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A Highway to HELL! #110



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The Blue Note

Daniel greets Sharan and Dre at the door.


"Hi Daniel, how are you doing?" She says giving him a hug.


"I'm making it. Had some counseling with Jasmine. I got a lot of my built up emotions out. I feel better."


"Jasmine? Ria's sister?"


"Yup, but she is nothing like that loud Ria. "

Sharan, looking at Daniel's, white suite, admiring it,

"You look like you work here?"


"I own this place now. "

Dre, thinking of faking Lauren's death and hiding her at his house,

"That's a good thing man. I am sure Lauren would be happy."


"It's the only thing I have left of her. So…. are you two here on a date?"

Neither one of them answer at first. Then Sharan decides too,

"We are here for dinner. This place has good food and I need a good meal. Besides, Dondre and I have a lot of catching up to do."


"Then right this way." He leads them to their table.

Dre pulls Sharan's seat out so she can sit down and then he sits. He looks into her eyes. She looks back at him.

Sharan, smiling

"Is there something on my face?"


"Yes it is."

Sharan, reaching into her pure to get her compact,

"Oh my goodness I am so embarrassed."

Dre grabs Sharan's hand before she could make it all they way into her purse.



"Say what?"


"It's beauty on your face shawty. It feel real good to be able to look at you again. Do you know how much I've missed? I haven't been right ever since you disappeared. And then like damn, here we are."


"Here we are. I am glad to see you're doing ok too."


"I'm even more good now that you're here. So tell me something, what's the deal with you Kevin? I picked up on some ill vibes on that situation right there."


"I can't be with Kevin right now. He has a lot to deal with. His family is falling apart and I don't want to be so close to Mona. I can't be with a man who's sister kidnapped me and raped me. I just can't do it."


"I feel that. I do feel bad for the man."


"That's very compassionate of you."


"You bring that out in me."

Sharan, pausing for a minute,

"I have to tell you something.


"You can tell me anything gurl."

Sharan, looking into his eyes,

"The last night I was free, the night Mona kidnapped me, Kevin and I were making love and I called out your name."

Dre, smiling,

"Word? I know Kevin was heated."


"He was. I never saw him so angry before. Even before that, I couldn't get you out of my mind. Thoughts of you made me happy and all the times we've kissed constantly replayed in my mind."


"I didn't even know I got to you like that. You kept dissin' me. I was starting to think I had no chance with you."


"I had to act like that. I had to ponder what was I doing and why am I having these feelings for you when I was engaged to Kevin?"


"Cause you want to be with me."


"I think I do Dre. I am ready to connect with you on a more personal level."

Dre leans over to her and kisses her on the lips as Kevin walks in The Blue Note and sees the kissing action take place. Kevin is not thrilled at all seeing the woman his heart belongs to kiss another man.


Episode: 110;A Highway to HELL!!

Written by Tara Smith and ML Cooks

The Jump Off

Lisa meets with Ria over at the bar.


"Hey girl, sorry I am late."

Ria, sipping on her double shot of 151,

"It's all good girl. I am feeling lovely."


"What you sipping on?"


"Some 151 girl."


"Damn, you're trying to commit suicide."


"No..no. Just drinking some stress away."

Lisa, ordering a drink as well,

"What's been going on?"


"My mother and older sister have to decided to move into my house without so much as asking me."


"Do they need help?"


"Chile' no. My mother is Patti Labelle."


"Oh girl.. Shut yo' mouth."


"For real. "


"I had no idea. I would love to have Patti Labelle staying at my house."


"Live with her for a few days and I bet that's won't how you feel."

Lisa laughs and sips on her drink.


"So how's work been?"


"Busy as ever. Over worked and underpaid. This crime wave that's coming to a close here in Pasadena has my work cut out for me. I've been working closely with the new police chief."


"You mean Mike huh?"


"Yes ma'am."


"He fine as hell to for a white man. He is single now."


"Didn't he lose Jodie to HIV?"


"Yea girl. Such a shame to."


"I assume Mike doesn't have HIV then too right?"


"Girl I don't even know. I'll have to ask him that."


"You're going to ask him?"


"Uhm yea."


"Just like that?"


"How will I know if I don't ask? I have a right to."


"Girl you is too much. So how's your love life. You got that Kiko guy yet?"


"No. Damn him! That's another reason why I am stressed. I need some d!ck girl. Some good ass strong d!ck. Some d!ick that will make u give a n!gga yo car keys"


"I know that's right. I got me some last night. The kind that makes your face glow the next day.. No forget that. It was the kind of d!ck that made me had orgasms at work today every time I thought of his name."


"Oh girl. Get it while the getting is good."


"I say forget Kiko and find you some one else. It's obvious Kiko is just sleeping on you or he is gay."


"I don't know girl. I don't understand how he can turn some one like me down. No one does that. So he must be gay. But he keep giving me this hoopla about his brother and I messing around and how he don't do sloppy seconds. "


"Next!. Move on."


"You're right." She finishes her double shot of 151 and spins her bar stool around to see who can she see in the club. Lisa does the same.


"You scouting?"


"Yea, I don't see no one grabbing my eye." Just then a tall dark-skinned handsome brotha walks in and over to the bar and orders a beer.


"Girl you see him. I never saw his face round here before."


"Could be some fresh meat."


"Uhmm hmm. I'ma go holla at him. I'll get with you later."


"Do ya thang. I ain't mad at you. I'm headed home. I have a case from the state to prosecute. Call me with details."


"I will." They hug.


"You be safe driving home."


"I will." Lisa leaves as Ria walks over to the sexy stranger.


"How are you cutie?"


"I'm good. How about your self?"


"I'm real good. Just out having a few drinks. I'm Ria"


"I'm Remy."

Pasadena Highway

Ashley is driving down the expressway, laughing . She looks back at both BJ's, and smiles in victory.


"Oh, my two boys….we're gonna get you're daddy soon…I promise…but for now we've got to get away before the Witch of the West Sabryn gets us…although she could be dead by now…after I gave her that delicious stab. Ooooh, I bet she is! Sabryn is dead!!!! SABRYN IS DEEEEEEAAAAAD! Yes, yes, I killed that bitch! I killed her, I killed her, and now she's dead dead dead!"

Ashley begins chanting about how Sabryn is dead as she drives across the highway, but suddenly, a bullet goes flying through the back window and then goes flying out the front window as Ashley ducks!



She looks back to see a bloody Sabryn driving a car, right on her tail, and she has a gun in hand! Ashley's eyes widen.

Ashley, yelling out her window as the babies begin to cry,

"I thought you died!"

Sabryn, taking another shot but missing,

"Well, if I'm going down then you're going down with me!"

Ashley, laughing.

"HA! I'd like to see you try!"

Ashley speeds up her car and goes flying past many others as Sabryn follows, and while chaos rises, both BJ's scream.


"Don't worry, Bryan Jr., mommy's coming!"

Ashley and Sabryn's cars go zooming down the highway, a high speed chase ensuing…

Ivory Inc.

LaDonna is working with Karim in his office, both of them about to finish up for the day. Both of them look up when Alexis walks in.

Alexis, looking to LaDonna,

"Get out! I need to spend time with my boyfriend."


"Uh, but we were working."


"Yeah well now you're not."


"Alexis, its alright."


"No, send your lackey out of here!"

Karim, sighing in frustration and looking at LaDonna,

"Alright alright, we'll finish up tomorrow."

LaDonna nods and then leaves, glancing at Alexis as she does.

Alexis, furiously approaching Karim

"Why the hell are you always with her?! You spend more time with her than you do with me! "


"She is my secretary, I have to talk to her. Alexis, I really don't know why you are complaining about LaDonna so much."


"Because its like she is your girlfriend more than I am! She is always coming onto you, Karim, can't you see that?!"


"No, no I don't…and how dare you accuse LaDonna of so much when you are the one keeping secrets?"


"You still think I am hiding things from you?"


"My mother's third eye isn't stupid, as crazy as she is, and you've been acting weird ever since you got released from jail."


"Your mother is a nutjub! I promise you I am not keeping secrets from you!"

Karim, slamming his fist down in anger,

"I trust my gut, too. I still remember hearing that baby crying at your apartment, but you said it was the TV when I know it wasn't. I won't have no more women keeping secrets, not after Ria and my mother."

Alexis, groaning in frustration

"For the last damn time: I am not Ria, I am not like Ria! Or Sister Patterson! And that was the TV whether you like it or not! You seem to think that all women are like Ria…oh wait except LaDonna. Oh, no we always have to defend the lovely LaDonna. Heaven forbid anyone insult her."


"Alexis, I love you. I really love you…but, I know you. And you are lying through your teeth right now. I'm getting fed up with everyone keeping secrets. My mother kept secrets from me, my pops did too. No more. I want to have everything out now."

Alexis, growing nervous,

"There's nothing to have out!"

Karim, looking up at Alexis with his eyes bursting in anger at the back and forth game going on,

"LIKE HELL THERE ISN'T! That's it. I'm not gonna sit around and listen to this, because we're not getting anywhere."

Karim angrily storms out of his office as Alexis's eyes widen, and she runs out into the hall.


"Wait, Karim, come back!!! KARIM, COME BACK!!! Please!"

Karim simply ignores her and stomps off….

Pasadena Highway

Sabryn and Ashley are still chasing each other while the kidnapped babies cry very loudly, and Sabryn holds off from firing anymore shots at risk of hitting one of them. The police are now right behind Sabryn, and she looks behind her as more and more flashing lights show up.


"I don't care how many cops are after me, I'm going to get my son back and kill Ashley myself. I'm not stopping for anybody, its time to put an end to this and all of her madness."

Ashley, in her car,

"Oh Sabryn…you're so pathetic. Really think you can start your little chase and somehow catch me? I think not! You're so stupid, and I think its time I show you how pathetic and stupid you are once and for all!"

Ashley floors her car and it goes even faster, as numerous other cars rush to pull over for their own safety.

Sabryn, scowling,

"You won't get away that easily, psycho bitch!"

Sabryn floors her own car, and she catches up with Ashley, while police cars try to keep up with them.

Ashley, looking back to the screaming infants,

"Hush little baby don't say a word…momma's gonna kill that annoying bitch. If that annoying bitch don't die, momma's gonna torture her till she cries!"

While Ashley sings the twisted song to the BJ's, she keeps the car floored. She briefly looks up at Sabryn's car right behind her's and grins evilly and waves before going back to singing, completely keeping her eyes off the road. However, suddenly…her car slams into Karim's car and Ashley's eyes widen and she looks up and nearly loses control.

Ashley, grabbing the wheel and trying to keep the car on track while it spins out of control,

"DAMN IT! I won't let this stop me!"

Sabryn hears her son crying even more now, and is only more determined. She gasps when she sees Karim's body come flying at her car, coming from the car Ashley rammed into, and before she can even stop she runs over it, but keeps going.


"HOLY CRAP! That's it, this ends here!"

Meanwhile, Ladonna who was also in the same area of the expressway where Ashley hits Karim's car, pulls over as she sees Karim's body being ejected from his car. She quickly gets out of her car and rushes over to where his body lands after flying in mid air, having fallen into a ditch, and she screams when she sees…KARIM lying down, unconscious with blood pouring out of his head.

LaDonna, leaning down,

"Karim, no…NO…no this can't be happening…"

Back on the road, Ashley is constantly trying to keep her car from going haywire. She looks in the rearview mirror every few seconds and Sabryn, as well as the police, are still on her tail.


"I've come too far…I have two wonderful sons, I've done so much…SHE WON'T WIN! SHE CAN'T!"

Ashley keeps on going, and Sabryn keeps up with her, but eventually Ashley finally loses control and her car skids off the road, and Sabryn intentionally drives off the road herself, and stops her car.

Sabryn, again grabbing her gun,

"Okay….this is it. Time for Ashley's era to end, and me to get my son back."

Sabryn begins to get out of her car, but she looks up when she sees the battalions of police cars arriving. The new chief of Police Mike gets out and rushes up to Sabryn, and cuff her!


"Sabryn Genet, you are under arrest for attempted murder and evading police."

Sabryn, furious,

"EXCUSE ME?! I am the one trying to stop that crazy psycho Ashley! She kidnapped my SON!"


"Let us deal with that, Sabryn."

As Mike tells one of his officers to escort Sabryn to a squad car after retrieving Sabryn's gun, many of the other officers take out their own guns and turn towards Ashley's car.

Ashley, peeking out and seeing Sabryn,

"Awww, you lost again, didn't you?! You poor woman, just get used to it: You can never beat me!"

Mike, using a megaphone as both BJ's continue crying out due to all the chaos,

"Ashley Jones, come out with your hands up! Surrender now or we will be forced to take drastic action!"

Ashley, beginning to laugh crazily,

"Oh please! I'm not Sabryn! And you're not taking me…alive or dead! My sons and I are going to get out of this safe and free!"


"Miss Jones, we will be forced to shoot if you don't surrender now!"


"Oh you can't do that…you could hit my precious boys! You've already made them so upset!"


"This is your last warning, Miss Jones, or we will open fire! "


"Fine, shoot me! But you wont win, because I always win! I took on Natalia, Dahlia, Sabryn, I can take on you all!"

The officer makes a nod to the other officers and they hold their guns up, and are about to fire…but out of nowhere, Sabryn getting a burst of beastly energy breaks out of her handcuffs and jumps forward, tackling Mike and shoves him down! She grabs his gun before he can stand, and she literally darts towards Ashley's car!

While the officers are distraught and don't know what to do, Ashley sees Sabryn in her rear view mirror and again grins as she finally gets out, and she looks at Sabryn!

Sabryn, holding Ashley at gunpoint,

"Alright, no more games. This ends here."


"This is almost funny. You really think you can kill me? I don't think my sons, both of them, will take too kindly to that!"

Sabryn, hearing the cries from the car,

"Don't worry, Bryan Jr., your true mommy is coming! Right after I do something that should have been done a long time ago! Do you know how much you've tortured me?! How much I've been put through BECAUSE OF YOU?!"

Sabryn takes a shot at Ashley, and it hits her right in the chest, and Ashley stumbles back!


"That was for sleeping with Bryan!"

Ashley, gasping for breathe,


Sabryn, shooting her again,

"That was for stalking Bryan and me."

Ashley coughs up some blood, and Sabryn fires again while the police rush towards her.


"That was for stealing another baby and trying to pass it off as your's and Bryan's."

Sabryn takes yet another shot as Ashley begins to crumble to the ground.


"That was for crashing my wedding."

Sabryn shoots Ashley AGAIN.


"That was for kidnapping my son!"

Sabryn fires another bullet and it hits Ashley's back.


"That was for me."

Sabryn once again shoots her this time in the head.


"And that-that was just to kill you."

Ashley is surrounded by a pool of blood and literally riddled with bullets. She uses the last strength she has to look up and give her arch rival a deathly glare, and she sees the police approaching, and manages to smile one last time, knowing Sabryn will get arrested for this.


"And…now…..I have….my revenge."

Sabryn, leaning down to Ashley's ear,

"No….I have MINE."

Ashley finally collapses, dying from the critical wounds sustained. Sabryn notices she's stopped breathing, and knows that finally, Ashley Jones is dead. She tosses the gun to the ground and gets into Ashley's car, and she notices both babies are still screaming to death, and she grabs her son and shushes him as she heads towards the police with Bryan Jr. in her arms, meeting them halfway to Ashley's car.


"She's dead. Ashley's finally dead…and I have my son back. I don't care what you do to me…arrest me, whatever…now that I have my son and Ashley can't wreck my life anymore…"

One of the policemen take the baby and they rush up to Ashley's car…while one of them reaches in the backseat and gets the other BJ.

A little ways away, an officer once again handcuffs Sabryn.


"Sabryn Genet, you are under arrest for the murder of Ashley Jones! "


Recommended Comments

  • Members

OMG! So excited to actually get to see Remy and his lines!

I have to go to bed because I have to get up in the morning. And I am way to tired to do my comment now without sounding like a moron.

So I'll come back tomorrow and post my comments on the episode! A good one! Great epi on my B-day! :)

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Enjoyed the entire episode, but I want to comment most on the Ashley/Sabryn scenes, you did a great job writing the action. I like how you added the twist with Karim getting caught in the high speed chase, that was good and very unexpected. Now that Sabryn has taken out Ashley, it's going to interesting to see what plays out next.

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Ooh! Kevin/Sharan/Dre. I like it!

For some reason Ria sipping on 151 makes me like her even more. LOL!

I loved the girl talk with Ria and Lisa. Those are always interesting scenes that help you with the characters.

I love how Ria and Remy meet. I can't wait to see where his goes.

That scene was written very well!

OMFG! Sabryn and Ashley!!!


Kind of weird picturing them trying to talk to each other during all of this. LOL!

Oh God! I don't like where the car chase is going.

Hmm. I actually like Sabryn more in this episode than in the past.

LOVED Ashley singing to the babies.

Wow I didn't think it was going to tie in with LaDonna and Karim! Good twist!

I'm on the edge of my seat!


OH NO SHE DIDN'T! Ashley's last bit of revenge! So great! Such a great episode!

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SO I had this huge comment posted but it got deleted for some odd reason...here's the short version.

Ria's a whore mouth but Lisa has potential to have a heartwarming story with Mike about HIV.

Would like Daniel and Sharan (since their past with Mona) instead of Sharan and bro hoe.

Alexis is as stupid as her sister. Ha for LaDonna! Can't wait to see a cat fight.

Great powerful scene with Sabryn shooting Ash. I don't think she's dead cause that girl is worse than Jason Voorhees.

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