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S01 - Episode Nine: "Love is a Many Splendored Thing"

Mr. Vixen



Heaven's Meadow

Season 1 - Episode Nine

"Love is a Many Splendored Thing"

This episode features:

Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport

Michael E. Knight as Tad Martin

Angell Conwell as Jacqueline

Sean Kanan as Brandon Mayweather


Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer


Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler



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(Blair is sitting in her hotel room, looking at potential properties for her club on the computer. She is startled by a knock on the door. She stands and walks towards the door. She opens it, and is visibly angered to see Skye Chandler standing in the hall. Skye has a smirk on her face. She begins speaking.)

Skye: Well hello, sunshine!

(Skye pushes past Blair and walks into the hotel room. She sets her purse on an end-table and then seats herself on the couch.)

Blair: What the hell are you doing here, Skye?

Skye: You know, everyone in this town seems to lack basic manners. The customary response would be "Hello, Skye! How are you today?"

Blair: And that's exactly what I would say, if I was speaking to someone I was interested in seeing.

Skye: Someone's in a bad mood.

Blair: Your presence has a tendency to do that to people.

Skye: Blair, bitter really isn't your color. It's aged you horribly.

Blair: Just like being a bitch has aged you.

(Skye fights the urge to punch her. She stands and moves closer to Blair, who is still standing in front of the open hotel room door. Skye brushes past Blair and closes the door. She turns around and begins speaking.)

Skye: I didn't come here to fight with you, Blair.

Blair: Then please, enlighten me, Skye. What did you come here for?

Skye: To discuss business. I know you must be very disappointed that I got the property you were looking at.

Blair: There are other properties.

Skye: Of course there are. But this one is in such a great location. It can't be beat.

Blair: We'll see about that.

Skye: Actually, we won't. That's why I'm here.

Blair: I don't understand.

Skye: You see, I just accepted another job. I'm going to be an executive producer for the talk show WAVE.

Blair: And what does that have to do with me?

Skye: Well, working full time as an executive producer is certainly going to take up a lot of my time. I'm afraid it's going to prevent me from giving my full attention to the club.

Blair: So...what? You want to sell me the property?

Skye: Oh no, I'm still opening the club.

Blair: Then...?

Skye: I want you to run it for me.



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(At Holy Springs Cafe, a cafe on the other side of Heaven's Meadow. Jacqueline is sitting at her table, sipping a glass of wine. Brandon enters and walks to her table, and has a seat.)

Brandon: Hey baby.

Jacqueline: Hi angel. How was your day?

Brandon: Same as usual, I suppose. How about you?

Jacqueline: Slow, really. Showed a couple of properties, but nothing too exciting.

Brandon: What ever happened with that client you were talking about the other day? The one who didn't get the property she wanted?

Jacqueline: Well, she was disappointed, of course. But she's not giving up. We're going to look at some more properties tomorrow, actually.

Brandon: That's wonderful.

Jacqueline: Now, let's get down to business. You said you had something important you needed to discuss with me, and I have a feeling it isn't about my clients.

(Brandon chuckles.)

Brandon: You know that I really care about you, right?

(Jacqueline is internally nervous at the sound of this, and fears that he may be breaking up with her.)

Jacqueline: And I care about you, too.

Brandon: We've been dating for two months now, and I think it's time you met my family.

(Jacqueline is relieved.)

Jacqueline: I would love to.

Brandon: As you know, my parents are deceased. But I would really like you to meet my sister.

Jacqueline: I didn't know you had a sister.

Brandon: Yes, her name is Brianna. We have a difficult relationship, but I love her very much.

Jacqueline: Then I'd be honored to meet her.

(Brandon's cell phone rings, and he looks at it.)

Brandon: It's a text, from Angelica. Apparently there's been some sort of emergency at the office. I have to go.

(He stands and kisses her on the cheek, before exiting. After he is gone, she retrieves her purse from the floor. She reaches inside and slips her gold wedding ring back on.)



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(Inside Lindsay's art studio. Lindsay and Tad have just entered, and Lindsay flips on the light switch.)

Tad: Oh wow, it's beautiful.

Lindsay: And as of yesterday, it's officially mine.

Tad: It's in great condition, too.

Lindsay: I have a cleaning crew coming in tomorrow, and I'm going to do some painting later this week. I just can't believe it's actually happening.

Tad: Why's that?

Lindsay: When I got out of prison, it all seemed too good to be true. I never expected that I would find a space like this.

(Tad moves closer to Lindsay and kisses her cheek.)

Tad: You deserve the best, Lindsay. And I know you'll be successful in whatever you do.

(The two kiss.)

Lindsay: Can I ask you something, Tad?

Tad: Anything.

Lindsay: Why haven't you told me about the woman? The one who broke your heart.

(Tad looks surprised by the question.)

Lindsay: I don't mean to pry. It's just that, other than the first day we met...You haven't mentioned her. And I've told you so much about my past. I just want to get to know you better, is all.

Tad: I'm sorry, Lindsay. It was just...difficult for me, and I just didn't want to dredge the past into our relationship.

Lindsay: And I don't want to pressure you, Tad. That's not what I'm trying to do. I just want you to know that you can trust me.

Tad: I do trust you, Lindsay.

(Tad pauses for a long moment, then begins speaking.)

Tad: Her name is Dixie Cooney...

(Tad continues speaking, but Lindsay doesn't hear him. She freezes at the name "Dixie Cooney". A name she recognizes. A woman she knows.)


Thanks for tuning in!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow

for an ALL NEW episode of

Heaven's Meadow!


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Didn't see that cliffhanger coming. Can't wait to see how Lindsey knows Dixie.

This episode just brought home to me that Skye is kind of the focal point that brings everyone together. However, Tad definately needs to be spread around more as his presence comes off superfluous to me.

Brandon and Brianna. You can never trust siblings that share the same first initial!

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So Jacqueline is also named Victoria? I didn't keep track of that.

As mentioned, good cliffhanger.

I normally can't get into new characters in fics, as it's just difficult and when you see actors you may know from other roles, it starts to become blurry, but I am getting into the Brandon/Jacqueline story.

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Thanks you guys!

Bright Eyes - You are definitely right about Skye. She really has ties to everyone, and helps to set up story for almost all of the characters, including herself. Tad will have more to do/be more fleshed out as the season goes on. LMAO about the siblings with the same initial. Well, we already know we can't trust Brianna...We'll just have to wait and see about Brandon. wink.png


Thank you SO much for catching that. NO, Jacqueline is not also named Victoria. In my original story-board for the series, Jacqueline was going to be named Victoria. However, once I realized that I was also bringing on Victoria Lord, I didn't want to have two Victoria's on the cast. So her name was changed to Jacqueline, and I guess I just missed the change when I edited this episode! I fixed it now.So sorry about that.

I understand why it's hard to get into new characters within fanfic, and I am glad you are enjoying Brandon/Jacqueline. They're a very complex duo, and will play a very important part in the show within the coming weeks. smile.png

I'm glad you both enjoyed the cliffhanger. It's going to be an interesting dynamic down the road.

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Viki/Victoria. I can see the reason for changing, although then you could have cast both roles with Julie Andrews.

I forgot to mention that I'm glad you used the title of a classic soap.

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And I'm glad you liked the title! Love is a Many Splendored Thing is one of my favorite classic soaps, from what I've seen. I wish I could see more!

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Hmm.. I wonder if Blair will say yes! I hope she and Skye split it 50 / 50.

Jacqueline is a bitch! Can't wait to see her back story!

I usually hate talk shows on soap, but I am loving WAVE!!!

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