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ANOTHER WORLD 172 Can Sharlene handle the truth?



ANOTHER WORLD 172 Can Sharlene handle the truth?

Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, Beebs, DRW50


The Winthrop women (Charlieblogentry-14971-0-93242500-1405129121_th, Lindsayblogentry-14971-0-36182200-1405129137_th, Staceyblogentry-14971-0-60644100-1405129156_th) are with Feliciablogentry-14971-0-09214900-1405129173_th and Frankieblogentry-14971-0-56677300-1405129205_th. Felicia and Frankie are off to the side as Charlie, Lindsay and Stacey are gathered around the couch.

Frankie: Did you call them?

Felicia: Yeah they should be here any minute.

Frankie: Felicia, listen. You don’t know how happy it makes me that you’re here for Charlie.

Felicia: I wouldn’t miss this for the world.

Frankie: And I’m happy that we’re friends. I know we had a lot of differences in the past.

Felicia: That was a lonnnng time ago.

Frankie’s eyes well up.

Frankie: I was so self righteous about what happened with Aunt Sharlene. I’m...I’m sorry.

Felicia: Honey...I forgave you a long time ago. Forgive yourself. Tonight and tomorrow will be about Charlie. That’s who we’re here for.

Frankie: Of course.

The two join the three Winthrop women at the couch. Stacey is sitting on couch, while Charlie and Lindsay are sitting on the floor leaning on the couch.

Stacey: So we’ve got two of them.

Lindsay: Something old and borrowed.

Frankie: I think Emma’s wedding dress would qualify those.

Felicia: So we need something new and blue.

Someone rings the doorbell…

Frankie: I’ll get it.

Frankie opens the door, and it’s a hunky man in a Bay City Policeman’s uniform holding an envelope.

Man: Is Cass here?

Frankie: No. Why?

Man: I have to deliver this to him.

Frankie: I’ll make sure he…

Frankie stops as the man walks in and Felicia approaches him.

Felicia: I didn’t hear her invite you in.

The man opens the envelope and a blue blindfold drops out. Charlie walks over and picks it up.

Man: Put it on.

Lindsay brings over a chair and Charlie looks back at Lindsay.

Charlie: So this must be something new and blue.

Lindsay: Have a seat girl.

Lindsay helps to plop Charlie in the chair by her shoulders. Felicia gets the remote and turns on rock music on the MP3 dock. Charlie takes off her blindfold and the hunky man, complete with a six pack stomach, chiseled chest and arms, and only wearing a speedo, starts to gyrate his hips in front of her, and the other ladies root him on. Meanwhile, Frankie tells something to Felicia…

Frankie: I wonder what my Aunt Sharlene would think of this.


AT THE MENTAL INSTITUTION, MItchblogentry-14971-0-16871800-1405129270_th confronts Johnblogentry-14971-0-11109200-1405129298_th in front of Gregory blogentry-14971-0-41223300-1405129322_thand Sharleneblogentry-14971-0-35177900-1405129345_th in Sharlene’s room.

Sharlene: Mitch.

Gregory: No mom I wanna hear what dad has to say about this.

John: I am not having an affair with Felicia. I told you she was helping me find Michael.

Sharlene interjects.

Sharlene: Yes Mitch. That’s what he was doing. He was trying to find his brother.

Mitch: He’s still alive? Michael’s been dead for years.

Sharlene: No he’s not. He’s alive.

Mitch: John you could’ve had anyone else help you. Why my wife? She’s happily married.

John: Well maybe not. You knew what my wife was going through with the D.I.D. and you said nothing.

Mitch: You didn’t need Felicia’s help in finding your brother.

John: And you should’ve told me about Sharlene.

Sharlene: Look this isn’t getting us anywhere! Gregory, Mitch, I need to talk to my husband...alone!

Gregory: But mom---

Sharlene: Go Gregory!

After Gregory and Mitch leave...

John: What’s going on with us? You confided in Mitch about what you were struggling with instead of coming to me?

Sharlene: Is there anything else you have to tell me John?

John: What does that supposed to mean?

Sharlene: Let’s do it! Let’s get everything out on the table! Because if you walk out that door with any more secrets, our marriage is over.


MCKINNONS HOUSE - Kirklandblogentry-14971-0-26440400-1405129382_th walks in and all the lights are off. Subsequently, he turns them on and, much to the surprise of Kirkland, sees a tanned, slightly petite, beautiful, blonde haired woman dressed in a two piece bikini. She slowly and seductively walks up to Kirkland and unbuttons his shirt.

Kirkland: What are you doing?

Jakeblogentry-14971-0-60851100-1405129417_th and Stevenblogentry-14971-0-09888500-1405129440_th appear…

Jake: What do you think this is?

Steven cues “Nasty Girl” by Vanity 6 on the MP3 dock, and the girl starts dancing seductively as Jake and Steven root the girl on.

Kirkland (to himself): So glad my dad didn’t come.


GRANT’S HOUSE - Grantblogentry-14971-0-79159900-1405129510_th sits on his couch reading his tablet, then Christyblogentry-14971-0-95481000-1405129543_th enters his home, and he takes off his reading glasses.

Christy: I’m baaaack!!!




Felicia walks into her and Mitch’s apartment, turns the lights on, and finds Mitch sitting on the couch, staring at the wall.

Felicia: Hi honey.

Felicia puts down her keys on the end table, and sits next to her husband, and Mitch continues to stare off away from Felicia.

Mitch: How was the party?

Felicia: Oh it was great. We had so much fun. You should have seen the look on Charlie’s face. She had no idea we got her a stripper.

Mitch: You mean you didn’t tell her?

Felicia: Well of course not. That would’ve ruined the surprise.

Mitch: Surprises you are full of huh?

Felicia: She enjoyed that, and so did we.

Felicia leans on Mitch’s left shoulder and he is unresponsive.

Felicia: What’s going on? Are you okay?

Mitch gets up from the couch and turns his back to Felicia.

Mitch: I wonder if I should tell you.

Felicia: Tell me what?

Mitch: Don’t you hate to be kept in the dark?

Felicia: Apparently you like to sit in it. Tell me what’s bothering you.

Mitch: How’s Michael?

Felicia: Michael?

Mitch turns around and faces his wife.

Mitch: I hope you and John found him...together.


John: What do you want me to tell you?

Sharlene: The truth. What else are you hiding from me?

John: You’re my wife. Why would I hide anything from you?

Sharlene: Because that’s all you’ve done for these past few weeks. Or has it been longer?

John: Sharlene---

Sharlene: What else?

John: That’s not important---

Sharlene: What else John?!

John: Okay. Dr. Taylor.

Sharlene: What about him?

John: I told him...I told him to not let you remember anything about the day Grant was shot at the Center opening.

Sharlene starts shaking her head in apparent disbelief.

Sharlene: Why? Let me guess...for my protection.

John: I didn’t want you to end up in a place like this! Listen, all I want is for you to come home, and we can be the family that we’re supposed to be.

Sharlene: I...I have to think. I need time to think.

John: Whatever you think about, please always remember that I love you.

John slowly walks out and Sharlene breaks down crying.


Grant: Did you do it?

Christy: Oh it’s done, all thanks to you.

Grant: What else are you going to do?

Christy: Oh Grant, that’s for you to find out isn’t it?

Grant: Do I want to?

Christy pauses.

Christy: I hate having to do this to Mary Frances.

Grant: You have a conscience?

Christy: Yes I do as a matter of fact. Mary Frances is the only friend I’ve ever had. What I’m about to do is going to hurt her very much.

Grant: Whatever this plan is that you have, you better leave my son out of this.

Christy: Don’t worry. I’m not targeting Kirkland.


MCKINNONS HOUSE - The stripper has left as Jake, Steven, and Kirkland are at the couch, and they’ve had a few drinks.

Jake: Okay that’s enough.

Steven: You said that three shots ago.

Kirkland: Jake’s right. I don’t wanna be hung over at the altar.

Jake: Yeah that...that wouldn’t be good.

Kirkland and Steven look at each other, and then look at Jake as they heard a slur.

Steven: He’s drunk.

Jake: No I’m not.

Kirkland: Come on Jake you gotta stand up for me tomorrow.

Jake: I am gonna stand up for you. I wouldn’t miss...your big day.

Steven: Of course, but Jake you can’t have any more.

Jake: Kirkland, I hope your marriage turns out better than the one I have with your mother.

Vickyblogentry-14971-0-71823200-1405129639_th and Bridgetblogentry-14971-0-18693800-1405129679_th walk in.

Vicky: I see you guys had a lot of fun.

Bridget: Did you guys get a stripper?

Kirkland: Mom.

Bridget: And it’s a shame that this is the first time I get to see my eldest brother.

Steven: Comere kiddo.

Steven and Bridget hug.

Steven: I’m gonna….head out.

Bridget: And I’m goin’ to bed.

After Steven and Bridget leave, Kirkland turns his attention to Vicky.

Vicky: Well honey you should go and be ready for your big day.

Kirkland: Not until I find out what’s going on between you two.

They both look at Jake, who has passed out on the couch.

Kirkland: Whatever is going on, swallow your pride and solve it. I know you believe what you did was for the right reasons.

Vicky: Oh you think you know me so well.

Kirkland kisses his mom on her left cheek.

Kirkland: I’ll see you tomorrow mom. I love you.

Vicky: Love you, too.

Kirkland leaves, and Vicky locks the door, turns around, and looks at Jake, who is sleeping on the couch. She takes the throw blanket that is on the arm of the couch, spreads it out, and lays it gently on Jake. Vicky turns off the light, and walks upstairs.




Recommended Comments

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Gosh that ending was pure soap and extremely beautiful to me. Her turning of the light and walking up the stairs. I just pictured that in my head as I read it. FINALLY the long awaited wedding!!! Your build up through the weeks and weeks has been amazing! That Sharlene and John scene got me teared up because the emotions were real and raw. Loving this Christy storyline... nice way to bring history back into the fold. Felicia and Mitch where are they headed? Their road seems interesting and I am ready to walk! Very good job with the episode! Keep up the great work!

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That was a very good episode, Cary. I especially loved Felicia and Mitch. I could see every line being said on TV. You've really got a handle on these characters, and it's great.

Sharlene and John's relationship is really rocky now, and I can't wait to see how you deal with Sharlene learning the truth.

The wedding looms, and what a great ending there. The last scene with Vicky making Jake comfortable is really a nice way to end the episode, and really love how the simple everyday things really make a big impact sometimes. GREAT work!

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Wow. Cary outsanding. I have a lot of comments so with out further delay

The epiosde construction itself was great.

It was so nice to see the Wintrop family come together for Charlie. The stipper was a nice surprise. It was nice seeing Felicia and Frankie bond.


love that new opening. A lot better than the high school edition.

The scenes with Sharlene and John were powerfull on the scale that Jake and Vickys were a few weeks ago. Sharlene is at her wits end and threaten to end her marriage. I'm glad she is getting the courage to stand up and deal with the truth. John needs to be truthful esp if that what Sharlene wants. Than the angle wit Mitch. Very good stuff.

Felicia and Mitchs scenes were great. I loved their exchange. I hope this is the start for FEFE's new story

Nice touch with the Vanity 6 song. Really went well with the scene. I could hear the song in my head and imagine what that "nasty girl" was doing" Kirk didnt seem to mind. I thought he would get all weird about it.

And a very touching scene at the end with Vicky covering up Jake. So very nice and so impactful.

Another packed episode of AW and I loved every minute of it cary Great job bro!!

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I finally got around to reading this chapter. Wonderful drama all around, relationship drama that is about longtime distrust and secrets, instead of shock value or pointless conflict. I especially love Felicia's line to dark about how he likes to sit in the dark. And the moment where a drunk Jake tells Kirkland he hopes Kirkland has a happier marriage than he and Vicky do just breaks my heart.

Great fun interlude with the strippers too.

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This ep was superb story telling.

The quad is such a solid story. Love how complicated it is.

And what a great family moment for Kirkland. Vicky and Jake.

Still so stoked for this upcoming soapy wedding

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