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ANOTHER WORLD 164 Family Bonding



ANOTHER WORLD 164 Family bonding

Created by: William J. Bell and Irna Phillips

Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, DRW50, beebs, robbwolff

PART 1 Stacey’s apartment - Staceyblogentry-14971-0-41951200-1400375789_th is in the living room and Lindsayblogentry-14971-0-65128300-1400375930_th walks in from her bedroom, and notices Stacey staring at her cell phone.

Lindsay (walking to get her purse): Charlie just texted. They’re back from Chadwell. We’re supposed to go get fitted for our dresses.

Stacey continues to stare..

Lindsay: Mom? Hello? Earth to mom.

Stacey (snapping out of it): Oh I’m sorry.

Lindsay: Are you waiting for Jake to call you?

Stacey: Ummm...no.

Lindsay: Mom it’s okay, but I think helping Charlie with her wedding would help get our minds off of it.


BAY CITY CENTER - Frankieblogentry-14971-0-40162600-1400375957_th and Charlieblogentry-14971-0-48974900-1400375975_th are sitting at a table, and Frankie is on her cell phone.

Frankie: Yeah we’re back. Oh your daughter’s gonna look like a million bucks. See ya later.

Charlie: I just texted Kirkland and Lindsay.

Frankie: They’re gonna meet us here right?

Charlie: Yeah hopefully soon. Hey I’m gonna go to the ladies’ room. I’ll be back.

Frankie: Okay honey.

Charlie leaves and suddenly she gets a chill…

Frankie: What was that? Nope I will not let any negative vibes get in the way of my daughter’s wedding.

Then...Ericblogentry-14971-0-14246600-1400376000_th approaches Frankie…

Eric: Hi. Your name’s Mary Frances right?

Frankie becomes a bit concerned and stands up to face him.

Frankie: Yes, but I don’t believe we’ve met.

Eric: I’ve heard so much about you.

Frankie: Is that right? From whom?


PRISON MENTAL FACILITY - Christyblogentry-14971-0-11245700-1400376031_th walks into the visitor’s area, and Grantblogentry-14971-0-76141000-1400376058_th is there. Christy sits across from him.

Grant: What the hell do you want? I have to go get fitted for my tux.

Christy: You’d better be bringing me some good news.

Grant: Not so fast Ms. Carson.

Christy: Excuse me?

Grant looks around to make sure nobody is in earshot, and leans closer to Christy…

Grant: Before I get you out of here, I want the evidence that Scooter had.

Christy: Who says I have any evidence?

Grant: Don’t play coy, especially if you wanna get out of here. You give me what I want, and I give you what you want. It’s that simple.

Christy: And if I don’t give it?

Grant: Then you spend the rest of your life in this facility. That isn’t what you want, is it Ms. Carson?

Christy: If I didn’t know any better, you’re trying to play hardball, and if that’s the case, you picked the wrong bitch.


THE MCKINNONS - Stevenblogentry-14971-0-27126400-1400376090_th and Kirklandblogentry-14971-0-56827600-1400376115_thhave arrived amongst Jakeblogentry-14971-0-05463100-1400376142_th and Vicky’sblogentry-14971-0-90453200-1400376164_th argument.

Kirkland: What the hell is going on over here?

Steven: That’s what I’d like to know.

Jake: Guys I’m so sorry. I forgot we were going to get fitted for our tuxes today.

Vicky walks up to Kirkland.

Vicky: You know what honey, you guys go ahead.

Then she looks at Jake.

Vicky: Jake and I can put aside our differences for Kirkland’s sake. Can’t we Jake?

Jake: You’re right.

Then Jake looks at Kirkland.

Jake: It’s gonna be your wedding day, and I would never try to take anything away from that.




Stacey and Lindsay interrupt Eric from possibly telling Frankie that Christy is his mother.

Lindsay: Hey Frankie.

Frankie: Hi there.

Stacey: Where’s my niece?

Eric: I’m sorry. I’m gonna go.

Eric runs off.

Frankie: Wait a minute. Who are you?

Lindsay: Yeah who is that?

Frankie: Maybe that’s...what I got a feeling about. Anyway, let’s go get those dresses.

Stacey: I’ll text Charlie and tell her to meet us there. Where’s Emma’s wedding dress?

Frankie: It was delivered to the shop.


TUXEDO SHOP...Jake, Kirkland, and Steven are side by side, as a tailor measures each one of them for their tuxedos.

Kirkland: What’s up with you and mom?

Jake: Don’t worry about us son. You should be focusing on marrying Charlie.

Steven strategically interjects…

Steven: Jake’s right. You’re about to make a lifelong commitment to my cousin. How does it feel?

Kirkland: You make it sound like I’m about to go to jail or something.

Jake: Well get ready for arguments about the toothpaste, and the bed not being made up. I remember your mom used to always tell you to make up your bed when you were younger.

Steven: You didn’t have to tell me that. My side of the room was always clean.

Jake: Steven you were always a clean person. We didn’t have to get after you about chores and things.

Steven: I feel sorry for Charlie.

Kirkland: So what I’m a little messy.

Jake and Steven (at the same time): A little?

Steven: I think you should hit up your dad so you can hire a maid to clean up after you.


Grant: I can keep you locked up in here forever if I wanted to.

Christy: You go right ahead and try, because one phone call, and you’ll have a one way ticket to the pen.

Grant: You’re bluffing.

Christy: Oh believe me, I’m not. I know you’re connected to Evan Frame’s reign of mayhem, and that you shot him.

Grant: You don’t know anything.

Christy: Oh come on Grant. We both know that the object of your affection is Paulina, and I’ve got the goods to help you get her, but you gotta get me outta here...first. If I were you, I’d strongly encourage you to call in all the favors you need to. We can help each other. It’s a win win.


BRIDAL SHOP - Stacey and Frankie are in one room being measured by the seamstresses.

Stacey: Charlie deserves this.

Frankie: I’m so happy for my baby.

Stacey: I know Cass wasn’t happy about it at first.

Frankie: No he wasn’t. He softened up after the judge ruled against Christy’s release.

Stacey: He just wants Charlie to be safe.

Frankie: We were at odds about it, but some time away has given some clarity.

Stacey: About what?

Frankie: Your brother. I’m always gonna love him. I still love him. I guess I’ve just been stubborn about it.


Charlie and Lindsay are in another room being fitted. Charlie’s is being tailored while she wears it.

Lindsay: That’s your grandmother’s dress?

Charlie: Yeah.

Lindsay: It’s beautiful.

Charlie: Thank you. I can’t believe it’s so close.

Lindsay: I know.

Charlie: Should I hyphenate my name?

Lindsay: So you wanna be Charlotte Winthrop-Harrison?

Charlie: Ahhhh I dunno about that. It didn’t sound right. No offense.

Lindsay: None taken.

Charlie: I guess we’ll stick with Charlotte Harrison.


Kirkland: So Steven, Jake and I are gonna be married. When is it gonna be your turn?

Steven: All in good time lil brother.

Jake: So there isn’t anyone you’ve got your eye on since you’ve been back?

Kirkland: He’s got an imaginary girlfriend.

Steven: She’s not my girlfriend, but she’s definitely a complicated girl. She acts so tough on the outside, but deep down is a real sweet person. There’s a mystery that I wanna uncover when it comes to her.


MEANWHILE in MONTICELLO...Joyblogentry-14971-0-45092000-1400375763_th walks into an office, with blue strobe lights and a blue ‘L’ on the left wall.

Joy: Boss, I’ve done as you’ve asked.



Recommended Comments

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OMG ANOTHER CLUE TO THE BOSS! I think I know who it is... not sure though. I hope Steven does not get hurt. I liked the little nice scenes that will bring us into the wedding. It was calming and soothing. I loved how Christy called herself a bitch! Gosh this episode played out like an another world episode I watched one time. That means you are getting the aw feel as you write these. Overall good job.

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Good episode. I can't wait for this wedding. I really like the bonding Jake's doing with Steven and Kirkland. Awesome stuff. You're doing a great job with the characters.


Another great episode.

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I love how Steven described Joy. As a mystery he wants to crack. I like that

The men's scene with Jake and the boys was great. Good hearing about pass times and messy kirk. neat Steven. Seem true to Character.

I LOL when Chrusty called her self a Bitch. Yea Bitch you right about that. I could hear her saying that in my vocie with her semi deepend voice. The kind of vocie where its tired from drinking beer all day and than you hollering and fight all night. So funny.

I like Charlie pondering her name.

It was Cool Jake was able to be there for the boys. I wanted to give Frankie my cover when she got Chilly. I wonder what Eric was going to tell her.

This seem like a longer show

Nice to see the wedding become the forfront. I'm ready.

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Nice to see the Winthrops and Hudson/Frame/McKinnon/et al. groups. Stacey and Frankie rarely get a chance to interact.

Frankie's psychic abilities back again, although as always, they never tell her what she needs to know.

Who is playing Eric? I forgot.

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