S01 - Episode Sixteen: "Strike Three, You're Out"

Heaven's Meadow
Season 1 - Episode Sixteen
"Strike Three, You're Out"
This episode features:
Susan Lucci as Erica Kane
Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer
Andrew Trischitta as Jack Manning
Christian Alexander as Billy Jackson
Peter Porte as James
Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport
Michael E. Knight as Tad Martin
Vail Bloom as Brianna Emerson
Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan
Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan
Robin Chistopher as Skye Chandler
Hayley realizes she had an alcohol-infused one night stand and finds herself on the ledge.
Jack told Blair he had a boyfriend.
Lucas has a prisoner.
Skye has a secret.
The mystery woman changes her plan.

(Hayley is standing on the ledge. Tears are streaming down her face. Her entire body shakes as she looks down at the road 23 stories below her. She inhales sharply and reaches one hand behind her, grabbing the railing. With her other hand, she raises the bottle of vodka to her lips and takes a sip. Her hands shaking uncontrollably, a large splash of vodka splashes onto her chin and robe. Sobbing, she throws the bottle behind her and hears as it smashes on the balcony. She wipes the makeup soaked tears from her eyes one last time, and lets go of the railing. Just as she begins to lose her balance, a hand reaches out and grabs her arm, steadying her.)
James: You can't do this, Hayley.
(She turns to look at him through her blurry, tear soaked eyes.)
Hayley: Oh, don't pretend to care.You don't even know me.
James: Maybe not, butI know damn well that I'm not about to let you jump off of this ledge.
(He reaches out and wraps his arms around her waist, lifting her over the railing and back onto the balcony.)
Hayley: Leave it to me to have a one night stand with someone that actually gives a damn.
James: You honestly expected me to let you jump?
Hayley: I didn't expect you to be awake.
James: Well, thank God I was.
Hayley: Just because you pulled me off of one ledge doesn't mean I won't find another.
James: Look, I don't know what's going on in your life, but I know that this isn't the answer.
Hayley: You're damn right. You don't know anything about my life. You have no idea what I go through every single day. And you have no business interfering in my personal life.
James: You can say whatever you want, but I don't have to know you. I don't have to know you, to know this isn't the answer. My mother killed herself when I was 5 years old, and it has haunted me for my entire life. And I know who you are, Hayley. I know you have children at home. And I'm not letting you do to them what my mother did to me. I'm not letting you take the coward's way out.
(Hayley slaps him across the face.)
Hayley: Don't you ever call me a coward. How dare you.
(At this point, tears are once again streaming down her face. She stumbles away from him, and inadvertently walks barefoot directly through the shattered glass on the ground. She winces in pain as blood begins trailing from her foot.)
(James moves towards her.)
James: Let me help you.
(Hayley looks up at him, a mixture of pain and hatred in her eyes.)
Hayley: You stay away from me.
(She limps backwards throw the doorway and into the hotel room. She grabs her purse from the chair, as well as her clothes from the ground, and stumbles from the room wearing nothing but a silk robe and her underwear.)


(Inside Skye's club. Blair is standing with Jack and Billy.)
Blair: Excuse me?
Jack: This is Billy. He's my boyfriend.
Billy: It's nice to meet yo--
(Blair cuts him off.)
Blair: Jack, I don't have time for your games. I have a lot going on right now.
Jack: Mom, this isn't a game.
Blair: You were livid at me for sending you to boarding school, and even more angry that you had to stay for the summer program. And what do you do? You skip school and pull a stunt like this.
Jack: This isn't a joke, Mom.
Blair: You expect me to believe that you're gay? You expect me to believe that you skipped school and hitch-hiked to New Hampshire to tell me that you're gay?
Jack: Yes.
Blair: Well, I don't believe you.
(Her voice cracks. She turns and walks away from them, to the other side of the room. She picks up a stack of papers, and begins fumbling through them. Jack moves towards her.)
Jack: Mom, please. I need you to--
(Blair swivels around and cuts him off.)
Blair: Why now? If this is true - Why now? In the middle of your summer term, you show up and tell me you have a boyfriend? You could have waited a few weeks until I visited. But you expect me to believe your story, when you show up here and drop a bombshell like this? I know you, Jack. You're up to something.
(Jack is chocked up. He swallows the lump in his throat and chokes back tears.)
Jack: Mom, I couldn't take it anymore.
Blair: Take what?
Jack: The bullying.
(Blair is visibly taken aback by this. Blair and Jack lock eyes for a moment. Tears well up once more in Jack's eyes, and he turns away from his mother. He walks several feet to the other side of the room and sits at an empty table. Billy, still standing by the door, glances towards Jack, and then Blair. He moves across the room towards Blair.)
Billy: Jack and I met in chemistry class this past year. We became friends instantly, and eventually it progressed to more. I've been openly gay for about a year now, and once Jack and I became close, he felt comfortable enough with me to admit that he had been doubting his sexual orientation.
Blair: And you just swooped right in and took advantage of that?
(Jack stands, visibly angered by this remark.)
Jack: NO!
Billy: I never came onto Jack. But once he accepted it, we began to explore our feelings for one another.
Blair: Jack, when did you start having these...feelings?
Jack: Last year...For Shane. I know I treated him horribly, and that's why. When my friends started bullying him, I hated it. Because from the minute that I met him, I felt...something. Of course I was in denial about it, and so I started bullying him harder than anyone else so that no one would know. But I hated it, because I had...feelings for him. Everything that I did was to cover that up.
(Blair sighs and rests her head in her hand for a long moment.)
Blair: Well, what is this that you said about bullying?
Jack: It was late at night, and Billy and I were down by the water. We shared a kiss, but we didn't know anyone was around. Apparently one of the guys from the football team saw, and he told everyone. The next day I came back to my room after class and someone had broken in. My room had been completely trashed, and they spray painted...
(He stops.)
Blair: What, Jack? They spray painted what?
Jack: They spray painted the word fag on my wall.
(Blair is visibly horrified. A look of sheer heartbreak spreads across her face. In that moment, all denial that she had was wiped completely out of her.)
Blair: You're serious.
Billy: He is.
Blair: Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!
Jack: I didn't tell anyone, Mom. It would have only made things worse. But I couldn't handle it any more. The harassment was too much. Everywhere I went, they would call me names and mock me. I know I deserve it, after what I did to Shane...But I couldn't handle it, Mom.
(Blair stands. There are tears in her eyes now. She moves towards Jack, who also stands. She embraces him tightly for a long moment.)
Blair: I'm so, so sorry baby. Everything's going to be okay.

(Inside Lindsay's apartment. She is standing near the door, with Tad. There is a suitcase next to her.)
Tad: I can't believe I just got back, and now you have to leave.
Lindsay: I know, but there's just something that I need to take care of. And now that you're officially living here, we'll see each other so much more. No more back and forth to Pine Valley.
(Tad smiles.)
Tad: Thank God.
(The two kiss.)
Tad: Where are you going again?
Lindsay: To Seattle, to see my sister. She's had some crisis or another, and asked me to come see her. Always the drama queen, that Melanie.I'll be back in two days, okay? There's food in the refrigerator for you, and plenty of towels in the linen closet. Oh, and--
Tad: Lindsay, I'll be fine! Go! Before you miss your flight.
(The two kiss again. Lindsay grabs her suitcase from the ground. She opens the door, and steps into the hall, closing the door behind her. Tad moves across the room and has a seat on the couch. He reaches for the remote, but before he can turn the TV on, his phone rings. He picks his phone up off of the end table and looks at the caller ID: "Call from: Dixie Martin"
Lindsay stands in the hallway. She opens her purse and takes out her plane ticket. It reads: DESTINATION: Pine Valley, Pennsylvania. She speaks quietly to herself.)
Lindsay: I hate lying to you, Tad. But it's time I pay an old friend a visit.



(Inside the WAVE Studios. Hayley sneaks in through a side entrance, still wearing nothing but underwear and the long silk robe - which is now tied. She creeps down the hallway and towards her dressing room. When she gets to her dressing room, she is surprised to see the door already open. She peers in and spots Brianna packing things into a large cardboard box. She enters the room.)
Hayley: What the hell are you doing?
(Brianna looks up, visibly stunned to see Hayley there.)
Brianna: Hayley...We didn't expect you to show up today. It's so late already.
Hayley: Don't deflect the subject Brianna. What the hell are you doing in my dressing room?
Brianna: I shouldn't be the one to tell you this...
(Before Brianna can finish, Hayley storms out of the room and down the hall into the large open room containing the set on which the show is filmed, as well as the camera crew, snack table and makeup touch up table. She spots Lucas on the other side of the room and marches towards him.)
Hayley: Lucas, what the hell is going on here? Why is Brianna packing things in my office?
Lucas: Hayley, I...I'm so sorry.
Hayley: Sorry for what? Lucas! What the hell are you talking about?
Lucas: You missed another day of taping, Hayley. I tried to defend you, I did. But...they've decided to let you go.
(A look of utter confusion spreads across Hayley's face for a long moment. Slowly, it morphs into realization, and then anger. Before she can continue speaking, Skye enters the room through a set of double doors across from where Hayley is standing.)
Hayley: You! You did this, didn't you?! You bitch. I asked you not to say anything.
(Skye looks genuinely sympathetic.)
Skye: I didn't do anything Hayley. This is out of my control.
Hayley: No, I don't believe you. No, you did this! You hypocritical bitch. I asked you. I begged you not to do this to me. I should have known you couldn't change.
(Before Skye can speak, Clint enters the room and begins speaking.)
Clint: Skye had nothing to do with it, Hayley. This was my decision.
(Hayley turns around slowly to face him.)
Hayley: Excuse me?
Clint: Your erratic behavior won't be tolerated anymore Hayley. It isn't benefiting the show or anyone involved, especially you. I'm very sorry, but you are being let go.
(Hayley slaps him across the face with all the force she has, leaving nail marks across his cheeks.)
Hayley: You bastard! You came to me. You came to me and told me you respected me, that you respected that this is MY show. But that was just a lie. It was nothing but a lie....You are just like the rest of them.
Clint: I know you're upset, Hayley. But this is your own doing.
(Tears well up in Hayley's eyes and cascade down her cheeks. She turns to storm out of the room but spots Erica Kane standing across the room. An evil glint fills her eyes as marches towards her. She shrieks.)
Hayley: YOU! This was your plan all along, wasn't it? Swoop in here and steal my show because you're such a complete failure yourself. I should have known better than to trust you. You truly are the shallow bitch everyone makes you out to be, Erica.
Erica: You should know I would never do that to you, Hayley.
Hayley: But you did. You did do it, Erica. You slutted your way through Pine Valley for 40 years, and once that well was dried up you decided to swoop in here and cash in on your own daughters death, at my expense.
(Tears well in Erica's eyes. Hayley opens her mouth to speak again, but Skye steps forward and in-between Erica and Hayley. She speaks.)
Skye: Don't do this, Hayley. Don't take this out on Erica, or anyone else. You've made some mistakes, but it's not to late to fix them.
(Hayley pushes Skye away from her and steps back.)
Hayley: Oh, shut UP Skye. I am so sick of your incessant preaching. You are an alcoholic, slut mob princess. And everyone in this family hates you. You may be a biological Chandler this week, but it doesn't mean anyone wants you. We have been pretending you didn't exist for decades, and you begging to be my safe place isn't going to get you back in the will, honey.
Skye: I've been where you are, Hayley. I know saying those things makes you feel better, but it isn't helping. You need to snap out of this denial --
(Hayley cuts her off.)
Hayley: Oh, honey. I'm not in denial!
(She opens her purse and pulls out a flask.)
Hayley: Ladies and gentleman, Hayley Vaughan is off the wagon! And I am loving every damn minute of it!
(She uncaps the flask and takes a swig before recapping it and putting it into her purse. She turns to walk away. She moves towards the stairs, but before she can walk down them, Skye chases after her. Skye grabs her arm.)
Hayley: Let go of me, Skye!
(Hayley jerks forward, attempting to break Skye's grasp. Skye loses her balance and stumbles forward, down the steps. After the fall, she lies unconscious at the bottom of the steps, a small pool of blood on the floor near her head. Hayley looks down at her for a moment, before beginning down the steps. She walks down the steps, her high heels clicking with each step. When she reaches the bottom, she steps directly over Skye's unconscious body and walks out the exit of the building.)
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