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Episode 459 pt 2



Life in Salem

Episode#459: A Dad of Destiny

Written by: Tara Smith

Java Cafecoffee_shop.jpg

It is mid-morning in Salem, shortly after Carrie, Eric, and Brandon said their goodbyes and left town. Rex is having a cup of coffee, surprised by this turn of events.


So my brother and sister are gone just like that. Wow. Another one of my brothers is in jail; things have been crazy lately.

Alexis, suddenly walking up and taking a seat

And they're about to get even crazier. It's about time I found you; I've been sitting on this info all night.


Not you again. You're that woman that was questioning me about my sister once.


Yeah. Alexis. I finally got the dish on your twin, and believe me, you're going to want to hear it.


What now?

Alexis takes out her cell phone, and re-plays the conversation that took place the night before between her and Jan. Rex listens as Jan confesses every little detail about how Mimi took the fall for pushing Cassie out of that window.


Whoa; I can't believe it.


Actually, you don't look that shocked to me.

Rex is silent for a moment; he flashes back to suspecting some foul play with Cassie several times, and briefly suspecting that Jan had something to do with it. His suspicions had finally been proven right.


Fine. I gave up investigating a long time ago, but I had a feeling about this; I believed that Mimi was innocent. It doesn't surprise me that Jan ties into it, either. She's the one that pushed my sister out of the window. Wow...and Mimi went down for it...


So you pretty much knew Cassie was a bitch?


Hey! Don't insult her like that; Cassie's a good person, but she's gone too far. Way too far; this just proves it. I guess I didn't want to believe it, but it's true. Mimi's innocent; the love of my life is innocent.


And she's rotting in prison because of a bogus statement that your good sister gave to the police! Don't you think it's time to set her free?

Rex heavily sighs. He is about to help expose his sister, but at this point, he has no choice; he loves Mimi and now he can finally be with her again. He flashes back to their emotional goodbye before she was taken to prison. He has to bring down Cassie for her wrongdoing, and free Mimi.


Yeah, it is. Let's go to the police.

Alexis eagerly gets up and grabs Rex by the hand; both of them dart out of Java Cafe, heading to the police station.

Back at the Brady Pubbradypub.jpg

Belle, Nicole, and Cassie are still at the Pub, after everyone else has left; Nicole decided to have a meal, whhi both Belle and Cassie clean the place up a bit. Cassie is on her phone constantly.


Come on, Jeremy, pick up.

Nicole flashes back to her drinking with Jeremy twice and going out to lunch with him, knowing that he is very distraught at the moment.


Hey, alien girl, here's a word of advice. Stop hammering the guy with phone calls and let him breathe. His mom just got exposed for being a total fraud in front of an entire courtroom; it's hard for anyone to take. Let him recover.

Cassie, glaring at her

Is this any of your business? No. I need to find my boyfriend!

Nicole looks at Belle.


So, Belle, how are things with you and Nicholas? I saw him at the bar a little while back.

Belle nearly drops the plate she is holding out of surprise.


What?! You did?! I haven't spoken to him since he ran off and left me; how is he? Is he okay?


Sorry, but he didn't look that way to me; he was drunk and depressed.


Did he say anything about me?

Nicole, hesitating

Um, not good things, honey.

Belle shakes her head, disappointed in how Nicholas is acting; by the expression on Nicole's face, she can tell that she's holding something back.


What is it, Nicole? You're not telling me something.


Well, okay. I didn't want to tell you, because he was drunk and it's not going to s-


Just say it. Please.


He kind of...groped me. It was really gross, but like I said, he was drunk. I'm not sure if the bastard was thinking at all.


I can't believe this. This is nothing like the man I fell in love with! His aunt Vivian has driven him to new extremes. I have to find him and make this right. Too much is going on right now!

The doors to the Brady Pub open, and a hungover Jan stumbles in.


Ow...too much alcohol last night. Can't believe this.

She looks up to see Nicole, Cassie, and Belle. She smirks.


Well good. The porn star, the princess, and the alien. Now all we need is Measels, Ghoul Girl, Miss Rabies, and Euggie and we'll have one huge bitch party.

Belle, groaning

What do you want, Jan? I have too much going on to deal with you.


I don't feel like seeing you either, Belle, but I was hoping I'd find someone here.

She looks at Cassie.


You better run, bitch. Because you're going down; it's all about to come out. Everyone's about to know that you framed Mimi for pushing you out of that window.



Cassie's eyes go wide, and she stares at Jan.


What do you mean? Is this why Jeremy's not talking to me? Jan, what the hell are you talking about?!


Okay, I'm sorry, but I got drunk and told all to some girl named Alexis Kefer. She sounded really happy when I told her.

Cassie's jaw drops; Jan chose the worst person to tell.


What?! I save your ass from going to jail and get rid of an enemy of both of us, and one day you just confess to a whore like ALEXIS?! What's wrong with you?!


You know what? I don't think I even care any more. I admit it; I pushed you out the window, and you used it to frame Mimi!


Whoa, what?! Mimi WAS framed?! By you two?!


Damnit, Jan! Have you lost your mind?


Did she ever have it?

Jan, growing angry

What haven't I lost, Cassie?! Shawn is dead! Lucas deserted me for some nurse! Bo and Hope have taken my son from me. I have absolutely nothing left, so I don't care any more!


You dumbass! Mimi was going to rot in prison for years, and after all of this time, you ruined it! I had a good boyfriend, Rex was free of her...everything was great! But you blabbed to Alexis!


Not my problem; Shawn is dead and he was through with Mimi, so she has nothing to do with me. She's one of the last things on my mind. You handle your own mess.


You could go to jail too, you idiot! You DID push me out of that window, and you sat back while Mimi was convicted!


But you masterminded it all; you gave the wrong statement to the police. I think you're in it a little deeper than I am. And like I said, I don't even care any more. I've lost everything.


You'll pay for this. I swear to you, you will pay for this.

Cassie darts out of the pub, now very anxious and worried, and Belle looks on, shocked.


Jan, do you have a heart at all? What haven't you done to the people you hate?


Don't get all saintly, Belle. I've had enough of it throughout my life from you, and I'm sure as hell not getting it today.


How does this shock you? Jan scheming and lying is nothing new.


You know, Belle, everything goes back to you; out of everyone in my life, I think I've hated you the most. You took Shawn from me more than once. While I've had to suffer so many losses, you've danced around, like only St. Belle would, in your little fairy-tale. It's a real pity that I have to say you're my sister now.


Don't blame me for your problems, Jan! That's what you've always done, and let me tell you something: I'm not having it any more! Do you know why you are constantly hurting like this?! Because you never stop screwing up! Instead of letting a relationship naturally take its course, you feel like you have to control it! You have to play God with everyone's lives. You did that when you lied about me pushing you down the stairs, when you held Shawn in that cage and made him think he was your fiancee, when you blackmailed Mimi, when you stole Shawn's sperm, when you played along with that baby switch...you never stop! If you told the truth and acted like a decent person for once, you would find that you'd have a lot more success in life! Maybe one day you will learn that and will finally get a grip on your life.


I never have a choice! I always lose everyone I love to some other woman! A disgusting, vile woman who I never understand. You continue to pretend that you are perfect; well I know otherwise, and so does everyone else, sweetheart. One day you'll realize that you're just as bad, if not worse, than everyone else.


You know, Jan, you sound so pathetic.


Don't get started with me, Nicole. I'm actually here to say goodbye; I'm leaving Salem.


Hallelujiah! Music to my ears.

Jan, scowling

I've lost everything. I need to get out of this damn town and away from all of you people; I need to re-juvinate.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Jan heads to the door, but turns around and looks at the two women.


But let me tell you something; once I've had time away, and all of this has blown over, I will be back. I'm going to come back and take my son away from Shawn's idiotic parents, and mark my words, everyone will pay! I am Jan Spears, and I may be down, but I'm not out. One day, I will return, and wipe the floor with every single one of you.

Jan storms out, planning to leave Salem.

St. Luke's CemetaryStLukesCem.jpg

Bill is in the large cemetary at St.Luke's, standing over his parents' graves. The tombstones of Tom and Alice Horton are before him; the leaders of the Horton family.


You know, it's still hard without either of you around; both of you have been gone for years, but every one still thinks about you constantly. Every one still needs that guidance; I still need that guidance sometimes. I've spent so many years on this Earth, yet half the time I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing.

He looks directly at his father's grave.


I can never be you, Dad. I can never be that strong, loving patriarch; look at where my family is. Mike and Jeremy are feuding because Mike slept with Jeremy's girlfriend; Lucas is going to prison. I suppose Jennifer's happy, but it's taken years for her to get there. And I can barely help any of them; I'm not the man you were. The man who came closest was Mickey, and he's long gone now.

Bill hears crackling footsteps behind him, and he turns to see Laura.


That's not true, Bill. Tom would be so proud of you.


Thank you, Laura, but I doubt that. What brings you here?


What brings you here?


Nostalgia, I suppose. Reflecting on everything; I needed to visit the family members we have here.


Same here. It's been a while since I came here, and I felt like I needed to. I don't try to dwell on the past, but that doesn't mean I need to forget it, either.

Bill and Laura begin walking through the cemetary, visiting all of their deceased family members. First, they find Addie's grave.


Ah, Addie; you died too young. You were always such a great older sister, and you survived so much, then one surprise incident took you from us.

They continue walking, and they see the graves of Shawn and Zack Brady, Bo and Hope's two sons.


Talk about dying too young; these two were far too young. Shawn was just a young man, and Zack was just a small child...it's so horrible. They both sounded like such great boys, and then they were taken from Bo and Hope like that. Zack got hit by a car, just like Addie, and Shawn's car exploded.


It really is awful.

They move on, and finally they come upon the grave of Mickey. A strong member of the Horton family; Bill's brother, and Laura's ex-husband.


Oh, Mickey; we still miss you so much. Maggie still misses you.


You died too young, as well. You deserved a much longer and happy life, especially after what we did to you.


Remember when he died and you comforted me?


I remember a lot of things, Laura.

Laura, snorting

We have a long history, don't we? There are so many memories. So many bad memories.


To think that all of that madness with Mickey wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gone that damn tuberculosis in my hand. I was able to fix it, but it still ruined everything for us.


Don't blame it all on that. That was just the beginning; it is amazing, though. Before all of that drama, before I ever married Mickey, you and I were engaged. Then you got that bone disease and took off.


It seems I do quite a bit of that.


Then while you were gone I fell in love with Mickey, and married him.


And I was so angry; I was beyond jealous. I stupidly got drunk, and I raped you.

Laura frowns, recalling the awful night that Bill raped her in her own office at the hospital.


That was horrible, but it was what created our wonderful son, Mike. I could never call it a mistake.


Maybe not. And you never even told anyone; you could have thrown me in jail, but you didn't. That still impresses me.


I didn't want you and Mickey to fight any more. You two had already clashed enough over me before you and I got engaged, I just didn't want any more drama. That definitely wasn't the end, though. When your father and I put our heads together, we realized that Mickey was sterile and you were the father of my baby. So we agreed to keep it a secret; we agreed to keep your son from you.


It's not like I was in the dark the entire time; I found the results of Mickey's sterility test in Dad's office. I decided that it'd be best that nobody knew that I knew, and I let life go on; I was missing out on one of the best kids there was, but for you and Mickey, I'd do anything.

Laura, smiling

You're right about that. You even went to prison for Kitty's death, instead of taking the easy way out and exposing the truth; Kitty had that conversation between Tom and I recorded and she was going to use it against us, but you went over there and refused to leave without that tape. She had a heart attack and we all thought that you killed her; you never told a soul, just to keep my secret safe. That was when I fell in love with you all over again, and I wanted to leave Mickey and marry you.


And things only got more crazy; Mike thought we were having an affair and hated me, then I had to save Mickey's life. To make things worse, Mickey disappeared, and you and I couldn't get married until we found him. We got lucky, though; he fell in love with Maggie and agreed to divorce you.


We caused that man so much pain. When Mike's paternity came out after he got injured, and neither of us were a match to donate blood, Mickey went bezerk. He tried to shoot you and had to be sent to Bayview. Then, you and I tried to remain married and happy, but it was like we just couldn't. I fell into a depression after having Jennifer, and nearly endangered her life.


I had two affairs.


And then I was sent away.


I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you; I probably hurt you far more than any one else. I raped you, I cheated on you twice.


It's strange; we've done so much to each other, but I still always felt something for you. We barely ever had a relaxed, happy marriage, but I still always felt something.


Even after you woke up and rejected me?


Can you blame me? I was in a lot of pain at the time; I'd just woken up after being catatonic for years and years. Kate was in town with the son that you fathered. I had to turn you away, because I was too confused, and I was in too much pain.


I don't blame you; I really wanted you back, but I didn't deserve you. I still don't; at that point, we did far too much to each other to ever be together.


Would you do any of it differently, Bill? Anything at all in our complicated history?


I'm...I'm not sure. I want to say yes, because it would've spared a lot of people. But I don't know; our history is what makes us unique, Laura, and I'm not sure if I would be willing to get rid of that. No matter how hurtful it was to both of us.


I know what you mean.


And no matter how many times I cheated on you, you were always the woman at home that I came back to; you were always the real one that I loved. Always the wife that I knew I needed more than anyone else. I'd try to date other women while you were catatonic, but my guilt would come back to haunt me. I could never do it.


And no matter how many times I rejected you, whether it was for Mickey, or because you cheated on me, I still felt something. Even after you cheated on me with Kate and we finally called it quits all those years later, I still felt something deep down.

The two stare at each other for a very long moment, after reflecting on their long, troubled history.


It really is a pity that we didn't end up together, Laura.


Maybe. But that is in the past; our marriage is in the past. I think we both realized that a long time ago.


And the past...is the past. Not the present.


Salem Place ApartmentsSalemPlcApts.jpg

Destiny is alone in the living room of Sami's apartment, as Will is taking care of Arianna in another room, and both Sami and John are also in other rooms. She sits quietly, reading a magazine. Suddenly, her cell phone rings, and she answers it.




Destiny; it's me.

Destiny's eyes go wide out of shock; this is the last person she ever expected to hear from after she ran away to Salem with Will. She hasn't spoken to this man for a long time, and she certainly didn't expect to now.



Franklin Stokes

That's right, Destiny, it's me.


It's...it's great to hear your voice. I mean, it has been so long...is everything okay? Are you?


Believe me, Destiny, I am more than okay after hearing your lovely voice. Especially because I know that I'll be seeing you soon.


What?! But I'm all the way over in a town called Salem.


And so am I.

Destiny's jaw drops. She is stunned.


What?! You are?! Seriously?


Yes, seriously; you and I have been out of touch for far too long. I decided that it was time to just pack up and come to Salem.


I can't believe this! I mean, I'm happy, but it's so sudden! Where are you?


I'm at the bus station, and I need a ride. I was hoping that you could provide.


Oh, of course! I'll be right there! As soon as I can!

Franklin, smiling

Alright; I will see you very soon. I love you.


Love you, too.

They hang up, and Destiny stands up, hurrying to get around. She is still surprised.


My dad's come to Salem!


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