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-Jeremy says he's not...he just thinks its inappropriate for Alexis to be here, number one because of her short but odd past with Lucas...number two because of her history with the Horton's in general! Alexis tells him whatever as she goes to sit down, and Jeremy sighs as he walks off....

-Kate gets up and walks over to Crystal, pulling her aside and away from Benard....Crystal is STUNNED to see Kate and Benard asks who this is...Crystal asks him to excuse them and he does so...Kate and Crystal both ask each other what the HELL they are doing here...Kate quietly but harshly tells her that she's the GROOM's mother...Crystal is even more stunned...and asks if that means...she's the grandmother of Will Roberts....Kate says YES....Crystal tells her she's suing for custody of that BASTARD'S daughter....Kate is shocked as she asks if SHE'S the one doing that....she says this is too crazy as she realizes that she worked with the woman trying to steal her great-granddaughter....she hears that the ceremony is about to start, and before going to go sit back down, tells her that they'll discuss this later!

-Tony tries to plea with Anna to talk to him about all this, but she strictly tells him NO and to go away...Tony sighs and reluctantly obliges as he goes back and sits back down beside Vivian and Victor, and Vivian assures Tony it will all turn out alright....however she quiets when she sees Kate walking away from Crystal, and smirks as she says that it seems the entire town gathered for this wedding...Victor looks to Dorian, and then Suga in the background....

-Bo and Hope quietly argue as Bo tells her that she can't just up and give up on their marriage, their love like this.....Hope says well she is, and he'll just have to deal with it...both of them see Kristen go and sit down, who glances at them with a sigh, and Hope tells him to go to her....Bo stands up and goes to sit beside Kristen as Hope just shakes her head....Suga is still watching Dorian, but she glances at Hope, and thinks she looks familiar, but just shrugs it off....

-Eugenia finally is fully ready, and Lexie tells her its time...Eugenia chuckles and says she's so nervous but so happy...most of the women then leave the bridal room....

-Sami, Travis, Carrie, Nicole, and Brandon are all in a car on the way back to Salem, Sami relishing in the fact that finally this craziness will end soon....

-Jan and Greta furiously fight in the Secret Room as Jan continues her escape....Greta continues to vow that Jan WON'T escape and its time for her to die as she puts all her energy into fighting Jan, but Jan does just the same...as both of them grab ahold of each other's hands as they resist slaps from each other, Jan says:

Jan:You know, Nicole was right...you are so pathetic to be so obsessive over all this.....she must be laughing at you, in hell or wherever she is.....because you are nothing but some washed up princess clinging to a stupid vendetta since you have nothing else going for you in life....

Greta:DAMN YOU! You are so ungrateful, after I fed you for so many months, kept you updated on your ex-fiancee's life....and most of all, gave you that BABY....

Greta finally breaks free from Jan's hold and literally jumps ON TOP of Jan....but Jan thinks to herself not this time as she uses her inner strength to TOSS Greta back, causing Greta's move to backfire as she goes flying across the room and crumbles to the ground....Jan rushes to baby Josh, and says its time to leave this crazy place at long last...she runs out of the Secret Room as Greta lies there...and using the keys she got off Greta...she locks GRETA in the Secret Room!!!!! Jan whispers that this is just poetic justice, as she turns and runs towards the door, yelling:


-Back at St.Luke's, Lucas stands up in front, smiling with his son at his side, as the marriage ceremony begins....

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Jan rushes up the staircase to the doorway that she and Nicole tried to get open before Greta shot Nicole...Jan uses the keys to finally get it open, baby Josh in her arms....it finally OPENS, and she runs out of it...and soon she finds herself in an odd place between the Secret Room and the walls...she presses on the wall, telling it to please open...and it does! Jan rushes out into the Spears Mansion, and exclaims that she's finally OUT, she's finally ESCAPED...and now, to St.Luke's!

-The ceremony begins as Jeremy escorts Cassie out first off....Jeremy soon goes to sit down as Cassie goes to stand in one of the brides maid spots....Alexis watching, vowing that she has to take Cassie down somehow...and if anyone can do it, Alexis Kefer can!

-The car continues to drive towards Salem, as Sami constantly thinks about how she can see her son again, her siblings can trust her again....she can see her entire family again at last...she also thinks to herself that she hopes her mom is happy with her....because she stood strong and she fought everyone when they thought she killed Marlena...she briefly flashes to taking part in Stefano's death, but tells herself she can't think about that....

-Jan runs out of the Spears Mansion, and soon runs off the grounds...she briefly thinks about how great it is to be out in the OPEN and to see her mansion in person again, and to be above ground, but she is also too distracted by the wedding....

-At the Church, Nicholas walks Belle down the aisle, as everyone else eagerly watches....Nicholas sits down as Belle takes her place...

-Suga brushes off Hope being familiar, thinking that she can't get distracted, she has to focus on killing Dorian after this thing is over....

-Jan runs throughout Salem, Josh still in her arms, as she declares that she WILL stop that wedding....she will get Lucas back!

-Bo sits next to Kristen, and Kristen asks, in a whisper, what was going on over there with Hope...Bo silently explains that Hope had him served divorce papers and is still giving him the cold shoulder...Kristen tells him he shouldn't even be sitting next to her if he wants his wife back, and he tells her no, its fine, they should just focus on the wedding....

-Mike walks Lexie down the aisle as Lucas continues to wait for Eugenia...Lexie takes the matron of honor's place as Mike sits down....he happens to sit down next to Alexis, and Mike inwardly groans as he asks Alexis why she's here, and she says people need to stop asking her that...she's just here for Lucas, but she keeps looking back from Jeremy to Cassie....she also looks at Laura, who sits down next to Maggie, Abe, Julie, Kate, and Bentley....and tells Mike that she's going to bring down Robin AND Cassie, no matter what it takes....

-Carrie puts her hand on her sister's shoulder inside the car...she tells her that they did it, they made it through this....and she knew the whole time she could do it, and Sami happily thanks Carrie....

-Kate sits and smiles at her son....but she is a bit distracted by learning that Crystal is the one suing for custody of little Arianna....she wonders how she didn't know this before...but she was so distracted by wanting Tony dead at the time! She wonders if that could be what Stefano agreed to pay her in return....she thinks it may in fact be for the best that Tony didn't die! She glances back at Tony, and then to Anna....she sighs as she thinks that life is all too complicated....

-Valentine stares at her sister, whispering that she soon will be poor once again....once she completely takes over the DiMera family...suddenly she gets a text message from Andre saying "Excellent work so far..." and Valentine evilly grins....

-Eugenia nervously but very happily begins her walk down the aisle as the music plays....she stares deep into Lucas's eyes, who is as giddy as her, as she walks towards him, and the entire room watches her....Lucas thinks that finally, a wedding of his can go through perfectly....

-Jan continues to dart through Salem, desperately trying to get to St.Luke's in time!

-Greta sits inside the Secret Room as she looks around, not seeing Jan or Josh...she tries to open the door but can't get it open....she SCREAMS out as she realizes Jan has escaped and locked HER in the Secret Room...she also realizes that Jan must be on her way to St.Luke's....and everything she's worked so hard for may be ruined!

-Eugenia finally gets to Lucas, and everyone watches as Father Jansen begins everything....he tells them that they've gathered here today to witness the joining of Lucas Roberts and Eugenia Willens....Eugenia and Lucas both smile at each other as Father Jansen speaks...

-Will thinks to himself that he's so happy for his dad....he glances at Destiny as he wishes that he had someone like that....

-Jan runs throughout the town, she sees St.Luke's in the distance!

-Father Jansen tells everyone that before they get to the I Do's...Lucas and Eugenia have a few things they'd like to say to each other first! Lucas continues to stare right at Eugenia as he begins:

Lucas:You know, Eugenia, we've known each other for years...and dated once, but have never exactly been the best of friends...but then you came back earlier this Winter and moved in with me when you were pregnant....and we got engaged pretty quickly, but you helped me through such a tough time in my life...somehow, you were able to do that....and thats why I love you....and can't wait to make you my wife today....

Eugenia sheds a tear as she begins what she has to say:

Eugenia:Lucas....when I came back here, one reason why I was around you so much was not only coincidence...but I wanted to make up for my wrong doings in the past....getting pregnant, it changed my life forever, made me want to change myself....and I did....and then you offered me a home and we got close, we both helped each other....and then the night of our engagement...my baby, Blake, was stillborn...that has put me in so much pain, I still hurt about that today...but just your tender love, care, and comfort has helped me through it so much in the past month or so...and then you even set today, which was his due date, as our wedding...which was wonderful of you...and Lucas, there's just something about you that I only saw in one man before...but that faded...with you, it hasn't...not quite yet...there's just something that makes me love you and want to marry you....

-Jan edges closer and closer to St.Luke's, running as fast as she can to stop Lucas from marrying Eugenia....

-Greta desperately tries to break out of the Secret Room, the roles reversed for once, but can't...she scowls and goes into a psychotic rage, tossing EVERYTHING in the Secret Room around.....she says that Lucas had better marry Eugenia...thats the one last way she can make Jan's life hell now that she's escaped....

-Everyone smiles at Lucas and Eugenia as Father Jansen asks Eugenia if she takes Lucas Roberts to be her lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, for richer or poor, in sickness and in health....Eugenia nods and says:

Eugenia:I do....

-Jan finally gets on the grounds of St.Luke's, and she RACES towards the door into the Church, and quickly tries to open them....

-Father Jansen looks to Lucas and asks if he takes Eugenia Willens to be his lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse, for richer or poor, in sickness and health....Lucas continues to smile at Eugenia and he touches her cheek slightly as he says:

Lucas:I do....

Father Jansen:Now, before I go on....is there anyone here who sees reason for these two to not be wed?

The entire Church is silent....UNTIL suddenly....JAN BURSTS IN THE DOORS OF THE CHURCH, screaming:

Jan:STOP THIS WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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GO JAN GO! You know we've had this conversation plenty of times about rooting for the villain/vixen/psycho and this was one episode that I was screaming at my computer screen for Jan to do her worst. I also enjoyed the catfight and the homage to The Secret Room plot. (Very etertaining). For a second there I thought that Lucas was going to tell Eugina that he couldn't go through with it but Jan trying to stop it was a much better ending.

Great job!

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