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S01 - Episode Ten: "Revenge is a Girl's Best Friend"

Mr. Vixen



Heaven's Meadow

Season 1 - Episode Ten

"Revenge is a Girl's Best Friend"

This episode features:

Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer

Angell Conwell as Jacqueline

Sean Kanan as Brandon Mayweather

Vail Bloom as Brianna Emerson

Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan


Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan


Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler



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(Inside Blair's hotel room.)

Blair: Excuse me?

Skye: I want you to run the club for me, Blair.

Blair: Have you lost your mind?

(Skye moves to the other side of the room and pours herself a glass of water.)

Skye: No, Blair. It makes perfect sense.

Blair:Skye, on what planet does it make sense for two people that hate each other to go into business together?

Skye: It's true, Blair...I don't like you. But that doesn't mean you're not good at running a club.

Blair: I'm damn good at running a club, Skye. That's why I'm opening my own.

Skye: But why bother? It's not as if Heaven's Meadow is known for it's club scene,

Blair: And I'm hoping to change that.

Skye: And so am I.

Blair: Skye, are you drinking again? You're not making any sense.

(Skye is visibly angered by the drinking remark. She moves towards the couch and sits down next to Blair.)

Skye: Look, I've run a club before. But I don't have nearly as much experience as you do in that area. I've already purchased the property, and I'm going to open the club. But with my new job, I need someone to run it for me.

Blair: Skye, do you honestly expect me to believe that this offer is solely from a business standpoint? You're up to something, and I don't want any part of it.

Skye: With my business savvy, and your experience in this area...Blair, this club could be huge. Why should we open two clubs and compete against each other? If we combine our skills, there's no chance we won't succeed.

Blair: And that would be a great plan, if we didn't hate each other.

Skye: Well you know what they say, dear. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

(Skye stands up and walks towards the door. She puts her hand on the knob, but before she opens it, she turns around and speaks.)

Skye: Think on it, Blair. I'll be in touch.

(Skye exits Blair's room and shuts the door. For a moment, she stands outside of Blair's room with a smirk on her face, before walking away.)



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(At the WAVE Studios. Hayley is in her dressing room, getting ready for a show. There is a knock on the door. Hayley stands from her chair and moves towards the door. She opens it and lets Clint Buchanan into the room.)

Clint: Hello, Ms. Vaughan.

Hayley: Please, call me Hayley. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. I was told you weren't going to be spending time on set until next week.

Clint: Well, that's true. But I came here specifically to speak to you.

Hayley: Well, how can I help you?

Clint: I want to discuss the future of Wave.

(Panic overtakes Hayley. She moves past Clint, to the other side of the room. She pours herself a glass of water and takes a drink. Her lack of self esteem and feelings of self doubt have taken over. She fears she may lose her job, and she knows she may not be able to handle it.)

Hayley: What is it you want to discuss, Mr. Buchanan?

Clint: I've been watching the show over the past few weeks, Hayley. And you just don't seem happy anymore.

Hayley: Oh, no. No, no, no. I've just been tired, is all. I've been having trouble sleeping lately. I assure you, I am completely --

(Clint cuts her off.)

Clint: I don't want you to worry, Hayley. I didn't come in here to scare you. I just wanted to get to the bottom of it. At the end of the day, you are WAVE. And there is obviously a problem somewhere within the system. I'd like to fix it.

(Hayley continues to panic internally. Her mind races. She knows that she can't tell anyone that she's been drinking, and she fears that her secretiveness may cost her down the line. )

Hayley: I don't want you to think I'm not happy here, Mr. Buchanan. I love Wave, it's just been a difficult time for me lately.

Clint: I know, and that's why I think that you should take some time off. Erica is debuting next week, and after the fans warm up to her, you can go on a nice long vacation. And as soon as you're ready, you can come back.

(Anger rages throughout Hayley's body. She throws the glass of water across the room.)

Hayley: NO! No, I will NOT be pushed out. This is MY show, Mr. Buchanan! And I won't let you do this! I won't!

(Clint is visibly shocked by Hayley's outburst.)

Clint: Hayley, I'm not trying to push you out. I wouldn't do that. Like I said, Wave is your show.

(Hayley is crying at this point.)

Hayley: Then why are you doing this to me? I know how these things work, Mr. Buchanan. You tell me I'm going on vacation, and when I get back you hand me a big fat check and tell me my contracts been bought out.

(Clint stands, worry spread across his face. He moves towards Hayley and looks at her face to face.)

Clint: I assure you, Hayley. Nothing like that is going to happen. I'm sorry to have upset you. We will discuss this later.

(Clint exits the room, and is genuinely worried about Hayley. After Clint is gone, Hayley immediately breaks down. She realizes how irrational she had been. She also realizes that Clint had been sincere, and that he hadn't intended to fire her. She now fears that her emotional outbreak may cause him to rethink his kindness, and she fears that her fragile emotional state may have been the final straw in costing her the last thing she truly loves. In tears, she moves towards the cabinets in her dressing room. She takes out a bottle of vodka, and pours herself a drink.)



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(At Brandon's apartment. Jacqueline, Brandon, and Brianna are sitting in the living room. Brandon and Jacqueline are on the couch, while Brianna is sitting in a large chair adjacent to the couch.)

Brandon: I'm so glad the two of you are finally getting to meet.

Brianna: Me too. I've heard so much about you, Jacqueline.

Jacqueline: All good things, I hope?

Brianna: Of course. Now tell me, what is it you do for a living?

Jacqueline: I'm a commercial real-estate agent.

Brianna: That must be very interesting work.

(Jacqueline sips her wine, and sighs.)

Jacqueline: Well, it has its ups and downs.How about you?

Brianna: I'm working as an assistant on the talk show Wave. But I'm also working on a degree in art education.

Jacqueline: So that artistic sense runs in the family, huh?

Jacqueline: I suppose so, but my specialty is painting. I'm not half the photographer Brandon is.

(Brandon laughs.)

Brandon: Yes, but I can't paint to save my life, so we're about equal.

(They all chuckle, as a buzzer sounds from the kitchen. Brandon announces that dinner is ready. He gets up from the couch and walks through the door into the kitchen. Brianna stands from her chair and moves to the couch, next to Jacqueline. She begins speaking, in a whisper.)

Brianna: So, how long do we have to pretend we don't know each other?

(Jacqueline looks over her shoulder to make sure Brandon hasn't re-entered the room.)

Jacqueline: Brandon can never know that we are working together, Brianna. I'm paying you very well to keep your mouth shut.

Brianna:I don't have a problem with that, Jacqueline. But don't you dare hurt my brother, or I will blow you sky high. He matters more to me than all the money in the world, and I won't let your vendetta against Erica Kane hurt him.



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(Skye is inside her hotel room. She is on her phone.)

Skye: Hi, Lila Rae. I hope your having fun in Europe with your grandmother. I can't wait to see you, soon. I love you. I'm sure you're out having fun now, so just call me back when you get this, okay? Love you.

(Skye hangs up the phone and sets it down. There is a knock on the door. She walks to the door and swings it open. She is stunned to see her father, Adam Chandler, standing in the hallway.)

Adam: Hello, darling.


Thank you for tuning in!

Don't forget to check back MONDAY, July 9th

for an ALL NEW episode of

Heaven's Meadow!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

The plot thickens. So many treacherous snakes on this show, anything can happen. I just hope the newbies know who their dealing with. It'll be interesting if they be able to play with the heavy hitters.

Next episode should be great to have the much anticipated Adam / Skye scene. I do hope in the future, Rae Cummings could be a full time character on the show.

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The newbies are in for quite a challenge, going up against some very strong characters. But it should be interesting to see their motivation, and how everything turns out.

I am looking forward to posting the Adam/Skye scene as I feel a reunion between the two is long overdue. And don't count Rae out just yet. wink.png

As always, thank you for reading and commenting. smile.png

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The Hayley/Clint scenes were great, although I think Clint is being a little too nice compared to what he's been in recent years. I'm really interested in Hayley's story, it's much better than anything AMC gave her in her last 4-5 years on the show.

Skye and Blair working together until Skye lowers the boom will be a good read.

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Thanks, Carl! I'm glad you enjoyed the Hayley/Clint scenes! Clint's motivations will be explored more. I'm so glad you are enjoying Hayley's story! Thank you so much! And I love the Skye/Blair dynamic, so it will be fun to play on.

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I can't wait for the Skye/Adam scenes. Ugh, can't believe AMC never lured her back!

I'm a little disappointed Jacqueline's a turning out to be a big liar. I was loving her & Brandon together but this is still good, interesting drama. What's her beef with Erica? LOL.

Hayley continues to be a hot mess.Your doing well at selling this story! Looking forward to next week ;-)

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Thanks, Spencer! I always wished that Skye had gone back to AMC, too!

Don't count Jacqueline out just yet. Yes she's up to no good, but would it be a soap if she wasn't? wink.png There's still lots to come for her and Brandon! :)

Thank you so much for the compliments on the Hayley story. I think hot mess is a perfect description, haha!

Thanks to all of you for commenting! smile.png

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Blair: Skye, are you drinking again? You're not making any sense.


Poor Hayley. I really thought she was going to have a major breakdown and head to the hospital.

I was shocked as that Jacqueline and Brianna know each.

Does Adam know about Lila Rae?

We're in for good scenes with Adam and Skye!!!

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