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Episode 125: Moments Later (Season 6 Premiere)

Matt P.


Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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A beam of sunlight breaks through the chapel. Dylan smiles at his soon to be bride. The music plays and Carrie walks down the aisle with Michael. Everyone in the chapel stood up for her. This was it, this was her day.


We shall begin. We’re here in holy matrimony to witness the gathering of Dylan Colby and Carrie Slondsbid as they begin their life a new. Please take each other’s hands and repeat after me.

Dylan looks into Carrie’s eyes. He can’t help but be cheerful. His bride is so beautiful.


I Dylan Colby, take thee Carrie to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold in sickness and in health, til death do us part.


Carrie…repeat after me.


I Carrie Slondsbid take thee Dylan to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold in sickness and in health, til death do us part.


In the power invested in me and in the eyes of god, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Dylan leans and lifts Carrie’s veil and lends her a tender kiss.


You did it. I’m now Carrie Colby.


I love you babe.


You know I love you hubby but you’re living a dream. When is reality going to sink in?

Dylan watches Carrie run away from him. He tries catching up with her but is blocked by Blake, Mary Ann, Michael, Vi, Jason, Ryley and Juliana. Dylan pushes his way towards his bride.


Let me see her! I want my wife!



Dylan wakes up in his opened tuxedo at the hospital waiting room. The weird position he fell asleep in put pain on his neck but that didn’t matter to him. Blake backs away after being startled by his best friend’s freak out. Blake hands him some water to drink. Dylan takes a sip.


Hey man. You were having a dream.


Someone tried killing her.

Blake was speechless. He didn’t know how to respond. Dylan stands up and looks into Carrie’s hospital room where doctors were checking her vitals. He puts his hand up to the cold window, hoping that things would change for an unconscious Carrie.


Someone wanted her dead. Someone wanted to make me feel pain and they did it by physically hurting the one person who meant the most to me in my life.

Dylan looks at Blake with tired and strained eyes.


If I have to spend every dollar or go nights without sleeping to figure this out I will.


You know that I’m here for you. Whatever I can do to help, say the word and it’s done.


I’m going to find out who did this. And when I do…someone’s going to pay dearly!

- - -


Episode 125:

Moments Later

Series Creator & Head Writer:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Guest Starring:

John Driscoll as Fred Kayhill

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John was stunned to see who was standing in front of him. He just couldn’t believe it. London notices it but all she can do is smile.


London? It can’t be.


Yeah it’s me alright.


Everyone thinks your dead.


May I come in? I have a lot to explain to you.


I want proof.


What do you want from me John? I have the scars from my caesarian to prove it.


Those are the magical words.

London walks into his room. She looks deep into baby L.J.’s eyes.


She looks more like a Snaldry than a Tyler.


She’s actually due for a nap.

John walks their daughter over to the crib and puts her down. He looks at London, still baffled.


How are you alive?


You wouldn’t believe who nursed me back to life.


I can’t believe you’re here.


Sometimes neither can I. What have I missed? Hopefully you and Blake have gotten along.


Actually we have. Ever since your video will, we sort of called a truce. He called off the war over our little angel.


That will is now null and void since I’m…well you know.


And my sister came to town. She was looking after L.J. but she’s decided to go back home.


How is Marissa doing?


She’s quite busy with her life.


And how are things with Alley?

John is silent.


You actually don’t have to say anything.


Why’s that?


I know you two aren’t together. Your ex-girlfriend is with my ex-husband. I saw them kissing.

John’s mouth dropped wide open in shock.

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In Ava’s car, she had to speak. She had to think of something fast to say. Talk you idiot say something, she thought to hersef.



Ava holds her nose to disguise her voice by making it nasally.


Hi my name is Courtney and I’m calling from the CLDUS.


How did you get this number?


Our records showed that you are the parent to one of our students here.


Yes I am. Is Bobbie okay?


That’s actually why I’m calling. Are you in Cody sir?


No I’m in Denver.

Ava wanted to punch the steering wheel. She couldn’t believe how close he really was.


Hello Courtney?


Sorry…we’re busy over here. Um would be able to stop in so that we can talk more privately?


I don’t think that will be possible.



Why not?


Is there a specific reason?


Have you contacted Maieve Anderson? She’s the one who has full custody of Bobbie. Not me.


We have tried but she’s…been…busy.


Fine. Would you like me to meet you at the school?


Yes we could do that. Say afternoonish tomorrow?


I’ll see you then.

James hangs up the phone. Ava kept looking at her phone.


Oh my god. He’s Bobbie’s father! What the hell am I going to do?

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Later that night, Nate walks into The Palace Café. He walks up to the counter and finds Agatha.


Hi what can I get ya?


Just a coffee please. God my head hurts.


Long night?


Something like that.

Agatha exits to make him his coffee. He looks around. Everything seemed unfamiliar to him. He knew where he was and who he was but that was about it. Who were these people staring back at him? Agatha hands him his cup and he sits down. Bobbie walks inside and sits across from him.


Did you forget about me?


Yeah I did. Sorry.


Don’t be. So how’s your head?


Fine. I guess. Now tell me again. How do we know each other?


You’re my…boyfriend.




Yeah we’ve been going out forever. It’s not because I’m a charity case or something.


How did we meet?





Nate’s cell phone goes off. He pulls it out of his pocket to answer it but Bobbie stops him.


Let me get it hun.

Bobbie answers the phone.


Hey Nate, you won’t believe this-


Hi Ava. How are you?


Bobbie? Where’s Nate?


We’re having a good time. We’re at the café. We should be back soon. Bye.

Bobbie hangs up with Ava and returns the phone to Nate, who seems confused.


Who were you talking to?


A friend of ours that's all. But that's not important. Now…let’s plan our next date.

Bobbie takes Nate’s hand into hers.



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Blake walks into Alley’s room to find her in pajamas, sitting on her couch. She just sat there contemplating telling him what was needed to be said. The truth. Except he just walks right past her.




How was the wedding?


A disaster. Someone stabbed Carrie.


Oh my god. Is she okay?


She’s fighting for her life.


Tell Dylan that I hope she’s okay.


I will. I’m pretty tired.


Thanks for stopping by.


You down for some cuddling?


Are we a couple?


Where did that come from?


Just answer the question.


I…I don’t know. Maybe.


Things have been happening so fast for us.


Yeah they have been.

Alley thinks back to the pregnancy test that she kept hidden in a drawer.


There’s something I have to tell you. I’m-

Blake interrupts her by putting his finger over her lip.


Don’t say it.

He moves his finger and kisses her softly.


It’s too fast to use the ‘L’ word.

Alley lets out a nervous laugh of relief.


That wasn’t what I was going to say.


I’m going to go to bed, will you be joining me? Who knows, I may be in the mood.


Yeah. Give me a minute though.

Alley goes back into her room and rummages through her drawer to find the pregnancy test. It was still there. Positive. She was still preganant according the test.


I’m not in love with you. I might be having your baby.

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The next day, Nan gets a knock at her door. She answers it to find a younger man dressed in business attire holding a sealed envelope.


I don’t remember ordering a stripper.

He giggles at her comment. He motions to give her the folder.


My name’s Fred Kayhill. I work with Myers and Stephens Associates. May I come in?



Fred walks in and tries handing her his envelope.


What is this you’re trying to give me?


It’s a subpoena. You’re trial date and information is all in here. If you do not appear then you will be subjected for arrest.


Are you Jenny’s lawyer?


No miss I’m not. I’m an assistant with the plantiff’s law firm.

Nan moves closer to Fred.


Fred do you think this could be dropped?


I don’t see that happening miss. Besides you’d have to-

Nan takes the envelope out of her hand and places it near his belt. Nan grabs his neck and looks in his eyes.


I won’t tell if you don’t. However I'm a firm believer of the penile system.

Fred smiles at her. He was obviously attracted to her. He grabs her arms and places them at her side.


Seduction could possibly work against you if I let my boss know you tried making a pass at me.


So you basically have nothing to do with the trial, correct?


I’m practically an errand boy. Just doing my job miss.

Nan walks over to her kitchen counter and grabs a glass.


Then get the hell out of my room you bastard! By the way, send a message to your higher ups. My name is Nan Sheridan. And I never lose!

Nan throws the glass at Fred. He quickly ducks as it smashes against the door. Fred places the subpoena on a table and exits. Nan just stands there shaking her head.

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On a sunny day in Raleigh, North Carolina…Ginny rings the doorbell to Owen’s house. She smiles when Alexia answers it.



Ginny? I’m so shocked to see you here.


Yeah I can sort of say the same.


What can I do for you?


I’m looking for Owen. It’s kind of important that I see him.

Alexia shoots Ginny a confused look.


Can you please get him for me?


He’s not here right now.


Oh? Is he out or something?


Yeah he’s out of town.


That’s great. I flew all the way out here to…yeah…that would happen to me.


I thought that you would’ve run into him by now.


What are you talking about?


Now I’m the confused one.


He went back to Point Palace with Tanisha.

Ginny’s mouth drops in shock until realizing what Tanisha has done.


I really hope I’m not imposing but you don’t mind if I crash here for a little bit? It seems I’m going to have to book an earlier flight to kill Tanisha!

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Back at Point Palace, Owen opens the door to his hotel room. Followed by Tanisha who plants herself on his bed and smiles.


You know I’ve missed you babe.


Then show me!

Owen smiles at her and jumps on the bed. He begins to passionately kiss her.


Oh Owen. I’m so happy you’re back.


I’m not back for long. Mom’s still not doing well.


Then we’ll just have to savor the time we have now.


I’m going to take a shower. Maybe you can join me.


Maybe I will. Get naked stud!

Owen playfully takes off his shirt and throws it at her. He starts the water in the shower. Owen’s cell phone begins to ring. She quickly looks at the caller ID and notices that it’s Alexia calling.


Just let it go to voicemail.


Sure thing.

Before it can go to voicemail, Tanisha hangs up the phone, and deletes it.


I’m sure Ginny has already found out by now! Too bad Owen will never know.

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On the set of “Blue Crystal,” Carlos tries concentrating on his lines in his dressing room but can’t. As Ian gets his hair done, he notices his co-star dazing.


Dude what’s up? I know the whole Miguel’s into drugs story line is a little far fetched but-


No it’s not that. Just have a lot on my mind that’s all.


Make sure to find me if you want to read lines later.



Carlos gets out of his chair and pulls out his cell phone. He dials Jenny who is sitting in the office of Hayley Stephens, her new lawyer.


Just give me one moment.


Sure thing.

Jenny answers her phone.


Hey Carlos.


Hi chica.


How are you?


I’m…okay. I guess.


You don’t sound it.

Carlos has a flashback of what C.C. told him.


I’m pregnant with your baby. The flashback ends and he comes to.




We need to talk like now.


I’m actually in a meeting with Hayley. You won’t believe what news I have for you.


Just put that way for a second. Please! I have-


Carlos I can’t do that. I’ve invested too much time and effort. Nan is going down and it’s going to be because of me. I’ll see you later tonight. Bye.

Jenny hangs up with Carlos who out of frustration throws his scripts on the floor to storm off. Jenny puts her cell phone away and looks at Hayley.


I take it that he will be a witness?


Of course. Actually I’ve written up lists of numerous witnesses.

Jenny hands her a folder. Hayley scans the names.


My this is a long list. I can’t believe that one person can do so many diabolical things to this many people.


It’s going to be a long fight! One that I intend to win.

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At his office, Bryan paces back and forth. His nerves were getting the best of him. He can’t get off of his mind what Marli had told him before she left.


There’s no way Blake can find out the truth. I deserve this damn school. He didn’t! I schemed my way and he had it handed to him. She won’t take this away from me.

Bryan picks up his office phone and dials Detective Miltner.

Detective Miltner:



Hello detective, it’s Bryan Daniels.

Detective Miltner:

Ugh…hello mister president. What can I do for ya?


I was hoping to help you. First with solving the S.R. Reardon case by reporting a crime.

Detective Miltner:

His death is a closed case.


Marli Caloway ran into him. She admitted everything to me.

Detective Miltner:

That’s a damn shame because Marli Caloway is dead. She was involved in a plane crash after not following strict orders that she couldn’t leave this city. We already had a warrant out for her arrest but it’s not necessary. Thanks for helping though.

Detective Miltner hangs up with Bryan.


That clever girl.

Myra knocks on the door and comes into his office.


You have a call on line two.


Tell them that I’m busy.


They said it was urgent. Someone named Hope.

Bryan freezes.


Yeah I’ll take it.

Bryan answers the phone.


You think you could get rid of me that easily?


You have huge balls to be calling in after everything you did.


You forget Bryan…I have the feds on my side. So one false move on your part and you can lose everything. If you haven’t already.


Listen you little bitch. If you want to play games, I don’t back down!


Of course I want to play a game. I’m going to torture you for my pleasure. Ta ta dear.



Bryan can still her hear breathing on the other end.


My name is Hope! Marli Caloway died.


Well Hope, Blake is going to find out everything and he’ll loathe you for every lie you told him. So that text message you sent him, he won’t believe it for a second!

Bryan heard her hang up. He smiled to himself, knowing that he hit a nerve.

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Rena holds herself close as only a few people have showed up to the outside funeral for Will Pazner. They were mostly Will’s roommates. Not even Will’s parents were to be found.


Now we will hear a few words from someone who cared about Mister Pazner.

Rena makes her way up to the podium. She looks around to all of the people who obviously felt bad but knew the rumors she was faced with.


Hello. Thank you all for coming. It would’ve meant a lot to Will.

She looks over to the urn with Will’s framed picture standing in front of it.


Will didn’t have a lot of friends. I don’t understand why because he was always a…complex person. Maybe not so much complex but compassionate. He cared for people. I know he cared for me. Deep down inside I believe that to be true.


Then why was he after Alicia?


I guess we’ll never know that.



Of course we don't.


I just want this to be in his remembrance. Isn't that enough? So goodbye Will.

Tears stream out of her eyes as she touches his picture.



It’s my fault. I’m sorry.

Rena turns back to the rest of the funeral patrons.


Thank you reverend. That’s all I have to say.

The reverend excuses everyone to go. They shake each other’s hands. Rena walks off. Until she notices from far away someone who used to be close to Will. It was Lenvy Elliot. She saw her again.



Rena grabs her phone to call her mother who was making dinner.


Hey baby.


Hi mom. I…I need to tell you something.


Sure thing honey. What’s on your mind?


I think it’s happening again. I need you mama. Will you come visit?


Of course baby. I’m on my way. Don’t worry, mama’s going to fix everything!

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Will jumped up and down. He waved his hands in front of Rena but nothing.


Hey I’m not dead! I’m right here! Come on Rena. Hello?


She can’t hear or see you.


She thinks she saw you so obviously something’s up.


Yeah silly your dead, that’s what’s up.


So this is it? That’s me in that urn?


Yep. It was too expensive to hold a closed casket.


Nice turn up. I’m surprised people haven’t shown up to spit on my grave.


Trella has.


She isn’t going to see me is she?


She’s already crossed over.


Wonderful. I’m dead. So when do I crossover?


You’re kind of not at that stage yet.




You’re under review.


Look I was sorry for everything I’ve ever done. You of all people know that! Who do I have to say this to? St Peter?


But you have done some good.


Thanks to you.


I tried warning you about getting involved with Alicia and Jace.


I should’ve listened. So what are we? Like psychics? Can we see into the future to warn people and stuff?


No. We’re spirits.


Well this spirit wants to go to heaven.


That’s going to be hard. Your track record ranks up there with Nan Sheridan.



It’s that bad?


Almost worse. Will you might be going to hell!

Lenvy floats away from him and vanishes. In a flash he tries going after her.


Hey! Don’t leave me here. I can’t go to hell. I just can’t! Whatever it is that I have to do, I’ll do it!



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Later that night in Alicia’s hospital bed, she lies there, unconscious. She was hooked up to a breathing apparatus that was keeping her alive. The door opens and Kellan Etano enters. Kellan is dressed in a doctor’s coat. He looks over Alicia and smiles.


Hello Alicia. My sweet Aussie babe.

He begins to touch her forehead. She makes no response to him.


Don’t worry. You’ll be dreaming before we know it. I could just pull the wire but that would be too easy. You deserve much better than that.

Kellan places a hospital pillow over her face.


Soon my dear…soon you’ll be dead.

Kellan digs through his pocket and pulls out a gun with a silencer on the tip.


Either way it will be sweet and painless.

He aims the gun at Alicia and blows her a kiss as his finger gets closer to the trigger. Before he can shoot her, Alicia wakes up.


Recommended Comments

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Carrie's ALIVE?!?!?!?! Oh wow....I thought the bride was D-E-A-D after that shocking Season finale, but nice twist!!!!!!!

Very good episode.....ooooh so Victoria Rowell is on this show? Has she been here before or not?????

Oh, and what the hell is up with Will.....bastard doesn't know whether he's going up or down? :P

LOVED the scene with Nan. I tell you she reminds me of Mona on STEAM, Annie Dutton on FTL, or hell Jan Spears on LIS. I'm sure she has ALOT in store for certain people over the course of the final Season!

Damn Bobbie....judging by the picture, it looks like a little girl is tricking a grown ass man into believing they are together....pervert much?!

Nice stuff with Ginny visiting that Alexia woman too....oh and I LOVED the stuff with Marli and Bryan.

Everything was grand......I think this will be an excellent final Season!

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Oh, BTW, Matt: good ole aMLC is still alive, and he wanted you to know that he PROMISES to read the premiere soon.....but he's just going through some personal issues right now(you read about it in STEAM I think) and is having a very hard time, but he really wanted you to know that he will read and comment as soon as he can!

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I loved the opening! So well written. Worried about Carrie.

Ooh! Real good scenes with John and London.

Oh I love Bobbie. Such innocence.

Awe I thought the stuff with Blake and Alley were really cute. I think I like them so far.

I actually started to like old Fred! LOL! Maybe we'll see more of him?

Ooh, Tanisha is pretty sneaky.

I loved the ending! Very intense. I can't wait to see what Alicia does. But she seems pretty screwed.

Great episode. You are so talented.

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Thank you so much for all of the comments. I really hope that ML is doing well and do tell him that he's in my prayers. I know he'll comment when he's ready and of course I can't wait to read it.

This is actually Victoria Rowell's first appearance on the show as Yvonne Arington. I know that the Rena/Lenvy/Will plot is very Passions-esque but PP has always dove into that territory. After all in Season 2-3, Ava was possessed by Vicki's dead evil ex-boyfriend Jake so it's sort of nice to go into the supernatural territory. (Maybe it's in the range of Port Chares, what do you all think?)

Bobbie's reasoning for doing what she's doing will eventually come out within the next episodes.

Alexia used to be on the show from Season 2-Season 4. She's Owen's sister and when they first showed up they tried betting each other to see who can find someone they could fall in love with. Owen went after London and Alexia went after Blake. Alexia drugged Blake and made London think they slept together. Eventually she gave up, made amends with the couple, and they became best friends. Owen had already moved onto Tracie (it was really Nan with amnesia) and when Nan came to she broke his heart. Owen's suicidal and Alexia is always there to pick up the pieces. Like not telling their mother Christina about everything. Alexia is then appointed London's wedding planner and her maid of honor. However she has another problem...having to fess up to knowing that her brother shot Blake after he was brainwashed by Nan. Not only did Blake and London forgive him (because of their hatred for Nan) but they had him in the wedding. Once the wedding went off without a hitch, Alexia started getting wierd calls which turn deadly. It was Alexia's step father Frank, who she had arrested when her and Owen found out that he killed their father to be with their mother. Frank kidnaps her and he's shot down when Owen, Tanisha, and London find out that she's in trouble. In Season 4, Owen goes deaf after the gala explosion and tries committing suicide. Alexia tries very hard to help him but he's taken from his hospital bed. Alexia and Tanisha make it a point to find Owen before her mother finds out the truth. The only leads they had to go on was a nurse named Ivory Goldie whom signed him out. They track her down and realize that she's from Alexia's hometown of Raleigh (which means they're closer to their mother). After being shown the door by Ivory, Alexia breaks in the house and finds a number with Owen's name. She almost gets caught by Ivory but is saved by Tanisha who fakes an injury. They find Owen is placed in a specia hospital, but who was the one who took him there? Alexia finds out that it was their mother who tried teaching her a lesson. Owen decides to stay in Raleigh as does Alexia to help take care of their mother.

Wow that was a lot of info and Fred may become a recurring character. I do see some potential for him.

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Good episodematt. I forgot some of the things that were happening but got thrilled as I learn what happend from the finale.

I love Nan and she was classic in this episode. Reminds me of Nat. I swear they are long lost sisters.

It was a lot of mytery in this episode and it moved extremely fast. I had to think to myself this is one dangerous ass college. In Cody of all places.

I loved Will's final scene. I am still reeling he is dead. U sure do like to kilL em don't you?. I must admit I was confused with the opening scene at first to find out it was only a dream then came Will's scene, i didn'nt know it was really an after life expereince. oh well. I still liked that scene. It was capmy and different beacsue it's not often you see things like that.

THEN I LOVED TANISHA> home girl beat Ginny to the puch trying to get her. It was so nice to see Owen and I loved the mentioning of Trella and Will's grave. nice throw back to the past esp for me kuz I have been with this sereis so long.

Funny how we had two pregenant ladies but both could not tell their mens they were. C preggos wow. Is it even Carlos's?

And Blake and Alley, yuck.


MARLI SURELY WAS CLEVER and I liked her last scenes( i assume she is leaving) Again I love bryan and always has

And James is back, again this is a nice blast fromt he past and I cant wait to see how Ava is going to handel this. More yet, I can't wait to see how James is going to react when he sees Ava again.

And That Bobbi sure is s a sick little girl. How old is she?

You have a lot of nice storyline sset up cant wait to see how this last season plays out. Its bittersweet and a little sad for me.

And you got Ria on here. I am out the fence on that one. lol SHe plays such a vital role on STEAM and has her first front burner storyline. But it's all good. I like how you got both lily's and Ria on her. Wow I bet the backstage drama would be to die for for. Hmm maybe a spin off Matt?

How many episodes do we got left and when can i xpect the next one?

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ML I'm so happy to see you've commented back. I didn't want to continue with my series until I saw what you had to say!

Dylan's dream was supposed to throw the readers off but it was only a nightmare and a way to have Carrie still be in the mix. As she fights for her life, the past will come to light.

I took a gamble with Will's death. I can only justify it until the end of the series. Which will be 12 more episodes left to go. The next episode should be out sometime next week. Hopefully. Cross your fingers that it'll be done.

Originally Marli was to part from the cast but I thought, I needed to stop writing characters who are only there for one season and then leave. Which is why Marli and Alicia are staying.

Carlos confronts C.C. about the pregnancy claim in the next episode.

Yvonne is for sure not like Ria but she'll definitely be close to Miss Pat! So look out because the sass is a comin!

I'm looking forward to writing a lot of reunion scenes. The James/Ava scene will come along very nicely. As always, stay tuned!

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