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Ode 2 a Smooth Criminal #115



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Pasadena City Court5c9b33d5.jpg

JUDGEHATHET.jpgJudge Hatchett and the entire courtroom is shocked to hear that Mona will be representing herself! Jack Nicholson, the new District Attorney for Pasadena, stands!


"Objection, your honor! Miss Kelis Williams is insane and a psychopathic murderer, she is too unstable to defend herself!"


thArtist379_nr1orig.jpg"My name is Mona not Kelis, and if I am too insane and unstable to defend myself, I am too insane and incoherent to stand trial. I am within my rights." She says smirking at Jack, letting him know from the start, this is not an open and shut case.

Then suddenly, the court room hears this!,…..

"Don't you dare talk about my daughter that way you dirty devil .My third eye is seeing clearly today. I sense evilness in him your honor. But it's ok. I got my holy water and bible handy and ready for war." Referring to the new DA Jack.

Everyone in the courtroom knew who it was, the infamous and very sinful, Sister Patterson.CA06D0OACA5867X9CAUPN3H2CAO27DVSCA9.jpg

madea.jpgMadea pulls her back down so she can sit down.

"Don't you embarrass me in this court girl. I will give you something to make you cry. I don't know why I ever gave birth to you. I should of have had an abortion. Would have did the world great good……OOO, girl you so ugly, I just hate to look at ya."

Sister Patterson

"Don't talk to me like that Miss Jenkins! We need to pray that evilness out of you."

Judge Hatchett, pounding her gavel,

"Order in the court! …..Defense makes a valid point. It is unsure if Miss Williams is fit enough to stand consecutive trials and serve jail time, but she has been deemed fit enough to at least be here today, and every defendant does have the legal right to defend themselves. And Miss Williams, you will be referred to by your legal name, which is Kelis Williams."

Jack glares at Mona as he sits down indicating, he won the first round, as everyone watches.

Judge Hatchett putting her glasses on to look at the very long crime filled docket,

"Now, Miss Williams is on trial for one count of stalking, six counts of torturing, drug possession and consumption, 2 counts of murder in the first degree," She pauses, shocked at the list so far. She looks at Mona,

"Young lady, what is going on with you? This is unheard of." She looks back at the docket as Mona realizes, the judge is already sympathizing with her.

Judge Hatchett

" One count of manslaughter, two counts of rape, three counts of kidnapping, two counts of attempted murder, inducing panic at Can I Get a Witness Baptist Church-"

Sister Pat, standing up,

"Inducing panic and disrespecting MY GOD'S HOUSE! That there is the worst crime of all. I have never seen such blatant disrespect for the Lord in my life! I got something to say and if you don't know me by now, you will never never never know me. Everyone knows I am going to SAY IT NOW!! Your honor, God has been-"

Miss Jenkins, grabbing Sister Pat and yanking her back down

"Be quiet and SIT DOWN! I'm not going to tell you again. I will beat the hell outta you!"

Judge Hatchett

"Order, order in the court! Sister, I ask that you do not disrupt the court hearing, or I will have to remove you from the courtroom. Now, continuing…evading police, and two counts of drugging other people. Now, does the prosecution have an opening statement?"

Jack, standing again,

"Yes, yes we do, your honor. The prosecution is pushing for the highest punishment for the defendant: The death penalty. Kelis is a serious security threat to Pasadena and the world at large. And we will do whatever it takes to get that penalty. We have all the evidence, and I am sure we can top the defense."

Judge Hatchett

"Does the defense have an opening statement?"

Mona, standing

"Yes, and that is, that while I did those things, I have gone through so much, I simply cannot be blamed. Of course that is weak, but you shall see as I go along, your honor."

Jack almost snorts, as Judge Hatchett looks to him.

Judge Hatchett

"Prosecution, call your first witness.


"Prosecution calls to the stand….Sharan Johnson!"

Everyone turns and looks to Sharan. Sharan has a nervous and shocked look on her face, and she locks eyes with Kevin for a moment. She slowly gets up and heads to the witness stand. She sees Mona directly in front of her, and Mona gives her a small wink as Sharan takes oath.

Jack, walking in front of the witness stand

"Sharan Johnson…from what you've claimed and the evidence we've gathered, Miss Williams stalked you, kidnapped you, raped you, amongst other despicable things. Is this true?"

Sharan, noddingl_ebfed896bd0cf0ad015fabffadaf4959.jpg

"Yes, she's insane. That woman is obsessed with me, she thinks we're somehow in love. She TORTURED me on her island for months. Just to stay alive, I had to pretend to love that sick woman. I mean, its indescribable what she did. There is no other woman on this planet that is as crazy as her. She's demented, a psycho…it still hurts to think about it. I mean, I will never forget what she did to me. She took me away from the man I love, my town. My life. "


"Now, tell me specifically…did this woman, Kelis Williams, rape you?"

Sharan, beginning to shake

"Yes…yes…..she did…."

Sharan then remembers the incident.


"It…was brutal…"

Mona walks toward Sharan


"Please leave me alone."


"Never." She says grabbing her, and kissing her. Sharan bites Mona's lip and out of anger Mona punches Sharan in the face then bashes her head into the wall. Mona then pushes Sharan on the floor. Mona kneels down and tears Sharan's shirt off and massages her breast. Sharan tries to struggle and get up but Mona punches her in the face again and Sharan passes out. Mona unsnaps Sharan's bra and begins to lick her nipples while she places her hand into Sharan's panties and massages her clitoris. Mona has her way with Sharan as she lays unconscious.

Sharan, getting teary

"It was in her underground bunker, I was trying to escape…she violated my body, so easily…like I was just a piece of property…."

Jack, turning towards the judge,

"You see, your honor? Just this witness shows how evil this woman is, and how she needs to be killed, just so no one hurts like Miss Johnson. She was kidnapped, her body was treated like trash…the prosecution has no more questions."

Jack sits down, as Sharan remains on the stand and she shakes at the sight of Mona, and Mona clenches her fist as she watches Jack smugly sit down, but she looks to the judge.

Judge Hatchett

"Would defense like to cross-examine the witness?"

Mona, standing, eerily smiling,

"Yes, your honor, I would."

Kevin, in the back of the courtroom4.jpg

"No….oh Lord no…please let Sharan be alright, God…."

Mona smiles lightly as she approaches Sharan, who is scared stiff.


"Miss Johnson, you claim I so easily forced you into everything, you were very unwilling the ENTIRE time…now, you are under oath….did you not tell me how much you loved me, how much you enjoyed being on my island, that you wanted to meet Sister Patterson Williams with me?"


"I…I did say that, but I had to do that so you wouldn't kill me."


"But you see, Miss Johnson…who's to say you aren't just saying that you pretended to protect yourself? Who's to say you weren't VERY willing during the process in which Daniel Cosgrove was tortured, and when Abe Williams was tortured, and when Abe Williams was…shot? "

Kevin and Sister Patterson are shocked, and Sister Patterson stands up.

Sharan, her eyes widening as she realizes what Mona's playing at

"Kelis, please…PLEASE….don't. "


"Oh yes, that's right, Miss Johnson. You shot Abe Williams, you partook in his murder! You WERE an accomplice to murder! You watched as I tortured the man, you had the power to stop it, you were not restrained, yet you let me torture him to my heart's content…you willingly shot the man! In fact, right before that, he was on the path to escape but YOU stopped him."

Sister Patterson

"OH MY GOD! I want her arrested your honor. She shot my husband. No LORD!!"

Sharan, getting emotional

"Don't! NO! YOU FORCED ME! I DIDN'T WANT TO SHOOT ABE! It wasn't my fault, you made me do it, I had to do it!"

Everyone in the courtroom is stunned at this revelation, and Kevin looks at Sharan with a huge amount of pain and shock in his eyes.


"Now Miss Johnson, I would like you to explain to this courtroom what exactly happened that day you shot Abe Williams. "

Sharan, getting very nervous now as her face looks stained

"Well…well the man was attacking you, I just couldn't let him, regardless of my feelings for you…."


"You are nothing! You're just a gay whore like your mother!" Abe squeezes more and Mona hits him in his groin, and he stumbles backward, and she reaches for her gun in her back pocket


"Mona no!"

Mona looks back at her, and Abe kicks Mona in her knees and the gun goes flying across the room in the corner... Mona falls on the floor, and Abe gets on top of her.


"That's what you wanted; right?"

He rips opens her blouse, and Mona is fighting him.


"Get of me you scum!"

Abe over powers her, and he rips opens her pants. Her hands and nails goes to his face, and scratches him.


"Get off her!"


"Shut up!"

SHARAN grabs the chair.

"Abe get off of her now!'

Abe turns to Sharan, and she serves him across the face with the chair, and Abe falls out of consciousness on the ground.


"Then….you got that gun and wanted me to shoot him! You told me I WANTED to kill him, which I didn't! I NEVER did!"

MONA, gets up, and she makes her way toward the gun, and picks it up, and she walks back toward Sharan.

"Have you ever killed someone?"


"Excuse me?"


"Its a simple question…"


"There's nothing simple about that - and no."


"But you would if you had too…"


"I don't like where this is going - and I am not a murderer."


"I think everyone is capable of murder.

MONA, Mona places her hand on Sharan's shoulder.

"Earlier... You wanted to kill him, I saw it in your eyes -"

She hands her the gun.


"Go ahead... shoot him! If you love me, you would kill my father. Prove to me you love me"

Sharan looks at Mona, and looks back at the gun, and Abe.


"Come on... Do it!"

Sharan slowly takes the gun from Sharan. Abe slowly opens his eyes.


"And UNWILLINGLY because of you, yes, I shot him! I shot Abe Williams!"

Sharan's hand starts sweating, and she can't hold back, she sees her hand pulling the trigger, and suddenly her head is full with images; visions of how Mona introduced her to Mona Island , and all the pains Abe caused Mona.

Tears starts pouring from Sharan's eyes, and everything starts moving in slow motion, Mona takes another puff from her smoke, and Abe is trying to say something, but all you see is his mouth moving, with his words not being understood, Sharan looks back at Mona, and she wanted to aim the gun at Mona's head, and blow her head away, but she stops herself...

She returns her attention to Abe's direction, and Mona claps her hand, and the gun goes off…


"And there you have it everyone, this woman willingly helped me, she shot Abe Williams…and may have helped cause his death….so you were not unwilling THEN, were you?"

Sharan, breaking out in tears


Kevin stands up and barges out of the courtroom angrily.

Sister Patterson

"Arrest her right here and right now! I pay my taxes, let me see my money at work. Lord my third eye never saw this coming."


"Defense has no more questions, your honor. I have proven my point."

Sharan sobs as she gets off the stand and wipes her face with her hands, and Mona slowly blows her a kiss, and she storms out of the courtroom after breaking down on the stand…

Judge Hatchett

"This court will wait until this trial is over and then decide if the witness, Sharan Johnson will be brought up on charges. Prosecution, call your next witness."


"Prosecution calls…Daniel Cosgrove to the stand!"CAUX68ONCAO2SC70CAKBFHFBCAIRPRAPCAU.jpg


Episode: 115; Ode2A Smooth Criminal

Written by Tara Smith, and ML Cooks

Flashbacks Written By: ML Cooks and Durand Saint Hialire

Story Editor: ML Cooks

Westwood Park, Dre's HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

DondreT.jpgDre walks into the kitchen and pulls out a Budweiser from the fridge. Lauren comes out from the bedroom.


"Hey you. How was Mona's trial? Was Daniel there?"


"Yea, your boy was there. The trial was cool I guess. Mona represented herself. It's resumes tomorrow. "


"I miss Daniel so much. Did he have a woman with him?"


"Naw, I don't thank so."

Lauren sighs and grabs a seat on the couch.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up."


"Well you gone have to. My life and my brother's are on the line. We have a plan and we have to stick to it."

Laruen, wiping a tear

"This is stressful for me. This isn't good for my baby."


"You only got what like 5 more months to go. 20 weeks ain't that long off.'


"It's long enough. What if Daniel moves on in that time? Jasmine was flirting with him right at my coffin. Do you know what it was like to hear the man I love, at my funeral, getting hit on by another woman? It's like hello! I am right here. Have you no shame. She was like a hawk, swooping in to get her prey…. I love Daniel and I am faking my death for us."


"How do you think he is going to feel when he finds out you faked your death? What is he going to say about this child? You say if it's Kevin's you're going to put it on the black market. What about Kevin? I can't believe I just said that. Knowing I can't stand that nigga. But I know if it was me, I would not want my baby on no black market. Why not just give the child to Kevin. He could use some good news right now. Home boy has hit rock bottom."


"The last time Kevin and I had a conversation, it was not pretty. SO I won't be doing no one no favors. I know this is wrong but I can't raise this child if it's Kevin's. I can't keep it."


"But you'll keep it if it Chris's child? I don't get that."


"Daniel already knows that I was with Chris. If he found out if I slept with Kevin and bore his child, he wouldn't be able to handle it. Daniel and I have been through so much, I just want us to be happy. I love him and I just want to have a good life with him."


"Good luck with that. I don't think Daniel is going to stay single for long. ?You are really playing with fire and I can't even believe I am going along with this. Lauren, I don't know If I can't let you do this. I can't let you put this child on the black market if it's Kevin's"


"What choice do you have? Are you going to stop me?"


"I need to get out of here before I loose my cool." He puts his beer down and walks outside to get some fresh air, leaving Lauren with tears in her eyes. She rubs her belly.

"What am I doing? I can't keep this charade up any longer.. I have to end it. "





Huntington Memorial Hospital


Ria walks into Natalia's room. She sees Natalia holding Mark Jr. Mark Jr's foot is in a cast.big1.jpg

Natalia, smiling at Ria,3128734.jpg

"Oh Ria. I am so glad to see you."

Ria, smiling back at hervictoria-rowell-2006-clive-davis-pr.jpg

"How's the baby?"


"MJ is going to be fine. He got shot in the foot. Kiko took the bullet out in surgery. I am so blessed and lucky thanks to you. I don't know what I would have done if you had not showed up at my house."


"It's a good thing I did. God has a funny way of working. I guess I needed to save your baby to get back in your good graces."


"I've missed my best friend."


"I've missed you to girl." She leans down and gives Natalia a hug.


"Girl it was crazy. I got me some good dick and just hours later, I had to be captain save a hoe. Talk about a day."


"Watch your mouth girl. I got a little one here. Kiko did say that MJ will have problems walking. We don't know how bad though.'


"Oh, my bad. You know how I get sometimes."


"So who's your new boyfriend?"


"Well I wouldn't call him that. He's was just visiting Pasadena. He was here doing a terrorist training thing. He's from Springfield Illinois. He's hung up on some white Bitch anyway."


"You have not changed. I don't get it. I'm your best friend again right?"


"Yea girl?"


"I'm white right?"


"Uh hunh."


"So why do you not like white people?"


"Girl I just don't. Look at what they put my people through. All those years of slavery. Uprooting us from Africa. Selling my people like we were cheap pieces of meat."


"What about President Obama's election? Doesn't that signify change?"


"Girl hell naw. He's half black. He still got some white in him. So the day still needs to come when a 100 percent black man take office."


"Well If you hate white people, then how can you like me?"


"Cause you my girl. I don't see you as white. I have to tell myself you're a Latina."

Natalia burst out laughing.

Then Ria grabs her breast


"Girl what are you doing?"


"Ever since I sexed down Remy, my breastses been feeling funny. Like the feel so warm and tingly."


"Maybe you should get it checked out."


"No no. It's just some good ass sex. That's all. I have some things to do. I got a dinner date with my family tonight."


"You so crazy."


"I get it from you. Look I am really happy for you. You got reunited with your son. Especially after Miss Flip Mode stole her from you."


"Thank God Ashley is dead. Diego helped her and he is still out there somewhere."


"Someone needs to find him."


"I just might have to"




Outside of his house, back in Westwood Park,

Dre is smoking a black and mild.


"What the hell went down there? " He says after looking at the police tape around Natalia's house.

Dre's thoughts are interrupted when Kiko approaches him.


"Hey bro."

Kiko, a bit frustratedgiglipre.jpg

"Don't "hey bro" me. "


"What's got tripping?"

Kiko, shaking his head as he walks pass Dre

"Its nothing. How's Lauren?"


"She's all worried about this baby crap, wanting to sell her baby on the black market just because of who its pops could be."


"You know, you're lucky I'm even participating in this."


"You have to, man. Ty's gone kill us if you don't."


"Yeah, but its disgusting. I am letting a woman fake her death, and in doing that, I'm causing her boyfriend to go through so much pain. Daniel's life has fallen apart because of this, because of us! He has to go to therapy with Dr. Jasmine Winters and that's barely helping him. We made him go through that mockery of a funeral. "


"In the end he'll get his woman back."


"But will Daniel be too broken and too depressed by then, Dre? Ever think about THAT? And not to mention, you are just letting this woman sell an innocent child on the baby black market. I feel bad for Lauren, but do you know how cruel this is?"


"Hey I'm not a fan of that plan."


"But you probably expect ME to be the one to deliver the baby and help sell it off, don't you? I am a respected doctor, I will have NO part in this. I promise you that. I am not Diego Serrano damnit, I don't steal babies. I will never stoop to the level of people like him, you had better know that. And damnit Dre, I should just go to Mike right now and tell him that Lauren Roman is alive and well and living in your house-"


"Cool it, man! What the hell is wrong with you today?"


"Everything is what's wrong with me! I am hiding a pregnant woman who is supposed to be dead and she wants to sell her baby on the black market, I have Ria on my ass all the time asking for sex, and I have to deal with ten million other things each day!"


"Something's wrong, I can tell. There's something else bothering you."


"Oh just stop."


"We're bro's, man, you can talk to me."


"Yeah, and I wanted to get close to you so I could, but this wasn't exactly what I wanted…growing close by faking people's deaths."


"Hey, I understand, I got you, man. But this will all be over once we get Ty."


"And how long will that take? Long enough to rip a child away from its mother?"


"Lauren's better than our momma."

Kiko, getting angrier

"DON'T even bring her up."

Kiko storms off as Dre confusedly watches his brother….

Next Time on S.T.E.A.M.

Daniel and Mona go to WAR AGAIN!!!!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Good episode to start out S.T.E.A.M's return with. I liked how there was a lot of movement with the trial in the beginning, it's going be interesting to see how it plays out.

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OMG! Loved the beginning with Sister Patterson! I felt like STEAM was really back!

Sister Pat and Miss Jenkins! Such a Duo.

Wow the Mona/Sharan scenes were written very well!

I really felt like I was in the courtroom.

I wonder if Lauren's gonna give up on her charade.

I loved Ria talking about Remy. Those two were so hott!!!

Such a good episode! Just as STEAMy as ever!

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Wow! What an awesome episode to return with ML. I really liked the flasbacks during the court room scenes and it actually gave me something to think about in my writing. Mona is such a great conniver! Which is why maybe she should consider becoming a lawyer if she gets out of this. Poor Sharan is just damned for what she did to try and save herself. Judge Hatchett really needed to get the court in order, especially if you have someone as loco as Madea and Sister Pat sitting in the crowd.

For once I liked Lauren. She's finally coming to her senses about what to do with Daniel. I still strongly believe that they belong together but I had an itsy bitsy tiny change of heart when I saw how Bro Hoe felt about Lauren when he was talking to Kiko (whom I feel bad for).

First I thought Ria was awesome for saving Nat's baby but now she's a racist??? Unless she sees the error of her ignorance, then she really hasn't learned anything at all.

Great job man! SONOP is definitely back on the air.

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Thanks everyone. You guys dont know how many times this ep was rewritten. The trial was so big I didn't kno howto pace it but I guess I did right.

Matt Tara did these trial scenes She did a great job

Remeber Ria always has been racist. SHe has to tell herself that Nat is a latina

WELCOME BACK MATT! Thannks for reading all

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