ANOTHER WORLD 184 Jake and Vicky reach an important decision
Jake and Vicky reach an important decision
Created By: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips
Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson
Consultants: A. Washington-Beeby, ML Cooks, DRW50
Michael, Donna
, and the McKinnons
walk in. Jake
walks in carrying about five suitcases. Michael
is carrying two.
Jake: Come on Michael you could have grabbed a couple of these.
Michael: Jake I’m too old to be carrying heavy bags.
Donna: Girls you can all go upstairs and get comfortable in your rooms.
Bridget: We know where they are Grandma Donna.
Bridget goes upstairs while Michele walks past everyone and looks around the living room. Vicky, Jake, Donna and Michael follow her slowly.
Michele: Wow. It’s been such a long time since I’ve been in here. I forgot how big this place is.
Vicky: Yes honey, and if these walls had mouths.
Donna: The stories they’d tell us.
Michael: Right...uh...where’s Bridget?
Vicky: She probably went upstairs with Jake.
ROOM - Jake brings in a suitcase for Bridget as she sits on the bed. Jake sits beside her with their backs to the open bedroom door.
Jake: My goodness you’re only gonna be here a couple days. What did you put in there?
Bridget: A gal has to always be prepared dad. I’m sure you know this dealing with mom.
Jake: What is a guy supposed to do? Carry your bags?
Bridget: Well certainly I couldn’t lift that heavy thing.
Jake: And I wouldn’t let you, or your sisters.
Bridget: I still can’t believe Michele’s back.
Jake: I got all...three of my daughters.
Michele walks up to the door unseen by Jake and Bridget.
Bridget: Come on dad. Are you gonna mention Lindsay and that whole situation now?
Jake: Kiddo, whether you like it or not, Lindsay is your sister. I talked to her at the wedding, and....
Bridget: No, dad no tell me you didn’t…
Jake: I told Lindsay that I wanted us to be close, and I want you and Michele to get to know her, too.
Bridget: I don’t wanna be friends with that lying bitch.
Jake: Hey...
Bridget: And you shouldn’t wanna be either, after what she, Stacey, and mom did to you.
Michele walks in.
Michele: Dad?
Jake: Hi honey.
Michele: What is Bridget talking about? Who’s Lindsay?
IN THE LIVING ROOM - Donna and Michael talk to Vicky, as Vicky plops onto the couch.
Vicky: Wow! What a day!
Michael: Like a rollercoaster ride.
Donna: I still can’t believe...that Michele was the one who ransacked the living room. She did a lot of damage.
Michael: From what you all tell me, Michele was never a violent person.
Vicky: I wonder what Reginald did to her while he was nursing her to health.
Donna flashes back to the shattered glass on Bridget’s picture frame, and Donna begins to secretly wonder about Michele.
Michael: What’s on your mind honey?
Donna: I was...thinking about what Vicky was saying. We all forgot that my grandson got married today.
TOPS - All the guests are shocked, but Cass, Frankie
and Felicia
are horrified to see Christy
, who has just stepped off the elevator with her son, Eric Stenbeck
. Grant
is nervously quiet, hoping that Christy does not tell everyone that he assisted in her release. Christy slowly makes her way toward Charlie
and Kirkland
, who are both staring at Eric.
Charlie: My God at the coffee shop.
Kirkland: I knew something about him was creepy.
Christy: Charlie, you look so beautiful. Congratulations.
Cass quickly jumps in front of Charlie to shield her from Christy.
Cass: Don’t you ever go near my daughter!
Jake: Um…
Bridget: Lindsay came to Bay City and lied to all of us. She tried to be my friend, knowing all the while that she was my sister.
Michele: Our sister?
Jake: It’s a long story honey, but it turns out that Lindsay Winthrop is my daughter.
Michele: My goodness.
Bridget: And she’s a deceitful lying little bitch, and I want nothing to do with her.
Michele looks at Bridget, then looks at Jake.
Michele: Well...I’d like to meet her.
Bridget: Why? After everything she’s done?
Michele: Everybody’s lied one time or another...right Bridget?
Jake: Michele honey why don’t we go in your room and...get you settled.
Michele: Dad I’m a big girl. I may have had a brain injury, but I still know how to get a room together.
Jake: Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?
Michele: I’m gonna be fine.
Jake: If you girls need anything I’ll be right downstairs.
Michele: Thanks dad.
Bridget: Thanks dad.
Jake: Michele, I’m so glad you’re back. I love you much.
Bridget: We love you, too dad.
Jake walks out and Michele follows him. Bridget, also sensing something, quickly shuts the door behind them.
LIVING ROOM...Donna is with Michael. Michael is sitting on the couch and Donna is pacing back and forth in front of him.
Michael: Okay Donna what’s on your mind?
Donna: Nothing. Whatever would give you that idea?
Michael: I’ve only known you most of my adult life. I think I know when something’s bothering you.
Michael gets up, stops Donna’s pacing, and rubs her shoulders.
Michael: What’s going on my love?
Donna: You...weren’t around when this happened.
Michael: When what happened?
Donna: Marley was disfigured in a fire, and they had to do plastic surgery on her face.
Michael: You told me about that.
Donna: I didn’t...tell you what happened after that.
Michael: Well let’s sit down and talk about it.
Donna: I’m afraid Michael. It’s happening again, just like it did between Marley and Victoria.
DOWNSTAIRS...Jake approaches the foyer and Vicky meets him there. Vicky folds her arms as if she’s a bit nervous.
Vicky: are the girls?
Jake: They seem fine. It’s been a full day. Kirkland got married, and our daughter came back in our lives.
Vicky: Yeah it’’s a miracle.
Jake: I’m gonna….go.
Vicky: So’re not gonna stay.
Jake: You gave me an ultimatum before we went to the wedding, remember?
Vicky: Yeah I know, and you’re deciding to not fight. We watched Kirkland begin his marriage today, and you’re ending ours.
Christy: Oh Cass, don’t you know I would never hurt Charlie.
Cass: You’re capable of anything.
Frankie approaches Christy.
Frankie: Christy. How could you do this? Today of all days. It’s my daughter’s wedding day. And who is this guy with you?
Frankie has a flashback as she sees Eric.
(Episode 164 at Bay City Center)
Eric approaches Frankie…
Eric: Hi. Your name’s Mary Frances right?
Frankie becomes a bit concerned and stands up to face him.
Frankie: Yes, but I don’t believe we’ve met.
Eric: I’ve heard so much about you.
Frankie: Is that right? From whom?
Frankie flashes back to the present, and focuses on Eric.
Frankie: You said you...heard so much about me? Christy told you. How do you know each other?
Christy: That’s...really why I came. I...wanted everyone to know.
Felicia: Know what?
Christy: This is my son. Eric Stenbeck.
Jack Snyder quickly approaches them.
Jack: Did you say...Stenbeck? As in…
Eric: Yes. James Stenbeck. I am his youngest child.
Frankie: My God. A son? You never mentioned…
Christy: Douglas forced me to give him up when he was a baby.
Felicia: I believe I asked you a question. What the hell are you doing here Christy?
Christy: As if I owe you any explanation. I came to see Mary Frances. She’s the only friend I’ve got.
Felicia: Now you’re really crazy. Jack, throw this lunatic in jail!
Cass: She’s obviously escaped!
Jack: I called the station. She’s a free woman.
Cass: That’s impossible!
Jack: She was released. She’s been free for a while now.
Felicia: So what were you doing all this time? Planning to crash Charlie and Kirkland’s wedding?
Christy: Again, Felicia, what is it that I borrowed from you, that I owe you anything?
Cass: Listen I think you need to get outta here. Now!
Christy: Come on son.
Christy then makes eye contact with Grant as the elevator doors open. Kirkland notices the exchange between Christy and Grant as the elevator doors shut on Christy and Eric.
Eric: Mom. We shouldn’t have done that.
Christy: There was a purpose to that. Bay City now knows that we’re here.
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