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I Declare War! #112



Downtown Pasadena, City Jailcityhall2.jpg

DC looks at his daughter for the first time ever.


“Took you long enough to come down here to meet me.”


“Thangs been hard out here for a pimp. You killed my brother….. My own daughter, who I didn’t even knew existed until a few weeks ago, killed my brother. How do you expect me to come down here with opens arms? I am having a hard time dealing with this bullsh!t. My life been turned upside down and inside out!”


“Oh is that what you call it? Your nasty brother kidnapped me from my mother, made her believe I was dead, then molested me night after night. I am so sick of repeating that story. I might as well make a power point or a commercial on this “bullsh!t”.


“I’m sorry. I am a bit rusty at my parenting skills. My wife left me and took our two boys with her. The youngest was just a new born when she left. And my older son was about a year a half. That’s been over 25 years ago.”


“As old as me.”

DC, looking at her

“I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you. I love my brother but that gives him no right taking you away from your family….. Our family”


“He probably wouldn’t have if you kept your nasty d!ck in your tight ass pants. I shouldn’t even have been born. If you two could have done the decent thing and not have extramarital affairs than none of this would be happening to me. I am a product of that affair. That’s what started this whole mess. Abe told me everything. He already knew you was sleeping with his wife.”


“He knew?”


“Abe did know about the affair. He knew I may not have been his child. He wanted to get revenge by taking me from my mother and family. He took his anger out on me. My mother stopped sleeping with Abe after she was pregnant with me. She felt guilty and could not give herself to Abe. So Abe got his sick sexual gratifications through me. So I hope everyone is happy. I am the victim here. All I wanted was Sharan and to avenge the crimes against me.”


“I am speechless. I had no idea Abe knew. This is all my fault. This affair with your mother has ruined so many people and lives.”


“Just another dumb ass man. That’s what you are! Always thinking of your self. Selfish pigs. Always thinking about sex and how to start wars. This economic melt down is because of the greed of men. Look at the Illinois governor who tried to sell President Obama’s senate seat. Global warming is because of man. The world would be a much peaceful place if all the men were eradicated.”


“I am really sorry you feel like that. I can’t erase the past. I can’t take nothing back but we are here now. The present. We can’t move on if we continue to hold onto the past. And I want to make things right. It’s time for this family to have healing. We need to move past this.”


“I am not ready too. Don’t try and be a father to me now. I don’t need you. I need no one. The only person I need is Sharan. I love her and she will love me. So take your fatherly love and rot in hell with your brother. Get the hell out of here and don’t come back unless you got some weed.”


“Please don’t shut me out. Let’s make things right. Let’s move past this.”


“You are the scum of this earth. You and my mother. Both slut bags. I will never forgive you two for your part on the torture I had to endure. I didn’t ask for none of that. I’m the innocent one but yet here I sit in jail. I will get out of here and I will get the Williams family.”


“This has to end. Put a stop to this bad curse. It’s doesn’t have to be like this. Let all the pain and anger go.”


“No can do. Pain, and anger is all I know. I don’t know what happiness is. The only thing I know is having nightmares of your brother climbing on top of me night after night. I’ll never forget that. NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK!”

DC, speechless, nods his head and slowly walks off.

Mona wipes a tear from her eye.


Episode 112: I, Declare War!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: J. Lee Becker

Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

liug.jpgAlexis walks into the morgue wanting to see her sister. She looks at a body with a cover over it and wonders if it’s Ashley. She walks over to the table and pulls the cover off the body and her worse fears are confirmed as she looks upon her dead sister. Alexis instantly burst into tears.

“How did this happen to you? Ashley I knew you were a bit crazy but what makes Sabryn shoot you seven times? I told you time and time again to let this thing with Bryan go. I told you, you were going to get hurt. And now look at you! You lay dead here in this morgue with seven bullets in your body. Damn you Sabryn! I will get you for doing this to Ashley. Oh my GOD!” She says, sinking to the floor, while holding onto Ashley’s hand. She then quickly stands up and looks at her.

“Is this a joke Ash? Come on just open you eyes! You set this all up didn’t you? Come on its me. You’re sister. You can tell me. I just need to know you’re not dead.” She says through her tears. She gets no movement from Ashley.


“I guess it’s true. You’re really dead. I was just hoping you faked your death like you did last time when I caused Sabryn and Bryan to run you over. I wish I could have helped you dear sister. No more pain for you though. I promise I will not let Sabryn get away with this.” Alexis pulls out Ashley’s diary from her purse. She looks down at it.

“I had no idea you kept a diary. Maybe I will learn something new about you. Maybe your diary will give me some insight on what lead to all your craziness.” She caresses the diary as memories of playing in a park with Ashley go through her mind. She kisses Ashley’s for head and covers her body back up with the cover.

“Rest in Peace Ashley Jones.” Alexis walks out the morgue. Before leaving, she looks back at her sister one last time, hoping Ashley moves or show some signs of life. After starring for a few minutes, Ashley doesn’t move.

“Bye Ashley.” Alexis then leaves the room, leaving a dead Ashley to lay pale and cold. That is until Ashley sits up!dt_bb_act_large_ajones_4.jpg


Kiko walks over towards the Williams family, Sister Patterson, Kevin and Madea.

Sister PattersonCA06D0OACA5867X9CAUPN3H2CAO27DVSCA9.jpg

“How’s Karim? Can I see my son yet?”


“I’m sorry Ms. Williams. I am not allowing visitors for Karim just yet.”

Sister Patterson

“Have you lost you mind child? I am not a visitor I am his damn mother. Lord have mercy you got me cussing in this place of healing and hope.”


“Why don’t you shut the hell up? Folks get tired of your ramblings on a daily basis. I can’t wait till they lock you in a crazy hospital.”

Sister Patterson

“Miss Jenkins please. You need to go back home. You should not be here.”


“You touch me and you will be laying in a coffin right next to you dead husband.”


“Get a grip. Kiko, how about the blood test? Did any one of us match Karim’s blood type?”


“Unfortunately no.”

Sister Patterson

“What you talking? That’s my son in there. Of course one of us match. We are family. We have the same blood in our veins.”


“My test don’t lie Miss Patterson.”

Sister Patterson

“I’ll be needing you to address me as Sister Patterson thank you very much.”


“So now that no one matches, what will happen now Dr. Whitfield?”


“I’m really sorry, but with out a blood type match for Karim, Karim will die.”

Sister Patterson

“Lord have Mercy. It won’t stop!”


“God is punishing you for all the things you’ve done. I’m so sorry I ever gave birth to you.”


“Is there any one else we can test?”



Just then DC walk over to them.


“What the hell are you doing here?”


“My nephew, I heard about my nephew! What’s going on?”


“Karim was hit by a car which ejected him onto the high way then he got ran over.”


“Ah hell naw.”

Sister Patterson

“I’m going to lose my son too Don. Somebody do something. I can’t loose my son Karim too.”


“What can we do?”


“Karim needs a blood transfusion. Miss Jenkins, Kevin nor Sister Patterson matched Karim’s blood type.”


“Well good hell well. I am his uncle, maybe I could be a match.”

Sister Patterson

“Yes please, anything to save my baby boy.”


“NO!. We don’t need Don.”


“Kevin, please, you’re brother is in there on his death bed fighting for his life. Don’t let a petty grudge get in the way of anything that might save him. Do you want your brother to die? Does your hate for DC run deeper than the love of your bother?”


“Fine. Let the bastard do what he has to do.”


“Alright Mr. Williams follow me and we’ll see if you’re a match.”

Back Downtown, Children Service Boardpeoplesoftbuilding.jpg

Bryan and Natalia walk inside the building and over to the receptionist desk.


“May I help you?”


“I’m here to get my son. The police station told us we could retrieve our son here.”


“Name please?”

“Natalia Cigluti”


“Ahh yes, we’ve been expecting you. Wait here and I’ll get him.”

Natalia turns to Bryan

“I am so nervous.”




“I am about to meet my son. You have no idea how happy I am.”


“I do. You’re shaking.”


“I can’t help it. I just can’t believe our son is alive after all. He has been through so much. I want to be a good mother to him. This is a new beginning for me. I am going to do right by my son.”


“I have two sons by two ladies who hate each other. I want my two sons, to grow up together. Loving one another.”


“I don’t think Sabryn is going to let that happen. Besides, she’s in jail and I bet she’ll be there a long time. So if I were you I would not be worrying about that. We can give your sons the happy home you want them to have.”


“What do you mean?…Oh wait, I know what you’re talking about, me and you moving in together.”


“I am. Why the hell not? I am the mother of your oldest son. We will be connected forever. Me, you and Sabryn. No one can undo that. So you better get used to it.”


“You find out you can’t trap Mark no more and now you’re on to your next victim. Me. Well I am not having it. I am done having my life controlled. I am tired of the lies and secrets. They are all out. Sabryn knows about our one night stand. I will repair my relationship with her.”


“What about me? Our son?”


“Natalia, I don’t know what you expect from me. Tricking men into sleeping with you is your forte. Mark didn’t love you and I certainly don’t. “


“I don’t need you to love me. Just some of that good co(k every now and again will do me just fine.”


“You’re sick. Is that all you want? My d!ck?”


“Who wouldn’t want your d!ck? I see why you made Ashley go crazy. “


“I can’t believe I am having this conversation with you. Any thoughts you had of us being a happy family, you’re mistaken. I will fight for sole custody of our son. You’re a liar and a cheat and not to mention a slut. I don’t want a person like you having influence on any child of mine.”


“You dirty pig. Didn’t you cheat on Sabryn with Ashley? You’re no better than me. You’re a slut too. You will never take my son away from me. NEVER! You got that? Ashley has tried that already. You’ll have to walk over my grave before I allow you to have sole custody of our son.”

The receptionist then interrupts the heated discussion between Natalia and Bryan with their son.

“Here you are.”

Natalia’s face lights up as tears forms in her eyes. She reaches out to hold him.big1.jpg

“Oh my God. He’s beautiful.” She rubs his face.

“You have my eyes.”


“Yes he does. He has my smile. He’s a handsome little one.”

Bryan Jr, the 1st begins to cry and Natalia holds her son closer to her shoulder and the baby quiets down.


“He knows I’m his rightful mother. Everything is going to be ok son. I promise you. No one will ever take you away from me again.”


“Were going to have to change his name. Sabryn named our son after me already.”


“You’re right. Not that I am giving anything to Sabryn, But I don’t want our son named after you.”


“Gee, thanks. He is my son after all.”


“I think I’ll name him Mark Jr. instead. I want to honor the love of my life.”


“Hell will freeze over first. You will not name my son after that fruit cake.”


“You know Bryan, we have a long road ahead. Will you always be this difficult?”


“Not at all. Just as soon as I get my son away from you, you won’t have to worry about me. Sabryn and I will raise both my sons.”


“Then I guess we are going to war. I will not let that bitch raise my son. You know how we hate each other. I’m taking my son home to my house.” Natalia walks off.


“Then war it is Natalia!”

Back at the City jail

Madea walks over to Mona and Sabryn’s cell. Mona stands up to look at her grandma.


“Hello chile’”


“Uhm hi.”

Madea look at Sabryn,

“How you derring?”


“I’m sorry what was that?”


“Derring means doing. How you doing?”


“I don’t know how to answer that. I got rid of Ashley, but yet I am here behind bars and away from my son.”


“Well honey, from one woman to another. I am proud of you. You did what you had to do.”


“I don’t know if I should thank you.”


“Well look here honey, you go ahead and take you a nap while my granddaughter and I have a little chat.’


“I’m not sleepy.”


“You better get sleepy before I come in there and make you sleepy. I want some privacy with my grand baby.”


“I understand.” Sabryn goes to lay down as Mona walks closer to Miss Jenkins.


“Surprised to see you here granny.”


“Naw, honey, I’ll be needing you to use Miss Jenkins on me. Ain’t no granny here. I don’t understand why you are surprised to see me. I am your grand momma. I came to see how you was holding up.”


“If I had a nice fat ass blunt I would be so much better. I haven’t smoked in weeks and I am having all these crazy thoughts.”

Suddenly Madea tosses something at Mona. It falls to the floor. Mona looks down and sees it’s what she’s been craving for, a dime bag of weed.weed-1.png


“Oh my God YES!” She sniffs it out and the funky smell warms her soul.


“Uhm hmm honey. I thought that might help ya out. I know how it is not to have yo twigs and berries and thangs.”


“Thank you.”


“I also want to let you know that I am here for you. I know you have been through a lot and I am going to help you get through it all. I’m the neutral person right now. I ain’t done nothing to you. So I hope you will be able to open up to me. This family is hurting. We need some healing.”


“Easier said then done. I have so much hate and anger in me. I cannot forget what was done to me by my family.”


“We all make mistakes honey. We have to let go and let God. If we hold on to the past than we can’t move forward toward the future. Holding grudges only takes up more energy. I’m not asking you to forget anything that’s happen but it’s time to forgive. This is tearing you apart. Look at you now. You are behind bars for so many crimes. And how the hell you have a secret dungeon below my basement is beyond me. I know you gone pay for that big ass hole in my floor. But I am glad you did because if you didn’t, I would have still been locked up in that old nasty house thanks to your ugly mother.”


“So what is the real story between you and Sister Patterson? Why would she keep you in your house like that?”


“Chile, that’s a story for another day. Now look, your arraignment and trial are coming up. I want you to be like Tupac and keep ya head up. Everything is going to be ok. I got your back.”


“You know, I feel so much hate toward my entire family but you. When I see you I almost feel at ease.”


“Uh huh, look , I got to get back to the hospital, your half brother was in a serious car accident. Sabryn ran him over.”

Mona doesn’t have feelings on that subject. She feels nothing after hearing her brother is fighting for his life.

“Thanks for my aunt Mary.”


“Don’t get caught with it.” Madea then leaves the city jail as Mona begins to look for objects to smoke out of.

The Blue Notebluenote.jpg

Ria and Remy continue their conversation while still sipping on drinks.


“So how long will you be in Pasadena?”


“Only for a few weeks. I got a lot of family back in Springfield to get back to. I also need to get back to my job and my life there.”


“You mean with that Blake girl?”


“No,… I don’t think so. Blake and I are over. She doesn’t want me no more and I have come to terms with that. So I am moving on.”


“I know that’s right. It’s her loss any way. Blakey passed up on a good man.”

Remy, looking into her eyes

“I’m good huh?”

Ria, flirting with him, leaning over and caressing his knee cap

“I want to find out.” She leans in closer to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Remy smiles at her and he then leans in closer to her and kisses her on the lips. She slips him the tongue and then they engage in tongue swapping.

Ria pulls back

“You a mighty fine kisser boo. Let’s go back to my hotel room and get more personal.”

Remy, hesitates for a moment after hearing the offer, he knows he’s only going to be in this city for a few weeks and it won’t hurt to release some S.T.E.A.M. with Ria, what happens in Pasadena stays in Pasadena. It’s been a while since he had any action and he is looking at a beautiful woman standing before him. He decides to roll with the flow.

“That sounds nice.” They put their drinks down and Remy follows Ria out the restaurant as they hold hands.


Santino walks into the restaurant and he grabs a seat at the bar. He looks over to his left and notices he is sitting next to Alexis.


“Hello there?”


“Hello, Santino right?”


“It is or you can call me Tino.”




“I heard about Ashley and I am sorry for your loss.”


“I really appreciate that. A lot of people are glad my sister is dead.”


“Well I really don’t know the whole story but I do know Sabryn and Ash did not get along at all.”


“No they didn’t, sworn enemies.”


“Till the bitter end.”


“That it was. I am going to make Sabryn pay for doing this to Ashley. She probably thinks she’s going to beat these murder charges and live a happy life. I got news for her.”


“How about I buy you a drink? You have a lot on your mind.”


“That sounds nice. I was so caught up in my emotion’s I forgot that’s why I came here in the first place.”


“What will it be?”


“Sex on the beach.” The bartender grabs Alexis’s drink.

Tino, ordering a beer,

“So are you planning a funeral or-….”


“No. I am going to have a private service. I am sick of funerals and Sister Patterson. I cannot deal with a another funeral co starring her.”


“I know exactly how you feel. She’s always preaching to people. How does a phony preach to the people?”


“That’s Sister Patterson for you.” She sips on her drink.

“No just a private service. The only thing I have left of my sister is this diary.”

She pulls it out from her purse and looks at it.


“Have you read it?”


“Not yet. I had no idea my sister was this deep to keep a diary. I am almost scared to read what’s in here.”


“Well if you need a friend to be there for you when you read it, you can count on me.”

Alexis looks up in Tino’s eyes and smiles,

“Thank you Santino. I really appreciate that.”

Back at the Hospital

Kiko walks out of his office and again approaches the Williams family as Miss Jenkins gets back from the City Jail.

Sister Patterson approaches Kiko,

“Dr. Whitfield, please tell us you have good news for us. Was Don a match for my son?”


“Don was a match for Karim. The blood transfusion is under way.”

Don, Sister Patterson, Miss Jenkins and Kevin all breathe a sigh or relief.


“So my nephew will be ok then?”


“Yes, but there is something else?”


“What do you mean?”


“After testing the entire family’s blood, I have found there are some discrepancies.”

Sister Patterson

“What does that mean?”


“I don’t know how to say it so I’ll just come out and say it. Abe is not the father of Kevin and Karim. Don is. Don is Kevin’s and Karim’s father!”

Sister Patterson and Miss Jenkins are absolutely stunned. DC looks confused and Kevin faints as the news hit him.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I loved the meeting of Mona and DC. I'm glad it wasn't all corny. It was written very well. I kinda hope Mona lets him in.

Oh that has to be hard for Alexis to do. I know I wouldnt be able to handle looking at my dead sibling.

Wait! STFU! Ashley? Are you alive girl? I was actually convinced right before that!!!

Madea can be kinda cruel. I'm worried for Karim. I can understand Kevin's anger but he should put his brother's real needs first.

Well I must say that Natalia is pretty straight forward. OMG! Mark Jr? Crazy! A war it is!!

It's On!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed reading the jail scenes.

Ooh! I really like the STEAMy relationship going on with Remia (Remy and Ria)

WOW! Great twist! Don better be ready for these kids!

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So much happened in this episode. I loved the dialogue...some of the jokes I caught onto and others went past my head but it's all good chile.

The confrontation between Mona and Abe was absoulutely fantastic. Pure emotion. Mona is such a well rounded character. I also liked her interaction with Madea. At first I was worried that Madea was going to be cartoony (she is) but not too much after this scene. Maybe Mona should thank Sabryn for everything she's done. She just did some of Mona's dirty work.

Alexis is so stupid. Come on Alexis? How can your sister not, not survive something like this? She's a freakin' zombie. Maybe it's Dahlia playing Ash? Just a wild guess but if Santino's looking to get some, it seems like the women of STEAM are all panty droppers when it comes to showing remorse.

I love it when Natti goes after the people who do her wrong. Take action and take control. That's the kind of girl I love to see. Go after Bryan and take him for all he's worth, though I do think good will win over evil. (IE. Blake vs Nan)

One of those slutty PD's are Ria. Remy run like hell! Hopefully he doesn't get an STD. Wear a rubber.

Total Karma hit Sister Patterson and I'm loving it. Her glass window is definitely being broken by the stones she once threw. GOOD EP!

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Oh gosh I just noticed the title to the next episode. I'm sure there will be plenty of "!'s" replacing "i's" for body parts.

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