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447: People are going 2 DIE!!



Bo and Hope’s House

Bo looks at Megan in shock as she holds a baby in her arms. Hope walks from around Bo to look at the now crying baby.


“What did you just say?”


“Oh, Hello Hope. Didn’t even see you there. This is Bo’s son. Bo Dimera the 2nd.”


“What the hell are you talking about? You’re sick. If you don’t get the hell out of here, I’m going to arrest you myself.”


“Oh, Bo, would you do that to the mother of your child. Take a look at him. He looks just like you. “


"Megan why would say these things. I am sure you just didn’t make this up.”


“Oh no I wouldn’t. See Hope, when you were in jail for all your crimes, I dressed up like you, came over to Bo’s house and it was easy to get him to make love to me since he was drunk.”


“Oh no.”


“Oh no…? What does that mean?”

Bo has a flashback of making love to some one. Or at least it seemed like he did. He never really knew for sure.

“I remember. I woke up with a bad hangover. And I swear it seemed like I made love to someone. I thought it was you Hope. I don’t remember much but it does make sense.”


“I don’t believe this. It was that easy huh? You WERE THAT DRUNK?” She punches Bo in the chest a few times out of anger.


“We went from Kristen to Megan. You don’t care about me Bo Brady! You keep hurting me!.l;”


“Oh come on Hope. This is a Dimera we are talking about. We don’t know for sure if this baby is mine. It could be a trick. If Megan can trick me into sleeping with her, then there is no telling what else she could do.” He turns to look at Megan.


“I am not buying this bull for one minute. Let’s go right now to the hospital and get a paternity test done so we can put this matter to rest.”


“Fine by me.” Megan leaves with her son.


“I can’t believe this Brady. It’s just one thing after another.”

Bo, feeling she is about to talk about Kristen again, tries to hush her up by rushing her out the house.


“We will deal with this later. Let’s just get this Megan mess out of the way.”

Life in Salem

Episode: 447 People are going 2 DIE!!

Written by ML Cooks

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Downtown Salem, Basic Black.

Justin walks into Kate’s office and is stunned her office is cleaned out and Kate is putting the rest of her things in boxes.

“What is going on?”


“That Bitch Vivian Alamain is what happened! Well you were right Justin. Vivian has bought Basic Black. Her first action was to fire me.”


“This woman does not stop. She is really going to rule all of Salem.”


“Not if I have anything to say about it. “


“Do say?”


“I am going to take on Vivian. She’s not going to get away with this. She will not control me.”


“That’s what I like to hear. So this means you are going to help me get Philip out of jail?”


I sure am. I miss my son and I think he’s paid for what he did enough already.”


“Not only that, the more people we have on this, the more our chances go up in getting back our respective companies. I am glad you joined the war Kate.”


“Not by choice. It’s time to destroy Vivian once and for all. She has been a thorn in my side for years and I’ve had it. “


“Looks like Vivian is going down. So what do we need to do to get my cousin out of jail?”


“I can talk to a few people. I have a new friend in the mayor’s office. Meet me at the county jail in 2 hours.”


“Will do. Before I leave, do you need any help carrying out some of these belongings?”


“No, I’m ok. Thank you.”

Justin, looking into her eyes

“I look forward in working with you Kate.” He smiles at her and then leaves. Kate stares at him as he walks away and wonders if Justin was flirting with her.

Spears Mansion

The door bell rings. Jan wonders who it could be as she goes to open it. She is surprised to see her brother Eric.


“Eric? What are you doing here?”


“Well no one has seen much of me so I wanted to remind everyone I am still here in Salem. No really, we are family. I wanted to see how you were doing. From what I understand you have been through a lot. We never really had a chance to connect and I was hoping we could do that today.”

Jan, smiling, then gives him a hug,

“Thanks Eric. This means so much to me." She says pulling back and wiping tears from her cheeks. She ushers him in. Eric looks around and sees the mansion is in need of some cleaning. Jan has really let things go.


“I just feel no one is listening to me. I love Lucas. I love my son. But I have neither Eric. It’s eating me alive. I can’t stand it. Some days I just don’t want to wake up. I have nothing to look forward to.”


“Why does Lucas have your son?”


“Because CSB has deemed me unable to provide for Bentley. They gave him to Lucas. And he’s hoping around town with that ugly Eugenia parading my son like it’s going out of style. I’ve lost everything damn it. I just want my son back. Doesn’t any one get that? I have no one Eric.”

He holds her.

“You have me. I’m your brother and I will protect you.”


“Thank you.” They’re tender moment is interrupted with another person ringing the door bell.


“Christ sakes, since when did all of Salem want to come see Jan today?” She opens the door and a man says,

“Jan Spears?”


“I am yes. Can I help you?”


“You have been served.” He hands her some paperwork.

Eric walks over to her as Jan opens it.


“What is it?”


“Lucas has served me divorce papers and a petition to obtain full custody of Bentley. He’s also asking for spousal and child support” Jan screams in a rage and rips up the paper work.


“Ok Jan calm down.”


“Lucas is going to pay for this. God help me he’s not going to win.” Jan looks for her purse.


“What are you doing?”


“I’m going to go get my son.” Eric tries to grab her.

“I don’t think that is a good idea. You’ll only make things worse.”

Jan releases herself from his grab and then slaps him.

“Look bro, we are just getting to know one another. The one thing you need to know about me, is that no one stops me once I get going.” She then turns around and then leaves her mansion, intent on taking back her son. Eric is left standing there rubbing his cheek.

Salem Police Station

Nicole is sitting in Detective Chris’s office.


“So what can you do to bring the person who killed my husband Travis to justice?”


“Why would some one want to kill Travis? Did he have a shady past?”


“Absolutely not. He was a beautiful human being. A perfect gentleman. He would never harm anyone.”


“How long have you known him?”


“About a year.”


“What did you know about him before he came to Salem?”


“I know who tried to kill Travis! Her name is Greta Von Crazy Omberg. SHE”S A LUNATIC! She’s been bitten by a rabid raccoon that has made her insane. She kidnapped me and Jan Spears. Held us in a secret room at the Dimera Mansion. I want her brought in now.”


“This sounds absurd.”


“Honey, you haven’t been in Salem long enough then. Those kinds of activities I just told you about are the norm in this town.”


“So you think this Crazy Von Omberg person killed Travis?”


“Yes, with poison. Cyanide. It was probably meant for me.”


“And where is this rabid mad woman?”


“Hell if I know. She seems to always lurk in the shadows. She’s a menace to society. She has to be stopped. She is armed and dangerous and should be shot on site.”


“Wow you have a vivid imagination.”


“I get the feeling you are not taking me serious here.”


“I am. I am putting some men on it. In the mean time Ms Walker, try to remain with friends. Try to always be with someone at all times, just in case Greta comes out from the shadows, two heads are better than one.”


“Gee thanks, I feel so much better.” She says sarcastically. Nicole gets up and walks out the police station. Nicole walks to her car and sure enough, Greta is lurking in the shadows as the sun sets in Salem. She watches Nicole get in her car and drive off.


“Very big mistake Nicole. You think you can tango with me. I got news for you bitch. I should have killed you the first time around. Make no mistake now, I will fix that. Greta nearly faints as she wipes the foam coming from her mouth.


“People in Salem are going to die soon.” Greta hops into her car and nearly hits a telephone pole as she nearly faints again. Her visions are becoming blurred.

Hotel, Lucas’s and Eugenia’s Suite

Lucas, speaking on his cell phone,

“So Jan has been served the papers?”


“Yes Mr. Horton.”


“Ok good. The sooner I get this done the better my life will be. Nice work man. Thanks.” He hangs up the phone. He lays his cell phone down and then leans down and picks up Bentley out of his crib. Lucas holds him.

“You’re so precious. I am not going to let that con artist Jan raise you. You’re going to have a good life with me and Eugenia and your brother Josh In fact when Eugenia gets home from getting baby food, I can tell her the good news. Jan has been served the divorce papers. And that paves the way for my marriage to her. What do you think about that?” Bentley smiles at Lucas but then they hear a pounding at the door. Bentley is startled and begins to cry. Lucas puts him back in his crib and walks over to the door and swings it open. He sees a fuming Jan. She storms in.


“Give me my son now! I am not leaving here until I get him. Lucas, I am not playing games.”


“You are unfit to raise him! You’re making him upset. He’s scared of you Jan. Now get the hell out of here.”

Jan walks over toward the crib to hold her son. Lucas grabs her. She tries to push him off but Lucas pins her against the wall.


“Jan, I am warning you, you better leave. Things could get ugly in here. My son is here and I don’t want a scene.”


“Bentley is my son you son of a bitch. My child with Shawn Brady. Are you forgetting that? Shawn Brady lives on through Bentley and there is no way in hell you are going to keep him from me. I don’t care about you or this damn divorcé. You can have it all Lucas. Just not my son. I am not leaving here with out my son. So do what you feel you have to do. God couldn’t even stand in my way with how I feel tonight.” Jan spits in Lucas’s face and then knees him in his manhood. Lucas groans and releases Jan. Jan walks over and picks up her son out his crib and holds him. Jan release tears from her eyes as she is reunited with her son.

“Jan it’s going to be ok my son. Momma’s here. And we are leaving.”

Jan approaches the door to leave. Lucas tries to stop her but is in too much pain to do so. Jan opens the door and is scared sh!tless as an eerie looking, rabid and foaming at the mouth Greta Von Omberg is at the door, gun in hand.

Next time on Life in Salem:

Greta goes crazy!!!!

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