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ANOTHER WORLD 177 Kirkland and Charlie's wedding day Part 1




Kirkland and Charlie’s wedding day Part I

Created By: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, beebs



Rachelblogentry-14971-0-41103600-1407622400_th, Carl blogentry-14971-0-01061300-1407622420_th and Micheleblogentry-14971-0-07516200-1407622465_th are riding in the back. Michele is looking out the window, and Rachel looks at her with concern.

Rachel: You’ve been very quiet.

Carl: Understandably. She hasn’t seen her family in a very long time.

Michele: I’m nervous.

Rachel: Carl and I will be right there with you. Nothing could prepare them for what’s gonna happen today.



Bridgetblogentry-14971-0-89740500-1407622496_th is in the living room on her cell phone wearing a summery, light cranberry based, flowery spaghetti strap dress with matching shoes.

Bridget: I forgot Charlie was your niece. I’ll see you at the wedding. Maybe we can sit together. Okay bye.

Vickyblogentry-14971-0-02806000-1407622544_th walks into the living room from the kitchen wearing a sky blue fitted spaghetti strap dress with black, open-toed, high heeled shoes.

Vicky: Who were you on the phone with?

Bridget: Cory. Why?

Jakeblogentry-14971-0-13739900-1407622584_th comes downstairs in his black tuxedo.

Jake: Bridget don’t start. You both look beautiful.

Vicky: Thank you.

Bridget: Thank you dad.

There’s an awkward silence…

Vicky: So do you want to ride with me to the wedding?

Bridget: No. Steven’s coming to pick us up.



Stevenblogentry-14971-0-68367000-1407622611_th, dressed in a black tuxedo, is with Sharleneblogentry-14971-0-44102300-1407622634_th.

Steven: How are you?

Sharlene: I’ve never been better.

Steven: That’s great to hear.

Sharlene: John was here. We talked, and I know what I have to do.

Steven: Well…I’ve got some great news.



Gregory blogentry-14971-0-91541300-1407622666_this in the living room at the mirror. He is tying his tie that matches his navy blue suit, as John,blogentry-14971-0-26846600-1407622695_th dressed in a gray suit, matching light gray striped tie, and black shoes. walks downstairs with a clothing bag. Gregory notices the bag through the mirror, but continues to look in the mirror.

Gregory: What’s in the bag?

John: It’s a dress.

Gregory (chuckling): Is it for Felicia, or are you planning on dressing in drag?

John sighs to resist Gregory’s attempt to start to argument.

John: No. It’s actually for your mother.


Sharlene: Wait a minute. Kirkland and Charlie are getting married today. That’s why you look so handsome.

Steven: Is that what you think my news is?

Sharlene: Well yeah. Give them my best.

Steven: You’re going, too.

Sharlene: What?

Steven: We conferred and you are all integrated...for good this time, and you’ve just gotta sign your papers, and you will be officially released, and the charges will be dropped.

Sharlene: Oh my God. I...I thought I was gonna miss the wedding. Oh goodness. What am I gonna wear?

Steven: John is on his way with your dress. Come on did you think I was gonna let you miss this?

Sharlene hugs her nephew with gratitude.



Frankieblogentry-14971-0-94349100-1407622756_th, Charlie blogentry-14971-0-36464600-1407622794_th, Staceyblogentry-14971-0-08742000-1407622841_th, and Lindsay blogentry-14971-0-39633500-1407622885_th are with Charlie in one of the rooms. Frankie, Lindsay and Stacey all have their light violet bridesmaid dresses on, and Charlie still has a terrycloth robe on. Frankie and Stacey are doing Charlie’s hair. Frankie is trying to hold Charlie’s hair up, while Stacey looks where to insert a pin.

Frankie: We’re gonna get it just right.

Stacey: Okay here we go. Right there.

Stacey and Frankie look at Charlie to admire their work. Charlie looks in the mirror.

Charlie: Can you put the bun a little to the right.

Frankie: Oh Charlie come on this is about the tenth time we’ve tried.

Stacey: Lindsay, we need Felicia. I know she can get this right.

Lindsay: I got a text from her. She said she and Mitch are on their way.



Mitchblogentry-14971-0-57811600-1407622933_th is driving Felicia blogentry-14971-0-15151600-1407622957_th to the church.

Mitch: You haven’t said a word since we left the house.

Felicia: Neither have you.

Mitch: Are you still angry about me asking about John? Surely you understand why.

Felicia: I really don’t wanna talk about it. This is Charlie and Kirkland’s day.

Mitch: So when are we gonna talk about it? The tenth of never?

Suddenly they hear a loud pop, and metal scraping. This causes Mitch to pull over.

Felicia: What was that?

Mitch: Judging from that sound, I think we got a flat tire.

Felicia sighs with frustration.





Steven: Are you excited?

Sharlene: It’s bittersweet. I think my real recovery is still ongoing, but I couldn’t have gotten through the first part without you.

Steven: I can’t take credit for that. You got yourself to this point.

Sharlene: I finally figured out why Janice emerged.

Steven: And she won’t again.

Sharlene: Damned right.

John knocks on the door and walks in with the clothing bag that has Sharlene’s dress in it.

Steven: Hey uncle John.

John: Steven. Sharlene.

Sharlene: Hi John.

Steven: Well I gotta go pick up Kirkland and Bridget.

John: Do you think you’re gonna have enough time?

Steven: Probably not. I’ll text Bridget. Hopefully mom and Jake are still there. She can ride with them.


Vicky: Look Bridget I get that you’re mad as hell at me right now, but Steven’s gonna go pick up Kirkland, too. He might not have enough time to come get you, too.

Jake: She can go in my car. You both can.

Vicky smiles as Bridget gets Steven’s text. It says “Can she go with mom or Jake? I have to get Kirk, too. Not gonna have enough time.” Bridget sucks her teeth.

Bridget: Yeah dad.

Jake: The car’s out back.

Bridget walks out and Vicky smiles pensively.

Vicky: Thank you.

Jake: I will put our differences aside for our children today. That’s all.

Vicky: It’s a start isn’t it?

Jake: A family ride or a wedding is not gonna change what’s wrong between us. I can’t just flip on a switch and decide to trust you again.

Vicky: I’m not gonna explain my reasons for that anymore, and you’re not gonna keep us in limbo. It doesn’t seem like you want to try and work things out.

Jake: Did you even listen to what I said. I will put our differences aside for the childrens’ sake.

Vicky: Yes I heard that loud and clear, and after the wedding, you can start looking for a place to live. I want you out of this house.


Mitch presses “end call” on his cell phone.

Felicia: Sooo?

Mitch: I’m gonna go out and change it myself.

Felicia: You can’t do that. You’re gonna get your suit dirty.

Mitch: Roadside Assistance said it would be at least an hour. You’ve gotta get there for Charlie.

Felicia: Oh no. I can’t wait that long.

Someone knocks on the driver’s side window. Mitch looks out and sees John.



John drives Sharlene and Felicia. Felicia is in the back seat.

Felicia: That’s wonderful that you’ve been released today. Just in time for Charlie’s wedding.

Sharlene: Why do you care? Are you concerned that you’re not gonna be able to see my husband anymore?

Felicia: For the last time I’m not having an affair with John!

Sharlene: I hear you two have been spending a lot of time together.

Felicia: And you were doing the same with my husband!

John: Quiet. This day is for Kirkland and Charlie.

Felicia: Charlie is my God-daughter.

Sharlene: And Charlie is my niece! My flesh and blood!

John: It doesn’t matter. We all love them and you two need to stop this arguing now!



Jake and Vicky are in the front seat.

Jake: What’s taking Bridget so long?

Vicky: A girl needs her lip gloss. Hope she can find it in that room of hers.


Bridget is in her bedroom getting her lip gloss off of her dresser, and then as she walks downstairs, she is seemingly stopped right in her tracks by a feeling.

Bridget: What was that?


Rachel, Carl and Michele are the front door of the McKinnons house. Michele goes to a row of five flower pots, and gets a key out of it the middle pot.

Michele: I remember where the spare key is.

She takes a deep breath, and looks back at Carl and Rachel.

Michele: Here it goes.

Michele inserts the key into the keyhole and turns it…


Stacey, Lindsay, and Frankie are all standing next to each other.

Stacey: Well there she is. We finally got her hair right.

Lindsay: She looks like she’s ready.

Frankie: You look awesome. Mama would have been proud.

Frankie smiles proudly as she puts the white matching head piece on Charlie, who is wearing Emma’s white tailored wedding dress.



Recommended Comments

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This wedding is going great already. So much happening. The families coming together, and all this drama going down. I love it.

Felicia, John, Mitch and Sharlene is a mess. A wonderful mess. I am really enjoying this whole situation.

Gregory is being so awful, but I can't wait to see how much worse he can get, because we know he will. Hahha.

Great family scenes with everyone helping get Charlie ready, and I love how Jake and Vicky are slowly rebuilding that bridge between them. Very good. Baby steps are the way.

Awesome stuff, Cary!

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LOVED the family scenes in this episode! It pulled everything together that AW fans wanted to see.

The car scene with Mitch, Felicia, John, and Sharlene was hilarious and totally worth reading!

The way you described the last Michele scene in this episode was touching! And the way we all knew Bridget had that feeling... that just really touched my heart.

WONDERFUL start to the wedding!

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The big day is here. The episode construction was very well put together.. I liked how you touched upon The whole John/Felicia/Sharlene Mitch quaderangle. I love each character in it and it has very interesting dynamics. I do feel everyone being to hard on my girl FeFe. Its truly a tangled web and it plays into history and I love that. It affects so many people. Greg really didnt need to take that jab at his dad lol. Ass.

The desciptions were very nice, gave you a real sense of the scene in my head.

And Michele is back on the home stead.

Vicky wants Jake out after the wedding. No more sugar coating or hiding anything.

Good show bro!

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I love that bickering between Sharlene and Felicia.

Great scene where Bridget starts to realize Michele is alive.

You get all these little details and beats just right in every story. Nothing feels thrown together.

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John having to be with Felicia and Sharlene together. lolol That's great. Nice touch. A lot going on already for the Big Wedding. Love me a soapy wedding. Can't wait till I get to continue later.

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