Episode 126
An eventful day in Springfield....


Olivia knocks on Gus's door.
Gus shouts, "Who is it?"
Olivia stands at the door, "It's Olivia open up."
He opens, "What do you want?"
She is holding a pack of cards, "Well I was wondering if you weren't busy, you might want a rematch."
He scoffs, "You bothered me for that crap? Don't you have a job to do?"
She shakes her head, "I'm not busy right now. You seemed to have fun last time."
He stares at her, "God you are just so annoying. I mean I hang out with you once and you act like we're best friends for life. Are you always this clingy to people?"
She backs up, "I don't know what is wrong with you Gus..."
He interupts her, "What is bothering me is that I'm having a bad day and now I got you in here screaming in my face!"
She shouts, "I wasn't screaming before but I'm screaming now!"
He laughs, "Oh God! You know I used to feel bad for you. I mean you had what 4 husbands. Two Spauldings. Two Lewises. Then you dated two Coopers. I mean you really like to keep it in the family."
She walks away, "I'm out of here."
He laughs, "That's great! It got better things to do then hang around with the town whore!"
Olivia slams his door.
She kicks over a vase and goes to her room.


Ashlee walks downstairs.
Buzz smiles, "Hey! Good morning."
She sighs, "Yeah. I guess so. I got to get going to see my Mom. Then I have a class to go too."
He turns to her, "A class?"
She nods, "Yeah. I transfered back to Springfield U. I have some new classes I'm taking. Making my Mom proud."
He nods, "Well that's great. I mean I know how much you wanted to go into Broadcast News."
She sits at the counter, "Actually... I changed my major. I'm going down a different path now."
He smiles, "Well you are a fun girl with a lot of talents. I'm sure you'll find something right for you. What are you going into now?"
She laughs, "Well believe it or not... Okay well a while ago I took the MCATs."
He stares at her, "Wait isn't that the test for...."
She nods, "Yeah. Uh... I'm going to study medicine. I am going to be a doctor."
He grins, "Oh my God! Ashlee that's amazing. I mean you are such a giving person. I'm happy for you."
She nods, "I know I mean after I go to school for a few years I'll be Dr. Ashlee Wolfe!"
He looks at her, "You mean Dr. Wolfe Bradshaw? After you marry Coop?"
She hesistates, "Oh uh... yeah."
Ashlee puts her hand in her pocket.
Buzz already noticed.
Ashlee's engagement ring isn't on her finger.


Reva and Chandler walk in the doors.
He turns to her, "Okay so I know this isn't the real Annie. Okay. You need to remember that."
She nods, "I'll try but it's just... I went years thinking this was Annie Dutton but, now I know she's a fraud."
He puts his arm around her, "You need to remain calm. Now that she knows we've discovered her secret she is going to be very hard to keep under control. We need to find out who she really is, how she met Annie, and if she has any idea where the real Annie is."
Reva nods, "Okay. I can do this. I can."
They walk down the hallway.
The security guard escorts them to a room.
The door opens.

The woman is sitting at a table.
She is staring into space.
Reva and Chandler sit at the opposite side of the table.
Chandler looks at her, "Hello Annie. It's Dr. Tyler. I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up too?"
She opens her mouth, "I... I need my diary. Have you seen my diary?"
He remains calm, "Now, is it really your diary? Or someone elses?"
She continues, "It's my diary. It's Annie Dutton's diary. I'm Annie Dutton. It's my diary. I'd like it back now. Please."
He talks to her calmly, "Now you need to tell me. Where did you get that diary? Who did you take it from?"
She continues staring.

Malah House:

Dinah walks into her livingroom.
Mallet is sitting there.
She walks over to him, "I think we need to have a conversation."
He nods, "Yes we do. But I think we should wait a couple of minutes."
She shakes her head, "I don't understand. Why do we have to wait to talk about this?"
He sighs, "Dinah I just... I have to tell you something serious."
She looks at him, "Mallet... I know. I know that you know. I found out. And I want to talk about it."
He looks at her with confusion, "You, you know? You know everything?"
She nods, "Yeah. I found the information in your drawer. I didn't mean too. I just wish you had been honest with me. And I should have been honest with you about.... about the child that I had while I was in Europe. I think we should talk about it now."
He holds her hand, "Dinah, when I first found out I just wanted to ignore it and focus on our baby. But I knew that this was a part of you and I didn't want to hurt you."
She sighs, "I am so sorry that I kept this from you. But now I am ready. I'm ready to fix things."
Mallet stares at her, "Fix things? Fix things how?"
She sighs, "I want to find her. Mallet I want to find my daughter."
Mallet's heart drops.
Just then the doorbell rings.

Lewis Fashion:

Mindy is in he office.
She hears a knock at the door.
She answers.
Rusty is there, "Hey can I come in?"
She moves, "Sure. Is everything okay?"
He walks in, "Uh... no. I need to talk to you. It's about Roxie."
She opens the door back up, "No. Never mind. Go."
He sighs, "Mindy we need to talk about this. Please?"
She shakes her head, "Rusty no. I don't want to talk about your crazy, sick, bitch sister."
He walks towards her, "I just want you to be aware. I know we aren't together anymore but I still feel like I have to protect you."
She shakes her head, "You don't have to protect me. No one has to protect me. Now if you excuse me. I have to get back to work."
He steps in front of her, "Mindy. I am trying to warn you. Roxie is on a mission to ruin your life and I don't want you to get hurt by that. I am trying to help you."
She stares at him, "Rusty I don't get it. Roxie is your sister. Why are you here with me? Why are you telling me all of this?"
He sighs, "It's my job."
She shakes her head, "No there is something more. Rusty just tell me why are you keep coming to me. Why you have been doing everything to protect me ever since you first came back to town?"
He shouts, "You know why! I have feelings for you Mindy! I want you Mindy."
Mindy shakes her head, "No. No you don't mean that."
She tries to walk past him.
He grabs her, "Yes I do."
He pulls her into a kiss.


Jeffrey walks Cassandra back into her house.
She sighs, "Thank you Jeffrey. But I can take it from here. Now I am requesting that you keep this information to yourself. In exchange I leave Marah's business alone. Is that a deal?"
Jeffrey stares at her, "Cassie I am not trying to blackmail you. I am worried about you. You have a brain tumor!"
She shushes him, "No! Stop. I have kept this a secret for a while now. I don't need you causing me trouble."
He sighs, "Tell me you aren't following in Reva's footsteps."
She smacks him, "Don't. Don't you dare compare me to her!"
He turns to her, "I'm sorry. But what you are doing is foolish. You need that surgery. Everyday you go on is making it worse. They said that if you had this surger right when you found out then everything would have been 100 times better and easier. Why don't you do something before it's too late? I don't get this whole Tammy thing."
She shakes her head, "No one gets it! I did my research. This in my head is what is helping me connect with her."
He shakes his head, "No. It's not Tammy. She's been dead for years now! The Tammy you've been talking to is all in your head."
She turns away, "Just get the hell away from me!"
She walks away.
Jeffrey follows.
Buzz takes Ashlee's hand.
He looks at it.
Buzz looks up at her, "Ashlee... may I ask why you aren't wearing your engamenet ring anymore?"
She looks down, "Oh. Oh yeah. Well you know after I lost the weight my fingers kind of slimmed down. The ring just slipped off. So I still have it. I just need to get it refitted."
He nods, "Why haven't you done it yet?"
She looks down, "Uh well you know I have been busy. But I'll get it done eventually."
Buzz sighs, "Ashlee if there is something you need to tell me, you know that you can right?"
She nods, "I know Buzz. Your a great guy."
He sighs, "Ashlee. Why hasn't Coop come home yet?"
She stands up, "Uh well he has to wrap up things there for us before he comes back but you know he'll... he'll be back. It's his home."
Buzz tries to look her in the eye, "Is everything okay with you and Coop? Ashlee?"
She looks at the clock. "Oh, I'm running late. I'll talk about this later Buzz."
Ashlee rushes out.
Buzz sits puzzled.
In Gus's room.
He kicks over a chair.
He scoffs, "Stupid bitch. Who the hell does she think she is?"
Upstairs in Olivia's Suite.
Olivia slams her door.
She is crying.
She looks at the mirror across the room.
Olivia talks to herself, "You ignorant fool. Did you really think he'd be different then any other man you've ever met. Or maybe it's you. I mean could it really be every other man? Could it? You stupid bitch!"
She throws her purse at the mirror.
It shatters.
She sighs, "Seven years. Seven years of bad luck. Well I certantly hope they roll over. Because I have enough bad luck ahead of me for sure. Story of my life."
She sits on her bed.
She keeps crying.
Olivia feels so ashamed and embarrased.
Mental Institution:
Chandler talks with the woman.
He sighs, "Now tell me what is your real name."
She keeps staring, "My name is Annie Dutton. I was a nurse. That was my passion. And then I met my Josh. Josh Lewis at Cedars. Then I met my Marah. And my Shayne. We were happy. We were a picture perfect family. I am Annie Dutton."
He looks at her, "Now listen to me. You need to remember when you first found this diary. Do you remember that?"
She keeps staring, "I... I don't know what you mean. I am Annie Dutton. That's my name. I loved Josh. I loved my children. I hated... her," she turns to Reva, "You."
Reva sighs, "Yes me. Do you know me?"
She nods, "Your my enemy. Reva Shayne. You took it all from me. All of it. I hate you. Your Reva Shayne."
Chandler stands up.
He pulls Reva aside, "Listen. We need to keep her calm. Maybe you should leave Reva?"
She shakes her head, "No. Are you kidding. I need to find out where the real Annie is. So I need to find out from her."
He sighs, "Reva I don't think we'll find out anytime soon."
Reva looks at him, "I have an idea. I know your not going to like it but I have a feeling it might work. Just give me a few minutes."
Reva makes a phone call.
Lewis Fashion:
Mindy and Rusty are kissing.
They are both lost in the moment.
Suddenly Mindy pulls away.
Rusty looks at her, "What's wrong?"
She shakes her head, "No. This doesn't feel..."
He takes her hand, "It feels right doesn't it?"
She pulls away, "I don't think it's right. I think we're making a mistake. I'm not supposed to be doing this."
He shakes his head, "No. Don't deny the truth. Don't do that. You need to face it. I have feelings for you. You have feelings for me. I'm not trying to complicate things. Believe me I've been fighting these feelings for a while now. Because I didn't want to ruin things for you and Rick."
She gasp, "Rick! Oh my God! Rick! What am I doing? Oh what am I doing to Rick? I'm with him."
He sighs, "But Mindy is that what you want?"
She turns away, "I fought so hard to be with him. I broke up his marriage to Beth all because I wanted him."
Rusty stands behind her, "Mindy... ask yourself. Is Rick the man that you can really see yourself with anymore? Is he?"
Mindy turns to Rusty.
She goes back into the kiss.
Cassandra sits in her study.
Jeffrey walks in, "We need to talk."
She shakes her head, "No! We're done. You need to get out of my face right now Jeffrey!"
He sighs, "Cassie. You know I am trying to help you. I still care about you. I loved Tammy. I grew to think of her as my own daughter."
She scoffs, "Well she wasn't your daughter. She was my daughter. And then the Spauldings took her from me. They took my baby!"
He holds her hand, "I know. But this isn't going to change that. It's not going to bring her back."
She pulls away, "Don't you see? I a part of her back. Because I still get to talk with her. And I can't stand to lose her again. I just know I could never do that."
He looks at her, "Cassie I want to talk about this. I just want to sit down and we can try and come to some..."
She shakes her head, "No. You see you may not have remember what today is along with the rest of the town but I do. It's the anniversary of the day my daughter died," her voice breaks, "So you see I don't have time to listen to you. I have to go and put flowers on my little girl's grave."
She grabs her coat and leaves.
Jeffrey watches her leave.
His stomach is in knots.
Malah House:

Mallet lets Vanessa in.
Vanessa turns to her daughter, "Dinah I..."
Dinah looks at Mallet, "Baby did you tell her?"
He nods, "Uh yeah Babe I did."
Dinah backs up, "Uh wow. I just. I don't know if I'm comfortable with the fact that you were talking with my mother behind my back."
Mallet sighs, "I wanted to have her be here for you when I told you about it Dinah."
Dinah is confused, "We already talked about it. I want to find my baby."
Vanessa cries, "Oh Dinah."
Mallet has tears in his eyes, "Dinah I need to tell you. I already went in to finding your child."
He sits her down.
Dinah looks at him, "Well great. But your scaring me. I mean I'll do whatever I just want my child."
Mallet takes her hand, "Dinah... your child was in an accident."
Dinah shakes her head, "I don't understand. What kind of accident?"
He takes every ounce of strength to tell her, "Dinah... it was a fire. You child was in a burning building. I'm sorry she didn't make it."
Dinah stands up, "No. Stop it. No!"
Vanessa hugs her, "I'm sorry Dinah!"
Dinah shoves her, "No! Stop it!"
Mallet holds her, "I'm so sorry."
She sobs, "No!!! Please! Stop it! No!!! No. No."
Dinah cries in Mallet and Vanessa's arms.
Dinah doesn't take the news well
Harley has problems with Belinda
Cassandra and Jonathan go to Tammy's grave
Reva's idea works!
Rusty and Mindy try to fight their feelings
Michelle visits Bill


Olivia knocks on Gus's door.
Gus shouts, "Who is it?"
Olivia stands at the door, "It's Olivia open up."
He opens, "What do you want?"
She is holding a pack of cards, "Well I was wondering if you weren't busy, you might want a rematch."
He scoffs, "You bothered me for that crap? Don't you have a job to do?"
She shakes her head, "I'm not busy right now. You seemed to have fun last time."
He stares at her, "God you are just so annoying. I mean I hang out with you once and you act like we're best friends for life. Are you always this clingy to people?"
She backs up, "I don't know what is wrong with you Gus..."
He interupts her, "What is bothering me is that I'm having a bad day and now I got you in here screaming in my face!"
She shouts, "I wasn't screaming before but I'm screaming now!"
He laughs, "Oh God! You know I used to feel bad for you. I mean you had what 4 husbands. Two Spauldings. Two Lewises. Then you dated two Coopers. I mean you really like to keep it in the family."
She walks away, "I'm out of here."
He laughs, "That's great! It got better things to do then hang around with the town whore!"
Olivia slams his door.
She kicks over a vase and goes to her room.


Ashlee walks downstairs.
Buzz smiles, "Hey! Good morning."
She sighs, "Yeah. I guess so. I got to get going to see my Mom. Then I have a class to go too."
He turns to her, "A class?"
She nods, "Yeah. I transfered back to Springfield U. I have some new classes I'm taking. Making my Mom proud."
He nods, "Well that's great. I mean I know how much you wanted to go into Broadcast News."
She sits at the counter, "Actually... I changed my major. I'm going down a different path now."
He smiles, "Well you are a fun girl with a lot of talents. I'm sure you'll find something right for you. What are you going into now?"
She laughs, "Well believe it or not... Okay well a while ago I took the MCATs."
He stares at her, "Wait isn't that the test for...."
She nods, "Yeah. Uh... I'm going to study medicine. I am going to be a doctor."
He grins, "Oh my God! Ashlee that's amazing. I mean you are such a giving person. I'm happy for you."
She nods, "I know I mean after I go to school for a few years I'll be Dr. Ashlee Wolfe!"
He looks at her, "You mean Dr. Wolfe Bradshaw? After you marry Coop?"
She hesistates, "Oh uh... yeah."
Ashlee puts her hand in her pocket.
Buzz already noticed.
Ashlee's engagement ring isn't on her finger.


Reva and Chandler walk in the doors.
He turns to her, "Okay so I know this isn't the real Annie. Okay. You need to remember that."
She nods, "I'll try but it's just... I went years thinking this was Annie Dutton but, now I know she's a fraud."
He puts his arm around her, "You need to remain calm. Now that she knows we've discovered her secret she is going to be very hard to keep under control. We need to find out who she really is, how she met Annie, and if she has any idea where the real Annie is."
Reva nods, "Okay. I can do this. I can."
They walk down the hallway.
The security guard escorts them to a room.
The door opens.

The woman is sitting at a table.
She is staring into space.
Reva and Chandler sit at the opposite side of the table.
Chandler looks at her, "Hello Annie. It's Dr. Tyler. I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up too?"
She opens her mouth, "I... I need my diary. Have you seen my diary?"
He remains calm, "Now, is it really your diary? Or someone elses?"
She continues, "It's my diary. It's Annie Dutton's diary. I'm Annie Dutton. It's my diary. I'd like it back now. Please."
He talks to her calmly, "Now you need to tell me. Where did you get that diary? Who did you take it from?"
She continues staring.

Malah House:

Dinah walks into her livingroom.
Mallet is sitting there.
She walks over to him, "I think we need to have a conversation."
He nods, "Yes we do. But I think we should wait a couple of minutes."
She shakes her head, "I don't understand. Why do we have to wait to talk about this?"
He sighs, "Dinah I just... I have to tell you something serious."
She looks at him, "Mallet... I know. I know that you know. I found out. And I want to talk about it."
He looks at her with confusion, "You, you know? You know everything?"
She nods, "Yeah. I found the information in your drawer. I didn't mean too. I just wish you had been honest with me. And I should have been honest with you about.... about the child that I had while I was in Europe. I think we should talk about it now."
He holds her hand, "Dinah, when I first found out I just wanted to ignore it and focus on our baby. But I knew that this was a part of you and I didn't want to hurt you."
She sighs, "I am so sorry that I kept this from you. But now I am ready. I'm ready to fix things."
Mallet stares at her, "Fix things? Fix things how?"
She sighs, "I want to find her. Mallet I want to find my daughter."
Mallet's heart drops.
Just then the doorbell rings.

Lewis Fashion:

Mindy is in he office.
She hears a knock at the door.
She answers.
Rusty is there, "Hey can I come in?"
She moves, "Sure. Is everything okay?"
He walks in, "Uh... no. I need to talk to you. It's about Roxie."
She opens the door back up, "No. Never mind. Go."
He sighs, "Mindy we need to talk about this. Please?"
She shakes her head, "Rusty no. I don't want to talk about your crazy, sick, bitch sister."
He walks towards her, "I just want you to be aware. I know we aren't together anymore but I still feel like I have to protect you."
She shakes her head, "You don't have to protect me. No one has to protect me. Now if you excuse me. I have to get back to work."
He steps in front of her, "Mindy. I am trying to warn you. Roxie is on a mission to ruin your life and I don't want you to get hurt by that. I am trying to help you."
She stares at him, "Rusty I don't get it. Roxie is your sister. Why are you here with me? Why are you telling me all of this?"
He sighs, "It's my job."
She shakes her head, "No there is something more. Rusty just tell me why are you keep coming to me. Why you have been doing everything to protect me ever since you first came back to town?"
He shouts, "You know why! I have feelings for you Mindy! I want you Mindy."
Mindy shakes her head, "No. No you don't mean that."
She tries to walk past him.
He grabs her, "Yes I do."
He pulls her into a kiss.


Jeffrey walks Cassandra back into her house.
She sighs, "Thank you Jeffrey. But I can take it from here. Now I am requesting that you keep this information to yourself. In exchange I leave Marah's business alone. Is that a deal?"
Jeffrey stares at her, "Cassie I am not trying to blackmail you. I am worried about you. You have a brain tumor!"
She shushes him, "No! Stop. I have kept this a secret for a while now. I don't need you causing me trouble."
He sighs, "Tell me you aren't following in Reva's footsteps."
She smacks him, "Don't. Don't you dare compare me to her!"
He turns to her, "I'm sorry. But what you are doing is foolish. You need that surgery. Everyday you go on is making it worse. They said that if you had this surger right when you found out then everything would have been 100 times better and easier. Why don't you do something before it's too late? I don't get this whole Tammy thing."
She shakes her head, "No one gets it! I did my research. This in my head is what is helping me connect with her."
He shakes his head, "No. It's not Tammy. She's been dead for years now! The Tammy you've been talking to is all in your head."
She turns away, "Just get the hell away from me!"
She walks away.
Jeffrey follows.
Buzz takes Ashlee's hand.
He looks at it.
Buzz looks up at her, "Ashlee... may I ask why you aren't wearing your engamenet ring anymore?"
She looks down, "Oh. Oh yeah. Well you know after I lost the weight my fingers kind of slimmed down. The ring just slipped off. So I still have it. I just need to get it refitted."
He nods, "Why haven't you done it yet?"
She looks down, "Uh well you know I have been busy. But I'll get it done eventually."
Buzz sighs, "Ashlee if there is something you need to tell me, you know that you can right?"
She nods, "I know Buzz. Your a great guy."
He sighs, "Ashlee. Why hasn't Coop come home yet?"
She stands up, "Uh well he has to wrap up things there for us before he comes back but you know he'll... he'll be back. It's his home."
Buzz tries to look her in the eye, "Is everything okay with you and Coop? Ashlee?"
She looks at the clock. "Oh, I'm running late. I'll talk about this later Buzz."
Ashlee rushes out.
Buzz sits puzzled.
In Gus's room.
He kicks over a chair.
He scoffs, "Stupid bitch. Who the hell does she think she is?"
Upstairs in Olivia's Suite.
Olivia slams her door.
She is crying.
She looks at the mirror across the room.
Olivia talks to herself, "You ignorant fool. Did you really think he'd be different then any other man you've ever met. Or maybe it's you. I mean could it really be every other man? Could it? You stupid bitch!"
She throws her purse at the mirror.
It shatters.
She sighs, "Seven years. Seven years of bad luck. Well I certantly hope they roll over. Because I have enough bad luck ahead of me for sure. Story of my life."
She sits on her bed.
She keeps crying.
Olivia feels so ashamed and embarrased.
Mental Institution:
Chandler talks with the woman.
He sighs, "Now tell me what is your real name."
She keeps staring, "My name is Annie Dutton. I was a nurse. That was my passion. And then I met my Josh. Josh Lewis at Cedars. Then I met my Marah. And my Shayne. We were happy. We were a picture perfect family. I am Annie Dutton."
He looks at her, "Now listen to me. You need to remember when you first found this diary. Do you remember that?"
She keeps staring, "I... I don't know what you mean. I am Annie Dutton. That's my name. I loved Josh. I loved my children. I hated... her," she turns to Reva, "You."
Reva sighs, "Yes me. Do you know me?"
She nods, "Your my enemy. Reva Shayne. You took it all from me. All of it. I hate you. Your Reva Shayne."
Chandler stands up.
He pulls Reva aside, "Listen. We need to keep her calm. Maybe you should leave Reva?"
She shakes her head, "No. Are you kidding. I need to find out where the real Annie is. So I need to find out from her."
He sighs, "Reva I don't think we'll find out anytime soon."
Reva looks at him, "I have an idea. I know your not going to like it but I have a feeling it might work. Just give me a few minutes."
Reva makes a phone call.
Lewis Fashion:
Mindy and Rusty are kissing.
They are both lost in the moment.
Suddenly Mindy pulls away.
Rusty looks at her, "What's wrong?"
She shakes her head, "No. This doesn't feel..."
He takes her hand, "It feels right doesn't it?"
She pulls away, "I don't think it's right. I think we're making a mistake. I'm not supposed to be doing this."
He shakes his head, "No. Don't deny the truth. Don't do that. You need to face it. I have feelings for you. You have feelings for me. I'm not trying to complicate things. Believe me I've been fighting these feelings for a while now. Because I didn't want to ruin things for you and Rick."
She gasp, "Rick! Oh my God! Rick! What am I doing? Oh what am I doing to Rick? I'm with him."
He sighs, "But Mindy is that what you want?"
She turns away, "I fought so hard to be with him. I broke up his marriage to Beth all because I wanted him."
Rusty stands behind her, "Mindy... ask yourself. Is Rick the man that you can really see yourself with anymore? Is he?"
Mindy turns to Rusty.
She goes back into the kiss.
Cassandra sits in her study.
Jeffrey walks in, "We need to talk."
She shakes her head, "No! We're done. You need to get out of my face right now Jeffrey!"
He sighs, "Cassie. You know I am trying to help you. I still care about you. I loved Tammy. I grew to think of her as my own daughter."
She scoffs, "Well she wasn't your daughter. She was my daughter. And then the Spauldings took her from me. They took my baby!"
He holds her hand, "I know. But this isn't going to change that. It's not going to bring her back."
She pulls away, "Don't you see? I a part of her back. Because I still get to talk with her. And I can't stand to lose her again. I just know I could never do that."
He looks at her, "Cassie I want to talk about this. I just want to sit down and we can try and come to some..."
She shakes her head, "No. You see you may not have remember what today is along with the rest of the town but I do. It's the anniversary of the day my daughter died," her voice breaks, "So you see I don't have time to listen to you. I have to go and put flowers on my little girl's grave."
She grabs her coat and leaves.
Jeffrey watches her leave.
His stomach is in knots.
Malah House:

Mallet lets Vanessa in.
Vanessa turns to her daughter, "Dinah I..."
Dinah looks at Mallet, "Baby did you tell her?"
He nods, "Uh yeah Babe I did."
Dinah backs up, "Uh wow. I just. I don't know if I'm comfortable with the fact that you were talking with my mother behind my back."
Mallet sighs, "I wanted to have her be here for you when I told you about it Dinah."
Dinah is confused, "We already talked about it. I want to find my baby."
Vanessa cries, "Oh Dinah."
Mallet has tears in his eyes, "Dinah I need to tell you. I already went in to finding your child."
He sits her down.
Dinah looks at him, "Well great. But your scaring me. I mean I'll do whatever I just want my child."
Mallet takes her hand, "Dinah... your child was in an accident."
Dinah shakes her head, "I don't understand. What kind of accident?"
He takes every ounce of strength to tell her, "Dinah... it was a fire. You child was in a burning building. I'm sorry she didn't make it."
Dinah stands up, "No. Stop it. No!"
Vanessa hugs her, "I'm sorry Dinah!"
Dinah shoves her, "No! Stop it!"
Mallet holds her, "I'm so sorry."
She sobs, "No!!! Please! Stop it! No!!! No. No."
Dinah cries in Mallet and Vanessa's arms.
Dinah doesn't take the news well
Harley has problems with Belinda
Cassandra and Jonathan go to Tammy's grave
Reva's idea works!
Rusty and Mindy try to fight their feelings
Michelle visits Bill
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