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Who Killed Katherine Chancellor?! #138



The Chancellor Estate


Everyone is stunned after seeing Murphy being arrested on two counts on involuntary manslaughter. One count for Tucker and one count for Katherine.


: (Looking to Mac) I told you that bastard was responsible for killing my mother! Him and his “plan“. He should have went to the police like I originally said. I hope he gets the death penalty!


Dad I’m sorry for not believing in you. It’s so hard to fathom that poor old Murphy is behind all of this.

imagesCACOGM06_zps86515432.jpgJack is even more stunned especially after flashing back to the time he went to Katherine and told her everything about what Tucker was up to and Jack’s own one time role in Tucker’s plan. Jack realizes he kind of set this whole thing in motion. Jack chokes up.

“ What have I done?” He whispers to himself. He leaves the funereal. Keemo watches him.

Nikki is also sitting in shock.


Mom you ok?


Murphy killed Tucker and Kay. Oh my god this is so terrible. If I had been there for Kay maybe none of this would have happened and Kay would still be here. I could have warned Kay about Tucker. And convinced her to go to Paul and he could have handled all of this.” She cries as Nick holds her.


Mom it’s going to be ok. You had no way of knowing.


I should have been there. This is all Victor’s fault. He set this whole thing in motion by giving Newman to Kay. It made Kay a target for Tucker’s malicious plan to destroy Kay and take over Newman. Damn Victor for this. He is the root cause of this.


Mom calm down.” He holds her.

Victoria looks at Nick. Through their eye contact deep down they both realize Victor is at the root of all of this.


Episode 138: Murphy is Arrested for Murder!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz, with Philip Connelly

Hillary’s Apt.

untitled_zpsdd988ebe.pngHillary is sitting on her couch listening to the recording of Nate and Roxanne’s conversation filled with confessions of love and paternity switches. Hillary can’t believe she was able to get all that information in such a short time span. Her original intentions were was to just break into Roxanne’s apt and snoop through her stuff. Never in a million years did she imagine she would hit the jack pot with such juicy secrets all told within a five minute conversation. She decides she needs to think about what should happen next. She grabs her coat and leaves her place to grab a drink and relax her mind.



The Jailjailcell.jpg

imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpgMurphy is fingerprinted and his picture is taken. He is fitted into a jumpsuit and put into a cell across from Victor.

Victor: victor_zps1e4cb609.jpg

Murphy old boy. What in the hell are you doing here?

“He killed my grandmother and my dad in one single night” Victor hears as he turns around and sees an angry Devon.


Devon it was not like that. I thought I was making the right choice. Katherine agreed to the “plan“.


Don’t you ever say that Katherine agreed to this! She was under so much stress she probably didn’t know what she was thinking. You were on her for weeks about Tucker before all of this happened.


Now wait just a damn minute! Murphy is being charged with Katherine’s death?


Yes. Involuntary manslaughter. Two counts.


I was trying to protect Katherine damn it! Just like this country I love, I fought for us in Vietnam. And Like I love my country I love my Kay so yes I wanted to protect her.


Old man, the Vietnam war was over decades ago. Things are different and the way things are done is different. What’s the matter with you? They are charging the wrong person here. Jackass Abbott is the one who set this whole thing in motion! He originally was going to help Tucker take over Newman only to best me. But we know how the story plays out, I always win.


I hope you rot in hell for taking away such a dear lady from this earth. My life will never be the same.


Devon look I am sorry. I only wanted to protect Kay. I thought I was doing the right thing.

Devon just walks away.


That Jackass should be in here not you old man. Jack is responsible for all of this and he is going to pay.

Paul then walks in and moves Murphy to a different cell.

Victor looks mad leaning against the iron bars. He keeps on thinking about Jack’s role in Kay’s death.

“That bastard is going to pay once and for all.”

As Devon is walking out from the holding area Abby arrives and rushes over to him.

Abby: thCAVF6RVJ.jpg

Are you ok? I knew you were coming down here. I wanted to be here for you.

Devon looks at her and smiles.


You really been in my corner since this all began. Abby I really appreciate it.” He gives her a hug. Abby is in heaven as the man she is in love with is slowly coming around.


: I told you Devon, I’m here for you. I’m not going to hide my feelings for you any longer. Tomorrow is never promised and I need you to know I can love you better than Roxanne can, She’s still not even here for you.


Trust me I’ve noticed. In fact I’m going to see her right now.


Give her hell Devon.” Devon turns around and smiles at her. Abby smiles back.

“ It’s only a matter of time until I have Devon, finally.” She smiles then decides to go in and see Victor.



Jack arrives at the jail and visits Murphy.


I can’t believe Paul arrested you.


He is just doing his job. The more I think about things the more I think maybe everyone is right. I should have went to Paul in the first place. Jack I had no idea how all this would turn out.


Neither did I. Look I need to know something.


You don’t even need to ask. I will not tell anyone about your role in all of this.


Thank you Murphy. Victor put all of this into motion and by God I am going to make him pay. Victor put a target right on Kay by giving her Newman.


I’ll be ok Jack. I did what I thought was right.


I will try to support you as much as I can. Commissary and things like that.( He says out of guilt for letting Murphy take the fall in Kay’s death alone) I can even pay for your lawyer but you can’t tell any one. My role in all of this needs to remain mum.


You have my word. I will not let Victor get the upper hand over you. You were good to me by helping me. I won’t forget it.

Jack nods his head holding back tears of guilt and leaves the scene walking right past Abby.

Abby meets Victor at his cell.


Hello darling. Nice of you to come by.


I thought I come see how you were after that scene you caused at the services.


If you are here to lecture me about strangling your uncle you can save you breath.


Well didn’t you just talk to him?


No I didn’t why would you ask that?


Well I just walked right past him. He looked very upset. I thought he came to see you.


Jack was here at the jail? Well I’ll be damned. I bet I know what is going on. That Jackass went to see Murphy to try and cover up his tracks in his role in Kay’s death.


Come on dad you don’t seriously believe uncle Jack had something to do with Katherine’s death do you?


You bet I do and he is going to pay.


I wish you two would just stop. This is a hard time for all of us.


Your right darling. But Jackass Abbot is not going to get away with what he did. It’s just as simple as that.




Chancellor Estate.

The white candles are lit and the Doves are released as GC says their final good byes to Katherine.imagesCA9EMTRY_zps145e2bc3.jpg


I just want to invite everyone to the house. I’ve prepared some food for everyone to put on their mourning stomachs. I know all this crying has worked me up an appetite.


Thank you Esther very kind of you.

The crowd begin to make their way towards the house.

Philip walks over to Chance.


You’ve been very quite. Thinking of that girl in Afghanistan.


I am kind of. Just a very sad day. I hope she is alright.


And no one has heard anything from her?


No. Her family doesn’t even know but I’m tasked with telling them. I find it so dreadful to tell them I let her down. I was unable to stop her from being kidnapped by the Taliban and we don’t know if she is dead or alive.


Son, you have got to tell the family no matter who they are. They have a right to know. And if you need me to be by your side when the moment arrives I will be.


I know that. I will. Very soon. “ Chance hugs his father. He then walks into the house.

Nina2_zpse9517a22.pngNina walks up behind Philip.


He talked to you about the girl?


Yes. He’s very messed up about it.


He said the girl’s family was right here from Genoa City. Do you know who it is?


No I don’t. I guess when Chance is ready he will tell us. Come on and lets get something to eat.



Inside The Chancellor House.

Everyone is eating, mingling and discussing their memories of Kay.


Excuse me everyone. I have an announcement.

Everyone focuses on Brock.


As the Executor of Katherine’s will I wanted to let everyone know that all necessary parties will be getting notifications for the designated place and time of the reading of my mother’s will. I thank you all for coming and expressing your love for my dear mother. I’m going to retire for the evening. Good night Everyone.” Just then a loud banging is heard at the door. Brock opens the door and he sees an older woman smoking a cigarette and a man in a wheel chair with his head being head up by his hand half sleep.


Can I help you?

The woman blows cigarette smoke in Brock’s face.

“I’m here to get a piece of the pie. And oh yes to mourn my older sister. Or make it appear I am trying to at least.


Excuse me?

imagesCAWV1A8W_zpsd5406947.jpg“I’m Karynn and this is Karl and we are Katherine’s younger brother and sister. We are here for our slice of the pie.” Karynn grabs Karl’s wheel chair and wheels him into the crowd. Brock is stunned. “ Mom had a brother and sister?” He says in bewilderment.




GC Nights Bar. bar2.jpg

thCAY2UA79.jpgMalcolm’s is sitting the bar drinking on a beer. He is thinking about his life. He is angry that Leslie just dumped him. He feels that Les dumped him for Neil.

“Dusty hoe” He says under his breath between bottles of beer and shots of patron he is ordering.

“I’m going to get that fool. Neil think it’s a game. My brother think it’s a game out here. I’m tired of him taking sh!t from me. And Im’sho’ gone put an end to all of it.”

Then Hillary walks in. She looks around the place having never been there before. She decides to grab a seat at the bar next to Malcolm but only she doesn’t know who he is. She orders a margarita. She looks over and sees a drunken Malcolm talking to himself.

“I’m going to get you Neil. Always taking from. First my fiancée, my last girlfriend, my son, now my life. I got nothing.”

Hillary over hears what Malcolm is saying and wonders if this is the Malcolm and Neil that’s on her recording. She decides to find out.


You’re pretty messed up there aren’t you? She says to Malcolm getting his attention.


Don’t mind me pretty lady. They tell me I’m a drunk. I’m just here venting about my sorry ass life.


I can hear. I think you need a shoulder. What do you say we grab a table and we can talk?


At least some one willing to listen. I dig that. Yea let’s grab that table girl.” Malcolm stands up but almost loses his balance from drunkenness. Hillary wraps her arm around Malcolm and kind of escorts him to a table. He collapses unto the seat.


I think you need to slow down on the drinks.


Damn that girl. I’m James Brown tonight. I want some get back! I want revenge! I’m mad! The big payback!


Revenge on who?


My bitch ass brother Neil. He took everything from me including my son Moses.

Hillary now has confirmation that this is the Malcolm Nate and Roxanne were referring to. Hillary realizes what kind of position she is in. She has the power to set the truth free. Hillary wonders what she should do.


Roxanne’s Apt.

Devon knocks on the door. It slowly opens up and then he pushes it open. He is mad as hell when he sees Nate holding Roxanne on the couch.



Nate and Roxanne both look up at Devon with guilt written all over their faces.thCAHNQXA5-1.jpg




: I get it now. You’re cheating on me with Nate. It‘s been in my face for months. Nate man you are family man why would you do this?

Roxanne and Nate look at each other.


: You two don‘t even have anything to say do you?………


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I loved the cliffhanger. I told u I could not bare to read this but I pulled through. LOL. I loved your opener how u said everyone was stunned. That can give u an idea on how everyone felt.

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I loved Karynn and Karl's entrance, Jack's self preservation, Roxanne being caught, And the mystery of the family that Chance, Nina and Philip were talking about....

Your last two episodes have been very very good!!

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Great episode. Lots of great stuff happening. I love Karynn and Karl's arrival. They look like they're gonna be fun characters to play on.

The jig is up between Roxanne and Nate. Ooooo!

Malcolm's so drunk, I'm amazed Hilary would go within a mile of him.

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