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S01 - Episode Eleven: "Daddy's Little Girl"

Mr. Vixen



Heaven's Meadow

Season 1 - Episode Eleven

"Daddy's Little Girl"

This episode features:

Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan

Ric Herbst as Lucas Erickson

Angell Conwell as Jacqueline


David Canary as Adam Chandler


Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler



skye.jpg Adam: 240px-David_Canary_Adam_Chandler_All_My_Children_ABC_2010.jpg

(In Skye's hotel room. She stands, holding the door open while her father, Adam Chandler, stands in the hallway. He moves past her into the room. Skye, stunned by his presence, closes the door and slowly turns around to face him.)

Skye: What are you doing here, Daddy?

Adam: We are long overdue for a reunion, darling.

(Skye is visibly nervous and emotional. She clears the lump in her throat and begins speaking.)

Skye: It has been a very long time, hasn't it?

Adam: I've missed you very much, Skye.

Skye: You don't have to lie to me, Daddy.

(Adam seems surprised by her response.)

Adam: I have missed you every single day since you walked away, Skye. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you.

Skye: Could have fooled me.

Adam: What is that supposed to mean?

Skye: I walked away, Daddy! Yes, I did! But you didn't come after me! You never looked for me, never reached out. Not once in all these years!

(Skye is crying at this point, and tears stream down her cheeks.)

Adam: You left, Skye. What was I supposed to do?

Skye: LOOK for me, Daddy! I know I could have reached out. Maybe I should have. But I was your child, or at least I spent most of my life thinking so. And I just wanted you to look for me. To show that you cared.

Adam: I knew where you were. I always made sure that you were safe.

Skye: Is that supposed to make me feel better? That you knew and never tried to mend things with me?

Adam: You left Skye! After you found out that you were adopted, you vanished. You cut off all contact with me! I didn't know what to do.

Skye: What did you expect me to do, Daddy?! I was a grown woman, and I found out that my entire life was a LIE! You always treated me differently, Daddy. And after all those years, to find out that it was because I wasn't truly your daughter?! How do you think that made me feel?!

(Adam is crying.)

Adam: I was wrong, Skye. I should have reached out to you. But after you left--

(Skye cuts him off, yelling emotionally.)

Skye: Stop saying that! Stop putting this on me, Daddy! YES, I left. That was my choice! But you are the "parent" here. If you had ever given a damn, you would have reached out to me. But you didn't.

Adam: I thought you didn't want me to, Skye. I was wrong. I'm sorry. I love you...I always have.

Skye:I love you too, Daddy. I spent my whole life trying to show you that, in my own twisted way. And I've always known that you loved me, the best way you knew how. All I've ever wanted is to have a real relationship with you, Daddy. But I never believed that you wanted the same.

(Adam is choked up. He tries to speak, but cannot find the right words. He moves towards Skye and touches her on the shoulder. She looks him in the eyes, and for a moment she forgets all of her anger and truly feels his love for the first time in years. She snaps back to reality, and moves towards the bedside table. She grabs a tissue and dabs her eyes.)

Skye: How did you know I would be here?

Adam: Hayley came to see me, and she mentioned it.

(A brief sense of anger rushes throughout Skye.)

Skye: Did she tell you to come see me?

Adam: No, that was my choice. I'm so glad the two of you are forming a relationship.

Skye: So, what? You thought you'd take her lead, and reach out to the black sheep of the family?

Adam: That's not it at all, Skye. I want to have a real relationship with you again.

(Skye begins crying once more. She clenches her eyes shut, trying to fight back the tears.)

Skye: I want to believe you, so badly. But why? Why now?

Adam: Seeing the pain Hayley is in, now...it really made me realize how wrong I've been. All the pain you must have faced all those years ago... I know I should have been there more for you. I should have chased after you. But I didn't, and I was wrong. I'd like to mend those fences now.

Skye: I would love that, Daddy. More than anything. But I just don't know how to trust you.

(Adam winces slightly at this comment.)

Skye: Can you blame me? You finally reach out to me, and it just happens to be when your biological daughter is living in the same town as me?

Adam: I have two biological daughters in this town, Skye.



kelly_ripa_2.jpg Lucas: pic-of-rick-hearst.jpg

(Inside the WAVE Studios. Hayley walks into her dressing room, running late. She looks in the mirror and is shocked at how tired she looks. Her head is pounding and she feels nauseous. She struggles to remember how much she had to drink the night before. Sitting in the makeup chair, she runs a wash cloth under the hot water. She presses the cloth to her forehead, feeling an instant sense of relief. She is overwhelmed as her mind races, thinking of drinking. Part of her hates the alcohol, for causing her such pain. But the majority of her craves it, and despite her current condition, she knows she will drink again tonight. She is startled, and jumps, when she hears a knock on the door. She makes her way over to the door and opens it. Lucas Erickson is standing in the hall.)

Lucas: Hayley what are you doing? You were supposed to be on set thirty minutes ago!

(Hayley is extremely confused.)

Hayley: What? No! We don't start taping until 7, it's only 6:30.

Lucas: Hayley you were supposed to come in early today because the person you were supposed to interview couldn't make it for the normal taping schedule.

Hayley: Well, I...I uhm, I forgot. I'm sorry. I thought that was next week. I--

Lucas: Hayley, I called you last night and reminded you. We spoke on the phone.

(Hayley is visibly panicked, as she has no recollection of the conversation.)

Hayley: I just got my days mixed up, is all. I'll make it up somehow, I promise.

Lucas: I've been calling you all morning, Hayley. Where have you been?

(She looks around frantically and realizes she does not have her phone with her. She has no idea where she left it, and finds herself stumbling to make an excuse.)

Hayley: I lost my phone a few days ago, and haven't gotten around to replacing it.

Lucas: Hayley, we spoke on it last night. What's going on with you?

Hayley: Then I guess I lost it yesterday, Lucas! I'm sorry! I screwed up, I know. I'll fix things. I promise.

Lucas: This is becoming a habit, Hayley. This is the third taping you've missed in the past month. I can't make excuses for you forever.

Hayley: I know, and I appreciate your help.

(She holds her hands up to her face for a long moment, and sighs.)

Hayley: I know, I've really got to get myself together. And I will. Especially with Erica coming on board, and my sister coming on as co-executive producer.

Lucas: What do you mean, your sister is going to be co-executive producer?

Skye: They didn't tell you yet? Clint, the man who bought the production company, hired my sister Skye.

(Panic spreads across Lucas' face.)

Lucas: Skye... Chandler?

Hayley: Yes? Lucas...What's wrong? Why do you have that look on your face? Do you know her?

Lucas: I used to be married to her.




Mystery Woman:


(Inside Jacqueline's apartment. She is speaking to the mystery woman.)

Jacqueline: Everything is going exactly as planned.

Mystery Woman: Very well, then. And you're sure Brianna will keep her mouth shut?

Jacqueline: Yes, I've been watching her very closely.

Mystery Woman: And her brother?

Jacqueline: Brandon is a good man, he doesn't need to be part of this. I won't--

(The mystery woman cuts her off.)

Mystery Woman: Don't tell me you have feelings for him, Jacqueline? You're a married woman.

Jacqueline: Not happily. Brandon is a wonderful man...I care about him. I do.

Mystery Woman: I didn't bring him into this so that you could fall in love. You were only supposed to get involved with him to keep an eye on his sister. Don't get distracted.

Jacqueline: I'm not. You'll have Erica Kane in your hands in no time. But are you sure this is how you want it to be?

Mystery Woman: This is my plan, Jacqueline. Not yours. We'll do it my way.

Jacqueline: I know, I'm just saying--

(The Mystery Woman cuts her off again.)

Mystery Woman: Don't argue with me, darling. Mother always knows best.


Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to check back TOMORROW

For an ALL NEW episode of

Heaven's Meadow!


Recommended Comments

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Is this mystery woman going to be ONYX Kane? LoL

I wonder if Lucas will turn into Hayley's Jonathan Kinder? But when exactly did Skye have time to marry Lucas? The backstory there should be interesting.

I loved the Skye / Adam scenes, but I thought it odd that JR's recent rehabiliation wouldn't also be a reason for Adam to seek out Skye.

I know Skye and JR were never close, but did JR and Hayley ever have some semblance of a relationship?

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You'll just have to wait and see! :)

Lucas/Skye's back story is going to be further developed very soon. If you recall, in the episode where Skye and Lucas/Peter came face to face last week, Skye said something along the lines of "I won't let you do here, what you did in Minnesota." Maybe that could give you a clue as to when they were married? ;)

JR is definitely part of Adam's motivation to find Skye, and that will be addressed more in tomorrow's episode as the scenes continue .

The relationship between JR and his siblings will be touched upon, don't worry. :)

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So the mystery woman is also Jacqueline's mom? Interesting scenes there. I'm glad Jacqueline actually cares about Brandon

Hayley's missed 3 tapings?! Oh wow. Surprised she hasn't been fired yet but I don't want her to be, so she can have a drunken or hung over co-host session of some kind with Erica Kane.

The Adam/Skye scene was on point ;-)

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Yep the mystery woman is Jacqueline's mom. That's why I said don't count the Jacqueline/Brandon relationship out just yet! :)

Hayley is a real mess, for sure! You just know something will go down with Erica/Skye/Hayley all under the same roof. ;)

Thank you! :)

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Is the mystery woman Dru :P

Hayley's story is just fascinating to read. I love this long downward spiral. It seems so real.

I'm glad that Skye and Adam aren't having an instant reunion.

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:lol: Nope, it's not Dru!

Thank you so much for the compliments on the Hayley story. I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying it so much.

Skye and Adam have such a complicated history, and considering that they haven't spoken in 12 years? Well, it just didn't make sense for me to have them instantly reconnecting, so that's why I'm taking it slow!

Thanks for reading and commenting, Carl! :)

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The Skye and Adam reunion was great and emotional :( It touched me! LOL. I'm wondering if Adam is her blood father by his last line though. Really loved it!

I don't remember Erica having any black women enemies. Curious to found out who it is!

I love how easily I can picture the scenes in this fan fic in my head.

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