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Written by A. Washington-Beeby

Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson

Gabi sips awkwardly on a glass of wine as she sits across the table from Nick at Club TBD. Nick can sense the tension, and breaks the silence.

NICK: So....are Will and Sonny looking after Ari tonight?

Gabi smiles and puts her glass of wine down, stopping herself from choking on her wine as she tries to speak.

GABI: Mm! Yeah...sorry, yeah, Will and Sonny are at home tonight and so...they're fine to look after her.

NICK: Even knowing that you're going out with me?

Gabi looks away, giving a bit of a sheepish grin. Nick clues in immediately.

NICK: ...They don't know, do they?

Gabi shakes her head after a second's pause.

GABI: No, they...I didn't tell them it was you, I...kinda told them I was going to visit Rafe tonight, so...

NICK: You shouldn't have to lie on my account.

GABI: No, honestly, Nick, it's just...easier this way. I need to keep the peace at home and this...this just isn't going to make it any easier if I start going out and spending time with you again.

NICK: No....I understand. Just...I don't want to complicate things for you at home, that's all.

Gabi smiles and reaches out a hand, hesitantly, to Nick's across the table, as she looks thoughtfully into his eyes. Just before she places her hand over his, T walks past, and Gabi raises her hand to get his attention instead.

GABI: Oh T! Can I get a Vodka soda on the rocks.

Gabi smiles and looks to Nick.

NICK: Uh...make mine a double. Thanks.

T smiles awkwardly at them both, not overly happy with the scene before him, but willing to serve as always.

T: Yoooou got it. Coming up!

GABI: Thanks!

Nick looks back to Gabi and smiles. After a second, he finally speaks up.

NICK: Gabi, you're not just going out with me because you're afraid of me, are you?

Gabi's caught off guard by Nick's directness, and stumbles to find a safe reply.


Will lights a tall candle at the dinner table before running to dim the lights in their shared apartment. Once the lights are off, he turns to call for Sonny.

WILL: Alright, you can come out now!

Sonny emerges from the bedroom, shutting the door slowly behind him, almost tiptoeing as he does.

SONNY: Shhh! Ari's sleeping, this might be our only quiet moment tonig...wow!

WILL: Impressed?

SONNY: I mean...I didn't know you could cook, let alone make all that.

Will glares at Sonny, as Sonny laughs at Will's exasperation.

WILL: Lucky for you, I ordered in, now would you sit down?

SONNY: Okay, okay.

As Sonny sits down, he leans over to kiss Will gently. They begin to dig into their meal, and a moment later, Sonny remembers to ask Will something.

SONNY: Oh, I forgot to ask, did you ever show anyone your new blog?

WILL: Oh yeah, I, uh...I showed it to Aunt Maggie this morning when I ran into her down at the Club. We were both grabbing coffee and I put the link into her favourites on her tablet.

SONNY: Nice! I read it while you were out and...honestly, your article about raising Ari and our life here...it sounds insanely cheesy...but it really touched me.

Will laughs a bit at Sonny's earnest praise.

WILL: Sonny, I'm trying to eat here.

Sonny rolls his eyes, before smacking Will on his arm playfully.

SONNY: God, would you just take a compliment already? Seriously!

WILL: (laughs) Whatever, Sonny! You're the one who got all cheesy on me.

SONNY: Whatever yourself! Honestly, you're one of the best writers I've read in a long time. And I can't wait to marry you.

Will smiles sheepishly at Sonny's compliment.

WILL: I can't wait either.

The two lean in and share a kiss across the table, softly, gently, and sweetly. The smile as they look to each other, an intense, loving gaze that couldn't be broken.


Maggie sits in Horton Town Square, reading something intently on her tablet. She looks smart in her business attire, and reading glasses on her nose.

As she studies the article before her, Tyler approaches her at the table as she takes a sip of the coffee in front of her.

TYLER: You look thoroughly embroiled in that story. Mind if I distract you for a moment?

Maggie looks up with a start, before pulling off her glasses and looking a smiling Tyler. She smiles back.


EJ closes the door to Abigail's hospital room, before making a beeline for the main room of the hospital, where Sami is sitting. He stops right before a visibly shaken Sami and startles her with his brusque proclamation.

EJ: You and I need to have a little chat about Abigail.




Maggie's smile lingers on Tyler as she motions to the seat across the table from her.

MAGGIE: Please do.

As Tyler sits down, Maggie lays the tablet down on the table before her.

MAGGIE: It's good to see you again. I know we had a sort of...quick meeting this morning when I was at Victor's office, but I'm curious, I thought you'd stepped down from EnerNext. What kind of work are you doing for Victor?

TYLER: Well, basically I'm back running it now. Victor was going to take the reigns and I'd be able to pass quietly into retirement but...with this unfortunate turn of events with your grandson Brady, I'm going to be taking control back.

Maggie appears less than impressed with Tyler's news. She pauses a moment and thinks carefully about what she says next.

MAGGIE: I see...you know, i don't really have much good to say about that whole project you're trying to set up in the west end.

TYLER: Well, why not? There's a lot of very lucrative jobs to be had, ones that will benefit your business quite handily, I might add.

MAGGIE: How do you know I run a business?

TYLER: It's not hard to find out these things, you know, especially with how much Victor talks about you.

Maggie smiles sheepishly, blushing a little.

MAGGIE: Well, it's always nice to know he's only saying nice things about his wife...uh...listen, Mr. Houston--

TYLER: ...Uh...Tyler.

MAGGIE: Tyler...if you don't mind, I had promised my grand-nephew I'd read his article and tell him about it tonight, I really don't want to let him down so--

TYLER: Oh, your grand-nephew is a writer, hm?

MAGGIE: Well, yes. A rather good one, I might add.

TYLER: Do you mind if I have a look over it?

MAGGIE: Not at all.

Tyler takes Maggie's tablet from the table and sits down a minute to read it. Maggie leans in, putting her elbows down on the table and leaning into her hands.

MAGGIE: Now, be easy on him, he's fresh out of college, you know.

Tyler doesn't respond right away. Carefully reading his writing, Tyler seems transfixed by what he's reading.

TYLER: That only makes what I'm reading more impressive. This boy has a real way with the written word that's rare in those twice his age. It's something we really need at EnerNext in our PR department. I...hope this isn't too presumptuous or anything, but...you wouldn't mind putting me in contact with him, would you?

Maggie is taken aback by Tyler's enthusiasm for Will's work. She struggles to respond to Tyler's request.


Nick is now starting to get a little more lazy in his movements as he sits with Gabi at Club TBD, the result of three double vodka sodas. Gabi tries to appear as though she's enjoying herself, but is having a hard time.

NICK: (laughs) ...and so...then they came in and BAM!

Gabi jumps back a bit at Nick's joke, putting a phony smile on her face and taking another sip of her drink.

NICK: And...then...I forget the rest. You know...it's so good to be here with you again, Gabi. I...mmmissed you.

GABI: Me too, Nick. Me too.

NICK: You know, you and me should...we should go back to my new place. I just got a new place and we...we should go to it.

Gabi smiles knowingly now. Almost relieved that Nick's made the suggestion now.

GABI: Yes! Yes, that's a good idea. Let me settle up and we'll head up.

Gabi goes to get up, but Nick waves to get her to stop, pulling his wallet out and lazily handing her arbitrary bills.

NICK: Gabi Gabi Gabi Gabi Gabi HERE!

He's handed her six $1s and a $100.

NICK: Tell T he can keep the change.

Gabi slowly walks over to pay the bill. T glances over to Nick, sitting less-than-gallantly at the table.

T: You sure he's gonna be alrght?

GABI: Oh he'll be fine.

T: Yeah, but....what about YOU?

GABI: T, for the first time in a very long time, I feel like everything is under control.


Will and Sonny are cleaning up after dinner, when Will's cell phone starts to ring. He puts a plate he's rinsed on the dish rack before picking up the phone.

WILL: Hm...strange.

SONNY: What's that?

WILL: Strange number. Let me see.

Will answers the phone, an unsure tone in his voice.

WILL: I...uh...Will Horton speaking.

* * *

Tyler replies at the Town Square. He paces back and forth as he speaks.

TYLER: Yes, William. It's Tyler Houston from EnerNext. I was hoping to speak to you at some point.

* * *

WILL: Uh...yes, regarding what, exactly?

* * *

TYLER: Well, I just read some of your writing, and I'm interested in discussing an opportunity with our company's PR department. Uh...would you be available to meet with me this evening?

* * *

Will stutters and stumbles, in shock at the sudden offer dropped in his lap.


Sami stands up, very displeased with EJ's tone and walks with him to the waiting room nearby.

As the door closes, Sami tears into EJ.

SAMI: How dare you come over to me like that when you know what I've been like this last week. I just got out of a therapy session and you come barrelling at me like that?? What the Hell's wrong with you?!

EJ: (over Samantha's tirade) Samantha, Samantha! Woah! I'm sorry. I'M Sorry. Okay? Something has come up that I got excited about, and...I think you should listen to what I have to say.

Sami steps back, arms folded. She glowers at EJ, who begins to relax after a moment of silence.

EJ: Alright. So, DiMera has a rather...extensive project in Europe right now that we need a strong writer to help with publicity and marketing. And I think this is an excellent opportunity for Abigail.

SAMI: I...you're right, it could be great, but...she just started with us at Countess W, I mean...don't you think she might be over her head a bit? I mean, she's been so stressed out lately herself...

EJ: I don't think that will be a problem. In fact, I think this might be exactly what Abigail needs. A change of scenery, some new faces, the ability to work her magic on her own. It could be exactly what she needs.

Sami thinks about it a moment, then turns back to EJ, nodding in agreement.

SAMI: I think...I think you're right. We should go ahead with that.

EJ: Excellent, I'll go tell her right away.

EJ makes a beeline for the door, but Sami calls out to him just before his hand touches the doorknob.

SAMI: Oh, wait, EJ.

EJ: Yes, Samantha.

SAMI: How is she doing?

EJ: Great. She just had a hit on the head, she'll be out soon enough, maybe even tonight.

SAMI: Maybe we should call Jennifer or somet--

EJ:...NO! No, I wouldn't worry about that. It'll be fine.

EJ steps out of the office, leaving Sami confused by EJ's strong reaction to Sami's suggestion.

EJ walks down the hallway, almost running for Abby's hospital room. He opens the door to her room, and Abigail turns to him, unpleasantly surprised to see him.


EJ shuts the door quietly but intensely. A menacing look across his face that immediately intimidates Abigail.

EJ: So...when exactly were you going to tell me you were pregnant?



Recommended Comments

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I see your stories setting up here...

  • Will's job offer...even in the romantic moment with Sonny, story still moved.
  • Gabi's takedown of Nick...I wonder what he will do once he learns what Gabi did
  • Tyler and Maggie's attraction growing
  • EJ learning of Abigail's pregnancy, and what will he do now?

You took the time to slow things down and move these other stories, and that's great...

As always, good show

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I love how Nick is thinking that Gabi loves him. It makes the set up even more interesting to me. Tyler and Maggie are going to be a great story!!! Good choice! I love how you are giving Sami a back bone again. She is remembering a terrible noment in her life, while keeping her strength. I liked the romance and story movement that was showcased for Will and Sonny. Keep up the good work!

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The scenes with Will and Sonny were very nice. It's was also nice to see how Tyler is being worked in via Maggie and now Will. I really do enjoy Tyler and Maggie. I do feel a connection between the two.

Wonder what EJ will do now that He knows. Looking forward to that nect conversation.

Good show!

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