are we doing?
HUNTER: Having fun. I am at least.
MIRANDA: Nah, I am too.
HUNTER: I really do have fun every time I hang out with you.
MIRANDA: Aww I do too. You and all of your craziness.
HUNTER: I’m the least crazy person in this town, probably.
MIRANDA: I’ll be the judge of that.
HUNTER: Ready for round 2 in the sprinklers?
HUNTER: (Laughs) I’m kidding.
Eliza and JJ are eating lunch together.
ELIZA: Have you been avoiding me JJ?
JJ: I am going to be if this continues to be a grill JJ day.
ELIZA: But for real. You do seem to be.
JJ: Just been busy with school.
ELIZA: I think I know what is wrong…
JJ: Tell me oh wise one.
ELIZA: Back when we played strip poker….my booty game was too strong. I get it.
JJ: (laughs) What?
ELIZA: Don’t deny it. And now you are intimidated.
JJ: You are crazy.
ELIZA: But I got a laugh out of you.
JJ: Yeah you are good for that.
ELIZA: I am good for a good time. I wish you would stop fighting it and just admit you have good times when you hang out with me.
JJ: You are never not entertaining that is for sure. Never a dull moment with Eliza.
ELIZA: And don’t you forget it! I’ll take that as a yes you do have a good time.
JJ: I do. It’s true…
Todd is frustrated with Paul.
TODD: Are you sure about this?
PAUL: I just do not have the time right now. I’m sorry. I do appreciate it.
Todd has a flashback:
[Union Creek #21]
He is with Gary and an alive James Stenbeck…
TODD: And when I find him?
JAMES: Bring him to me.
GARY: But don’t let him know why you want him here. Make it seem like something for the paper.
JAMES: Honestly, I don’t care how you get him here. Just get him here and soon!
Back in the present:
TODD: You really should reconsider…because I know thing about you.
Paul gives his a questioning glance.
TODD: Things about you that you would definitely not want out.
Paul’s face becomes flushed.
PAUL: So what the hell is this? Blackmail?
TODD: It could be if you do not come to Union Creek Colorado with me.
Paul smirks and tries to play it all off with a poker face.
TODD: You are acting way to smug for guy who could lose everything. I know what you have been doing.
PAUL: What do you think you know, Mr. Manning?
TODD: Enough games. I know that you have been forging documents.
PAUL: Oh….
TODD: Yeah. So let me ask you again. Have you reconsidered Mr. Ryan?
PAUL: Yes I will come to Colorado and do the stupid article…or whatever it is you really want from me..
TODD: Atta boy!
Jesse has arrived at the City council meeting.
He has a folder with him and tries to find a seat.
He finally finds one and sits down.
He looks on towards the people on the city council.
JESSE: This looks like a group that will hear me out.
Pan across the members of the city council….
One of the members of Paradise, New Mexico’s city council is…
Katsu Itami
*I do not own any non original characters nor any pics
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